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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 201 KB, 1296x1017, 1283877404398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6088806 No.6088806 [Reply] [Original]

Loan shark said "debtors leave this place" and the loli said "but this is my house" and loan shark didn't feel sorry for them because they couldn't live there anymore since they were poor and Irish so he blew up the house to make way for a lucrative retirement community and evicted the loli so she lived in a cardboard box.

>> No.6088816
File: 14 KB, 600x242, Recettear Cardboard box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such is the life in capitalist fantasy land

>> No.6088835 [DELETED] 

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.6088846


Your form letter is more annoying than the lion's share of the tripfags here. Cut it out.

>> No.6088856 [DELETED] 

He's an autistic kid that thinks repeating the same thing for the hundredth time is funny, don't expect much from it. Just filter the whole thing.

>> No.6088855

Oh hey the anonautists are back!

>> No.6088859
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>> No.6088877

But... but I have to keep my just sale combo going!

>> No.6088885

dat empty eyes

>> No.6088892
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The eyes of a burgoise pig

>> No.6088903

Loli capitalist isn't going to sell much if she isn't willing to haggle.

>> No.6088908
File: 37 KB, 310x257, 2010-09-07_003242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when capitalist thread
Release date can not come soon enough, and for a change I'm actually not going to start a troll war by saying if I'm buying or not.

>> No.6088996 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 150x116, 1283836195539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WELL YOU KNOW FUCKING WHAT? I understand and respect your decision on how you'll obtain this product.

>> No.6089003
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>> No.6089032
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dat price

>> No.6089049

A shopkeeper has to know how to take it easy.

>> No.6089542

Damn it wish I saved more images from last nights thread.

>> No.6089591
File: 718 KB, 1222x2340, 1283585700484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a time limit in the full game?

I want to continue playing as the slumlord until I choose to retire.

>> No.6089603


>> No.6089610


There is a survival mode, where you are given a debt to pay after every week, and an endless mode, where you can play for as long as you like without debt.

>> No.6089634

This game will make the waiting time for the new Civ go down about 40%

>> No.6089638
File: 164 KB, 1024x768, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this bitch give you anything good if you buy her shit? She seems to only be there to irritate you.

>> No.6089645

How to kill thief on level 15 of second dungeon?

>> No.6089660

So is there any reason to buy this instead of pirating other than supporting the devs?

>> No.6089663

From what I've heard you can hit her at an angle to prevent counter attack, or item whore candies and bean fish and you your special instantly after attacking to do some massive damage and stop her counter.

>> No.6089678 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 800x800, recette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6089677

Support it and we might get more good Japanese Indie games coming over.
Must lets try to avoid this topic there hasn't been a new argument against/for buying/pirating for 5 years and the same old thread wrecking shit gets old.

>> No.6089685

No. I'd send some money if they were accepting donations, but since they don't I'll just download it.

Oh you can chat with your faggot friends via steam if you buy it.

>> No.6089680

Her swipe has less range than Louie's. Also, you can spam Louie's special attack for at least 40 damage per hit (depending on your equipment) relatively safely.
You better have candies and taiyakis to replenish that MP.

>> No.6089690

Oh god I saw the black outline yesterday can't wait for a finished version.
Hoary for rule 34.
Also /r/ "Tear I'm scared"

>> No.6089714
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>> No.6089715

Rape her up against the wall, lure her to a corner again, repeat.

>> No.6089941 [SPOILER] 
File: 244 KB, 800x800, recette2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6089970
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>> No.6090039 [DELETED] 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHt_GzOgjvA- cardboard box, waaaa-haaaa ~♫

>> No.6090049
File: 43 KB, 480x359, recettear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHt_GzOgjvA- cardboard box, waaaa-haaaa ~♫

>> No.6090088

You like combos, don't you?

>> No.6090111

indifferent. That one character keeps trying to scam you, both in cutscenes and when they come to your store.

They auto try to sell stuff for 500%, never buy anything, won't sell for a reasonable price.

>> No.6090199

I don't know, this is just a guess but it looks like a stat increasing item, hence the outrageous price. This is purely conjecture however.

