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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 500x274, ffxiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6059268 No.6059268 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>6056676

Looks like the /jp/ server is Figaro.

>> No.6059283

At the moment server is... verification error.

>> No.6059286

Anyone able to log in as of now?
I'm not able to get passed checking version.
Usually get a time out error.

>> No.6059291

Never mind, after trying it 60 times it finally let me download the patch at 0b/s

>> No.6059293

Everything is down atm.

>> No.6059302

Currently patching. Hopefully I can play before I have to go today.

>> No.6059309

Scratch that version check things. Lobby errors again.

>> No.6059323

Just woke up to endless Version Errors, and now it's finally patching. I will try and find some of you guys (from here >>6056676, >>6058106) in-game, if you'd like to join a linkshell.

I'll toss you a message if I can figure out how to message. Otherwise, try and send me one on my character in Gridania, "Lily Shiraishi".

I'm not sure how terribly important it is, but I'll also point out this: Gridania seems to have the following class guilds: Conjurer, Archer, Lancer, Botanist, Carpenter, (and one more crafter that I forget).

>> No.6059331

Figaro is getting filled rather quickly. Don't know if I'll be able to make it in time.

>> No.6059345

better wait a little time...

>> No.6059352

Looks like lobby errors.
Playing starcraft 2 again it seems.

>> No.6059353

>Applications for the FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test have been temporarily suspended. Please wait until we are ready to accept new applications and then try again.

>> No.6059358

Yea we all know.

>> No.6059360

Check the last thread for a way around it. There's some special link or something.

>> No.6059368
File: 70 KB, 636x302, ffxiv9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blazing download speed.

>> No.6059376


>> No.6059384
File: 13 KB, 276x226, ffxiv10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I put them?

>> No.6059393


>> No.6059398

the D one, in the patch folder.

2nd link: http://www.mediafire.com/?dsdnd8flkp48y9o

>> No.6059416

Fuck starting on Figaro, it's where SA's playing.

>> No.6059419

What the hell is SA, and why do you care?

>> No.6059420

Goddmanit, I need to install XP SP3 first.

>> No.6059427

Version check isn't working, had enough of dwarf fortress, thought I'd play some sc2 -> servers down, well fuck

>> No.6059430

Special link doesn't work, still says open beta has been suspended

>> No.6059431


Something Awful and for the same reason people don't like playing with /b/.

>> No.6059439

I am not getting version check failure anymore.
Stuck with now loading on the login screen.

>> No.6059443


Idd, I like my mmorpg filled with mmorpg nerds and mmorpg talk not spammage of memes

>> No.6059446

But you're not going to be playing with them. And there will always be people from /b/ and like minded sites on all servers.

>> No.6059449


"Unable to access the server for version check"

>> No.6059450

It's also full of Japanese players and random pubs, just like every server will be. Hell, the only text I saw in chat was split between character emotes and Japanese people talking.

>> No.6059455

In a few months: "JP PARTY ONLY".

>> No.6059462

I am going to bed.
Fuck SE.

>> No.6059465

Any one using a PS3 controller want to take a screenshot of how you have it configged? I rather not exit and relogin repeatedly to get the controls mapped nicely.

>> No.6059467


Well that works out for us since we are jp afterll

>> No.6059473


>> No.6059475

Why would you want to party with people you can't understand?

>> No.6059478


Well I bet japsies could understand enough english to run mmorpg parties, it's not really that difficult

>> No.6059482

Who's playin some SC2 in the meantime?

>> No.6059485

In my experience playing FFXI if you have the ability to type their kana and know the commonly used sentences to get into parties, you'll be invited by Japanese. Hell I've even had simple conversations with my limited understanding.

Also, why the fuck was my captcha broken for 2 weeks? I couldn't post even though I was doing it right.

>> No.6059487

That's down too.

>> No.6059492

Shit is being boycotted. No LAN, no money from me. Besides I already played the campaign using a guest pass from a friend.

>> No.6059496


I'd gladly play some 1on1 if the servers were up...

>> No.6059501


The game is still most competitive RTS available and most balanced too

>> No.6059502
File: 71 KB, 636x300, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else stuck with this?

>> No.6059505
File: 22 KB, 514x264, 124125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way around this?

>> No.6059510


some people here are learning japanese, and that can help their studies.

>> No.6059519

I know this but that's not what interests me. Competitive play isn't something I find as fun as cooperative play.

>> No.6059521

You mean the japanese "take aggro, pull, fuck you, kick, invite, heal, RES" help you in your studies?

>> No.6059526
File: 304 KB, 1296x758, fuckSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is an endless recursion of error message.
I am getting this after my version check messages went away.

>> No.6059531

You can get angry if that helps, but really the only thing you can do is wait for them to fix it.

>> No.6059534

It's because all you punks kept trying to get codes even though it said there were no more available. Now we have more people than we should trying to get on.

>> No.6059539

But we got the codes first.

>> No.6059547

If you didn't see this in the previous thread, the key is still available if anyone would like it. Though it looks like the game is down at present, so waiting seems unavoidable.

>> No.6059554


Enough with the tough guy act, that doesn't work here.

SE even said themselves they've had some unwanted / expected whatever problems meaning the extra keys have nothing to do with the problems they are having.

Open beta IS to counter these kind of problems for release, if they have problems now there is high chance that there will be less problems during the actual release

>> No.6059555

I can't even register my key because of the
> lol http://entry.ffxiv.com/busy/

>> No.6059563

I don't think there's been a single MMO without launch problems, more some than others, but usually the first 2 days are unplayable.

>> No.6059565

You guys play on EU? Works fine for me on US.

You won't win your boycott give up, anon.

>> No.6059572


>> No.6059574

Obvious troll but people have conversations in parties all the time and if they don't initiate a conversation you always can just start one.

I usually open up with 私の日本語はわるい along with よろしく~ or something along those lines when I join a Japanese party and that usually lightens up the mood.

>> No.6059579

I'll attempt to use the key if you want to give it out still. I can't get past that busy page.

