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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6059250 No.6059250 [Reply] [Original]



Recettear is a doujin RPG translated by a fellow american company.


Your father is indebted to a fucking fairy most likely because he took drugs or something and left forever. You are his adorable loli daughter Recette and you have to pay his debt to a slutty tsundere fairy named... Tear

And just HOW will you pay that fucking huge debt ? Not by fighting monsters, but by opening managin and running an AWESOME item store. You get to buy items low, sell high, negociate, expand your shop etc etc...

And you know what mother fucking casual ? That's only HALF of the game. The other half is a complete awesome 374837 lvls dungeon RPG. You get to recruit heroes and send them to their death and your wealth. They get exp and itams, you get piles of loot to sell at your shop.

Shit if fucking addicting, well translated, has a GREAT demo and best of all, you can get it on MOTHER FUCKING STEAM for 15$

You don't like WEABOO games, try it anyway it's that good. You like glorious NIHONJIN GAME ^__^ DESU , then buy it because it's full on anime cute manga style.

Demo DL link : http://www.carpefulgur.com/recettear/Recettear_Demo.exe

Steam link : http://store.steampowered.com/app/70400/

It unlocks in 8 fucking days and you get 10% discount if you preorder that shit



>> No.6059257

I dislike that you copied that from /v/.

Anyway, how do you sell things for ridiculous prices? I found a pic of someone selling bread for 8000 pix. Do you just reload over and over till it works?

>> No.6059269

It's a bug that's been patched. Your first ever customer, the one who buys the bread, would never leave, thus you can offer something at the max price (9,999,999) then quickly drop it down to around 5,000-10,000. She'll buy it.

>> No.6059271

It's not out yet?

>> No.6059272

8 days. You can preorder.

>> No.6059278

That was a glitch/exploit that was patched out. The thing was that the customer for the first sale can't leave. So people were setting high prices and kept trying until the game said "FINE"

>> No.6059281
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>> No.6059294

gonna wait for MU link because no monies

>> No.6059308

Pirating this as soon as I can. 12 quid is too much for something so shallow.

>> No.6059314

I'd just whore myself.

>> No.6059326

The demo only scratches the surface though; the paying off debt part of the game is 15-20 hours, 100% completion can take over a hundred. OP forgot to talk about item synthesis too.

>> No.6059328

same post on /a/, /v/, and /jp/

too viral. demo is alright.

>> No.6059332

So what is there besides paying off the debt?

>> No.6059343

Being cute.

>> No.6059355

The fact it's on steam means it's attracting a bunch of idiots because IT'S SO MOE~

We already have a topic on this, why not keep the discussion there.

>> No.6059361

Maxing your merchant level, completing item/synthesis encyclopedia, maxing out shop, exploring all dungeons, finding/exploring all secret dungeons, trying out the different adventurer types and some other stuff I'm not sure about.

>> No.6059373

get out recettear devs

>> No.6059375

>You like glorious NIHONJIN GAME ^__^ DESU , then buy it because it's full on anime cute manga style.

I almost died of cancer there

>> No.6059378

So basically grinding for needless things? Sounds like a fucking blast.

>> No.6059390

I played the demo. I just hope Carpe Fulgur doesn't follow the same path as Working Designs did.

>> No.6059391


>> No.6059396

>You don't like WEABOO games, try it anyway it's that good. You like glorious NIHONJIN GAME ^__^ DESU , then buy it because it's full on anime cute manga style.
I love Recettear, and this shitty post offends me greatly.

If I lose all my brain cells and want to browse /v/, I'll read it there.

>> No.6059397

Basically any game is just a huge waste of time. But that's kind of the point.

>> No.6059402

Indeed. I myself have already clocked more than 300 hours into Disgaea. Almost done maxing a few chars. Best $30 I've ever spent.

>> No.6059403

What, make the dialogue interesting?

>> No.6059405


No, being driven out of the market due to crappy games.

>> No.6059406

> glorious NIHONJIN GAME ^__^ DESU
What the fuck was that..?

>> No.6059426

Working Designs did a lot of stupid things, like making really limited production runs.