>> No.6090223

It's actually just a can of peaches. Sweet things were high priced at the time, but that has nothing to do with it. It's just her angle.

When she first appears(in a cutscene out in the town), she's trying to get you to give her 50k for something I forget and goes off to scam louie. In several times she's appeared on different days, she tries to sell some item for 500% of its price. I don't even know if she's an adventurer or not so I haven't taken anything from her.

There was a wiki for the japanese version posted in the last deleted thread. Could someone repost that so I can see what the deal is with her?

>> No.6090241

At least she won't have to worry about her pension getting nationalized~

>> No.6090251

I must suck at this game. only made like 11k by the end of the demo.

And here i see other fuckers with 5-70k sadfrog.jpg

>> No.6090305
File: 138 KB, 800x672, recettophat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And here i see other fuckers with 5-70k sadfrog.jpg

>> No.6090307


We are the anointed of our lord, John Smith. Your economic acumen pales in comparison to our own.

Also, bread exploit.

>> No.6090317

Did you accept defeat in the dungeon?
I reloaded every time I failed it and got 20k on my first try easily (without guides or advice)

>> No.6090323

>bread exploit

>> No.6090328

You cannot lose the first sale.
I think it's patched in the full game.

>> No.6090338

I found that after a certain point people wouldn't be able to afford any of the shit I was finding even if I marked it down a lot. that vase was pretty much impossible to sell.

are the people getting charme on day 2 doing the enitre dungeon without going back to town?

>> No.6090351 [SPOILER] 
File: 218 KB, 1024x764, ho!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism, ho!

>> No.6090350

I tested this and you can only really get around 150 pix for the bread. A far cry from being an exploit.

>> No.6090359

you have to give them good deals at first and they price of things they buy will go up.

>> No.6090364

If you keep it at the same price, the price she will buy it for will keep going up. This works in the japanese version at least. I think some people were doing it there and then using the japanese save, else it was part of some older demo.

>> No.6090379
File: 1.30 MB, 1040x823, 2010-09-07_185048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who don't mind cheating, T-search works.
Saves can carry over so even if it is abuse it in demo then full game it up.

>> No.6090380


>> No.6090382

I had been selling everything for around 120% so they would buy it on the first try. how much do you have to sell them before they stop being so poor?

>> No.6090383

Why would you even bother doing the shop part then?

>> No.6090392

is it better to get charme right away, or spend a day or two raising your merchant level to 5 so you can buy better equipment? what's the latest you can beat her in the dungeon and still get her card before the demo ends?

>> No.6090394

This is not a good deal.

They have a heart over their head when they're satisfied, I think.

As far as when, you'll know when they ask to buy expensive things.

>> No.6090396


It's not exactly hard to do a 1-15 dive on day two with just a Longsword. Chain your way up to ~9 in the Hall of Trials.

>> No.6090402

Charme is not even a good character, although it's pretty fun to dash her into walls (double tap a direction)

>> No.6090403

What the fuck happened to Tear?
I said those who do not mind cheating, I'm going to play it fair and square I just like to test what can be bit-hacked and what cannot in games, for example health doesn't seem to work.

>> No.6090419

you can mod everything, even xp.

>> No.6090439

Motion blurs from her swiping Recette's clothes.

>> No.6090440

How does chaining even work in this game? Half the time mine seem to break for no reason.

>> No.6090463

attacks or sales?

>> No.6090471

For a dungeon, the chain only applies to the EXACT same monster.

For example, if you kill a green slime, you have to kill another green slime to keep the chain. A red or a blue slime count as different monsters, thus breaking the chain.

For shopping, you get a Just Bonus, that increases, for every sale you get that doesn't involve any haggling.

>> No.6090477

Kill the same enemy for chains. Killing the green slimes only on the first floor of the trial dungeon will get you 5 levels

>> No.6090489

Am I the only one who likes Tear more because she's smaller and flatter?

>> No.6090491
File: 108 KB, 1032x813, hell yes motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my third playthrough. Also unlocked Charme and got Lv. 10 by day 7. Am I capitalist enough to make you proud, /jp/?

