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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 93 KB, 1440x810, nottoolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6070451 No.6070451 [Reply] [Original]

There is hope for you, /jp/!

>> No.6070454

I'm not pedophile, i'm only onto 2D lolis.

>> No.6070458

>Eris changing my pedophile ways.
Ha ha ha
Her sisters is hotter.

>> No.6070460

Pedophilia involves liking 3D girls. You're in the wrong place bub.

>> No.6070461

Unfortuneatly for you OP, it is too late to change your shitposter ways

>> No.6070465

Cool story bro.

>> No.6070466

Don't you mean "unfortunately", buddy?

I don't think "unfortuneatly" is a word...

>> No.6070473

So if someone loved little boys, what is it called then?

>> No.6070475

unfourtune-neatly hmm...sounds like a pun to me

>> No.6070477

yes, typos, etc.

>> No.6070480

No one on /jp/ loves little boys, 2D or otherwise.

>> No.6070482

A priest.

>> No.6070483

Keep trying OP! Someday you will get the angry replies you desire.

>> No.6070485

It's too late for me. I lust furiously over real little girls.

>> No.6070487


>> No.6070492

So /jp/ is full of the clergy? I suppose is would explain the whole virginity obsession...

>> No.6070499

/jp/ loves traps but that's not quite the same thing.

>> No.6070501
File: 392 KB, 1131x1600, 1273775276068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-sorry op, its to late for me..
G-go on without me, i cant leave it behind..

>> No.6070511

Pretty little boys count, I'm afraid.

>> No.6070512
File: 477 KB, 800x949, 1267413145871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I founded my own religion, We talk about the pros and cons of different lolis every day. then we go and vote for a loli of the day and then fap to her.
So far i am the only member, but you can call me Pope Jim the first.
Flandre is the loli of the day, the mass/fapping already is over my son.

>> No.6070515

lies, everyone loves traps, no matter if they're little or adult.

>> No.6070519

I'm not a pedo or lolicon, sorry.

>> No.6070522
File: 33 KB, 189x211, get out of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070524


>> No.6070526

There is a cure for pedophilia: Becoming the little girl.

We should inform the government of this, so we can turn the whole pedophilia scare into incentive to create new technology that can turn us into little girls.

>> No.6070531

Not a lolicon, but there is one person I will always love who happens to have a loli body.

>> No.6070533

Give me a high position and I'll join

>> No.6070545

I like having Lolita complex. I can't imagine a life without masturbating furiously to pictures of Asian Teenagers. Sorry, there's no hope for me. Nice pic though, it made me chuckle.

>> No.6070559

Teenagers? 12 is where I draw the line.

>> No.6070565

Same. I mean girls aged 12-17. I am attracted to them the most.

>> No.6070568

How would a cure work anyway?

>> No.6070573

You fap to Eris.

>> No.6070574

They're pretty dumb though. I mean if you make the mistake of going 3d.

>> No.6070578

You should be aiming for 8 to 12 instead.

>> No.6070579


>> No.6070586

What do you mean? I was referring to real girls obviously.

>> No.6070593

I've never not been a pedo, even when i was a young boy and all my friends were amazed at bbw and adullt porn, i never liked them and always tried to look for cp

>> No.6070600

It isn't that normal if they're that age when I'm 24.

>> No.6070604

Same for me, I was always trying to find children having sex with children.

>> No.6070614

I would download CP, but I have a phobia of Chris Hansen and the police in general.

>> No.6070620

Yeah it is. Pretty much every normal heterosexual male alive will admit that 16-17 is a sweet spot. Most people who aren't pedos would still tap a hot 16-17 year old. You can see the truth of that reflected pretty much everywhere in pop culture.

>> No.6070621

How can you fap to this. Naked little girls are disgusting. They don't have the appeal of 2D little girls.

>> No.6070629

Sorry I don't agree. Society does not accept that kind of an age gap. I dunno where you live but in the UK if a guy my age was dating a 16 year old all his friends would call him a pedo despite the fact she's the age of consent.

>> No.6070633

I meant 12 is the oldest I will go. Maybe you knew that and just cheekily twisted it, dunno...

>> No.6070635

There's your problem.