>> No.6059584

Sorry for cruise control, I didn't realize till after I was done I sound like a jackass. I'm just very upset

>> No.6059588
File: 401 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Might save you some F5/Start Game spam, though I don't know how accurate it is yet.

>> No.6059589

You're very upset just because you can't play some mediocre MMO at the moment?

>> No.6059592

Protip: http://www.ff14news.com/serverstatus/
The servers are fucked.

>> No.6059594

I don't NEED to play their game. I blame Activision for having no LAN.

>> No.6059625
File: 18 KB, 460x140, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>installation requires 12GB free space on the drive of the my documents folder

Are you fucking shitting me?!

>> No.6059630

You can't even free up 12GB on your local disc drive? Get with the times man.

>> No.6059633

For the last time;

There aren't US servers
There aren't EU servers
There aren't JP servers

EVERYONE's on the same set of servers.

>> No.6059634

Can I have it?
I'm sick of trying for hours to no avail.

>> No.6059646

Cornelia:コーネリア  FF1 ニュー速 11廃人 ニコ生
Kashuan:カシュオーン FF2 乗り遅れた社会人 過疎
Gysahl:ギサール    FF3 工作 ニコニコ mixi 外人
Mysidia:ミシディア   FF4 ニコニコ mixi twitter 直結
Istory: イストリー    FF5 VIP 乗り遅れた社会人
Figaro:フィガロ     FF6 ネ実 ふたば(img) ライダー
Wutai:ウータイ     FF7 ゲハ速 ピアキャス twitter 外人
Trabia:トラビア     FF8 乗り遅れた社会人・ネ実民 世界設定を語るスレ 最過疎
Lindblum:リンドブルム FF9 4chan(外人) ふたば(may)  旅団七龍 腐女子
Besaid:ビサイド     FF10 しらね

>> No.6059651

I can't wait for the American party to raid the Japanese party and the Japanese getting help from the traitorous Weeaboo Defence Force.

>> No.6059654

That's what partitioning is for, dumbass. Why the fuck would a goddamn installer require that space on a fucking my documents folder?

>> No.6059665

>FF9 4chan(外人) ふたば(may)  旅団七龍 腐女子

Why do I get the feeling this isn't saying something nice.

>> No.6059668

If you can't figure it out, then don't play.

>> No.6059673

It only says foreigners.

>> No.6059674

Should've made the system partition larger if you don't even have 12gb to spare.

>> No.6059677

Move your my document folder bakagaijin.

>> No.6059693

se showing time and time again that they only hire fail programmers.
I believe they use that drive as the temp drive to uncompress install files instead of offering you a choice. Just move your my docs.

who has a system partition larger than 30gb these days?
Different drive for all media
different drive for all games
differnt partition for all documents and backip
only things on the OS drive are the OS, some applications, the hibernate file.

>> No.6059694

any spanish/hispanic will play this game? or i will be alone?

>> No.6059695
File: 18 KB, 419x192, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit just keeps crashing on me like this when I start it after installing the 120MB client. Any idea?

>> No.6059697

ur computer sucks

>> No.6059705

What's the point in partitioning all like that? Causes more trouble than it's worth. See FFXIV as an example.

>> No.6059713

I'd play... but my computer can't.

>> No.6059718

Fig's back up.

>> No.6059748

1.6 kbps...


>> No.6059758

So am I the only one still being stuck at the version check part?

>> No.6059762

You fucks are dumber than /v/.

Run the torrents in a separate program and copy them over.

>> No.6059763


If you put windows in it's own partition you can only format your windows partition without formatting anything else, makes sense doesn't it?

>> No.6059770

The servers (patch, login lobby, game worlds) have been more or less down for a while now.

>> No.6059771

I wouldn't know, I never format. And then in that case why would you want your My Documents folder on the Windows partition?

>> No.6059778

most people who partition don't use mydocs to store anything so they never move it.

>> No.6059780
File: 233 KB, 585x558, sdfsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I jumped into a time machine to 3 hours ago.

What the fuck was the downtime for if you didn't even fix it?

>> No.6059784

Can't you just move your My Docs folder over to another partition right now?

>> No.6059789

That's far too logical for /jp/.

>> No.6059790


The lobby server is still down. I'm sure they're working on it.

>> No.6059812

http://www.ff14news.com/serverstatus/ has the lobby server flagged as online at the moment, but if it is then I guess it's getting hammered pretty badly with everyone trying to get back in.

Hopefully the "argh I'm being crushed" response from the lobby server is the cause of the game crashing for me...

>> No.6059821
File: 69 KB, 583x599, 1244186670462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for the wait, but here it is. This is the open beta key:


To whomever registers it first, I hope you enjoy the game.

>> No.6059835
File: 72 KB, 734x404, remiq.net_3462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks a lot! I got in!

>> No.6059846
File: 254 KB, 1321x886, ffxiv11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6059849

average day at SE

>> No.6059867
File: 77 KB, 1108x201, 65fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone please tell me where do I put these PATCH files?

>> No.6059877

If it's a D- file, in the D- directory, if it's an H- file, in the H- directory. Also into the Patch subdirectory therein.

I think anyways.

>> No.6059882

My Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\downloads\ffxiv-beta\*

*Read this >>6059877

>> No.6059892

Much obliged.

I was looking in Program Files.

>> No.6059902

Lobby's back up.

>> No.6059910

So Sc2 servers are up, who is up for some 1on1?

>> No.6059915

If anyone's around at Gridania on Figaro, I'm in the Adventurer's guild currently and could pass you a linkshell.

Or I can come back and meet you if I leave before then.

>> No.6059926
File: 38 KB, 338x303, 1258841706998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm to busy having a 1on1 with your mother.

>> No.6059936

That was... lame.

>> No.6059940

I want a key so badly. I put up with all the bullshit last night for almost 2 hours only to get the give out suspended message and they still aren't giving out any today. Why can't the Open Beta actually be open ;_;

>> No.6059942

So everyone's on figaro?

>> No.6059949

I think so.