>> No.6059464 [DELETED] 

>no torrent link

>> No.6059469

>Shit if fucking addicting, well translated, has a GREAT demo and best of all, you can get it on MOTHER FUCKING STEAM for 15$

You must be pretty bad at this game if you can't tell the difference between 15 and 18.

>> No.6059516

>So basically grinding for needless things
Yes, fuck yes. 100 hours or grinding sounds like my kind of game.

>> No.6059518

Well each week in the Survival modes the debt increases, forever. So you have to constantly be making more and more money.

>> No.6059520

I am actually ok with this thread.
And yes you play as a loli and hang around with others doing, Economy!

But how come this is universally accepted when it's neither a visual novel nor a galge for that matter, safe in content and sold and advertised on Steam? It's just a micro-economy game, and personally I find stuff like it real fun, but /jp/ usually hate games unless they are extra obscure MMOs, or a fighting game.

>> No.6059529


>> No.6059540

Don't forget the capitalism part.

>> No.6059543
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trappost to

>> No.6059552 [DELETED] 

I wonder if there are gonna be achievements.

>> No.6059559


>> No.6059660

How do you get out of the damn dungeons. Till day 8 i couldnt get past level 3 and have shitload of things to sell but can only take out one when i die.

>> No.6059680

Not on release. It would require some tweaking to the source code, and they don't want to bother the original devs about it since they're working on something else.

>> No.6059686

There is an exit door each 5 floors. You are not supposed to die if you want to take all the loot.

>> No.6059687

Skip enemies, hit treasure chests, there is a door out of the dungeon every 5th floor.

>> No.6059702

/jp/ loved this shit even before it became popular.
After it's released, we're gonna hate it to hell and back.

>> No.6059714

Sounds kinda like Atelier Annie.

>> No.6059727


well that's just /jp/, as soon as 2 people know about it it's POPULARFANONSOLDOUTSHIT, that and the thought of someone else having their waifu

also, preorder'd

>> No.6059735


>> No.6059753
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>> No.6059764

Samefag. You're not wrong, though.

>> No.6059767

Tell me the system requirement and I might get interested.

>> No.6059777


popular hipster garbage amirite
...(dont answer that)

>> No.6059782


OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Pentium 4 1.7ghz or Athlon XP 1700+ (or equivalent processor)
Memory: 256MB of system RAM (512 reccomended for Windows Vista and 7)
Graphics: DirectX 8.1-compatible video card of any type with at least 64 megabytes of video RAM; Nvidia and ATI tested (Intel Intregrated Graphics below X4000 series not recommended)
DirectX®: DirectX 8.1
Hard Drive: 700MB free HD space
Sound: DirectX 8.1-compatible sound card/motherboard chip

Even if your computer sucks it should be able to handle it.

>> No.6059791

if you can browse /jp/ you can run this game

>> No.6059813


Just download the demo: http://www.carpefulgur.com/recettear/Recettear_Demo.exe

>> No.6059815

What is this I'm seeing on youtube?
Your loli doesn't fight? Not even ranged support or anything?

>> No.6059832


>> No.6059853


No. You hire other people to fight for you while she tags along to collect the loot and dead body in the case that they die.

>> No.6059857

Wow, I got Chantelise (made by same company) just yesterday and now I discover this. What are the odds?

>> No.6059858
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>> No.6059865

>Memory: 256MB of system RAM (512 reccomended for Windows Vista and 7)


>> No.6059901


More like Capitalism,HOE.

>> No.6059906

>Memory: 256MB of system RAM (512 reccomended for Windows Vista and 7)

What? you shouldn't be running vista/7 with anything less than 1gb RAM as it takes about 1.3 to run the bloated fucks.
And how old is your build to have less than 256MB of RAM? Seriously.

>> No.6059913

Hey one question :

What the fuck is the japanese doujin game doing in Stream shelves ?

>> No.6059928

Unless there's multiplayer(Which I highly doubt)I'm just gonna pirate the fuck out of it :3

>> No.6059929

Better question: Why the fuck is it POPULAR?

>> No.6059931

>download demo
>play normally
>"Mommy asked me to buy this!"
>"I'm on an errand, yay!"
>later, in town square
>"You fixed my teddy! Thank you! Yay!"