>> No.6070642

How can you say that you sick fuck

>> No.6070647

Society looks down on a lot of shit outwardly. Probably the most popular porn around the world is that "barely legal teens" stuff, suggesting that guys love teenagers.

>> No.6070648

except that even if you are 18 and she is 17 you can get arrested for sex with a minor among other things.

>> No.6070649

Mostly, yeah, they're weirdly shaped and awkward. But that could be a turn-on to some people.

>> No.6070651

I laughed. Just kill yourself you shits.

>> No.6070657

Except not, dumbfuck. l2 age of consent

>> No.6070664

Yeah, I said they would do it.

Rape, murder, and theft are illegal but that doesn't mean tons of people wouldn't do they if they weren't.

>> No.6070681

Society is your brain or what? Do YOU like it or not? Or ask anyone else, without the society. Everyone will answer the same, except hardcore moralfags.

>> No.6070685

I don't know, younger cp is nasty. I love 2d loli and will love them for life but every once in a while i get an urge to go find my cp videos.

>> No.6070703

Depends on the little girl. Same with 2d.

>> No.6070709

The cinematography is just really poor in most cp. They flicks are short, often boring and sometimes disgusting thanks to the lardsack behind the camera. What kills it for me completely is how they treat the kid though.

Recently I saw a video of this oriental girl, about fourteen, I guess, who was cummed inside by the usual spotty-skinned middle-aged guy. She cried at the end. Even though she didn't seem to mind and was perhaps a little into it at first. Now I can't stop thinking if she lamented the loss of her purity to this geezer or did she think that no-one would want to marry her now if they knew?

Loli should definitely be kept to 2d only.

>> No.6070719


>> No.6070720


sauce,my good man ?

>> No.6070721

age of consent only applies if you are both under 18 if one is over then it becomes an adult taking advantage of a child. yes its fucked up, yes it makes no sense but there have been many people arrested for being in that situation.

>> No.6070722

> Comparing 2D to 3D
Oh god not this shit again.

>> No.6070723

>she lamented the loss of her purity to this geezer or did she think that no-one would want to marry her now if they knew
And is that not a problem of a society and culture that places too much value on something as silly as 'your first time'?

>> No.6070731

2D is based on 3D

No matter how much you try to draw the distinction, there is still some connection.

>> No.6070732

yeah videos like that are depressing, but some cp of solo girls are fucking hot.

>> No.6070744

Too old.
And who cares, it's not like all people could live a good life. Too bad for them.

>> No.6070765

I think I've seen that one, and if so, then she wasn't a virgin.

>> No.6070766

When they're younger it's usually worse. They can't satisfy the man's lusts so he gets frustrated and impatient which leads to forcing and things getting rough. Imagine having your father treat you like a sack of flesh to sate his desires, violently, because you don't understand what's going on. Then later it's back to "You know I love you, right?".

It's not always like this but most of these guys are really despicable.

>> No.6070777

Just fap and stop imagining too much.

>> No.6070805

They are. I don't know of anyone, pedo or not, who would think otherwise.
I prefer all solo, personally.
It's better since it's pretty much nothing that couldn't pass for a nudist taking pictures. No harm.

>> No.6070811

I'm too afraid of downloading cp but at times when my pedoness comes out I come close to downloading it. The thing I hate tho is that you can download music and movies and no one seems to notice but how comes all these people with CP get caught?

>> No.6070826

That's the thing.
They don't.

Think: The RIAA and whatever other group that hates pirating are both spending millions, if not billions, a year to catch people pirating their things so they can sue the fuck out of them and scare people into stop doing it.

As opposed to the government, which does not have millions and billions to spend on catching people masturbating to 'bad things'. They focus on distributors and creators, and only really catch consumers if they're stupid. Using limewire, honeypot torrents, etc.

That's not to say it's impossible to get caught, but it's unlikely. Still, have a knife or gun nearby. If you get caught, your life is ruined anyway.

>> No.6070829

Social stigma and the fact that people are more likely to care about a child getting hurt than a faceless corporation losing money.

>> No.6070833

> The cinematography is just really poor in most cp
I haven't seen a single one where the girl is treated with care. But again if it's always like that, i guess it means that there're more people than we think who like that.