>> No.6059955

There's still a couple here without keys :x

I made it as far as the TOS last night but the accept button was fucked no matter how many times I f5'd.

>> No.6059964

I'm stuck on the slow download.

>> No.6059967

I can't even register, what the fuck.

>> No.6059975

I think there's a few other /jp/ people scattered on other servers.

I'm on Istory.

>> No.6059977

This is really a fundamental part of their beta test, how fucked up their registration and log in system is...

>> No.6059986

Still unable to even check for patches zzzz

>> No.6060008

Not sure, it's just beta anyways and who knows who will actually buy this. There's 3 of us around Gridania on Figaro though if you want company.

I can hand out some linkshells if anyone is lonely, just toss me a message, I'm "Lily Shiraishi".

>> No.6060025

So how do I turn down my settings?

>> No.6060062

Looks they won't give any more keys...

Oh well.

>> No.6060075

How do you learn new abilities?

I'm a rank 7 Marauder and still only have the first fucking skill after completing the first main quest chain and a bunch of other random quests. I went to the marauder's guild and none of the NPC said shit.

>> No.6060079

Man, I need a new graphics card. 15~20fps is just too low. And my computer froze when I was in the middle of the first levequest, and couldn't redo it after rebooting.
Run ffxivconfig.exe in your FFXIV folder.

>> No.6060082

In alpha you learned them automatically. Check the abilities page to set them.

>> No.6060082,1 [INTERNAL] 

so are they still giving out codes or am i fucked till the 22nd?

>> No.6060130

I'm at the Adventurers' Guild at Gridania on Figaro, is there anyone else around?

>> No.6060135


>> No.6060137

Slowly losing hope.

Gonna listen to some Kishida to cheer me up.

>> No.6060140


Mew Kazami

Add me because I sure as hell don't know how to add you.

>> No.6060156

Aye. Supposedly the 'magic link' worked an hour after I gave up and went to bed. Of course nothing now.

>> No.6060159

I think I saw you running around.
Unless SE optimizes the shit out of the client, I'm fucked with my mid 07 laptop. Even with everything on lowest it's unplayable.

>> No.6060162

What's your name? Try "/tell Lily Shiraishi Hello!" or something if you want, so I can get ahold of you. I'm outside of town atm though.

I can hand out a linkshell in person, but I don't know how to do anything else yet.

>> No.6060168

I've checked it 20 times, there's nothing but the 1 fucking ability.

This game does the shittiest job of explaining shit. I'm glad I got in the beta just so I could save myself from buying this horse crap.

>> No.6060172

Fuuuck, Figaro isn't even on the list for new characters.

Do we have a secondary or is it just picking something at random and hoping?

>> No.6060190
File: 57 KB, 645x482, 1266390421190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I fell and stumbled, I was left behind
Today too, I move forward as I stagger through muddy water

My world is dirtied, no conversations float in it
My logic is stained with loneliness, it's gotten so that I can't wipe it away

I decided on being here, until I tried it
And like I charm, I muttered "there's no helping it"

Destroy the things that have piled up
Get rid of the things that you've put on
Moisten my dried up brain with endless amounts of blood and sweat
Back then, we were definitely boys with all of our might
Who will open up the world?

>> No.6060191

how good is this game? better than aion?

>> No.6060196

why the fuck is the update so fucking slow?
it's p2p and I have like 1gbs bandwidth, what the fuck?

>> No.6060203

I have the game on the lowest settings, and it stull runs horribly. Anyway to get it to run better? I meet all the minimum requirements. My card is the nvidia G210.

>> No.6060213


For all your video game needs.

>> No.6060219

This sucks. I don't even want to play the beta I just want to see how well it runs on my computer, so i know if I have to get a new video card and psu for release. But i can't even get a fucking key.

>> No.6060231

Nah... much /b/tard there.

>> No.6060232


I haven't played too much but i'm not very impressed by what I've seen so far. Seems pretty generic.

Spent like 10 minutes trying to guess what emote the ambigous children wanted me to do for the main quest.

>> No.6060261


Generic mmorpg newbie question, you can't compare mmorpgs at all, especially if the other mmorpg is 90% pvp and other mmorpg is 100% pve

>> No.6060263


You should've understood by now that /jp/ tries out every single f2p mmo and monthly fee mmo's

>> No.6060266

Screw it, made a character on Istory.

So far it seems to run fine, and the combat seemed okay. Got to go to work now sadly so I don't know how it will perform in Grindania....

>> No.6060269
File: 423 KB, 1562x945, busted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that was really annoying. For the most part though, I'm enjoying it. However, that isn't to say the game is without some major issues. It could really use another 3 months testing before going to retail.

For an MMO, the characters are really expressive. That's one thing I'm a little impressed with. This scene in particular had me chuckling, because of the little girl's expressions in relation to what was happening.

One thing I will

>> No.6060277

What the hell. Those shadows look like shit.

>> No.6060281

I amazed how you faggots picked Fuckagrow over Cornelia, did you dipshits just get here or something?

>> No.6060282
File: 267 KB, 1354x716, lil_brats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6060284
File: 98 KB, 692x469, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my rage.

>> No.6060296

This game would be alright if the UI didn't make me want to vomit dead puppies.

It's as if they intentionally made it is ugly and shitty as possible. Where they afraid of copying WoW or something?

>> No.6060306

I'm playing on Cornelia in Gridania and Mysidia for Ul'dah. Screw Figaro.

>> No.6060316


"copying wow" you mean copying eq1?

>> No.6060323

I'm just glad Cornelia exists to draw meme-loving nerds like you away.

>> No.6060327

WoW copied DAoC which copied EQ1 on a lot of things, but the UI definitely wasn't one of them.

>> No.6060342

I hate to break it to you, but Figaro is going to attract far more of those types than Cornelia. You're going to get most of the Kefka fanatics, who are only marginally better than the Sephiroth camp. Then you also have Something Awful and ZAM.

Have fun with that.

>> No.6060357
File: 81 KB, 866x699, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6060364

I'll take SA and whoever ZAM is over Code Geass fucktards. Cornelia is the new Sephiroth server.

