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608037 No.608037 [Reply] [Original]

Tea, motherfuckers, do you drink it?

>> No.608042

I don't really like tea, I'm a coffee kinda guy.

>> No.608045
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>> No.608049
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Milk tea.

>> No.608050

I can't stand the taste of coffee.

>> No.608052
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>> No.608054

real AMERICAN men don't drink too. we drink mud and beer.

>> No.608048

Tea is only for gentlemen and gay people.

>> No.608057

I'm from Yorkshire. We drink warm beer with sticks and hay floating in it.

>> No.608058

Chrysanthemum tea is good.

>> No.608059

I feel like I'm betraying some unspoken rule every day when I drink tea...

>> No.608064

your little finger. raise it up in sign of pride

>> No.608074
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English tea please, Archer.

>> No.608081
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Tea scores you the hot bitches.

>> No.608080

That stuff makes me sick. Literally.
I feel like throwing up 30 minutes after I finish it.

>> No.608077

I drink tea almost exclusively. It is better suited to frequent use than coffee, as it contains less caffeine (in the prepared drink, not the plant itself) and amino acids which counteract caffeine side effects.

>> No.608082

As a REAL New Yorker...
SIGNED. Tea is the nectar of the GODS.

>> No.608083

Pic unrelated?

>> No.608086

Tea Mother fucker, do you drink it?

>> No.608089
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>> No.608092
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She drinks tea and pimps about.

Archer drinks tea and is a natural born pimp.

>> No.608094



>> No.608095

Oh, I see the correlation.

Carry on.

>> No.608097
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Thus tea is for pimps.

>> No.608105


I think you forgot something.

>> No.608107


A fantastic and astute observation!

>> No.608112

Anyone else here annoyed how they serve tea at boiling temperature? I know it can't be helped and all, but still.

>> No.608125

it's part of the tea drinking experience. You just take a small sip, test the temperature, taste it well. Then, you must look into the horizon and think about how things are going to be that day.
Lost in reflection.
Tea time is a place to let the rest of the world fade away. Only you and the aroma of the tea are there, and you can focus on the important things.
Take another sip. It's cooler now. Drop the cup and let out a deep sigh. Look at the rising sun, it sure is going to be a warm day today.
Another sip. This time bigger, the tea is almost lukewarm. Drop the cup, and let it tingle against the saucer if you will. Just relax, and enjoy a good cup of tea.

Fuck, I think I figured out why I'm so relaxed all the time...

>> No.608129

Green tea with lemon.

And only that one. Black tea and red tea are both tonguesores. Haven't tried other kinds.

>> No.608145

i live off of double bergamont earl grey.

>> No.608149
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>> No.608184

Proud pinky raising, spiffy hat wearing tea drinker here.

>> No.608187
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Uh, really?

>> No.608213

Yes, yes I do.

>> No.608243
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>> No.608271
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Kirin Lemon, fuck yeah

>> No.608287


>> No.608292

Earl Gray is fine on most counts, but I find myself preferring Jasmine all the same.

>> No.608294
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>> No.608304


>> No.608308

I was looking for the MSPAINT of her saying that, but I can't find my copy.

>> No.608310
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>> No.608313

Awesome, that's "Jun poar tea".

>> No.608318
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And Jun did.

>> No.608322

Jun wouldn't do that. He loves his waifu.

>> No.608367

Tea. I drink it.

>> No.608394

black tea,motherfuckers,I drink it

>> No.608397

I prefer coffee, but tea is fine unless it tastes like piss.

>> No.608408

I drink tea.

>> No.608413

Are we talking about tea without milk, what is known as "red tea" in the west but "black tea" in the east or what is known as "black tea" in the west.

Tea names are fucking complex!

>> No.608423

black leaves
red liquid
milk, I like it but use it rarely

>> No.608462

Earl grey, hot.
Mint tea is fine too.

>> No.608466

Does chai count?

>> No.608472

fuck yes, mint tea.
Cinnamon tea is good too.

>> No.608478

Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer
Tea is for fags. Real Men drink beer served by busty germanic girls. Beer for the win!

>> No.608480

only if you are gay or girl.

>> No.608489


Guess I'm good then.

>> No.608493

I drink a ton of tea. Various green teas, pu-erh, oolong, etc. I like coffee, too, but for me that shit doesn't compare to good tea.

>> No.608495
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>> No.608496
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Tea you say? Yes I'd love some. Earl grey, hot.

>> No.608558

By the bucket.

>> No.608565
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>> No.608566
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>> No.608571

hot plain green tea, the drink of real men

>> No.608572
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>> No.608581
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>> No.608591

This thread has made me really want some hot tea, even though it's too hot to have it.
I'll go and make some ice tea for tomorrow.

>> No.608589


>> No.608598


>> No.608616

Take it like a man, stay in the kitchen and drink up.

>> No.608645

No anonymous there are no such things as girls on the internets.

>> No.608653

I'll take a tall, iced caffé latte to go. Thanks.

>> No.608664

When I was a kid I watched "The sound of music". I pretty much hate everything in the movie. Including tea.

>> No.608690
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>> No.608778

I've been drinking coffee for ages.

Switch to tea: y/n?

>> No.608785


>> No.608801


>> No.608817


Wow. Fag.

>> No.608814


Yeah, my worry lay in the practicality of it. I drink a LOT of coffee, obviously with the intention of a morning kickstart.

I'm guessing tea has, like, a third of the caffeine?

>> No.608839

I drink 3 pots a day, and I feel-HGGGGHNNNN

>> No.608842

Black tea has as much caffeine as coffee. If you brew your coffee particularly weak, it actually has more.

