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6102842 No.6102842 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6102847

I'll be sure to save this for future studies

>> No.6102855
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>> No.6102865

That thread was great.

>> No.6102906

I was tempted to try that once.

>> No.6102927
File: 32 KB, 274x320, golf-clap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you're awesome Boof.

>> No.6102948

Is that your hand boof? I may have some new fapping material depending on your answer.

>> No.6102968

Only three fingers of it.

>> No.6102980

Is that poverty victorinox the best you can do for EDC??

>> No.6102986

I EDC a extrema ratio MF2 and a micro tech assailant.

The blades where too thick

>> No.6102996

>microtech assailant
You'll enjoy this!

I'd like a microtech automatic.

>> No.6103013

That guy is hella g

>> No.6103015

Just fill it a few times with warm water and soap to clean it. No need to do anything crazy.

>> No.6103051

But warm water and semen don't mix very well.

>> No.6103061

Water doesn't clean semen very well and unless you dry out the inside it'll get moldy.

>> No.6103115

Warm, but not hot and with soap. I never turn my onahole inside out but rinsing it with warm water and soap gets the job done. Most of the cum comes out when you just turn it upside down anyway. After washing and inspecting it with my finger I can state with certainty that there are is no semen left in it.

I let the water drip out. It's dry soon enough and worked fine so far.

YMMV of course, I'm just speaking from my personal experience.

>> No.6103135

>after whoopie is made

>> No.6103156

is this the same faggot that used whoppie as a substitution for sex in the AG3 wiki?

>> No.6103177

Haven't you ever watched The Newlywed Game?

>> No.6103182

I dont watch tv

>> No.6103237

you're missing out.

I can do another guide with a different model in about a week when it arrives.

>> No.6103507

Couldn't you just suck it out?

>> No.6103516

Tenga can only be used once?

>> No.6103518

they are meant to be one time things.

That's why they are ~10$

>> No.6103529

Isn't there some sponge in there with lube in it?

>> No.6103534

yeah, take that out.

>> No.6103555

Isn't it easier to buy a fliphole?

>> No.6103565

7x more money then the disposable models.

Plus I don't think the fliphole has the top suction control hole

>> No.6103880

Why not just buy one of the higher quality reusables? There are plenty of them in the $25-$40 range that are going to be much nicer than a hacked up tenga.

>> No.6104011

Haven't seen you in a while. I thought you died.

>> No.6104041


I wish to make the whoopie.

>> No.6104077

I've never turned my onahole inside-out and I only clean it with water and I've not encountered any mold or odd smells.

>> No.6105482

This. Just rinsing it with water is good enough to clean it out. I've heard some people even use an antiseptic. It's not like you share your onahole with people who have AIDS.

>> No.6105540
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I still want one of the "whole ass" ones that you prop against a table or what have you, and fuck the living shit out of. The sensation of your hips actually crashing into an ass must be awesome compared to just using your hand to manipulate a vaginalike orifice.

They're over $100 though and I'm too mortified to go to an adult store to buy one or even order one online.

(Pic related though, it would be what I'm imagining during the first use)

>> No.6105547

Tenga have this suction feature that is pretty cool.

I cannot die.

>> No.6106045
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you know what's awesome for icy fapping? those ice packs that stay flexible even when frozen. got a couple from the dentist when i had a root canal. they're just big enough to roll into a tube and super easy to clean.

>> No.6106094
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I'm too lazy to translate it.

>> No.6106155
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>> No.6106220

i dont get it, is the tenga some "non reusable" vagoo?

>> No.6106225

They claim it's non-reuseable in order to try to sell you more of them. They do wear down over time, but you can reuse them until they break.

>> No.6106232

How does actual vaginas clean themselves?

Do they like "eat" it bit by bit, or do they sweat it out?

>> No.6106235

The thought alone made my legs go like jelly.

>> No.6106248

Every time I see that thumbnail I think its a tutorial to make milkshake.

>> No.6106263

I just ordered a Fliphole thanks to this thread. I must say though, they are very overpriced outside of Japan. Much cheaper to order from within and use a forwarder.

>> No.6106275


a bit of both I think, some definitely does come out if the girl stands up.

>> No.6106288

Until I finally clicked it I thought it was a thumbnail of someone taking a dump in a glass of milk

>> No.6106291

Don't they have like a whole system of useful bacteria etc down there?

>> No.6106519

I tried doing this a few times and could never really do it as described. I couldn't even get it out of the glass without it crumbling into pieces. Though, fucking it while it's still in the glass kind of worked. It was a huge mess though.

>> No.6107073

why do that hard way, http://blog.freshdiggs.com/toys/how-to-clean-a-tenga/

>> No.6108597

Most models don't have that.

>Operation cornhole
I tried this, twice.

Both tuned out HORRIBLE

>> No.6108647

What is the texture like on this?

>> No.6108651

Corny, slimy and crumbly.

It falls apart.

>> No.6108665

How did they compare to the 30-something tenga eggs you ordered?

>> No.6108672

anything is better then the cornhole.

You can't even take the cornhole out of the glass in one piece.

>> No.6108682

Maybe if we perfect the formula we can make it stronger. Then we can carve figurines of our waifu out of them.

>> No.6108694


>> No.6108707

Wouldn't you just have to add more cornstarch and less water? Just a wild guess (that is probably wrong).

>> No.6108710

First try followed the guide exactly

Second tried with more corstarch

Both ended up the same

>> No.6108712

I dunno. Sounds pretty corny.

>> No.6111312


>> No.6111322

I'm no expert but I think you may need to heat or mix it more thoroughly.

The guide's product looks fairly sturdy.

>> No.6111538

I think it ends up drying up too much if you heat it up for too long which is why it gets crumbly. Also, adding too much starch doesn't really help because it stops dissolving at some point.