>> No.6060367

I won't be playing with any of those people, so I couldn't care less. The only thing I'm not liking is there are people fucking everyone and my computer sucks.

>> No.6060381


I'm happy as long as there are no fucking germans french or russians spamming their inferior languages around

>> No.6060382

I already have a key, just need to register it to my account.

>> No.6060417

If you're having trouble getting a key, try using IE instead of FF. I switched, and it took like 3 tried before I could sign up.

>> No.6060423

Has anyone got this 'magic link'?

>> No.6060435

I'm not the one who brought up the meme-spouting dorks. I was just pointing out where they're going.

Not really. Across several communities, Cornelia is relatively low on the polls. If anything, it seems to be attracting mostly EU and JP players. I'll take that with a minority of CG fans over ZAM and SA any day.

Regardless, it'd be silly to pick a server based on /jp/ anyway. It's not like any of you will be playing 2 weeks from now, let alone after launch.

>> No.6060447

The server with the least amount of Americans will be the best server.

>> No.6060454

This thread proves that /jp/ is just as bad as /v/ and /a/

>> No.6060466

/jp/ has always been bad, this isn't news, good friend.

>> No.6060470

How in the fuck do you attach bait?

I have 50 lugworms in my inventory yet it says I have no bait when I cast. I opened the worms and rod in my inventory but there was nothing to do but discard them or return.

I swear this game is going to cause me to blow an artery.

>> No.6060471

I've been trying for 6 hours, I still didn't get my registration key. Refreshing and refreshing.
What do I do?

>> No.6060474

If it's anything like FFXI, equip it in the ranged slot.

>> No.6060480

I've been clicking
All day, nothing.

>> No.6060484

>Applications for the FINAL FANTASY XIV Open Beta Test have been temporarily suspended. Please wait until we are ready to accept new applications and then try again.
All of my hate.

>> No.6060506

Screw this shit, I'll try next week.

>> No.6060571

Is it just me or does this game seem completely directionless?

It doesn't give any hint of where to go or what to do after the first quest chain, and frankly the actual gameplay is awfully boring. Did I mention that the community is horrible?

>> No.6060588

In game, Ps3 controller working, Last names hooray, life smiles.

>> No.6060596

You have a journal. Try using it. It'll show where you need to go.

The community is just fine on my server. We made a collaborative effort to figure what what emotes you had to do for each kid during "The Color of Sin" quest.

>> No.6060610
File: 105 KB, 316x159, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this and how do I get rid of it? I thought it had something to do with durability of items but I repaired them and it's still there.

>> No.6060628



>> No.6060689

I've found a way to quickly access the page that's supposed to give out keys without getting a busy/maintenance screen. If it actually works, I'll tell you guys what it is the instant I succeed.

>> No.6060692

Uh, my journal is empty after completing the first quest chain.

>> No.6060695

So the consensus is that it's shit, right?

>> No.6060706

it's shit.

seriously :(

>> No.6060717

Is there any way of knowing if they're still giving out keys other than constantly refreshing?

>> No.6060724

Failed MMO
Let's wait for Guild Wars 2.

>> No.6060751


You need get a profession to rank 10, and then go back and talk to whoever initiated the first quest chain with.

In LL, the NPC actually tells you to come back when you're a higher level.

>> No.6060755

Holy shit this game is bad. I never though I'd miss WoW, but goddamn.

Did they learn absolutely nothing from XI?

>> No.6060769

so the game is shit?

should i stop downloading it?

>> No.6060776

My highest rank is fucking 4, and it starts diminishing at 8.

They expect me to grind for half the game to reach new quests?

Also, are there no dungeons/instances in this game?

>> No.6060789

Dude, have you never played a Final Fantasy game, yes having experience in 11 would do wonders but you have to go out talk to everyone in town, check the shops, GET MAPS, and find quests and accept all of them.

Talk to the major figures/government of the town, that will take days alone, fight and level up in between these things, find a groove, make money from quests, buy shitting equipment, repeat, etc.

I do remember how lost I was when I first started 11, I also being broke for way too long before figuring out the essentials

>> No.6060803

Asking if anybody's gotten one recently is a good start.

>> No.6060807

Let's see where do I begin ah yes my system specs.

Core 2 Duo E6700 2.66 Ghz
4 gigs of ram
460 GTX 1gb
Playing on 1920×1080

First of http://www.ffxiv-status.com/
300 ms ping

I could live with that but I enter the game and look.
Mouse lags no matter what settings or resolution i put.

And basically the whole game lags no matter what I do be it 16 AA or 0 AA LOWEST or HIGH. It's just not controllable with a mouse.

So yes the graphics are stunning and everything but come on... Gamepad controlled MMO on a PC? I mean for fucks sake even Dragon Age had RIGHT CLICK SUPPORT.

Anyways with 300 ms ping the combat is pretty odd. So you pick a target, select it and mash number 1 half of the time it attack, and yes I'm aware of that bar and everything. Still for some reason it just stops attacking, or you can't attack for some reason, I also noticed moving or not makes pretty much no difference at low level.

I just don't get it, I mean I played Aion... Open beta was flawless compared to FFXIV... I played a lot of Open Beta MMOs and I have to say FFXIV is like one of the worst. The only thing they seem to have done right is the graphics.

Oh and the best thing is, if you logout, get an error or anyother way quit the server. Your quest is lost.

I've been playing the game for like 4 hours I've done 2 quests thats all.

Also they don't explain shit, it's seriously noob unfriendly. They need some kind of tutorial to tell you that the mobs that you can't attack are a part of someones quest. Fuck.

>> No.6060808

Diminishing at 8? Are you talking about fatigue? If so, you are confused about how it works. In La Nosca, I found a nice quiet spot with sheep and grinded from rank 6-10 in a little over an hour.

If you're expecting to quest continually as a means of leveling, I can tell you right now: Uninstall the game and never look back. This isn't the game for you.

