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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6081742 No.6081742 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously /jp/, FUCK OFF.

sincerely, /a/

>> No.6081744

Reported for cross-board spam.

Fuck off

>> No.6081745
File: 17 KB, 355x397, 1282067598327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, I propose a full scale purge of this board.

>> No.6081746

Seriously /a/, GET BACK TO /a/.

sincerly, /jp/

>> No.6081748

Then get Saten off the board.

>> No.6081749

If anything we should be telling you to fuck off.

>> No.6081761

I don't know what we did but I don't think shitting up another board is the answer. If some troll shit posted on your board you should probably deal with it over there

>> No.6081764

I think I found the problem.


>> No.6081770


So some /a/ trolls here picked up on White Ren's trip and now they're trolling their own board. Amusing.

>> No.6081772

They can keep him

>> No.6081781

I see. That is pretty shameful
it happens to us too though. I would filter him if it bothered me that much

>> No.6081792


I hope moot delete this shitty board. fuck all of you otaku fags

>> No.6081796

Now now, no need to be so mad, child. It'll all be over soon.

>> No.6081797
File: 787 KB, 1280x720, grab06857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't?

Seriously get the fuck out of /a/, I won't spam you for a month if you stop

>> No.6081800

Honestly I think it's /a/'s own people just bandwagoning

just report the thread and hide it, filter the tripcode, or if it REALLY bothers you go to the 4chan IRC and complain to a mod

>> No.6081805


I know its a White Ren here because of the way he posts. That semi sarcastic but semi serious way of him reporting shit. Seriously, fuck off /jp/. I mean it. Fuck where is meido when you need him?

>> No.6081811

Reported for having the intention to spam.

>> No.6081814

Fuck off /a/
Why do you start so much shit?
If you think /jp/'s doing that then you don't know shit about shit.

>> No.6081817

>I know its a White Ren here because of the way he posts
...you're not THAT retarded are you?
Or did I just get trolled?
I don't even know anymore!

>> No.6081818

I would report you but I just don't care and nothing you do can make me care.

In before some newfriend thinks I didn't sage.

>> No.6081819



I'm actually slightly insulted.

>> No.6081829

It's just the same old case of some /a/non lurking /jp/ for 10 minutes, finding a new and exciting meme, returning to /a/ and proceeds to own his board in the butte.

>> No.6081840

You gonna imply that our meido is female?

>> No.6081841

>sincerely, gaia 2.0

>> No.6081860

It is pretty funny that they think it is coming from us.
How dumb can you be to not realize that it is their own /a/ White Ren users spamming their own board?

>> No.6081863
File: 57 KB, 518x620, Ritsuohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about faggots from /jp/

That means you'd be complaining to them all...

>> No.6081888

