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6081359 No.6081359 [Reply] [Original]

So you can draw an underage figure in photoshop and that's a jailable offense. But owning an elaborate manual on how to actually molest kids is A-OK.


Captcha: Pontoplulus grewcon

>> No.6081368

Reported for shit.

>> No.6081370

Just outlaw children already.

vc: vituncir rationaliry

>> No.6081377

Same faggot bumping his shit. Reported.

>> No.6081380

The law doesn't dictate what's okay and what isn't.

You should know that.

>> No.6081385

And where do I find this guide, they don't link to it anywhere.

>> No.6081393


>> No.6081774

Bumping for an answer to this.

>> No.6081788

>So you can draw an underage figure in photoshop and that's a jailable offense.

Not in America. There may be a few high-strung states here and there but we're mostly quite tolerant, especially about something you produced yourself oddly enough.

>> No.6081803


Some delicious rage in the comments there.

>> No.6081853

Ya know, I don't even think that the rage is justified.

>> No.6081868

They should both be covered under free speech. People just get more butthurt about banning books.

>> No.6081927

and go to the nearest Discovery Channel TV station.

>> No.6081928

>They should both be covered under free speech. People just get more butthurt about banning books.
They are, for the most part.

Here in good old America, barring any sort of dumbass legislation or judicial abuse, you can really publish/create/read anything you want. This is generally why you can still find/own/read the Anarchist Cookbook, despite it being so hard to find. The only real pressure on such materials now comes from companies and interest groups, who can levy pressure on publishing houses (and similar companies) to guilt them out of publishing stuff.

At least, this is what is supposed to happen. This happy little free speech world may quickly cease to exist if enough hyper-liberal "Evolving Constitution" types get on the bench.