As for the dungeons/instances, no one really knows at this point. A lot of the game isn't even accessible right now. Only the first two story quests for each city are even in OB. Honestly, I doubt SE has even finalized what all they want to do with endgame yet.

>> No.6060813 [DELETED] 

So how can you change graphic options, windowed -> fullscreen etc?

>> No.6060818

I haven't looked, but mouse lag is often cause by V-sync, if there's an option to turn it off then try that.

>> No.6060830

Do you have Ambient Occlusion turned on? If so, turn it off. That makes a huge difference. Also, leave shadows at standard detail. Oddly, that gives the best performance, even over low detail.

Not that I necessarily disagree with most of your points, but Aion had already been out for about a year when the NA/EU beta started. Even then, it wasn't without its problems. The NA/EU client had a serious memory leak that caused anyone with more than 4GB RAM to crash after reaching a certain threshold (which would happen a lot during sieges), and that was never fixed in the 5 months I played it.

>> No.6060834

I've talked to half the town, fucking nobody offers quests outside of guildleves and the first quest that I already completed, and I can't even accept any more of those.

Stop rationalizing, this game is terrible.

>> No.6060843
File: 109 KB, 224x311, metamucil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so lonely, somebody friend Slab Bulkhead (Figaro) while I do some stupid-ass quests, please.

>> No.6060845


I've got 3.4ghz quad core
4890 1gb radeon
4gb 1333mhz ddr3
and I get 20-30 fps
So yeah it's the game

>> No.6060854

Anybody gotten a key in the last few hours?

>> No.6060866

Everyone should play City of Heroes/Villains, instead.

Paragon City is full of Lawful Good Paladins and True Neutral Rangers; the Rogue Islands are full of people obsessed with corrupting and weaponizing baby kittens; and, Praetorian Earth is an entire dimension of complete assholes, regardless of which side you're fighting for.

It's just like the comic books.

>> No.6060876

I've tried everything yes. I played at everything turned on and max settings, I've played at medium settings and I played with everything off LOW settings and I'm still laging no matter what.

Sure Aion was out but I'm sure as hell it was more noob friendly, more optimized and more designed for a PC not PS3.

I'm so frustrated right now I can't play the game. So demotivating. I mean I can't even complete a quest for fucks sake...

>> No.6060890


Can anyone access this? I've tried all day and I still get the error message.

>> No.6060892


Sorry I've sworn off NCsoft for life, may those dog eaters burn in hell.

>> No.6060909

When do the beta applications open up again?

I'm sad that I didn't sign up sooner.

>> No.6060913

I got a key, then used it, and never logged in because this game is shit.

>> No.6060924

Whoa, I didn't know anyone else played CoX

>> No.6060927

Well to be fair, Aion was using a commercial graphic engine (Unreal 2/3 engine, I think?) and not a proprietary engine, so I'm sure it was better optimized.

FFXIV isn't the first AAA MMO I've played that was highly unoptimized in the late stages of beta.
Now, can SE iron it out in 2-3 weeks? That's the real question. Also, SE has stated several times that there are currently some systems and checks in place that impede performance that won't be there in retail.

I'm more concerned about the buggy combat (like animations not always going off and numbers hitting long before the animation plays), horrible UI and menu navigation, and the ridiculous guildleve timer coupled with their flawed reasoning for it.

>> No.6060939

It's actually not a bad game, and you can completely overlook "loot," unless that's your thing. If you play on Freedom, look me up.

NCSoft is shit, but Cryptic devs have actually gotten better. They've addressed many of the things that the old devs declined to address, except to say "working as intended."

It's a completely different game from when it first launched.

>> No.6060940

When and how?

>> No.6060941

Just to expand on my previous post, I am really disappointed with OB. Aside in adding in Ul'dah and Gridania and few minor changes, nothing has changed or been fixed. That really bothers me. SE had insinuated back at their demo in SF and at Gamescon that the OB client was going to be completely different build.

>> No.6060948

>I'm more concerned about the buggy combat (like animations not always going off and numbers hitting long before the animation plays), horrible UI and menu navigation, and the ridiculous guildleve timer coupled with their flawed reasoning for it.

Well I'm concerned about that too but to be concerned about it I have to have the ability to play the game ;_;

Generally I don't like the combat system it's too buggy and with 300 ping it's just weird some attack don't get even registered or something, you suddenly can't attack or anything, or you just get a leve that has like 6 monsters right next to each other and when you attack one they all attack you.

>> No.6060972

Unfortunately all my characters are on Infinity. ;_;

>> No.6060981

I used to love CoH/V except graphically it's so horrible now. I wanted to come back for Going Rogue, but everything looked so ugly I didn't want to.

>> No.6060948,1 [INTERNAL] 

What's the point of this here?

Nothing interesting or /jp/-y about the game or what they're doing with it; these threads are nothing more than glorified chat rooms and nothing more than what's available on the official forum.

>> No.6060984

Aion used the Crysis engine.

>> No.6060989

And it looked pretty ugly compared to Crysis itself.

>> No.6061005

it used an older version of the engine than Crysis did.
also, if an mmo had even 1/4 of the detail of crysis, it would be begging to fail.

Aion's looks were pretty much the only thing it had going for it.

>> No.6061007

/jp/ needs to stop falling for these generic MMOs that have been made dozens of times before.

Of course, /jp/ ignores any innovative MMOs, since there don't have a name or moe attached to them.

>> No.6061013

Non Japanese mmo's aren't the inn thing around here though man.
Get down with the kids yo.
If it aint Japanese they don't care.

>> No.6061017

>innovative MMOs
Do tell.

>> No.6061020

Yeah, that sucks man. I don't know what to tell you.

i7 930
GTX 470 1GB
6GB RAM (but that extra 2GB won't make a difference for gaming)

I'm playing at 1680x1050 with AA x2, AO off, Depth of Field on, standard shadow detail, and everything else turned on and maxed out and the game runs relatively smooth, although my fps does get pretty choppy in a few areas in cities (mainly at and around the tavern). Still, it's not performing as well as I'd like. I do hope to see a significant increase in performance at launch.