>> No.6059945

Same here, but reversed. After hearing about Recettear, I went looking for EasyGameStation's stuff. Chantelise download just finished.

>> No.6059957

Good viral marketing. People seem to like it a lot, too. The SA thread is huuuuuge.

>> No.6059965


Chantelise had been translated or what ?

The info gg sent me is rather confusing,it says eng but the screenshots are in runes.

>> No.6059969

speaking of chantelise
the ruin of flame keeps raping me
what the hell am i supposed to do? nothing drops health anymore, and everything does nigh unavoidable damage

>> No.6059973

Oh shit people are talking about a game they like.

Shit, I can't get away from /v/.

Never imagined the game could be, oh you know, FUN?

>> No.6059974

Anyone else having the demo crash at the end of the 2nd day?

>> No.6059981

gamedev of recettear here.

thanks for all the viral marketing. i didnt think that so many idiots would buy my game i coded over a weekend in my freetime and put some small girls in to appeal to losers/virgins

>> No.6059983
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You know how it goes

>> No.6059992
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>> No.6060002

Never imagined a game could be both fun and marketed virally? What the fuck are you even whining about, it's not like it's a derogative term or anything. Fucking look it up on Wikipedia or whatever.

>> No.6060004

Stupid verification bullshit removing my sage.

>> No.6060012

>I have no idea how programming works

Nice surprise with this game, brb preordering. Viral or not, these 15e won't be wasted.

>> No.6060017

OP can you stop bumping your thread already?

>> No.6060038
File: 331 KB, 706x972, 1278103355688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love Recettear, and this shitty post offends me greatly.
Hahaha oh wow, you are PATHETIC. Someone makes a joke about you liking something and you get all pissy about it, grow the fuck up.

>> No.6060054
File: 86 KB, 125x214, Abomination.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat abomination gurl!

>> No.6060085


It's actually 13 euro's for us dutchies

>> No.6060101

>Get shit tons of very expensive treasure

>> No.6060138



>> No.6060166

How the hell do you unlock Charme? I beat her in the dungeon, and she's visited my shop, but I don't know how to make her work for me.

>> No.6060178

/jp/ - Huge Blatant Spammy Ads for Shitty Games / General

>> No.6060184
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Like Touhou? Gotcha.

>> No.6060195

Not exactly and you know it, Kimmo.


>> No.6060206


Seriously, I was hoping at least one of the neat things I found would sell so I could pay off my debt, but I ended up having to rush getting more crap to sell instead to make it. Perhaps it just requires a nicer looking shop or something.

>> No.6060210

God bless SA for translating this wonderful game!

>> No.6060215

Samefag is too obvious. People on /jp/ generally don't post like that. Also, there are too many bumps and not enough reports.

>> No.6060224
File: 18 KB, 265x181, recettear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you complain back when I was posting this in those "I'm going to post this image every day until it gets translated" threads?

>> No.6060230

The original poster was from /v/, but this game was talked about on /jp/ for a while.

>> No.6060233

What the fuck? Since when did the daytime is shit/nighttime is good principle apply to /jp/ as well? We had 2 great threads without greentexting retards spamming VIRAL earlier, and now look what's going on.

>> No.6060236

i am too poor for this game

>> No.6060250

Then turn your home into an item store and start making money.

>> No.6060262

Should I start hiring mercenaries to invade third-world countries? That seems like the modern day equivalent of hiring heroes to dungeon crawl.

>> No.6060285

In order to sell something unnecessary, you first need to buy something unnecessary. And I don't have the money.

>> No.6060286

>Get shit tons of very expensive treasure

captcha was cashfist caufed

>> No.6060295

Yes, but remember that if your mercenaries run out of health you'll only be able to bring one barrel of oil back.

>> No.6060392

It's a Japanese doujin game, just like Touhou. Perfectly /jp/ related. Though even if it wasn't the thread still wouldn't get deleted because the janitor's on for five minutes a day. There's a dude shitting on the floor on the second page, for fuck's sake.

>> No.6060414

mmo threads that all start just like advertisements don't belong anywhere but paid ad space

>> No.6060463

Keep selling her shit until she gives you her card. Sell at crappy mark-up if you have to (though she's actually a pretty good customer as far as the demo goes). If you want actually to use her in the demo, you'll have to blitz the second dungeon as soon as it's available to have a reasonable chance of recruiting her before it times out.

