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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 157 KB, 387x290, kyyrayanimesupreme2387xnt9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
608997 No.608997 [Reply] [Original]

This movie had a very profound effect on me. I realized, if I were Japanese, I might have had a similar experience to the main character of this film. But no, my pitiful American upbringing caused my young life to be mostly meaningless.

We're taught when we're little that girls are yucky. And we believe it because we aren't bought up to have respect like the Japanese are. This also reflects on the girls, and when this is all they know from males they end up dating the douchebags when they grow up. Kindness is something no American girl appreciates, while in Japan it is a revered quality in all men.

Sure, there's plenty of ronery men in Japan, but they bring it upon themselves. I was denied meaningful connections with females because of the retarded rules of my society.

TL;DR, if I was Japanese I'd have many tales of beautiful love.

>> No.609050


>> No.609055


>> No.609064
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>> No.609102

OP here, I forgot to mention I'm not fat, ugly, or insociable.

>> No.609105


>> No.609123

OP here, I'm going to be a fat lonely ugly virgin forever

>> No.609166


I see what u did there.

>> No.609174

OP here. Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.609201

You'd still be lonely like the rest of the Elevens.

>> No.609211

>>they end up dating the douchebags when they grow up.
Actually, they're trying to find someone like their father.

>> No.609252

I know I'm replying to trollbait, but don't delude yourself into thinking women are nicer in Moonland because of animu and VNs, OP...

>> No.609276

revised: 9/10

>> No.609320

In my experiences, the women have been generally nicer. The guys, too. Sure, every Japanese dude might not be an angel but I can't think of one that I'd call a straight up douchebag. Why do you think the Japanese hold such a low opinion of military men? Because they're all douchebags. That's why no Jgirl worth a damn wants anything to do with them.

>> No.609345

Actually, the women are sluttier and meaner. They have fewer cultural reasons to care about people, And they re-enforce the idea of "it's none of your business".

>> No.609397


>> No.609412

just ignore the movie's plot and gaze at adorable makoto shinkai artwork.

>> No.609413

Sorry, you're wrong.

>> No.609422

Where's your proof?

>> No.609436

this is 4chan - proof is unnecessary

>> No.609449


>> No.609610

Most of the females I met were neither slutty(not that I knew of, anyway) or mean. If you mean cultural reasons as in "I work with this guy, I only see him as my work partner" then I'd agree with you, but that doesn't necessarily lead to malicious intent towards others.

>> No.609746

I did not say that they dress slutty, or act mean. Work is work, a job is a job. Smile a lot, and people will think you're nice.

>> No.609777

I've never actually worked anywhere in Japan. Though, what I mentioned is a very common Japanese mentality, ie, "my coworker is my coworker" or "my teacher is my teacher" why do you think there's so much porn centered around banging coworkers or teachers/students? The cultural reason they might care less about someone is because they can't imagine them in any other light besides being a coworker.

And umm, if they don't act mean, how can they really be mean then? I don't think I've ever met a truly permiscuious Japanese girl. Though, most foreigners can only speak from experience with gaijin hunters, who are almost always sluts.

>> No.609811


>> No.609820
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You should not want to be like filthy Japanese.
Korean is raised with much more respect than rude Jap.
Korea have beautiful love.
Japanese man only want to bang comfort woman and Jap girl is slutty.
And we Korea invent Kendo.

>> No.609824


>> No.609859

Yeah, cause I have to have worked there to have visited.

>> No.609886

Don't worry Mr. Korean, I'm glad you animate 90% of the animu watch.

>> No.609887

serial killers smile a lot, and seem nice, so I guess they are nice.

>> No.609894
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> permiscuious

>> No.609896


>> No.609903

Well stated captain obvious, you show him

>> No.609911

moonland is a magical land of gold where all ronery virgins can get laid to japanese idols merely by looking at them. It's like flies to shit.

>> No.609922


>> No.609931

You know you've lost when you have nothing else to shit on except the other person's spelling errors.

>> No.609939

the grass is always greener

>> No.609976

Actually, I can't understand >>609777
because of all the errors in spelling, grammer, and logic. What was he trying to say?

>> No.609979

Not what he said, but okay.