Also, I think the group dynamics in-game are currently shit. I really don't understand the reasoning for not having much of a dedicated healer, even if most classes do have limited self-healing abilities. I bet enmity is still borked too.

>> No.6061024

The whole game is "borked" to be honest and you know it.

>> No.6061026

FFXIV isn't generic MMO it's supposed to be a big budget Square Enix flagship product that can't fail because it has a HUGE BUGET and HUGE established fanbase.

But somehow it fails. Pretty amusing actually.

Name some innovative MMOs?

>> No.6061033

They clearly haven't learned from the failure that was The Spirits Within. Looks pretty, was shitty.

>> No.6061043

>i7 for gaming
>470 instead of dual 460s

Also, how does it feel to have the i7 950 cost $300 now?

>> No.6061045

Fuck this game, I gave up.

I've been in the market for an MMORPG so I gave it a fair shot, but this game is just... fucking terrible. Everything about it is bad - the combat, the quests, the horrible optimization, the mouse lag, the party system, the lack of dungeons, the class system, the lack of explanations, the fluidity of everything.... I could go on for hours. I'm pretty sure TOR is going to be the same exact shit but worse.

I would rather play a reboot of WoW than suffer through this bullshit. How hard is it to just copy everything WoW did right and add a little flavor? Instead they try to be different and churn out what looks like a bowl of spaghetti thrown at a wall.

>> No.6061049

Well my best guess is that my CPU is bottlenecking my GPU or something.... I don't know I mean this is a MMO not a RTS it shouldn't really rely on CPU that much.

Oh well time to OC to 3.22 or 3.66 and see what happens tomorrow.

>> No.6061054

If you want wow why don't you say, play wow?

>> No.6061058

>He uses a mouse to play FFXIV

>> No.6061060

>Instead they try to be different and churn out what looks like a bowl of spaghetti thrown at a wall.
I lol'd because it's true.

>> No.6061064

I know it is hard to understand, but there is a difference between being a shitty game, and not like wow.
Surprise, Surprise, lets release a game with UI that players said was shitty 6+ years ago, and they still think it is shitty when UIs have advanced more than any other part of MMOs because of WoW

>> No.6061069 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 453x604, 128038450749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CP CP CP CP !!! 10-17 Yrs

COPY ALL LINKS to new doc.txt before 404! :)
And download after time!

ALL FILE HAS BEEN DELETE TOMMOROW Or 14:00 PM! Download NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6061086

I do not wish to join your botnet.

>> No.6061088

Because WoW is old as shit. I liked it back in vanilla when everything was new and exciting, nowadays the entire game is a formula. The removal of 40-man raids and the addition of easy/hard modes just shit on the whole experience.

And then Blizzard merged with Activision.

>> No.6061089

That doesn't make sense.
Did you escape from /v/ ?

>> No.6061092

By all means, do tell.

Personally, I actually prefer sandbox games over the level grind, theme park EQ clones. However, since they're considered niche games, only indie developers that lack talent and resources are willing to spend the money on them in hopes of hitting big in a market with relatively little competition. When those games fail because of the poor coding and design, every says "See look, no one wants to play sandbox MMO's."

Actually, I think the best p2p game currently on the market is Age of Conan. It's come a long since it started and is pretty polished now. It's unfortunate that it launched so buggy and unfinished, because most players will never look back after a MMO flops at launch.

It's my work computer too (graphic/video editing) and it feels fine. I was well aware that the 950 was getting a price reduction, I did a lot of research before building my new PC. However, my computer died a month ago, and waiting simply was not an option for me.

As for the 470, I got it on sale for $280 ($40 more than the 460). When Black Friday (or day after) rolls around, I'll probably grab a second one, and then guess what? It'll be better than 2 460's!

>> No.6061093


Thread got finally better

>> No.6061095

Sure WoW might have advanced the UI but seriously, if FFXIV had a UI like Ragnarok Online it would be a lot better then this.

I mean this is like having GAMES FOR WINDOWS LIVE.

I swear to god it's t he same fucking shit. I hated DoW 2 because it have GFWL. I hate BlazBlu too for using that piece of shit.

I mean for every action that could have been done you know VIA RIGHT MOSE CLICK you have to go like HOME, then the mouse is so laggy I have to use the keyboard buttons to select shit because it's faster.
What is this DWARF FORTRESS?

Did people suddenly forget the last 30 years of mouse evolution, it's like I'm playing FFXIV on a fucking old APPLE 2 with a mouse that has ONE BUTTON.

>> No.6061105

Except that sandbox MMOs ARE terrible.

When there's no story and no end goal it just seems pointless, which is something FF14 suffers from. Some may like it, but most don't.

>> No.6061118
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 1281272133529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're not going to pre-order it then?

>> No.6061123

It's interesting, I really don't like EVE online it's boring, but I really like Ragnarok Online, RO is just GRIND, CHAT, GRIND, CARD HUNT, ITEM HUNT, CHAT, GRIND SOME MORE, WOE TIME , GRIND SOME MORE, WOE TIME, CHAT...

I never had as much fun with any MMO as i had with RO.

Probably because I was younger? And this whole MMO concept was new to me... Who knows but I still prefer playing RO over let's say Aion.

>> No.6061124


It's a beta.

How do you even know it won't have a story?

FFXI had a really good story.

>> No.6061125

>Did people suddenly forget the last 30 years of mouse evolution, it's like I'm playing FFXIV on a fucking old APPLE 2 with a mouse that has ONE BUTTON.

This is what you get when you try to push a console game onto the PC. Gotta cater to the shitty gamepads and fuck over the mouse users.

If this wasn't being ported to the PS3 I can guarantee you the UI would be fine.

>> No.6061126

look up the shitstorm that happened at FFXI's release because its UI was terrible compared to DAoC and later, EQ2.

FFXIV's UI is even worse, 6 years later.

>> No.6061128

To be honest I might consider buying FFXIV for the PS3, but I don't think I'll buy it for the PC.

