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6054666 No.6054666[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6054673

but I go outside to buy groceries

>> No.6054688
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what is it with Asians and shooting up the Discovery Channel /jp/?

>> No.6054693


>> No.6054694

You're right, I won't.

I prefer staying inside than being in the sunlight. Seriously, it was fucking hot in Vegas this summer. Everyone in Vegas hides inside during daytime except for the tourists and people who need to go to work.

>> No.6054702

That, and I even sometimes go for walks in the woods and fields around my town - I usually pick the less popular paths, so I can enjoy the world without meeting people.

>> No.6054706

It's windy but overcast right now, AND I FUCKING LOVE IT.

I keep going out like every 20 minutes to enjoy it. I live in a place with nice fresh air, too.

>> No.6054715

I buy food! Well mostly when it's just before the closing times since then there are no people around. But i go to work at(school..with no payment) 6am and get back 4pm, when im not skipping. I allways count the minimal attendances so i could say im a decent human being ( Not.... ;__; )

>> No.6054731

I was just outside for a few hours walking around. Feels good man

>> No.6054740

I'm a night person.

I love the city at night. The streets are empty, so I walk around alone admiring the town at night.

>> No.6054745
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I like to read in parks and watch the children play.

>> No.6054773

Fuck you OP, I like cloudy and gloomy weather, preferably under 10°C.

>> No.6054779

Bright sunlight is too goddamn overrated. I had to walk all over the stupid city today and it was hot and I think I got a sunburn. Overcast + light rain is the best kind of weather.

>> No.6054784

Overcast on a cool day is the best weather, anyway.

>> No.6054789
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he's an eco terrorist

he thinks the worlds is too overpopulated and he wants all the babies in the world aborted, because babies are "parasites" and "filth" (his own words)

so he's holding the discovery channel HQ hostage until they devote all their prime time programming into how evil babies are

he has a few other crazy demands too

seriously what is with asian spree killers

>> No.6054795

Seconding this, I love night as well. It's just so quiet and peaceful in the dead of night. Makes me feel more at ease.

>> No.6054800 [DELETED] 

sunlight gives you caner

>> No.6054798

Pale skin is a status symbol!

>> No.6054801

me too

I love the clouds and fog, I like being outside when it's like that

I do not like the sun and the heat

>> No.6054805

I'd do this if I didn't fear getting mugged and killed.

>> No.6054812

sunlight gives you cancer

>> No.6054826

Same here.
