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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6094467 No.6094467 [Reply] [Original]

How come at almost every place I've worked... there is some fat, balding, disgusting middle-aged looking who loves to show off the fact he likes anime and manga by having desktop wallpapers, manga, etc at his desk?

I mean... I like the occasional anime, I watch maybe 1-2 series a year, read a manga I find interesting now and then... but I have good personal hygiene, I'm 5'8" 160lbs and take decent care of my body and personal appearance and don't plaster my workspace with fucking moe shit and anime.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Does no one wonder WHY people look down on otakus?

>> No.6094478

They are you in the future.

They've accepted the crushing reality that most anyone who finds out you watch animu will not like you.

They're just going for it, not giving a fuck who they alienate themselves from anymore.

>> No.6094477

That's why they are fat,balding and disgusting cause they have no life to speak of

>> No.6094481

>show off the fact he likes anime and manga by having desktop wallpapers, manga, etc at his desk.
Is that a bad thing? I mean, if you replace "anime and manga stuffs" with music, idols, movie posters, video games merchandise, etc, would you say that it's for sub-human?
What's wrong with having a hobby? Liking "otaku stuffs" is just like every other hobbies. Why do you have to associate with filth, and treat it as if anyone who's interested in it is the worst kind of human ever?

>> No.6094482

I have never met anyone that enjoyed weeaboo shit and wasn't obnoxious about it. Also they were all either so randum XD fangirls or COOL AND EDGY goths. I've yet to meet anyone over the age of 16 that has admitted to liking it.

>> No.6094484

>if anyone who's interested in it is the worst kind of human ever?

Most of the people who watch that stuff as their only hobby generally are the worst kind of human

>> No.6094507

Well, people have more than one hobbly, mind you, unless you have, oh yeah, autism.

>> No.6094509

Where do you work? My room's power level is > 9000 but the desk of my office is 0.

>> No.6094520

It's because your job is shit. All the people open about their interest in anime at my university range from casual watchers that don't discuss it much to enthusiasts who discuss obscure old anime among themselves. I always had a hard time believing people who cry about fat, disgusting and obnoxious Naruto fans weren't talking out their ass.

If you wanted to be around better people maybe you should've gotten an education. If you're going to live in the sewer, don't complain about rats.

>> No.6094525

> 9000


>> No.6094535

u buttranged?

>> No.6094540

Actually, I wouldn't mind working with fat balding otaku. It'd make me feel more comfortable.

I wanted to work at anime store once, just because I was expecting to see a lot of fat losers. But instead, the place was full of cute otaku girls working there, so I quickly left and never came back.

>> No.6094543

>I'm 5'8"

What the fuck, are 13 years old or just a shorty?

>> No.6094549

>How come
shitty employers, sounds like. I've never encountered what you describe in a work environment. And yes I've had more than one job.

internet "entrepreneurial" start-ups and so forth, maybe?

anyway if HR doesn't care, just try to ignore it

>> No.6094568

>shitty employers

So you mean those sad men aren't allowed to work just because they like anime?

>> No.6094575


he must have some awesome interviewing skills or something because there's no way in hell he'd get by on his own appearances

>> No.6094582

Who gives a shit, seriously? Leave the guy alone.

>> No.6094584

enjoying a little animu / mango / other-japanese-fandom doesn't require you to rub yourself with it at work. Most offices kinda expect you'll restrain yourself to pictures of your kids and maybe one of those wacky-hair troll dolls.

>> No.6094595

It's none of your concern how the poor guy decides to decorate his workspace.
Maybe you're just jealous over how you can't be as passionate about a hobby as he is?

>> No.6096103

>I'm 5'8" 160lbs
lmao fatty

>> No.6096114


>> No.6096141

Everyone in this thead has been reported for /a/.

>> No.6096147

or maybe it's just a shitty job

>> No.6096159

More likely he was an upstanding citizen who became disillusioned with real life and was forced to escape to a world of fantasy to cope. The company just can't justify firing him.

>> No.6096166

>fat balding tard
>OP said nothing about his work ethic or his intelligence
Sure is autistic tripfag in this thread.

>> No.6096172

This is the workplace, those things don't matter. All that matters is that you look good in a suit.

>> No.6096174

u mad, bald fatty? no need to get buttangery over the truth

>> No.6096179

congrats on breaking my trip you nigger

>> No.6096193

yeah, you might want to get a new one

Emperor of the friendzone #fuckhead

>> No.6096244


>> No.6096250
File: 1.16 MB, 1600x685, room979410691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it OP nerd. You're just jealous because they're higher up on the ladder and they can do whatever they want.

Check out Anon senpai's Lilith pic on the right. Great taste.

>> No.6096255
File: 899 KB, 1600x653, room80614168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6096271

One day you'll be like them, if you don't end up becoming an hero due to self-loathing instead, so stop looking down on them.

>> No.6096276

Notice that picture on the left. That guy is a genius.

>> No.6096298
File: 83 KB, 985x796, average park in the 50's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like masturbating in public. I may enjoy doing it, but I certainly don't jerk off in public parks or anything.