>> No.610162

>because of all the errors in spelling, grammer, and logic. What was he trying to say?
>because of all the errors in spelling, grammer,
>errors in spelling, grammer,
>errors in spelling

>> No.610335


This movie had a very profound effect on me. I realized my life is exactly where Takaki's was before he quit his job at the end - my situation may not include a lost childhood love, but I don't think that's what 5cm/s was about at all. I can't watch 10 seconds of this movie without tearing up, both because of its profound beauty, and what it reminds me of; I don't have the guts to do something about my life, so I'm letting it slip by as I sit and watch and do nothing.

>> No.610366


> and what it reminds me of; I don't have the guts to do something about my life, so I'm letting it slip by as I sit and watch and do nothing.

With that you describe 90% of 4chon user base (me included).

>> No.610419

Most people are like this

Also there're A LOT more virgins in Japan than in other countries, because of the formality and the distancing between people.

>> No.610517

They even have a Cherry Boy Association.

>> No.610535


What's that?

>> No.610563

A group of virgins who's purpose to get laid, but I also hear some people join it because they're proud of their virginity.

>> No.610570


I need to join one of those.

>> No.610593

5cm per minuite is fucking emotional

>> No.610608

I think Makoto Shinkai's stuff is the ONLY anime/manga/etc. that I've never seen anyone dislike.

>> No.610618


This movie was shit. No plot twist, metaphor, symbolism, absolutely nothing. It had a shitty and abrupt ending, and nothing tied together at all. That's pretty much all I can expect out of Shinkai's work, all of which are dry and devoid of creativity, but oh LOOK AT THE ANIMATION STYLE. So detailed! Sugoi desuuu!!!

>> No.610619

True. I have One More Time, One More Chance on my playlist, and have issues not BAAAAAAAWing whenever it plays.

>> No.610647

I'm going to Japan in the summer, and I might be encountering a girl I haven't seen in a couple of years, but I've longed for her ever since. Think I could win her over by karaokeing that song in front of her?

>> No.610676

Only thing more pathetic than a virgin is a virgin who's proud of it.

>> No.610706


I don't like it. Overly depressing for the sake of being depressing, it's like something from Key on sad crack.

>> No.610708

You say slut like it's a bad thing. I'm very confused.

>> No.610711

I would report you for trolling, but honestly, >>610608 was asking for this.

>> No.610723


I pity you if you really couldn't see anything good in 5cm/s. You're going to miss out on a lot in life.

>> No.610733


I wasn't trolling. To be honest, I thought the first parts were ok, just that the ending was complete garbage and made me RAAAGE.

>> No.610736

I'll concede your point, but I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing. At least it had a reason for it, unlike other stories like that (Grave of the Fireflies, etc).

>> No.610780


Oh 5cm was good, in terms of animation and cinematography. However, putting Shinkai on the levels of storytelling that the likes of Kitano, Miyazaki and Miike and Iwaii are capable of is far from present reality. I'd give him a few more tries to hone the craft, but until then, it's just eye candy.

>> No.610815


The fact that it made you react so strongly should be a sign. >>610608 is right - some people will absolutely hate this movie. But don't write it off as "shitsux lol" and call it a piece of crap. People dislike this precisely because it's so good.

>> No.610830

You were, even if you don't realize it.

But yeah. I'll admit that this isn't the kind of thing that everyone can enjoy.

>> No.610865

It's just a different kind of story. Granted, it's not one everyone sees merits in.

>> No.610875

Hey, it's >>610647

No inputs? Will I be ronery forever?

>> No.610905

You won't know if you don't try.

>> No.610916

I do hope it's an elaborate troll.
The filename might be a clue.

>> No.610977

I guess you're right. Would you do it? Or any other fellow Anons?

Though, I guess it's much better than pulling a Kanae on her.

>> No.610998

awful anime is awful

>> No.611024


I've only heard him hailed as "the next Miyazaki" which Shinkai himself thinks is a huge stretch. I haven't heard comparissons to the other three, which is strange, since they aren't anime directors. Though, Shinkai has talent, especially in his pacing, he could do well to explore some new themes. He's a one trick pony so far, but I'd be lying to myself to say he doesn't do his trick very well.

>> No.611083

More like epic anime is epic.

>> No.611100

I'd go for it.

>> No.611143

I'll get to practicing.

>> No.611398

infinity/10. I've been on 4chan for over three years and this is the best troll I've ever seen.

>> No.612852
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>> No.612884

That's because you're a girl.

>> No.612900
File: 65 KB, 400x300, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only thing more pathetic than a virgin is a virgin who's proud of it.

