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File: 800 KB, 551x640, suwako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6072801 No.6072801 [Reply] [Original]

Even though I look like this, I've gone through childbirth

>> No.6072808

My back is tickling just thinking about it.

>> No.6072809

Suwako was the father

>> No.6072821

The hat is flat underneath? That must be tricky to wear.

>> No.6072850

Asexual reproduction right? ;_;

>> No.6072860

This is how I picture it too.

>> No.6072857 [DELETED] 


>> No.6072869

In China, frog legs are a delicacy.

>> No.6072872

In France too, no?

My dad ate it once and said it was good.

>> No.6072882

Tastes kinda like chicken. It's pretty good but nothing special. There's barely any meat on them.

>> No.6072887
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>> No.6072893

The real life version is much, much, much...
...much worse.

>> No.6072920

Us chinks even call them "field chicken".

>> No.6072935

Not really, it's sort of cute. The escaping toadlets swim around all over the place.

Gastric brooders on the other hand are quite nightmarish, to say the least. They eat their eggs, the tadpoles hatch there and wriggle around in their mother's stomach. And when they're grown, she vomits them, usually a few at a time - but when disturbed, she apparently vomits all the froglets at once.

Imagine giving birth through your mouth. That's what gastric brooding frogs went through (they're extinct now though, but that means they exist in Gensokyo. )

>> No.6072939

The Surinam Toad

>> No.6072950

That doesn't sound as bad to be honest.
I'm not watching that again.

>> No.6072970
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I have a thing for loli mothers so it's OKAY!

>> No.6072974
File: 39 KB, 400x414, SUWAeggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frogslut, flaunting her eggs for every man to jack off on.

>> No.6072984

She must've enjoyed all the dicks she sucked and fucked back in the day.

>> No.6072993

Suwako sat with Kanako throughout the entire birthing process!

>> No.6072994

She was showered with faith.

>> No.6073012
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Like ancestor, like descendant.

>> No.6073023

I wonder if Zun jizzes to Touhou fanart...

>> No.6073024


ZUN jizzes inside of your Touhou.

When you kiss your Touhou's lips, bear in mind that merely hours ago, those same lips were tightly sealed around ZUN's sweaty ballsack.

>> No.6073025
File: 615 KB, 865x921, FROGslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6073031

If it was guaranteed to get me to Gensokyo, I'd suck his ballsack too.

>> No.6073032

dats nasty man.

>> No.6073033


that's ZUN's secret plan.

By wanting to be the little Touhou girl, and wearing Touhou dresses, ZUN will have a stable of ladyboys at his disposal to ravage the asses and mouths of when his real Touhous are busy being lesbians.

>> No.6073059

Can't be lesbians when they're getting fucked day in and day out by nasty old men from the human village.

Can't you just be one of those guys instead of ZUN's fag brigade?

>> No.6073064

They can be legally lesbian while, you know, experimenting with geezers. Money has to come from somewhere, so why not walking coffins?

>> No.6073075

I'd rather be one of those guys of good age. Then go around and have sex with the Touhous and make them ahegao.

>> No.6073104
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>> No.6073105
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>> No.6073108
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>> No.6073114
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This is what really happened, not that rape horseshit.

>> No.6073133
File: 19 KB, 300x309, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you to hell, jay pee
That was asexual reproduction
kanako's her husband
and sometimes she has incestous encounters with sanae

>> No.6073138


kanakers is pure and virginal

she would never do nasty things with frog

>> No.6073150

If it's just two girls there still virgins even if they have sex.
At least in my book it doesn't really count unless it's a male drilling his dick into any of the holes. But in that case just anal is enough for me to consider a girl not a virgin anymore.

>> No.6073153
File: 147 KB, 1001x390, suwakodon'tliekthisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Suwako thinks of your bullshit.

>> No.6073155


Suwako tells it like it is.jpg

>> No.6073156

I love her honesty.

>> No.6073161

>If you don't get out and go at it while you're young, you'll just be left a virgin forever

>> No.6073170

Probably why Suwako fucked hundreds of years ago.

>> No.6073180

Probably. Doesn't mean I wouldn't fuck her now, and every day for the next 100 years.

>> No.6073190
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I know sanae wil make the right choice

>> No.6073194
File: 73 KB, 530x554, sanaewuvdicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she did.

>> No.6073212

Humans don't last that long, bro.

>> No.6073215
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>> No.6073235

If Suwako and Kanako were real, they'd have my faith for that long, pal.

>> No.6073249
File: 274 KB, 800x1199, d3e34d030affc7be42d59553101694c7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Suwako and Kanako were real, they'd have my faith for that long, pal.

>> No.6073257

But if they were real you wouldn't have to believe, you'd know they exist.

>> No.6073266
File: 132 KB, 1000x1000, 11566194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone seems mad here. Suwako thinks it's something to celebrate for.

>> No.6073273

You'd be surprised how many things exist but are not believed in. A spherical Earth, for one.

>> No.6073288

Kratos's daughter.

>> No.6073286 [DELETED] 


>> No.6073293
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>> No.6073305
File: 76 KB, 380x391, a48c01a25d1d9441bcaaf198363eb9a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so mad, Kanako? Just lighten up and start having sexual relations with the men of the human village. ZUN made their dicks extra large for Touhou pleasure.

>> No.6073329
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>> No.6075345
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