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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 19 KB, 255x176, 1263725622423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6073721 No.6073721 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/

It's my first time to your board, and I have to say- you guys are like /a/ with training wheels.
Whats even the point of this board?
I didn't even know about it till I happened to find /jp/ 's winge vid on utube. Kinda... sad, actually.

So /jp/, justify your existence.

>> No.6073731

Oh, you poor, ignorant fool.

>> No.6073730

We don't have to.

>> No.6073740

I suggest you you reread your post, delete this thread, and remake it after you figure out how to word it more cohesively. Actually, skip the last step.

>> No.6073746
File: 141 KB, 1200x771, 1283640022002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you leave before you get buttowned

>> No.6073752
File: 37 KB, 402x280, bird-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't like /jp/ until I discovered this meme.

>> No.6073755

Typical Uminekofag bumping terrible threads.

>> No.6073766 [DELETED] 
File: 386 KB, 667x670, 1267385748830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a /b/tard that enjoys random things
>Silly image makes me laugh
>mfw I get called some kind of moonspeak insult, I guess

>> No.6073771

I'm sorry for the mixup

>> No.6073772

s'all good, brotato chips

>> No.6073775


>> No.6073779

/jp/ exists to keep the touhou discussions out of /a/

Whenever /jp/ breaks there's an immediate inundation of touhou threads in /a/ like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.6073782

Other way around actually. /a/, /v/, and every other nerd-related board are mere Disney copies of us.

"Otaku Culture" is the heart and soul of 4chan. You lose this round.

>> No.6073784

Oh,so your a troll then.

>> No.6073787

>Other way around actually. /a/, /v/, and every other nerd-related board are mere Disney copies of us.

I'll make sure to save this.

>> No.6073789

I fucked your mother.

Your call, OP.

>> No.6073790

In what case would /jp/ ever "break" and /a/ wouldn't? That has literally never happened in the history of ever.

>> No.6073795


It happened once, a practical joke by moot

>> No.6073813

/jp/ is the last truly autistic board, everything else degraded from "quirky japanese based image board" to "Dude i was on 4chan yesterday and I saw this EPIC picture of a dead cat" ">Implying you saw a dead cat" "Lol dude you're green texting fucking awesome" "scott pilgrim best movie ever so chic"

This is only board left that talks about "japanese" things, is fairly slow, and generally isn't filled with off topic posts or spam (Expect that one guy who is continuously posting screenshots of the same VN over and over, he'll get bored soon and start posting railgun pictures again)

>> No.6073821

You sir speak the truth.

>> No.6073825

>you guys are like /a/ with training wheels.

What the hell is this supposed to mean?

>> No.6073827
File: 506 KB, 232x450, Zunbar shake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zunbar, seriously, how long have you been here? I mean, I've been here since the split, but my memory is shit. I've remembered you posting here for...

Well, for the longest. I dunno, I'm just curious. Sometimes I feel like your trip just got cracked in private, or you passed it onto someone or something. Even I used to tripfag sometimes, but it's just too tiring to do it. I used to do it for the benefit of looking up my posts on the archive, but stopped somewhere along the lines.

Most tripfags I see end up dying out eventually, but you've like always been here, man.

And I've no problem with you either.

>> No.6073832

ZUN!barYV1VtIA Mon May 26 02:29:30 2008 22058

>> No.6073835

don't know if samefaggotry but
>I used to do it for the benefit of looking up my posts on the archive
This still is the lamest excuse for having a trip.

>> No.6073841

18 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

You should be fucking ashamed.

>> No.6073848
File: 45 KB, 492x341, 1280007526861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scandaroon telling other people to be ashamed

>> No.6073852

OP here. So i guess that means I win eh?

No worries /jp/, job well done. I wish you the best in.. whatever it is you all do here. Cheers

>> No.6073856

But he wasn't implying anything... He directly stated that he saw a dead cat.

>> No.6073867
File: 1.11 MB, 302x201, 1266760034132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ with training wheels
Oh you.

Oh you funny. I kill you last. I like your spunk kid, although it might just be stupidity.

>> No.6073866

Most of the posts aren't on topic.

>> No.6073871

You win... at what?
Is this some kind of game?

>> No.6073890
File: 95 KB, 386x282, 1267686172960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>/jp/ is the last truly autistic board
I am quite proud of them too.

>> No.6073954

I still dont like you

>> No.6073965

good job bumping a horrible troll thread. Go back to /a/ now.

>> No.6073969

/jp/ wouldn't justify their existence because they try incredibly hard to not exist.
NEET general.

>> No.6074072

>also hate* japan

>> No.6074063
File: 160 KB, 500x500, 1278095031472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We talk about Touhou, VNs and fap to little chinese girl cartoons, we hate all the other boards, we also japan but love all that is japanese, we're also NACK stalkers

>> No.6074077

shut up nack, you even bumped this pile of shit.
