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File: 103 KB, 478x600, Sengoku_Rance_-_package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6086674 No.6086674 [Reply] [Original]

>Play Sengoku Rance for 4 days nonstop
>Become obsessed with it
>Still a newbie and takes me a while to defeat shit
>Able to reach up to Takeda Family and close to taking their area
>All of sudden the Demon army come out of NOWHERE
>"Well okay, I guess I'll just defeat them with ease an-"
>Watch Suzume,Uruza, Magic,Ranama die
>Start to freak the fuck out
>Nearly all of my area is GONE in minutes
>All the time wasted for NOTHING
>Left with one area and Sill by my side
>The Demon Army continues to murder and rape EVERY FUCKING THING.
>Begin to feel depressed
>As my last area is taken
>I receive the BAD ENDING
>Sill and I are surrounded by demons and about to be killed
>Sill then hugs me and says "You did your best and I'm proud to die by your side,Rance"
>We then kiss and the demons kill us

I don't give a fuck, that's going to be the godamn ending, I just can't go through that shit again.. I literally cried like a bitch. Fucking demons

>> No.6086678

That's not how you quote

>> No.6086681


>> No.6086683

>Play Sengoku Rance for 4 days nonstop
>Become obsessed with it
>Buy figures
>Move on to something else

>> No.6086682


I just don't care anymore, dude. My life feels complete now.

>> No.6086687

The Demon Army is currently running through all my shit. I'm afraid to keep playing.

>> No.6086695

I'm afraid to continue to continue playing the game now.

>> No.6086701

I'm the same as OP except not a faggot. I totally killed on my first game and only had to do that restart bullshit once on the level 98 demon xavier. I just beat my first playthough on my 4th day. To bad OP didnt make it to THAT event.

>> No.6086704

How the fuck do you lose to the Demon Army the first time they start attacking? They literally defeat themselves if you wait a few days...

>> No.6086707

You can beat the shit out of them, Anon. I believe in you.
Remember to rape them at least as much as they raped you.

>> No.6086716


It wasn't the first time, you dumbass.

I started to attack their units and I was doing good, but once my turn was over.




>> No.6086729

You mean the Shimazu bum rush? You could just not fight the first two battles. The ones after that are pushovers.

captcha: DALAI wagons

>> No.6086735

LOL what a weaksauce. It's impossible for Nobunaga to keep attacking you over and over again unless some story mode event occurs. He will only attack you with the blitz once.

Then he will keep on attacking ONLY if there's something you haven't done and you have conquered too much of the Demon Army lands.

If you do your best to defend against the DA, the game will AUTO beat the shit the DA for you.

If you panic, OF COURSE you will lose.

>> No.6086747

>played Rance for 3 days for first playthrough
>beat the game with restarts from Alice during the final boss battle
>restarted a new First Game
>perfected my craft for the next 2 weeks
>played the perfect First game for my fifth playthrough
>feel proud of myself

>> No.6086748
File: 27 KB, 475x475, 1283646063157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm not lying

>> No.6086751

Video game discussion goes in /v/.

>> No.6086758

This is /jp/ material. Not touhou enough for you, which you know, is also a video game? You even have video game threads here for netplay, you moron.

>> No.6086765

OP, you suck. That is all. Anyone with half a brain already restarted the game to do better.

>> No.6086771

>he doesn't understand that the game has almost a 1000 savespots

>> No.6086790

I tried playing through my first time with walkthroughs (I figured by the end I'd have a pretty good idea of what to do on my own for a replay), but the main one wanted me to restart every damn battle until I got an item, and an alternate one on gamefaqs had me picking a fight with the miko shrine way before I could attack twice and defend against a decent opponent. I'm waiting for next weekend to set aside a day to figure out how to play for real.

>> No.6086793

Keep playing. If you defend properly, the game will win it for you. If the Demon Army has appeared and you have NOT conquered any of the major houses, RESTART YOUR FUCKING GAME.

>> No.6086802
File: 176 KB, 500x345, MeremLeftLeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread is rather /v/ in quality, but it's accepted, everyone stop being butthurt trolls

>> No.6086806

Rance threads are find. I'm pissed that OP obviously showed that he's from /v/, though.

>> No.6086808

I never played it with walkthroughs. I just did trial and error. Had to live with several restarts because of it, but it made me better. If you're going to read a walkthrough, the alicesoft wiki is enough to give you information about captains you can hire and tips on how to beat certain houses. You also begin to learn the importance of breaking seals at certain times. And some seals are much better to break than others.

>> No.6086813

I'm sorry but some unknown tripfag does not represent the will of /jp/.

>> No.6086819

Fuck off, internet cop.