>> No.612943

i actually feel bad for you, but you're an idiot.

>> No.612954

Shit, cash, etc.

>> No.614185

It was okay, didn't really see anything beyond good animation quality and lots of BAWWWWW.

>> No.614190

Can I order some "Bitch be trippin' balls" with a sage?

>> No.614238

Nah, thread is lulzy enough without some stupid forced meme.

>> No.614276
File: 32 KB, 341x257, bitch be trippin balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.614711

It's not Japan's good. It's that America sucks.

>> No.615473


>> No.615505


They aren't really that different. If you have no game in America, you won't have any in Japan either.

>> No.615527

Don't post that in this board, please.

>> No.615532

damn, a little late to the game there

>> No.615797

I can't get enough of this series

>> No.616005

Stop whining, op. 4Chan should've taught you by now that women are arrogant creatures who only listen when they're beat into submission, starved, or chained to the kitchen table.

Based on the way they're raised, women--women from EVERY place--will always be snotty and think they're superior because they're less in numbers than men (see global consensus). Since they're rarer, have the vagoo, and possess breasts, they think that they're much better than men, when in fact their vagoo is useless if no man wants to stick it in them.

It's funny how they don't realize that many of the men who want to stick it in them don't actually care, and that they think the men are ROMANTICALLY interested, or want THEM to feel pleasure. Fuck no, they want to get you drunk, rape your ass, bruise you a bit, jizz on your face and bail for good. That is the ideal male scenario for an attractive woman.

Anyway, the point is that only when women have a bloody nose and two teeth missing will they start to behave like decent human beings.

My work here is done.

>> No.616021

>>only when women have a bloody nose and two teeth missing will they start to behave like decent human beings

Well phrased, Anon. Well phrased.

>> No.616031


In before feministfags bitching.

>> No.616035

>the game

>> No.616049

The Angry Virgin.

>> No.616060


that'll be $89 please

>> No.616085


More like The Cold Truth amirite?

>> No.616101


>> No.617585

No, you don't understand. Japanese girls are beautifully crafted forms of human art. Never has the harmony of sperm and egg been able to create something so beautiful. From their pale skin, silky hair, and perfectly proportioned, fatless bodies, the Japanese female form should be a testament of genetic beauty. And I don't even want to get into the kindness they hold in their hearts that makes them the greatest lovers, truly god's gift to men.

>> No.617927


>> No.617942

Jap girls are doormats. The only excitement you get is from abusing them.

>> No.617949
File: 109 KB, 416x600, gook_image07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese girls are beautifully crafted forms of human art. Never has the harmony of sperm and egg been able to create something so beautiful. From their pale skin, silky hair, and perfectly proportioned, fatless bodies, the Japanese female form should be a testament of genetic beauty. And I don't even want to get into the kindness they hold in their hearts that makes them the greatest lovers, truly god's gift to men.

>> No.618074

Pig disgusting Vietnamese do not apply.

>> No.620461


>> No.620469

Jap/Nip = Japanese
Gook = Korean
Chink = Chinese
Zipperhead = Viet

>> No.620470

>have respect like the Japanese


>> No.620471


>> No.620476

/jp/ - Miso soup/misogyny

>> No.620481

I thought Gook = all that shit

>> No.620484

Yellow = all that shit

>> No.620485
File: 213 KB, 1188x378, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They arr rook same.

>> No.620631


>> No.620646

There's something really hot about the name cherry boys. Listening to all the butthurt anons here though, it sounds more trouble than it's worth.

>> No.620671
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>> No.620677

Someone who failed his English Literature classes.

>> No.620684


God, if only it were true.

>> No.620909

What's this say?

>> No.621257

Actually it's all about the light effects. To be more precise, the photoshop glow effects. The backgrounds are fine, but in no way exquisite, the character drawings are mediocre and the animation is honestly lacking in sense of movement. But oh look at those pwetty glowing snowflakes!

>> No.621273

"If you stay virgin untill 30 you will be able to use magic."

>> No.621288

Oh, if only this were true. The world would be trembling at my feet in only 3 years if it were.

>> No.621304
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>> No.621661


>> No.621668
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>> No.621686

Still in your 20s? You're still young enough to pick up drunk university students! High five!

>> No.621762

/r/ archive this shit nao

>> No.621767


Huh. Never heard of that one, before.