>> No.608869


Black tea it is, then.

>> No.608891
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Expert tea drinker here i even have a box for tea!

>> No.608900

A few tips - don't drink lipton tea unless you actually like the taste. It tends to be rather shit. Your best bet is to get a British/Irish/Scottish looseleaf from an organic market or Trader Joe's or something. Brew it in near boiling water (the stuff that comes out of your coffee maker would work nicely - place tea and strainer in coffee pot or pour water into mug) for about 3-4 minutes, long enough that you can get a really strong scent of the tea, but not too long or else it will acquire a rather bitter flavor (due to tannic acids from the tea plant). It just takes some experimenting to find the best amount of time for your particular brand/type of tea.

Most tea aficionados drink their tea with cream and sugar, just like Americans drink coffee. Both are optional, but once again, experiment to find what you like. A note about cream - it can be used to reduce a bit of the edge that you can get from tannin, but use it in moderation.

>> No.608913

2 tea spoons of sugar, 3.5 minutes, Pickwick Earl Gray Tea.

>> No.608930

I also recommend adding honey instead of sugar and sometimes a bit of lemon but only when the tea cools down to about 40C because heat destroys the honey and lemon flavor not to mention Vitamin C and all that stuff.

>> No.608933

I prefer powdered tea with a little turpentine.

>> No.608935

I drink whiskey.

>> No.608942
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forgot your pic.

I drink 6-8 cups of green tea everyday or 3 cups of coffee.
If I drink 1 cup of green tea I get drowsy 10 minutes later.
Real men take ginseng, lots.

>> No.608947

Thanks for the honey tip.

>> No.608954

and my favorite... Mint
I don't drink tea very often though.

>> No.608977

>for about 3-4 minutes
I've been wondering about that. The same recommendation is often printed on the baggie the teabag is in, but whenever I do that for a single cup, it turns so bitter I can barely differentiate Earl Grey from Ceylon. In fact, usually 15 seconds is usually more than enough for me.
Maybe it's because I'm used to making an entire pot of tea using a single "one cup" bag.

>> No.609009


And beer.

>> No.609034

No it doesn't. Tea leaves contain more caffeine than coffee beans by weight, but correctly prepared coffee has more caffeine than correctly prepared tea.

>> No.609108

Goddamn you like your tea weak. Grow some balls.

Depends on your type of coffee and how it's roasted. Lighter coffees maintain more caffeine, but have less "coffee" flavor that Americans seem to like, also if you make your coffee through a drip filter, it'll have more caffeine. In perfect conditions, yes, coffee will always have more caffeine than tea. Unfortunately, Americans like their coffee in a fashion that results in it having less caffeine.

>> No.609109

It's all about taste someone likes it just 1-2 minutes but the "standard" is 3-4 minutes.

>> No.609132

Come to the Southern/Central Europe or Middle Asia and try Real Turkish coffee and then tell me it has the same amount.

>> No.609142

I drink bleach.

>> No.609153

It also depends a lot on how much tea you use. Use too much and you're going to have to steep very short times to get something drinkable. Also depends on the type of tea and the temperature of the water.

sencha ≠ earl gray ≠ pu erh

>> No.609189

Molten lava, motherfuckers, do you drink it?

>> No.609209


Fail for bagged tea.

>> No.609210

only on days when I feel like a pussy

>> No.609234

Dark roast coffee is disgusting failure. If I'm drinking coffee I want it to taste of coffee, not charcoal.

>> No.609243

You are a pussy.

>> No.609237

Well i drink teas that i like not bagged. I dont have the space to store 20 different flavours non-bagged.

>> No.609249

I tea-bagged your mom.

>> No.609268

Worked with a girl once who went for the 15 seconds as well, much to my shock and surprise. Personally, I will often just leave it until it's cooled down enough, something which can easily be 15 minutes or more with a big enough cup, though it does happen that I simply run out of patience before that.

>> No.609338

indeed I am, sir.

>> No.609369

I drink some Irish black tea each morning

>> No.609391


Yes, I drink tea multiple times per day at work. It's more clean and doesn't give you nasty breath like coffee does.

>> No.609452

Im a real man, i drink tea. English toffee, fuck yeah

>> No.609654
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every morning (and often during the dayas well) i drink black vanila tea with milk along black bread with butter and lemon jam.

>> No.609680

I start my day off with a hearty cup of the good ol' mud.

>> No.609727

A mug of hot chocolate.



>> No.609743


Actually, I tend to be often constipated, but I don't think it's because of the hot chocolate.

>> No.609737


>> No.609787

Of course. I can't imagine a morning without tea.

>> No.609809

Mandarin orange tea. pretty tasty.

>> No.609834


>> No.609916
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I like my Tea like my coffee.
No milk, no cream, no sugar.

>> No.609926

i like tea's taste better than coffee, but i tend to drink mostly juice and water.

>> No.610005


>> No.610019

I like tea.
I'd rather have coffee though, because the chances I get to choose either, the tea is usually absolute shit. At least with coffee, I expect it to taste like shit.

>> No.610034


It makes you cheap at restaurants.

>> No.610031

when i'm working: warm tea at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. ice tea in between.

otherwise, no tea or caffeine.

>> No.610096


>> No.610096,1 [INTERNAL] 

Daily reminder.

>> No.610096,2 [INTERNAL] 

They drink tea.

>> No.610096,3 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you.

>> No.610096,4 [INTERNAL] 

Tea: The drink of the pimps?

[ ] Yes.
[ ] Fuck yes.