>> No.6086817

I mean

>> No.6086822

>OP didn't restart when he was getting destroyed

>> No.6086829

Well, the idea behind the walkthroughs was they were a fast path to a third action fan. Do you really need that fan so soon? Or should I be concentrating on getting a bigger army together first (where I'm stuck, I have about twelve units, around thirteen turns in). If I don't really have to worry about speed-running to that third fan I think I can probably reload before I started that war and be okay.

>> No.6086853

You mean the 13 turn 3 fan walkthrough? That's just a guide that you can base your early actions on, you don't have to completely stick to it. You can get your 3rd fan within 20 turns and you'd still be alright.

The management of the game is much more centered on choosing which seal to break and when to break them. You have to break a seal every 20 turns after turn 10 or the game will break one for you automatically. If played right, the Honnouji event does not start until after Turn 91.

If you manage your time well enough like that for your first playthrough, that means you'd have conquered almost all of Japan and have amassed a pretty large army to oppose the Demon Army when they pop up around 6-10 turns after Honnouji.

>> No.6086856

You should always be at war.

>> No.6086874

rookie mistake = do not fight wars in a warring state game

>> No.6086888

BTW, it takes 5 seals broken to start Honnouji. Not all houses have good generals that can be recruited in the first game. This is where the Alicesoft SR captain wiki becomes helpful if you're going to use walkthroughs anyway.

>> No.6086969

Fuck off back to /v/ with your
and never come back.

>> No.6087017


>Hey I'm just gonna bump this thread with my green texting, tripfagging and 日本語喋て

>> No.6087823

>I receive the BAD ENDING
>Sill and I are surrounded by demons and about to be killed
>Sill then hugs me and says "You did your best and I'm proud to die by your side,Rance"
>We then kiss and the demons kill us
Wow, that's a much warmer end than the canon one.

>> No.6087845


>> No.6087852

Did that ending actually happen?

>> No.6087853

...OP did you by any chance enter the Demon King route? You know, when you don't find the lemons for Miku in time?
Because that's supposed to be impossible to beat.
And it's not

>> No.6087859

I don't know, never lost the game at all, I just know that the canon ending isn't as nice as you'd like it to be.

>> No.6087863

>I suck at games

>> No.6087865

Hey, cool it with the puns.

>> No.6087866
File: 75 KB, 274x255, problem sill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm just a cold bastard.

>> No.6087870

Yeah, you're pretty much a frigid bitch.

>> No.6087875

You're right, I should try chilling out once in a while.

>> No.6087886

My first playthrough was a mess, but not as bad as OP's. I was actually able to held my own, without even reinforcements (I didn't know what reinforcements means before, and I thought it would just add some troops to my armies so I screwed it), nor did I conquer and get any major commanders (killed everyone in the immediate vicinity of oda until the demon army showed up, even vassalized some poor shits) because I was left to cower in my own territory by the demon army... and I though I was safe until Xavier started capturing the countries and finally surrounded me. I was able to held them off for a while, until the event when they get pushed back (which arrived just in the nick of time, I would say.)

But then, as I conquered their territories, and finally went on the castle battles against that big yellow shogun something, I realized, "FUCK. I CAN'T WIN." Seriously. Rance, Ran, The big spear guy, Suzume, and 26 common commanders or maybe unremarkable ones that I can't remember (I think i had kentaro, too, but fuck him.)

Easily said, an infinite stalemate. They can't beat me, I can't beat them. And then, after a long while of doing the same things again and again, it finally came to me:

"Fuck this shit. I'm doing it all over again."

I think this end is worse... the end.. which you just fucking quit. Not because you either lost, or won.

>> No.6087895

Yeah, in times like these you gotta stay frosty.

>> No.6087903

Save your progress into different save files next time.

>> No.6087911

WHAT THE FUCK. Does Uesugi always has to get raped by her uncle and killed after? It's my third playthrough and she gets killed for the third time before I could get to her.

>> No.6087917

do it FASTER.

>> No.6087928
File: 157 KB, 800x600, She's so fucking oily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should have spent the first few hours getting to grips with the game and then restarted it, it becomes easy mode once you don't fuck up your first 20-30 turns.


Stop being so damn slow. You need to attack 6 times, 3 for each area. You can auto win one battle each turn with Rance going solo against Kenshin. It should take you 3 turns to conquer them easily assuming you don't have an utterly shit army and you actually bothered to get an extra action flag.

>> No.6087934

I didn't know Suzume, Uruza, and Magic (as well as Yamamoto, Uesugi, Natori etc.- major story commanders).

I thought that when they got defeated they always just got KOed.
