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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6108510 No.6108510 [Reply] [Original]

Onii-sana, you need to put more effort into your duties as consular. At this rate, the senate will never take you seriously.

Furthermore, I believe that Carthage must be destroyed.

>> No.6108519
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Incest and Rome, I am interested.

>> No.6108516
File: 101 KB, 962x600, so_ronery_roman_senate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A VN set in the roman period would be awesome.

>> No.6108521

>Furthermore, I believe that Carthage must be destroyed.


>> No.6108531

Fuck you, Cato, you are starting to get annoying with all your sentences ending in 'Carthage must be destroyed'

>> No.6108536


You neglected to salt the earth, you incompetent fool!

>> No.6108533


Well, stop letting them rebuild.

>> No.6108532
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Obviously you don't understand the importance of erradicating those carthagenian dogs.

>> No.6108539

its because you're not garrisoning enough peasants in the city

>> No.6108545
File: 6 KB, 160x210, roman_town_watch_info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, at least put some town watch in there, for Jupiter's sake.

>> No.6108548

Replace the senate with lolis and we are talking.

>> No.6108555
File: 202 KB, 500x735, 1279674095134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be a true VN without lolis/girls replacing important historical figures?

No, it wouldn't.

>> No.6108556


Go choke on an urn of cocks Gaius Julius. "Look at me, I boned some Egyptian chick and now everybody has to treat me like I'm divine!"

I liked you better when you knew your place.

>> No.6108564

If you want to destroy Carthage so much, why don't you take a legion and try?
Also, tell Alexander he's a fag.

>> No.6108565
File: 42 KB, 217x193, Scipio_Africanus_the_Elder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw you, all you can do is talk.
I already showed you how it's done.

>> No.6108572


Well at least my bust isn't a nigger.

>> No.6108576
File: 44 KB, 337x455, 3caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, tell Alexander he's a fag.
>implying he's alive

>> No.6108581

Too lazy to go to the Senate today. Let's just bribe the Consul with expensive gifts of ivory, silk, and exotic spices instead.

>> No.6108584

"Carthage must be destroyed" is Cato's equivalent to Suiseiseki's "desu"

>> No.6108593
File: 38 KB, 468x351, 20090317-tunisia-sun-rise-dunes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sun is shit hot.

>> No.6108589

Imagine Empress Octavia...

I'm' seriously hard at just the thought. I haven't even got an image of her yet.

>> No.6108587

Everyday's thing, huh.

>> No.6108595

Oh, glorious Kart-Hadast! Everyone knows that the only good thing to ever come out of Rome is a road leading elsewhere!

>> No.6108598


Then stop living in the desert like some common Nubian.

I hear Gaul is nice this time of year.

>> No.6108599

I wonder what the emperor Basil II would look like if he was a moe loli.

>> No.6108600

jelly barbarian

>> No.6108606
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>> No.6108607

Vae victis.

>> No.6108615
File: 13 KB, 608x320, grab40993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have those Romans ever brought us?

>> No.6108623

I know. Only that, unlike 'Carthage Delenda Est', 'desu' isn't annoying.

Well then, find his grave and call it a fag!

>> No.6108627

Romans were kinda tsundere for the gauls and other barbarians. On one hand you had all the "enslave the blond lolis!" thing, on the other, you had Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico and Tacitus' Germania, where they praise barbarian valor and modesty.

>> No.6108631

I don't think he'd see it as an insult. Since, he conquered the known world as a fag, and all.

>> No.6108634

besides sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health nothing really.

>> No.6108636


His tomb was torn apart by a series of cash-strapped/insane Roman Emperors, and what remained of it was lost with the rest of Alexandria during Late Antiquity.

>> No.6108639

Alexander had countless mistresses and only fucked two men (and a eunuch), so you can't say he was gay.

>> No.6108642


What, and have his rage-filled corpse arise to rip me to shreds before it begins its necromantic march to re-conquer to world?