Deppends on how good the PS3 beta goes.

>> No.6061137

>It's a beta.

That's not gonna cut it anymore, the game's being released on the 22nd.

This is it. OB is for testing server stability and nothing more. It's not even a matter of content, the whole game is just badly designed and generally shitty.

>> No.6061146

Even the UI and the Combat system aside, the game is still bad to the core.
I wouldn't even play this if it was F2P, let alone P2P.
It's like Jesus, you actually expect people to pay for this shit?
I really did try to like the game but damn, playing it was like Ball Ache.

>> No.6061148

How does the "typing with a keyboard" part work, with the PS3?

>> No.6061156

>Plays at 1680x1050
>Probably has a 60Hz monitor

Enjoy getting extra FPS you will never notice. Also, housefire and power bills.

>> No.6061162

USB keyboard? even ps2 could use usb keyboards for FFXI..

>> No.6061187


There's no way they can change everything before release 2 weeks away. It's the real deal, and it's a big piece of shit.

>> No.6061190

USB ones

PS3 accept anything over USB, any gamepad, any mouse, any keyboard

>> No.6061211

Perhaps, you forgot about the part that FFXIV is horribly unoptimized. The difference is quite noticeable.

>> No.6061228

So, is it safe to point and laugh at the anon who said we're going to play FFXIV and stick with it?

This flavor didn't even last the month. It's more like a flavor of the day game.

>> No.6061244

>I meet all the minimum requirements. My card is the nvidia G210.
Since when is a G210 meeting the minimum requirements? It's an awful card.
Changing the graphics isn't really going to affect your lag. You're having a high ping because you're in Croatia.

>> No.6061253
File: 155 KB, 614x547, GTX470_SLI-76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, use a setup that runs at >90°C and consumes >500W of power. FF14 is worth it.

>> No.6061259
File: 153 KB, 614x529, GTX470_SLI-75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6061261

the killer in FFXIV is that nearly everything UI based seems to require sever side access to advance.

I tried limiting my upload while looking around my inventory, and it would hang for 2-5 minutes. uncapped, and back to 2-3s.

every single thing requires a load of some sort. even equipping skills takes forever.

>> No.6061281

My mouse ain't lagging because I'm in Croatia, my FPS also isn't low because I'm in Croatia.

>> No.6061286

Can't get a beta key, was in the previous beta though.

This blows.

>> No.6061305

You're not missing much.

>> No.6061313

You're doing yourself a favor, I already uninstalled the game.

I want those 12 hours of boredom and frustration back. Can't believe I kept playing past the 5 minute mark.

>> No.6061326


Lol damn game isn't even using 100% of the CPU or GPU.

>> No.6061330

I was mentioning your ping, which changing you graphics will not affect. And for your mouse lagging, why are you even using a mouse? You're supposed to use a gamepad for this game.

>> No.6061336

game could use a few months more of optimization...

>> No.6061338

More like a few years.

>> No.6061350

Might want to bitch at SE on the off chance they listen. If they don't and the game bombs, you can say "We told you so".

>> No.6061354
File: 50 KB, 500x129, 1271874795477.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6061360

So clearly the issue is your shitty CPU right?

>> No.6061365


what the hell is everyone's deal with
>i7 for gaming

Is it some sort of shitty /g/ meme or something? Is it poorfag/jealousy (even though they are not even that expensive) butthurt? AMD Fanboyism?

I'm very happy with my 930.

I paid $199 for it, kept it to bare minimum Vcore, and it's rock solid at 3.33GHz, drawing only ~30W at idle.

Sure it runs a little warm, but it's a big step up from my old system with an X6800

>> No.6061371

They won't listen anyway, this is Square we're talking about.
They know best, screw what they fans actually want, they know best and they won't change anything. They would rather see the game crash and burn than accept they have done something wrong or listen to the community.

>> No.6061375

Well, the part where it said "PC edition" sorta made me think there might be keyboard/mouse support in it!

I guess I was being silly, right?

>> No.6061377

Did you even click the link you retard?

>> No.6061388

It's marginally better than bitching here. They'll have to listen if enough people complain.

>> No.6061390

This was probably answered in the other threads but if I don't want to play right now, is there an SE site where I can go register a name/account without getting the beta?

>> No.6061394

How the hell does MMOs even work on consoles with gamepads? You wouldn't be able to chat with your party or guild....

>> No.6061395

PC edition of an obviously PS3 game. Sure there is mouse support, but don't be surprised that it's shitty. The UI is built for a controller.
I assume you mean copy paste, but either way, I did. And running the processor at 4GHz, the lowest framerate ever encountered was 28.6 with the average being 49.3. That seems quite playable to me, especially for an i7.

>> No.6061400

Games are terribly threaded; you are paying features/performance that you can't utilize. The i7 930 (now 950) is totally fine if you got it super cheap from Microcenter, but otherwise a $200 (CPU: +$100 RAM: +$50 Mobo: +$50) investment that fails to pay off. The money is much better spent on a(n) better/extra GPU.

>> No.6061407

Of course not. Leagues of people could just come and reserve names. And you have to create a character anyways, why would you be able to create a character outside the client?
Have you even seen a PS3 console? You can use keyboard.

>> No.6061408

Why the fuck would you do that?

/jp/ has pretty much reached a consensus that this game is steaming pile of shit. Save your money.

>> No.6061409


>click click click
>click click click
>click click click
>click click click
>click click click
>click click click
watch p
>click click click
>click click click
watch o
>click click click
watch ou
>click click click
watch out
>click click click
watch out f
>click click click
watch out fo
And everyone is already dead

>> No.6061414

You have to register for the beta and download the game.

>> No.6061421

What a great investment.

>> No.6061426


Anyone want to play Diablo 1?

Someone should set up a private server for /jp/
I'd like to play but people keep joining my game and killing me without being near me.

>> No.6061428

Because my friend is playing and I refuse to let them brave this horrible game alone.

>> No.6061432

Speaking of Diablo, when is III coming out?

Kinda looking forward to it after this bitter disappointment.

