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6095583 No.6095583 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6095601
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>> No.6095599
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I know nothing about Touhou other then what I've picked up in /tg/.
Which is:
Cirno is the strongest!
It's a bullet hell game
One horned muscle chick and two horned flat chest are drunkards.

>> No.6095632

I would kinda like to rectify this by the way.

>> No.6095661
File: 147 KB, 1500x975, 1273211149528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try playing the games.

>> No.6095668
File: 20 KB, 400x450, cirno on the internet takataka_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Play the games and lurk moar. There's not much more to say

>> No.6095672

>Doesn't play the games
>Isn't even really a secondary

Why are you even here?

>> No.6095684

I... don't know where to find them and my google-fu is weak.
I read not the moon-runes and this is only the second time I have traveled to these distant lands called /jp/.

>> No.6095687

Start with PCB or Fairy Wars. PCB is all around solid for a beginner, Fairy Wars is great fun.

>> No.6095705


>I... don't know where to find them



You don't have to climb a mountain to be a guru.

>> No.6095721

You don't? DAMN! I'm already half way up!
Thank you.

>> No.6095739
File: 27 KB, 210x335, cirno informative_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, you have a lot to catch up on, then!


Vidya game names are there, in addition to lots of other information. With name in hand, you should find your google-fu should be strong indeed


Jesus fuck saved so hard, I love badass Meiling pictures. Please do post more, good sir

>> No.6095747

It is this anonymous poster's opinion that Perfect Cherry blossom would be the best one to start off with. And "drunkard" is such an awful sounding word for her...

>> No.6095748

Hm... PCB has a 7zip. Haven't seen one of those in a while.

>> No.6095752


Touhou wiki... Yeah, have fun with that. Just keep away from me.

>> No.6095757

Meh, I'd call myself a drunkard, but I only drink when I can score free hooch.

>> No.6095762

Which one? He said two of them were drunkards.

>> No.6095781


I think that playing the games in the order they were created (possibly disregarding the pc-98 ones) is best because it's interesting to watch ZUN's style change with every game

Also, don't take the dialogue too literally. The translations were complete shit, as far as I know

>> No.6095794

Does it matter? Why do you even want to know?
You may be right, but Embodiment of Scarlet Devil was notably harder than Perfect Cherry Blossom, and we're not sure of the OP's danmaku capability so we may just be digging a hole for him.

>> No.6095823

Well, I suck at video games normally, so... I suck? Which drives me mad because I love video games.
Easier is probably better for me.

>> No.6095876

dont get into toohoo beyond decent fanart that just-so-happens-to-be-toohoo-related. srsly. it sucks. thats why /jp/ loves it.

>> No.6095885

But how will I understand the jokes if I don't?

>> No.6095925
File: 101 KB, 550x400, hina sunburst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're seriously considering trip fag advice?

>> No.6095944
File: 43 KB, 450x590, cirno perturbed_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why must you LIE like this, tripfriend?

If you aren't on the edge of your seat 1-CCing Flandre while UN Owen Was Her is blaring in the background, you don't know SHIT about video games

Seriously, the one thing I really love about Touhou is how ZUN uses music, scenery, and the bullets themselves to create such effective atmosphere. The clearest and best example of this being the fight with Utsuho

>> No.6095955

Not really. And hey, not ALL tripfags are bad. There's one or two good ones.
Just... none that come here that I know of.

>> No.6095982



>> No.6096007


Sorry, I was originally going to post "Remilia" but realized I liked UN Owen more than Septette for the Dead Princess, then forgot to edit that part out. My bad

>> No.6096030

This one is bad.

>> No.6096035

The quintessential new Touhou player battle theme is Necrofantasia, though.

Yukari is easy, but damn she's an awesome fight when you've yet to fully grasp the game. I remember my fingers shaking when I finally got her down three years ago (I got into Touhou pretty late and sucked for a whole year before actually being able to do shit. )

>> No.6096048


>> No.6096069
File: 66 KB, 680x760, sagefags_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why aren't you banned yet? Seriously. You are like the worst poster in the history of ever. Here we are trying to educate a newfriend about the joys of touhou, and apparently talking about this on /jp/ doesn't meet your posting standards. Why do you even post these comments? You're like the worst part of a sagefag merged with the worst part of a tripfag. It's just.. fascinating to see, really

Pic related, it's you

>> No.6096099

That's mostly directed at the OP post, not the thread itself.
oh god I can't believe I'm reading this.
Why don't you ignore him like a proper user should do? Whining about it is as bad as doing that.