>> No.6108645

So did the Romans and they weren't as faggy as Alexander.

Call them fags.

>> No.6108650



Pompey, Caesar, Augustus and Caligula? You're fags.

>> No.6108654

Trajan was a mary sue.

>> No.6108658

Nice. Go find whoever was sent to tell Alexander he's a fag to not tell him.

>> No.6108656

You'd better not say that to any mermaids.


>> No.6108660

"we shouldn't do this goshujin sama, it's embarasing,triarii-"
I tackled her down took off her helmet and her skirt or whatever the hell it is she is wearing.
"no don't look, triarii-!"
Looking at the sun clock the time was obvious, it was rape time, only she didn't know... yet.

>> No.6108697

You can't simply "tear off" a lorica hamata, anon. Raping triarii-chan is hard, try going for hastati-chan first.

>> No.6108708

I do not care if he was heterosexual, or bi or homo. I appreciate him for what he did, so if I just called him a fag, it wasn't meant to be an insult. Just emulated what the previous poster had said.

>> No.6108715

lol'd hard

But yeah, you should go for hastati-chan or velite-chan, they are lightly armored.

>> No.6108726

Hopefully we aren't talking about polybian armies.

>> No.6108749

ITT: /jp/ thinks of something worth while, but no one has the talent to do anything.

>> No.6108760


It's not the only time.

I remember that Solar System girls idea, as well as another, wholly unrelated near-Solar stars one.

>> No.6108772

We had one about chemistry too.

>> No.6108786

/jp/ - Destruction of Carthage/General

>> No.6108793


Leave and never come back, you Carthage apologist!

>> No.6108814

What it Rome? Can't hear you over the three times you were pillaged by damn barbarians.

>> No.6108815

Fuck you. Long live Hannibal-chan!

>> No.6108818

cartago delenda est

>> No.6108817
File: 17 KB, 290x381, HannibalTheCarthaginian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm worse than that, you foolish child.

>> No.6108841

I'm going to give my son the name Trajan as his middle name.

Trajan is my favorite emperor.

>> No.6108933

what was the deal with saber extra being emperor nero? could she summon petronius as her noble phantasm?

>> No.6108999
File: 223 KB, 1395x1972, 1279840101348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why is she using a long sword? I understand that she wouldn't use a spear since she's saber and not lancer, but why long?


>> No.6109008


I don't know, why does Gilgamesh wear full plate armor made of magic gold and why does Cuchulainn wear tights? Why does Diarmuid cover his cursed spears with japanese charms? Why does Lancelot have that weird vanishy-blurry-unidentification thing?


>> No.6109018
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I can deal with arthur being a woman, I can deal with a fat neckbeard like nero being a woman, but the sword man. WHY IS IT LONG


I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.6109209

seriously though does the game explain why emperor nero is a heroic spirit that looks like pallete swapped king arthur?

>> No.6109248

They are simply cashing in on the good old Saber. Like they were doing it for years. That's all there is

>> No.6109260

Because Admiral Saber.

Why is Broomstick Girl ★ Magical Amber assuming the disguise of a fox deity?

Because she can.

>> No.6109267

Sometimes i confuse BOOF's trip with NACK's trip.

Mostly because of that silly Kaomoji.

>> No.6109271

They could have if she was Lucius Artorius Castus, as it seemed when she revealed her name starts with "Lu". But noooooo~

That said, I've come to terms with Nero moe.

>> No.6109281
File: 335 KB, 1000x1000, 1279696203116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, aren't those shoulderpads or whatever they are called a bit too modern? I know roman uniforms had something similar, but those look like the thing a navy officer would wear.

>> No.6109290

Can Nero Saber beat Nrvnqsr?

>> No.6109294

BOOF's gigantic tripcode and name are more awesome though.

>> No.6109300

but saber lily wasn't a roman emperor

>> No.6109302


>> No.6109303

Transparent skirts, however, were all the rage in Rome.

>> No.6109310
File: 129 KB, 600x600, 1271191509269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet
