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6079614 No.6079614 [Reply] [Original]

So how many of us are actually basement dwelling social retards?

Chances are there are more /jp/ers in college than anywhere else and how is it even possible not to have even one friend?

>> No.6079629

its very easy to avoid social interaction, even if you do attend college

>> No.6079634

I don't have a single friend even though I go to college and have a job.

>> No.6079637

I stick to dwelling on the first floor

>> No.6079641

I'm one, it's pretty easy. Just don't make any, or socially interact. At this point I honestly don't know if I can manage even a basic conversation with someone I don't know ,unless they're maybe a clerk or someone at a register.

>> No.6079642

>how is it even possible not to have even one friend?
You don't really get friends automatically. Especially not when you're never in a location where you might encounter potential friends (for instance, outside).

>> No.6079643

College is like the easiest place to avoid social contact. Where I go to nobody gives a fuck about other people in their class; they come there to listen to the lecture, and immediately leave when its over.

>> No.6079646

I dwell in my room, the basement's full of crap.

>> No.6079684

Not technically a basement dweller, but I only leave the house once every week or two.

I've been enrolled in community college for over a year now. I've taken nothing but online courses, and don't plan to take any on-campus classes. Haven't put effort into most of them, as I'm only taking them to stay on parents' insurance.

I actually have two friends, but we're not as close as we used to be. We used to share the same interests, but now all they want to do is sleep.

>> No.6079706

When they say that they want to have a "sleeping party," don't go. They're bad news.

On a serious note, though, only wanting to sleep sounds suspiciously suicidal/depressive.

>> No.6079707

i live in the basement but it's an exposed basement because the house is built on a hill, so it's more like a second floor, but down instead of up

>> No.6079723

I'm a room-dwelling hikikomori.

>> No.6079742

I am actually a basement-dwelling retard. I missed the final enrollment date for college again and at 21 it's just too late for me. My memory is crap and college would be a waste of money anyway. Getting a job is out of the question since I have no experience and don't even really want one. I'm just hoping I'll be able to get disability money for my Asperger's soon.

Having friends is the least of my concerns.

>> No.6079747

Are you me?

>> No.6079762

No one talks in college, so you stay alone all the time. There is a guy in all my classes who was drawing what looked like Mokou, or maybe Reimu; all I saw was the hair and bow. Either way, I feel better talking on here than in person, so I had no reason to start a conversation or make a friend.

I sleep a lot. But I'm just trying to induce lucid dreams.

>> No.6079780

One friend is depressed, among other things, and takes a pharmacy worth of meds that basically leave her constantly knocked out.

The other friend is her boyfriend, and as she's the jealous type, she believe I might steal him. Therefore, I can only have supervised visits with him.

>> No.6079791

I'm a pot smoking retard

>> No.6079819

I'm a college graduate that run a corporatation as CEO. I go to work and have some what of a life. Not that many friends and 23 yr old v though.....

>> No.6079833
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Well, I know lots of people and sometimes do stuff with them, but I wouldn't consider them my friends, buddies maybe.

Its hard to find a good friend now a days.

>> No.6079835

Some girl started talking to me out of nowhere at college. She was in my public speech class, and since we had to give an introductory speech based on what our career choice was and I had talked about becoming a veterinarian, she asked me if I owned a pet. I told her about my cat, and as we walked down the steps she brushed against me.

It was the first contact I've had with another human being in at least two years.

I think I managed to not react too conspicuously to it, since she didn't give me a weird look.

I eventually got around to asking her that, since it had been so long since I had been in classes, if it were okay for me to ask her if I had any trouble. She said it was. I have no idea how to proceed from here.

>> No.6079844

I go to university, get jobs on-and-off and have a few friends I can really call friends.

>> No.6079848

I eventually got around to asking her that, since it had been so long since I had been in classes, if it were okay for me to ask her if I had any trouble. She said it was. I have no idea how to proceed from here.

that = ?

>> No.6079862

>I eventually got around to asking her if, since it had been so long since I had been in classes, it were okay for me to ask her if I had any trouble.

that solves my dilemma I guess. I'm clearly going to have trouble and need to ask her about it since I apparently don't know english anymore

>> No.6079873

I don't have friends because I've never considered anyone my friend, no matter how close we would get. I guess I'm just asocial, or worse yet autistic

>> No.6079875

I'm happy for you, Anonymous-san. Make the best out of this experience. Realistically, if you're anywhere near what the stereotypical /jp/sie is (no offense, I'm like that), it won't go anywhere but still, any experience is good experience. Grind that relationship exp.

>> No.6079886

I go to work, but I spend the rest of my time at home. I'll take walks once in a while.

>> No.6079911
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>speech class

>> No.6079933

by a strange miracle, i have a very close friend, and i'm 99.9% sure he isn't imaginary.
as far as being able to sustain myself in the future, i'm as doubtful of that being feasible as anyone else here might be. honestly, the only things that i would regret if i were to die today were not being able to see my friend through to his own independence and not being able to take care of my mother.

>> No.6079939

Yeah I'm actually at college and managed not to make a single friend. Sure I might play a couple games with my dormmate but I don't really go out much. Even when I do go outside I listen to music so it's not as if anyone can approach me.

>> No.6079948

Are being "socially retarded" and not even wanting friends because it just feels like too much work the same thing?

>> No.6079951

I'm at college. Plenty of friends, but a bit of a loner when it comes to parties.

On the bright side, nobody seems to out-and-out hate me. Which is nice. I've had a lot of people hate me before. It's not fun.

>> No.6079959

I'm a kawaii 18 year old girl with a boyfriend. We play Touhou and Neopets together every day.

>> No.6079970

I hate normalfags but I'm not a true NEET and I doubt I ever will be. I still don't know if that's a good thing.

>> No.6079980

Hikkikomori NEET reporting in

>> No.6079991

>no friends
>make meaningless small talk with co-workers at part time job
>extremely clear they want nothing to do with me
>feeling is mutual
>new girl is hired one day
>she says my hair is awesome
>she asks if we can hang out sometime
>she wants to fuck
>no, seriously
>I cheat on my waifu

>> No.6080005

She wants to fuck.

>> No.6080013
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I got fed up with having a bunch of friends and ending up disappointing most(if not all) of them. I then attempted to shrink the network of people that I actually associate with. The result: I have my best friend from highschool. Thats it. I talk to ex girlfriends more frequently than I do old friends. I'm not trying to be socially akward/retarded but I'm definitely being more cautious and putting new encounters through a god damn x-ray before I even attempt to socialize with it. Yes I mad.

>> No.6080020

Don't like going outside, don't like pointless conversations, extremely socially-inept, part-time job at a cards and comics store.

Have a few friends that completely understand my situation and problems and they come visit me every day to bring me happiness

>> No.6080024

I work at a casino. Not a single person there plays video games or watches anime or shares any of my interests whatsoever. My work has left me unable to go out with friends every week like we did back in school and until last week I hadn't seen them for around a year.
I spend all my time talking to people online and rejecting social invitations because I have no interest in those people.

>> No.6080046

I dropped out of college and I don't have a single friend.

I am pretty damn happy.

>> No.6080047


If I ever have money that disposable, I'll go blow it in Tunica I suppose.

>> No.6080061

Yeah I can't figure out how to make friends at college/university either.

It's like grade school and high school all over again. Feels like business as usual I guess.

>> No.6080071

My best friends are over the internet because I don't feel like socializing. College is shit, because I hate going to school but I don't talk to anyone, even if my English professor tells us to group up for assignments.

All my old highschool friends visited me randomly last Friday and I can't help but feel intimidated. It's only been a few months since I last met them, but I really had nothing much to say. I was shaking really. I only felt comfort when I was continuing a conversation with someone online. Then they left a few minutes later. I never want that to happen again.

>> No.6080072

Maintaining friendships is too much work for someone who wants to spend the majority of their time reading eroge / on solo hobbies

>> No.6080075

I have two friends who I've known since elementary school, but that's it. Getting to know new people is way too much work, and two is a nice even number.

I have no problems talking to people I don't know, so I wouldn't say I'm socially retarded, but I still intensely dislike it and will actively try to avoid it if possible.

>> No.6080094

I live in a basement cell but still go to school work and have friends

>> No.6080098

26 here, I'm less of a social retard than I used to be (still am though) but ironically now I stay away from people because I've been down so long I think it'll be too hard or awkward for us to relate. I need some retarded friends.

>> No.6080124

People are so easy to deal with, it's insane. Just listen to them, and pretend to take interest in things that say. That's it, now you're everybody's best friend. How could anyone botch that up?

>> No.6080120

I couldn't/wouldn't make a single friend over four years of university, same as
>Where I go to nobody gives a fuck about other people in their class; they come there to listen to the lecture, and immediately leave when its over.

That's basically been it for four years now. I had like ... one conversation with a dude once in my second year who I had to do a project with, and that was it.

>> No.6080129

I remember in high school I had one friend, and then when he moved away I was like.. god damn it, I spent a year communicating my stupid weird personality to him and now I have to start all over with someone else.

>> No.6080135

but what about when they find out I'm a basement dwelling social retard and it's embarassing

>> No.6080142


Maybe you should shut your BIG DUMB FACE

>> No.6080148


>> No.6080172

I actually have a room in my parent's house, and an apartment near my university. I think I'm a social retard mainly because I get really nervous when I try to have a conversation with someone not that close to me. My head goes blank and I stop making coherent sentences, so I don't like to talk to people since it makes me feel like a fucktard. I still have a few friends though, although I get nervous talking to them too.

>> No.6080209

i cant even say basement dwelling because i live in a small apartment, just got a 160 hour job program just so i can stop being bitched at by my mom

im still doing what i've been doing in the past year since getting out of school, no close friends or anything

i can speak for myself and make usual small talk convo with no hesitation or problems but i just don't really have that energy to keep up with a social life or even keeping a few friends around

it's more of a "if you'll tolerate me" thing, i choose not go out much but i'm open for anything relationship wise, wouldn't push away people on purpose

it's just something i dont even think about anymore

>> No.6080239

>>So how many of us are actually basement dwelling social retards?
Not one, just present myself as one on /jp/ to blend in and for the occasional joke.

I'm convinced there's many people on /jp/ like this, and for the people who don't realize that we're joking around, it actually is really sad when they take the things we say in jest seriously and go out of their way to be some kind of penultimate hikkikomori.

Oh, what people will do for acceptance!

>> No.6080251


Fuck you.

>> No.6080259

My heart pounds when I have to call businesses to set appointments, make orders, and so on. I hate the phone, I'd even rather talk in person, at least there you get the benefit of more senses to help communicate. I even speak ok, I don't know what it is.

>> No.6080268

They will be ok with it, because they are your friends.