>> No.6096134

>Why don't you ignore him like a proper user should do? Whining about it is as bad as doing that.

Funny you should mention that, actually. Ordinarily, he IS on my filter, but for some reason that I cannot fucking figure out, >>6095705 was filtered despite having no filtered words or anything in his post. In fact, I cleared my entire filter list and then clicked "hide" and for some reason there's still a hidden post, >>6095705 being that hidden post, and I most certainly didn't hide his post manually or have any of the content of his post filtered

TLDR: Ordinarily I would've ignored qualityfag because he's on my filter, but I noticed my filter was filtering related posts for some insane reason, so I disabled it

>> No.6096145

Well my downloads are done.
Not knowing anything about Touhou, I have to ask...
Should I only play this when my roommate is away? or is it alright if there are other people in the apartment?

>> No.6096164
File: 109 KB, 350x1050, 9ce39ef24e9aabce7299cb7c58141c4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just another sion trip. Notice how he never posts "quality thread" on his own threads and only chooses Touhou threads? That's because touhou makes him asspained. It's a colossal mistake to think it's someone else.

>> No.6096173

Sad to hear that your filter is broken, but what I said still remains. I don't have problems with that guy but you can't handle his crap just ignore. (I know, I know, you just said you are filtering him, I'm just saying that the moment you saw that you lost your patience and that's what I'm pointing out, don't lose it like that)

>> No.6096177


There's nothing objectionable about the content, if that's what you're asking. The gameplay usually follows a very set standard

>Start level
>Fight through bunch of fairies and junk
>Encounter midboss
>Possibly exchange words
>Kick the shit out of her
>Move on
>Encounter boss
>Exchange more words
>Kick the shit out of her

There's nothing KAWAII UGGUUUU about the touhou series either, if that's what you're hinting at. All that shit comes from the fanon. The games themselves are just incredibly poor drawings of cute girls waging war on eachother

>> No.6096183

I'm not going to defend that guy here but you are saying a huge load of bullshit. Please try to learn more about why he posts and which threads are his targets, his posts are not aimed at touhou threads only by the way, that just happens to be the majority of threads.

>> No.6096205

I'm sensing... maybe... SAMEFAG!

>> No.6096213

Yeah call me a samefag, durr durr.

Sorry if you can't take it easy anon, I really do. Please go back to your enraged feelings instead of ignoring shit you dislike.

>> No.6096214

Why should we learn about why a shitposter shitposts? It's obvious that he's butthurt and shits in threads he doesn't like, but that doesn't mean they're actually bad or that he's actually credible. Even if it's not sion, he's just as bad, if not worse.

>> No.6096226

Oh, I'm sorry for not ignoring his thousandth shitpost, but after a while, e-activists really start to tick me off. And I believe I'm not the only one.

>> No.6096232

Which is the easiest touhou game?

>> No.6096238

Ok guys, let's stop this silly discussion here. We are probably just feeding him with attention.

>> No.6096259

8, but it's a little too easy(Very long death bomb times will make your reflexes bad). Still fun though.

>> No.6096267

Could you guys post some more comics? These are funny. Preferably without moonrunes.

>> No.6096283
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>> No.6096289

That's what I thought after playing all the windows ones; I wasn't really sure though. I always forget to bomb anyway so I guess it'll be alright.

>> No.6096297
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>> No.6096299
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>> No.6096309
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>> No.6096315 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 499x600, 96f55392d49f74951a7a89188b4beb5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search for "ao_usagi" on danbooru. His humor is often too good to be Japanese.

>> No.6096319
File: 194 KB, 446x954, 1278294560208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6096331

Japanese humor is pretty good if you ignore the shitty bits. Same as all humor.

>> No.6096334
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>> No.6096372
File: 262 KB, 440x2293, cheating jerks_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6097500

Oh Touhou...

>> No.6097513

Oh sugoii bumpu

>> No.6097552
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>> No.6097557
File: 476 KB, 1056x1500, 1267415370622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6097569
File: 524 KB, 640x2460, 1265674189519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6097604

I first thought Reimu shot Remi with danmaku. But it's not.

>> No.6098438

Why is she naked behind a bush?

>> No.6098458


You apparently don't get the gag.

>Youmu wants to ride
>Youmu's too short
>Yukari strips Youmu, and puts her clothes on Myon
>Yukari stretches Myon until it's long enough to pass the line
>Myon gets to ride, Youmu doesn't