This is why i prefer 2D, at the very least it's the loli who'll abuse for a change.

>> No.6070839

the only people that get caught are one the ones who make it, distribute it, download it from torrents or p2p networks or do something really stupid with their collection (like show it to other people or order something related online)

>> No.6070842 [DELETED] 

What program can I use to find the stuff then? I have Limewire but apparently that's not a good idea?

>> No.6070843

Dominant loli is the best kind of loli.

Go away.

>> No.6070852

If you're asking this, you WILL get caught.

>> No.6070861 [DELETED] 

Sure just go ahed and you limewire.

>> No.6070862 [DELETED] 

that's something you have to figure out on your own, its unlikely you will ever get outright told. If you use Limewire or e-donkey you have almost a 100% chance of being busted

>> No.6070858
File: 335 KB, 810x1080, 1275517713744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a real loli in a pedo thread.

>> No.6070859

Some people say they only enjoy 2D loli and loathe 3D CP.

Some of them speak the truth.
But most are lying or in self-denial.

Some of you must have realized that certain loli artists trace from CP, right?

>> No.6070870

I think I won't bother trying lol

>> No.6070871

Such as?

>> No.6070873

besides I'm happy with my moecco videos lol

>> No.6070875

Don't be so dramatic.

Limewire or any p2p network isn't a good idea. Frost over Freenet has decent speed and amount of content. Onionib on TOR is good for pictures. That said, cp is mostly shit, like I've been bitching during the whole thread, but I believe in seeing for yourself. Make sure you read how to actually secure your browser and proxy before doing anything. The hidden wiki on TOR will help.

>> No.6070876

You shouldn't even ask that here. Might be a good idea to delete your post.

>> No.6070886

I've watched quite a bit of CP, but I can never get into it because I always start thinking about my little sister getting raped by people like the men in the video, then crying afterwards. It's a complete boner killer. If I ever have sex with her then it will be full of love and care.

>> No.6070890

Or are dumb enough to fall for obvious traps such as "Send me money on paypal to access this 'HC' area of the site".

>> No.6070903

Maybe in the UK, but that's not what it means in the rest of the world.

>> No.6070913
File: 478 KB, 2560x1600, 1281147163674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, flatfags?

>> No.6070920

It's allways hopeless for me ;___;

>> No.6070935

CP is almost always disgusting to me because of said lardsacks that often appear in the video. Also I don't like seeing a kid have sex with someone older. The only hot CP I ever saw was two little kids who were having sex with each other. Video quality was still bad though, and that's another turnoff, I don't like the homemade video style, I don't like amateur porn either, and CP is all that shit.

But if having sex with children was legal and there'd be a movie made with the quality like some professional porno movies, it would be the hottest thing imaginable.

>> No.6070939

3D disgust me no matter how old the bitch is, real children are gross.

>> No.6070964

unfortunately that's how it is in Canada and the U.S. too. age of consent is very misleading.

>> No.6070984
File: 92 KB, 689x649, vi8423694598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what kind of loli is your favorite?

>> No.6070993


>> No.6070999

pic somewhat related. Add nekomimi.

>> No.6071005

Such as focke wulf.

>> No.6071010

Can I change if I never liked loli or children in the first place?

Also, I like 3D. I may be a faggot loser, but I'm not delusional.

>> No.6071017

if you don't like loli at least you are not welcome on /jp/

>> No.6071022

Why would you want to be a faggot loser instead of be happy with your delusions? Doesn't make any sense to me.
Also getoutof/jp/.jpg

>> No.6071029
File: 129 KB, 685x645, 1187421876745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gothlolis & ojou-samas.

>> No.6071057

Did share ever get "cracked" or have any US arrests?

>> No.6071063

I don't know about police states, but here no one really cares what you are downloading through p2p. You'll get caught only if you'll make something like an active distribution or a sale with advertising.

>> No.6071065

Use PD instead.

>> No.6071067

It's funny how people still deny they're living in a shitty country when their police spends more time catching people downloading illegal things than actually putting criminals in jail.

>> No.6071071

But...Wikipedia says that PD has been cracked.