>> No.6090549


They couldn't have just made it killing things with a time limit or without getting hit or something? This sounds awful.

Oh well, got no choice I guess.

>> No.6090557

In what way does it sound bad? You get EXP heaped on you anyway.

>> No.6090591

Leaving guys along and running away from them because they're the wrong colour seems silly. I just want to smash everything, not have to dodge half the enemies because killing the monsters is a bad thing.

>> No.6090670

Just smash everything then. It doesn't even matter. You'll level enough either way. Also really the fire punching and rock throwing dogs both count and the hiding and jumping mushrooms both count. It's only really the slimes that have multiple types.

Just run through and clear out every floor until the monsters stop spawning, it's all the same.

>> No.6090677

>Leaving guys along and running away from them because they're the wrong colour seems silly.

Wait, how is that any different from 4chan's normal racism?

>> No.6090769

I'm not skilled enough to beat the dungeon all in one go ;_;

>> No.6090782

Capitalism Ho!

>> No.6090796

No it's not. Powering through will get you at most 3/4 of the EXP you would get chaining.

>> No.6090798

There's an exploit involving item creation though.
With a higher level (around 12 for me) you can make like 100 mufflers lv1 (2 hats, 2 red mufflers, 5 old mufflers) and sell them at the guild for 13,000 each one, spending like 3,000/unit.

>> No.6090816

You might miss a useful drop, like honey, for example. I'm certainly not going to be attacking only bees, they don't give enough experience.

>> No.6090875

Selling fused items for half their price is not an exploit, it is capitalism. If you want to spend time dong that, go ahead. By the time you're that level you should be winning anyway.

>> No.6090957

I dunno man, having all the money you need to pay your debt around the second week of game is not a bit... too easy?

>> No.6090999

If you actually sold them you'd get enough money. Not infinite but enough to win. It's just playing correctly

>> No.6091005

>No it's not. Powering through will get you at most 3/4 of the EXP you would get chaining.
Boo hoo, instead of being level 22 you'll be level 19.

It doesn't matter.

>> No.6091430

I'm 22 years old.

>> No.6092111
File: 79 KB, 639x481, Swindlerbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot does one deal with this conwoman, JP? All she does is mess up my just combos(though it doesn't really matter at this stage).

>> No.6092129


Throw her out of your store for her socialist business practices.

>> No.6092134


How is Charme not good? Dash invincibility and mirror image are extremely abusable and give you the ability to fly through the random dungeons end boss battles in just a few seconds.

>> No.6092139

Do I get to kill Tear? Tell me I get to kill Tear.

>> No.6092146

tiny attack arc ;_;

>> No.6092153


Try aiming.

>> No.6092229
File: 66 KB, 641x479, ShopZen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! I have achieved perfect balance! This game sort of remind me of Elona.

>> No.6093301
File: 191 KB, 1285x614, jewquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She just exist to piss you off I guess. She'll only sell you stuff at more than 120%, that's for sure. I'm guessing 150-200%.

Elven bow girl boss fight was fun, pity her attacks were weak and the battle was short.

>> No.6094152


He's right about it being a can of peaches and fairly worthless. The market sells them at rank up 3 or something.

She hilariously overcharges you generally for things you cannot get normally (yet). The only things you can only get from her are some wallpaper and floor I think. (jap wiki says 基本的にはコンボを潰す面倒な相手だが、内装等彼女からしか買えないアイ
テムも存在する and http://www14.atwiki.jp/recettear/pages/15.html lists 海と魚の床, 海と魚の壁, and 海と魚のじゅうたん as only being sold by her. )

She has also sold me some decorations that drop in dungeons but I have never seen like 'boiled egg pot' (I can't remember the name). I buy the shit for 200% just to keep the chains (merchant level 29 so 128 chains are must) plus I'm fucking rolling in cash anyways most of the time.

>> No.6094418
File: 61 KB, 400x400, 1283738029783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this is a English information page for Recettear, I must say it's pretty complete.

