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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6080426 No.6080426 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6080428


>> No.6080431

How are you doing tonight Shifty

>> No.6080435


>> No.6080439

>/jp/ just got autistic
>Scandaroon !/n8SKATORI
That it has, friend. That it has.

Hey Mr. Autist, what happened to your Satori thread?

>> No.6080443

Sorry, temporary autism because of his trip. Meant Nitori obviously.

>> No.6080457

I'm guessing that this was made by KoG because he's the only one who I've ever seen use that exact phrase.

So sage for KoG.

>> No.6080459

It's true though, Scandaroon and that Satori tripfag are actually one autistic person with multiple personalities. He also fused with deleted and thoughtless celestial when they came to his house for a DBZ party to produce the biggest mass of autism known to man.

>> No.6080473
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Aww, that's not a very nice thing to say about me.

All that hate for me is always greatly exaggerated.

>> No.6080483


I don't make threads asking /jp/ about their day nor do I care about their day.

You just turned retard.

>> No.6080488

A DBZ party sounds like good times.

I'll bring the pizza rolls.

>> No.6080498

Listen here you autist, meido sided with the other spammers and me when she deleted your shitty thread. Cut it out or I'll have to report you to moot for extreme shitposting.

>> No.6080501

Do people really put Satorin on the same level as Shifty and deleted? That's just silly.

>> No.6080522


Was one of his shitty blog threads really deleted?

This pleases me. Hopefully his third ban is nigh.

>> No.6080531
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I deleted the first one, meido got the second, but that was probably because it was being spammed bumped.

I mean, this thread is still here but hasn't been bumped until you just bumped it.

The second one wasn't even serious, I mean I called it a tripfag circlejerk thread. How could that NOT be deleted.

Anyone, it's good to see you tonight.

>> No.6080534

>Hidden Posts: 7

Wow, must be lots of CANCER in this thread.

Namely Scand and autism comments.

>> No.6080538

Even that jew Scrappy is better than you. How does it feel to be worse than scrappy?

>> No.6080547
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I'm baked right now.

Autism modo: ON

>> No.6080549

>The second one wasn't even serious, I mean I called it a tripfag circlejerk thread. How could that NOT be deleted.
Why would you even make a thread like that?

>> No.6080558

Honestly, what does Satorin do that's so bad?

>> No.6080568

It's because he's autistic of course.

>> No.6080569


>> No.6080577

>Room threads
>Blog threads

Well, take a guess, smartie.

>> No.6080585

don't forget the roleplay

>> No.6080587

Haven't seen #jpmeetup in forever.

Honestly, looking at the front page for the last few days, I think we could use some more image dumps and room threads.

>> No.6080591
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Okay, got me there
What, a couple times a month? That should hardly count
OKay, strike 2 on my part, though I am not the only one.
Dead months ago, slowpoke.jpg
>Room threads
So I am not allowed to post in room threads because there are too many figures and posters in my room?

U Jealous?
>Blog threads
I would count these as metathreads, since I only ask, and rarely tell anything about me.

I don't seem that bad if I say so myself, I just have strong haters like Scandaroon and Suigin.

>> No.6080592
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That's me, bro. Satorin doesn't roleplay.

>> No.6080593
File: 15 KB, 277x305, WITTMAN YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What roleplay?

>> No.6080604
File: 37 KB, 544x640, Franklin.Delano.Roosevelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I'd find you here, Sanae... Now how about giving good ol' Roosevelt a kiss?

>> No.6080611

>people defending as shitty avatarfag

Oh wow, /jp/ is full autism tonight. Even /a/ is better than this shit.

>> No.6080612

The only good politician RPer is Adolf Hitler since he likes Rumia. The rest sucks Rinnosuke's balls.

>> No.6080618


sup, Adolf Hitler

Don't make me post that picture of Rumia fucking a nigger.

>> No.6080623
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That wasn't me, Arc.


>> No.6080637


That's what I thought.

>moves mouse cursor away from TOHO INTERRACIAL DUMP FOLDER icon

>> No.6080644

I miss Charles Manson namefag.

He always wanted to get naked and kill stuff.

>> No.6080650

They're all shit.

>> No.6080652


That's just asking for trouble. I remember I once made a remark about my precious Suika in a thread and the thread then got filled with awful lewd images of her.

>> No.6080656

No, samefag futa hater troll, the only shit here is you.

>> No.6080660
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>The rest sucks Rinnosuke's balls.

That fucking slut! I sucked her dick and she said only my mouth had been there before.

>> No.6080661
File: 288 KB, 512x256, 1280391307700 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thing about /jp/. Jim Yuyucrow.

>> No.6080664

The balls and the dicks are different areas

>> No.6080666

>Sucked her dick

I demand Rinnosuke rule 64 futa doujins.

>> No.6080667

samefag futa hater troll hater-kun, I thought you are dead?