"There also came the news that Perfect Dark has been deciphered by NetAgent, which allegedly has the capability to determine encrypted information such as IP addresses, port numbers, keywords, version numbers of clients, and even file names, file sizes, cache creation dates and ratings from the public nodes.[3]"

>> No.6071073

It's funny how people still deny they're living in a shitty country when their police spends more time sitting on the side of the road trying to find people who go 10 miles above the speed limit than actually putting criminals in jail.

>> No.6071082

Are you frustrated?

>> No.6071108

Freedom to look at what you want shouldn't be a crime.

>> No.6071111

I think you're both describing the same country.

>> No.6071180

Oh, there are many. Keep looking for things such as (disgustingly) well detailed genitalia, real child-like anatomy, familiar poses and bodies (assuming you have seen plenty of CP)

>> No.6071195

>well detailed genitalia
What the fuck, anyone can find this out if you pick up an anatomy book.

> real child-like anatomy
Yeah that's soooooo hard to do, there aren't a gazillion legal pictures of children, half-naked even, to learn this from!

>> No.6071209

Why so defensive?

The 3 things I listed are a certain way to identify CP tracers. Oh and by the way... where do I get those anatomy books with pictures of children having sex?

>> No.6071214

I'm not defensive at all, I'm surprised by your stupidity.

>anatomy books with pictures of children having sex
We were talking about the anatomy of a child's vagina. But never mind, your post made it obvious you're trolling.

>> No.6071220
File: 107 KB, 800x600, sny-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the ones that murder, eat, and obliterate people.

Pic related. Fuck, I still baw

>> No.6071240

But you are.

You don't see penetration and various lewd poses in anatomy books. Nor that many different child vaginas.

Do you seriously think that loli artists with disturbingly realistic style use only anatomy books and legal child idol photos for reference?
I'd make some comparison pictures for proof of CP tracing, but I'd rather not post that here.

>> No.6071248

Well could you at least post some examples of what you suspect of being traced?

>> No.6071252

Are pictures of pictures of cp illegal?

>> No.6071262

Maybe if women didn't do their best to look fucking ridiculous I'd have an interest in them. All tanned and nails painted up some weird color and tube tops etc. I'm not pretending that is attractive, god damn it. Plus the whole acting like entitled bitches thing.

Not that I have any interest in actual children. They tend to be dumb and/or annoying, which is only natural.

>> No.6071311

>I don't have an imagination, other people must not have one either
You're fucking retarded.

>> No.6071364

I don't see what Cooking Idols have to do with Ubuntu. Not that I'm complaining, but is there any reason they put cute photos of young girls in a computer magazine? In any case, I'd like to drink her milk, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6071373

/g/ is full of pedos, etc.

>> No.6071420


child porn and tracing: 2 things guaranteed to make anyone butthurt

i wonder why? are we insulting your precious loli pictures? or your pedophile-in-denial?

>> No.6071434

Was full of pedos. If you look at it now it's full of little kids who think arguing about operating systems and giving advice to people wanting to build gaming "rigs" is fun. A year or two ago they had more Strawberry Marshmallow posted a day than /a/ did in a month. Shame that its fallen in quality so much now.

>> No.6071449

I don't know about /g/, but looking at your description... going from loli anime to actually /g/-related content, that seems more like a rise in quality than fall.

>> No.6071477

That's like saying posting more Naruto on /a/ is a rise in quality. /g/ is mostly browser wars and graphics card trolling nowadays.

>> No.6071507

I'm not a pedophile, i'm just browsing /jp/.

>> No.6071516

A pedophile is someone who is primarily or exclusively attracted to children. A lot of people may be capable of getting off to some kind of cp but actual pedophiles are rare, even on 4chan.

>> No.6071529

Reported for image macro, violating global rule #3.

>> No.6071539

I'd say it's even worse than posting more Naruto in /a/. At least Naruto is something that is actually current and moving. OS/browser wars are just the same old "Your opinion is wrong because you are faggots" repeated add nauseaum, nothing ever changes in them. Same with the desktop build threads, other than gradual changes in the parts used, its just the same core posted with the occasional word or number changed.
There was a time when technology was actually discussed in /g/, and it wasn't the loli content that killed it.

>> No.6071550

>graphics card trolling
oh crap. I made a thread there yesterday asking for opinions on graphic cards. The thread only had like 6 responses and I don't think they were trolling but now I'm uneasy.