>> No.6060469

This isn't an MMO.

>> No.6060479

This isn't even the first thread, there's the 2nd one that has a shit load of posts too.

>> No.6060509

The other one didn't have an opening post written by a 12 year old.

>> No.6060511

whatever dude, it's an ad, shove it

ah whatever, /a/'s got that videogame kiddy "vote drive" spam in it now, too. this just isn't a good time to try to 4chan, all the eurospammers and leejun kids are on now giving each other blowjobs

>> No.6060524

This coming from a guy who can't even use shift properly.

>> No.6060532

Charme is the best adventurer in the game. She has the best dash and can detect traps so you can speedrun the dungeons with minimal risk. The only one that comes close is Nagi but she takes much longer to get.

>> No.6060592

Should be "ReShit-Tier"

>> No.6060609

Rocketbear is probably the best corruption, though.

You play a rocket working to pay off its debt to a beat.

>> No.6060629

>to a beat
A sci-fi space opera economic MUSIC simulator?

>> No.6061263

lol at all the angry, autistic weeaboos here. recettear is a great, charming, addictive game. steam's choices just got a whole lot more eclectic with this addition, i just hope all the angry, autistic fat starcraft nerds are more open minded than /jp/ LOL

>> No.6061525

Is Recettear related to Chantelise? They both seem to be named after their main loli and fairy.

>> No.6061540

Both were made by EasyGameStation, who follows that same naming scheme for all their games.

>> No.6061551

Have I already mentioned that everyone in this thread is a retard?

>> No.6061753

>obvious blatant advertisement
>intends to lure pedo retards to buy the shitty game

you know they are being retarded on purpose...

>> No.6063345

Six mre days

>> No.6063429

But you've just posted in this thread........

>> No.6063434

i am still too poor to buy this game

>> No.6063440 [DELETED] 

Hi, Mugen.

>> No.6063442

All my interest has been killed by this viral shit.

No need to act like a fucking 14 year old /v/ browser "omg epci i already bought it shit is so cash get it hurrrr"

Please meido, get rid of this garbage, they'll keep bumping it and making new threads without any actual content for weeks.

>> No.6063445

Me too actually. Feels very, very bad man.

>> No.6063449

Good. ow you can ignore these thread completely.

>> No.6063451


Pirate it. It's all they deserve for shitting up 4chan with their spam.

>> No.6063455

I remember when all of 4chan was going viral about Beat Hazard. That was fun for about all of 20 minutes.

>> No.6063458

They will anyway.

You're butthurt.

>> No.6063460


So,Chantelise really translated or not ?

>> No.6063463

Go back to /b/.

>> No.6063465


Reported for filter evasion.

>> No.6063582

Mister Butthurt is bleeding from their vagina too I see.

Like I said you can learn to ignore threads or GTFO.

>> No.6063599

I'm a random /jp/ user telling you to leave.

>> No.6063624

No you are trolly Mc'troll practicing your favorite past time in a thread you have no constructive input for.

>> No.6063673
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>Mister Butthurt
>trolly Mc'troll

Maybe if you didn't attract so much attention with such a shitty opening post and these kinds of horrible rebuttals people wouldn't feel the need to tell you off. But since you're using these terms in the first place, I guess that's asking WAY too much.

>> No.6063675
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>/jp/ dealing with "shit" by flinging more shit.
Nothing new I see.

>> No.6063708

Funny you seem the only one who feels a need to keep posting.

>> No.6063716

kill this eyesore already

>> No.6063723

You butthurt why? At least there's discussion in here.

>> No.6063726

Look it's samefag once again trying to decide what belongs on /jp/ all by them-self. They are persistent buggers too.

>> No.6063734

There hasn't been discussion for hours. Now it's just a thread of people complaining about people complaining about people complaining.

>> No.6063760

Sigh, after this thread, its official, It'll be harder to enjoy talking about this game from this point on.

Next time take the /v/ talk out of here and just post the damn picture and maybe we can have a decent thread

>> No.6063906

Why are you samefagging up this thread? Just let it die already.

>> No.6064451
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