>> No.6061444


>> No.6061445

>Might want to bitch at SE on the off chance they listen
They never listened to the XI community and they won't listen now.

>> No.6061446

I want to like this game, I really do. But we just spent about 2 hours trying to form a group, with someone always crashing or DCing before we manage to get all four of us into it. Jesus christ.

>> No.6061448

Because my friend is playing and I refuse to let them brave this horrible game alone, even if it kills me.

>> No.6061449

Not sure what you're getting at, but a 930 for $200 is a fucking steal.

>> No.6061450

Well, well, well, what do we have a here? A tripfag who took off his trip?

Why oh why would you do something like that? We're not trolling now, are we?

>> No.6061452

and i thought i was the only one who was getting client crashes..

>> No.6061454

I guess I'm weird.. I'm having fun with the game. Most of the problems to me are minor and will most likely be ironed out

>> No.6061460
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>> No.6061464

It honestly is hard work playing this game.
I could feel my blood pressure rising just trying the play the thing.
Honestly, it's just so annoying and stressful this game should come with a health warning.

>> No.6061469

It has a nice atmosphere, I like the music, I like how the environment looks, but I'll be damned if the terribly laggy UI and party system doesn't piss me right the fuck off.

I honestly just expected better; when I play this game, I don't feel like I'm in control. Instead, I'm just waiting on some sort of whim for something to actually work (like partying).

>> No.6061474

Nah, just an occasional namefag who doesn't like to broadcast his name.

I'm doing it because it must be done, and because I don't get to hang out with them enough. It's worth braving a mediocre game.

>> No.6061475


I didn't want to create a character, just see if a name could be registered ahead of time. And I only want to do it ahead of time because I want to play the PS3 version so the game has until March to improve at least. If it still sucks at that time then I won't bother.

>> No.6061476

Heh, so I wasn't the only only one.

I felt like the blood vessels in my forearm were about to burst while asking asking how the fuck to do shit in this crappy game.

>> No.6061477

>will most likely be ironed out
>2 weeks before the release date
>Square Enix

>> No.6061491

I'm not your friend, buddy.

>> No.6061502

Not your buddy, pal.

>> No.6061509
File: 52 KB, 545x434, shion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of the problems to me are minor and will most likely be ironed out

>> No.6061517

I don't recall him saying it would be ironed out before release date.

>> No.6061532

This game rapes GPUs so hardcore that it makes snuff films look like they're child's play.

>> No.6061539

>Have you even seen a PS3 console?
I quit giving a shit about sony when I found out my two gamepads for ps1 was incompatible with the ps2 for absolutely no goddamn reason.
And the fact that the cutdown EU version of ps3 was twice as expensive as the japanese version didn't help things. Yeah I actually haven't seen a ps3 yet ;_;

>> No.6061601

To those of you still hoping for improvements in FFXIV, I wouldn't give up hope just yet. As a long time player of FFXI (2004-present), S-E has improved quite a bit about responding to player complaints. If you like the general feel of the game but have a few reservations, they will probably be fixed at some point. I would also attribute any network lag you're getting to the fact that you are playing in an open beta and this is a stress test for the hardware. You've got people all over hammering the servers constantly trying to get in for their first time. As for UI issues, this isn't WoW. Controller for play and keyboard for typing or keyboard only work best. Just forget you have a mouse. It isn't much of a change for long-time FFXI players, but I can see where there would be issues for people more accustomed to Blizzard and its clones.

My original Playstation DualShock worked just fine with most games on PS2. The first game that actually required me to pick up a DualShock 2 (since the one that came with the console was destroyed by a pet) was FFXII. I'm not sure what you're getting at, put original PSX controllers worked fine with PS2. Maybe you had some cheapo knock-off third party controllers that weren't worth a damn in the first place.

>> No.6061609
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 1250275206141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never has a game made me experience so much frustration before we even do something.

Not even Allods or FEZ.

>> No.6061627

Anybody not want their key anymore?

>> No.6061631

I would think it would be too late after it's applied.

>> No.6061636

You can deactivate it, can't you?

>> No.6061650

New thread:

>> No.6061666

>My original Playstation DualShock worked just fine with most games on PS2.
Wow, really? I couldn't even connect the ps1 controller into the damn ps2 because they had different ports. How did you manage to do it? With magic?

As far as their origin goes, they're 100% genuine, sony taxes properly paid for, etc.

>> No.6061690

Same ports, but this is with NA PS2. I guess they could have pulled a dick move like changing the controller port design on the EU version.

>> No.6061730

>I guess they could have pulled a dick move like changing the controller port design on the EU version.
Well that certainly explains it.

Fuck....Sony must really hate us europeans, like REALLYY a lot.
Not only was the ps3 five months late for EU,
and they removed that damn backwards compatibility chip. Last time i checked, cutting down on hardware was supposed to lower the expenses,
yet it was twice as expensive as the japanese's price, some places even more expensive.
And now this difference of treatment with controllers too...

What the fuck did we ever do to them...

>> No.6061760

Sony is the Anti-Christ, what did you expect?

>> No.6061777

I think it's because America knows how to sue the shit out of them, Sony is afraid of America, but not afraid of fucking over the Europeans.

>> No.6061777,1 [INTERNAL] 


Asspain-san, why do you keep bumping threads that you dislike?

>> No.6061777,2 [INTERNAL] 

Too bad I didn't, since it was on the top thread already; beside, how is /jp/ adding absolutely anything that can't be had on an official forum?

This shit is what make MMOs glorified chat-rooms and social connections, rather than a focus on the game and having the community there as a method of advancing.

>> No.6061777,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6061777,4 [INTERNAL] 

MMOs are glorified chat rooms, even if people take them seriously and roleplay.

>> No.6061777,5 [INTERNAL] 

Actual roleplay is fine, but when people treat it no differently that social networking, that's where MMOs lose their game aspect.

>> No.6061777,6 [INTERNAL] 

How the fuck are people playing this already? It's been 2 days and I still can't even login into the site to download the client.