>> No.6071565

I think he means more of threads arguing that "X company is terrible, Y company are Gods, if you disagree you are generic insult Z" rather than trolling people into buying terrible things. Kind of like the OS wars, except with graphics cards.

>> No.6071576

If they suggested a Nvidia GTX 460 they probably weren't trolling.

>> No.6071582

I love loli and i like cp sometimes(as long as they aren't too young). I'm not attracted to all children but there have been some, i like adult women too (as long as they don't have big boobs, i like dfc more) and more then anything i want a cute young girl (9-12ish) to hold and fall asleep with(nothing indecent)

Am i a pedo?

>> No.6071584

Well, holy fuck.
I thought people here only liked 2D but not disgusting CP:
I never thought that i would ever say it but, /jp/ you disgust me.
I never found out why real little girls could arouse you, if i wuold go for 3d i would go for some hot 22 year old girl. 2D is better because it takes everything postive and good and puts it into the loli and makes the rest disappear.

>> No.6071592

question i was just lurking this thread and I happen to be a femanaon im 13 1/2 here and I was wondering what do u guys like in real women cus the guy I like is well like u guys if you know what i mean...

>> No.6071599


>> No.6071600

what if you found your ideal woman, she had every single thing you love and more. The only thing is shes 9. would that be a problem for you?

>> No.6071601

We like it when you get out of /jp/, faggot.

>> No.6071610

shut the hell up ur a newfag anywayz

>> No.6071611

A lot of /jp/edos like little girls for the same reason they like 2D. Some pedos are hardcore uncurable but a lot get over it when they stop being afraid of people.

>> No.6071612

Yep, they suggested that.

>> No.6071622
File: 173 KB, 976x1400, 4e5d4c72196aeef448fb4f83fd26a9ba97f16c5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is highly suspicious.
Not fully traced but, somewhat.

>> No.6071627

Yes. Nothing wrong with it, unless you actually molest real children.

>> No.6071636

Good thing this is censored or someone might be offended.

>> No.6071651

Also, get either the Gigabyte or MSI version if you can. They both have excellent cooling and are very quiet. Avoid Palit.

>> No.6071652

I always have dreams wherein I'm performing oral sex on a loli. I never put my penis in her and she never gets me off. It's just me licking her. I've been having dreams like that a few times a month for the past few years.

Should I go see a doctor?

>> No.6071669

Oh boy. No, you don't need medical help. It's not fucking rocket science guys and your dick doesn't hold your will at gunpoint. Just don't fiddle with kids.

Or maybe you're trolling because xdDdD

>> No.6071673

We can't I have those awesome dreams?

>> No.6071678

Don't worry. Real girls and people in general aren't really that lickable.

>> No.6071683

So let me get this straight, you conclude this picture is traced from CP, because it LOOKS LIKE IT to you?

Dumb, dumber...

>> No.6071691

Fap 4 times a day. Keeps the urges at bay, else if it builds up you might do something crazy.
And even if they say you need help, NEVER EVER go talk with someone about this. Not even some head doctor or whatever, you will just ruin your life forever.
Set some rules for yourself. And remember, no one will understand you and no one can or will help you, you gotta fight this for yourself.

>> No.6071693

He probably has the picture it's traced from.

>> No.6071700

Then he should put up or shut up.

>> No.6071702


>> No.6071707

You really want to see CP posted here, huh? Stop that, you aren't helping anyone.

>> No.6071708

That dramatic tone is hilarious.

>> No.6071711

No, but if he can't prove it he shouldn't make such claims.

If he decides to post CP it's his choice.

>> No.6071730

Yours are quite tame compared to mine. Sometimes I worry myself.

>> No.6071733

couldnt get it on the first try,. CSI Miami gave me inspiration.

>> No.6071739


I would think that'd depend.

>> No.6071746

He's right though. Personally, although I don't have strong urges or recurring dreams, I hate being attracted to little girls. But there's no one I can talk to about it and there's no help I can get. Going to a doctor or a therapist is like signing a warrant for my arrest. I just kind of have to deal with it.

>> No.6071755

I said it's HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS because I have seen various CP pics.

Stop being a pretentious faggot.