>> No.6080672


>rinnosuke futa

No, no, no.

See, he gets some of Sakuya's spare PADs, her frilly panties, and then....well, you get the idea.

>> No.6080674 [SPOILER] 
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What? That was my first post in this thread.
Seriously though, they are all shit.
Source is desudesu Nekomata Naomi - Backstage before anyone asks.

>> No.6080681


>> No.6080683
File: 69 KB, 664x1000, fuck_this_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ.

>> No.6080687


This guy is literally the biggest loser of you all.

>> No.6080689


>the biggest

Yeah, he's probably heavier than all of us.

>> No.6080694

Nope, I'm very much alive, and I can smell your posts all the way from /d/.

>> No.6080700

So you answered to every single point with either "yeah, you got me" or "well, other people do it too!". What the fuck else do you need as proof that you are a terrible, terrible poster?

Because, really, you are. I'd say you're the worst here because at least the other bad tripfriends know they're bad/trolling.

>> No.6080703

You are not funny you fucking retard. Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.6080705


Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.

>> No.6080706
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>> No.6080708

Who made you the judge of what is bad/what is good?

Get the fuck out and go back to /b/.

>> No.6080710


I think you need to go back there, Satorin.

>> No.6080711

Keep it up with the down syndrome act, it fits you.

>> No.6080720

>implying I'm satorin

All I'm saying is that if things are /jp/ related NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU DISLIKE WHAT IS IN THE THREAD it's still /jp/. I don't see why people don't just hide threads like I do, instead of bitch about nothing constantly for no reason except to cause drama.

>> No.6080721

I thought only girls have Down?

>> No.6080722


That's what I thought, bitch.

>> No.6080725
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>> No.6080728
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>> No.6080731

I don't browse /d/. All they do is dump images from *booru and discuss their sexual relationships with 3D. It's easier just to get my doujins from the translators.

>> No.6080732

For fucks sake, is that all you have to say? Spare me the job of calling you retarded again and again.

>> No.6080733
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>> No.6080735

Satorin's threads are almost never /jp/ related though, just shitty metathread trash that doesn't belong. Stop defending this shitposter.

>> No.6080738
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>> No.6080739
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>> No.6080741
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>> No.6080744
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>> No.6080747


>> No.6080748
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autism thread?

>> No.6080751
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>> No.6080752


I was just trying to say that it seems most threads that are JP related get called "shitpost" for no reason whatsoever, then drama argument ensues.

If it isn't /jp/ related, then by all means, go ahead and call the bastard a shitposter and whatnot. But if it involves Touhou in anyway or other /jp/ things, there shouldn't be any argument in the thread about how /a/ it is or how /v/ it is if it involves /jp/ related things.

>> No.6080755
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>> No.6080760
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>> No.6080763

/jp/ just looooves ganging up on someone. If it wasn't Satorin, it would be someone else.

>> No.6080766
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>> No.6080770
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>> No.6080775
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>> No.6080776
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>> No.6080777
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>> No.6080780

Cyber-bullying is bad guys. Don't do it.
*cracks knuckles*
Anyone who cyber-bullies my firends on /jp/ will be punished.

>> No.6080782
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>> No.6080783

Nothing wrong with ganging up on someone if there's a good reason. The more we do it, the sooner it'll stop.

>> No.6080786
File: 124 KB, 650x726, Saberandlion2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your friends are dumb. Big stupid heads.

Come at me bro.

>> No.6080788
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>> No.6080789

You're next. I hope you're ready for the bullying of a lifetime.

>> No.6080791
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>> No.6080793

In this case, there isn't. It's just that a few big-time tripfags hate on him and the rest of /jp/ follows suit.

>> No.6080798

You meanies
*cries in a corner*

>> No.6080799
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>> No.6080821

It has nothing to do with the other tripfriends. His posts are shit any way you look at it.

>> No.6080838

No, they really aren't.

>> No.6080849
File: 44 KB, 264x500, b9c5e845933e621600954e44da413bd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I frequent /sp/ most of the time. You don't know the MEANING of the words "Shit posting Tripfag".

Then again, I don't know any of you motherfuckers, so disregard what I say unless it's actually productive.

>> No.6080849,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow, this thread keep going even after I went to sleep.

I glad not everyone in here thought I was a bad poster.

>> No.6080849,2 [INTERNAL] 

There threads are so bad they're insulting; I have no clue why you would want to be associated positively with them in any way.

>> No.6080849,3 [INTERNAL] 


Because this person wants to attention whore.

>> No.6080849,4 [INTERNAL] 

Suigin in his bed.

>> No.6080849,5 [INTERNAL] 

I am not Kaguya shut up

>> No.6080849,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6080849,7 [INTERNAL] 

she has white hair

>> No.6080849,8 [INTERNAL] 

Happy now?
It was just a sketch anyway

>> No.6080849,9 [INTERNAL] 

now she looks like shit I want a refund