>> No.6071760
File: 585 KB, 2000x1519, 1276897680452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So let me get this straight, you conclude this picture is traced from CP, because it LOOKS LIKE IT to you?

I think you might just be fucking retarded!

>> No.6071763

Yeah, this. Doctor-patient confidentiality is a serious thing, but it might be possible to breach in certain cases depending on the state you're in. I wouldn't risk something like that, and besides, there doesn't seem to be any way to cure pedophilia without just suppressing the sex drive (and even that's not addressing the real issue.)

Or maybe that's wrong, I'm not a doctor or a lawyer.

>> No.6071766

What a coincidence, I feel the same about you!

>> No.6071773

>I can't prove it, I'm just assuming things
Alright, gotcha.

>> No.6071783

I could say the same to you.

>> No.6071786

Is the problem that you don't believe traced pictures exist or are you just going on about that single one?

>> No.6071805

My problem is with this stupid discussion.

I'm tired of it. I think I'll go draw some loli. Without looking at CP for reference. Holy shit, how the fuck do I do it, I must be some kind of wizard.

>> No.6071806

I don't want to fight it. I like the dreams.

>> No.6071812

I think those traced ones are intended as a sort of "when you see it" -gag.

>> No.6071822

You really are retarded.


>> No.6071823

>Some of you must have realized that certain loli artists trace from CP, right?
I don't care about the source, as long as the result is 2D (and the cute kind of 2D, fuck those pictures that try to be too realistic).

And yeah, while I also love loli, it looks like I despise CP. At least the ones that occasionally get posted on 4chan... I can't help but feel disgusted at them.

>> No.6071836

>I don't care about the source, as long as the result is 2D (and the cute kind of 2D, fuck those pictures that try to be too realistic).

You are probably a true lolicon with no pedophilic tendencies - yet. It's surprisingly easy to get used to the more real-looking stuff via loli. Just a honest warning.

>> No.6071865
File: 829 KB, 1600x1200, 13015567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm safe for the moment, as my favorite pictures are the ones with girls that have bug-like eyes and all those kind of things anti-moefags despise.

I'm also completely okay with girls that aren't loli.

>> No.6071895

You think wrong.

>> No.6071999

We're pretty horrible human beings, aren't we?

>> No.6072014

It's okay.
We're only human, after all.

>> No.6072015

we are simply humans, that's all.

>> No.6072022


>> No.6072034

Every single person in /jp/ thought "but all humans are horrible" when they read that post.

>> No.6072053

"I'll be gentle, kind, caring ect... with my loli".

That's funny, this is exactly what real women are looking for you know ?
Why the fuck aren't you trying to get a real girl already?

>> No.6072083

Because harboring a relationship with a real girl is illegal, and a big no-no, Anonymous-kun.

>> No.6072085

Because they're not attracted to them, duh.

>> No.6072090

What a stupid question.
Go and look on the archive for our reasons.

>> No.6072104

>this is exactly what real women are looking for you know ?
You're a funny guy.

>> No.6072105

Ectoplasm? Ecthyma? Ectomorph?s

>> No.6072113

> gentle, kind, caring
> real women looks for that

Enjoy your desilusions. If you're kind, you lose.

>> No.6072123

I'm not talking about bitches but normal woman ok?
No wonder why you're all mad if you're going out only with bitches.

>> No.6072128

But normal women are bitches.
Let's not do this. Let's just drop it here.

>> No.6072130

>normal woman
>not bitches

>> No.6072134

all women are bitches, your sisters and mother too, mine too.
you lack experience anon

>> No.6072154
File: 291 KB, 600x540, 1234195851351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever. If I end up being a pedo in future, I'll learn to deal with it.
What's important for me is the fact that I dislike 3D little girls at the moment.

>> No.6072160

Ok i won't press it, but you should at least give them a chance..

>> No.6072163
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 1234567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6072169

How? They won't give us a chance.

>> No.6072178

I think you might be on the wrong board

>> No.6072205

Actually i've done that before, with 3 differents.
Guess what happened in the end?
-- "I'm sorry, you're too kind, i'm not worth enough for you (so i'll go with the manly man over there, his anger only proves that he loves me so it's alright)"

>> No.6072206

You just made my day.
