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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6044172 No.6044172 [Reply] [Original]

Question. Why does /jp/ exist when we already have /a/? Isn't it kind of pointless?

>> No.6044177

Because Touhou

>> No.6044186

the more the merrier

>> No.6044191

Literally see this thread every day

>> No.6044198

OP is right

>> No.6044218

/jp/ was created to return /a/ to a purist "anime and manga only" board.
/jp/ was for everything in old /a/ that was not "anime and manga."

Basic 4chan history.

>> No.6044222

Good point, let's all go to /a/. We'll see you there, OP

>> No.6044225

Let's try to explain this in a way that even retards can understand it.
So, see. There are several things that come from Japan. Some of these, anime and manga, can be discussed on the anime and manga board. However, there are things that come from Japan that aren't anime or manga (yeah, shocking, I know), like doujin games/manga/music (check Wikipedia for more information on what's doujin), idols, visual novels, websites, and so on. /jp/ exists because those things exist, and here we discuss them. Keep in mind, however, that this isn't the board to discuss Japanese culture or Japan as a country, as there's already /int/ and /trv/ for that.

/a/: Japanese shit that are anime and manga
/jp/: Japanese shit that aren't anime and manga

>> No.6044241

/jp/ - board for manchildren

/a/ - board for actual children

>> No.6044246

When dumbing down, use "indy" instead of "doujin."

Idiots associate doujin with "fanart porn mangos."

>> No.6044250
File: 84 KB, 286x278, arc11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm frustrated.

You forgot that /jp/ is Traps/Hormones General, ZUN. How could you even DO something like that...

>> No.6044274

/jp/ is /a/'s personal shitmagnet. It serves the same purpose for /a/ that /b/ serves for all of 4chan. It keeps /a/ clean of off-topic shitposting and irrelevance and maintains high standard of discussion at the cost of establishing a permanent but separate cesspit of shut-in angst, meta-threads and pedophilia that regularly needs to be flushed clean by the janitor to keep the inhabitants content enough not to sob too loudly over the shittiness of their board and retaliate with CP floods.

>> No.6044284
File: 780 KB, 1536x2048, rin-kun's legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trap general

bitch please, when was the last time a rin-kun thread or otherwise has been posted and had people participate in it (other than 15 samefag replies and then dead thread)?

>> No.6044298

/a/ is for 20-something virgins

/jp/ is for under-12 little girls.

>> No.6044313

OP's newfaggotry is painfully obvious.

Bitches don't know about the split.

>> No.6044329

>It keeps /a/ clean of off-topic shitposting and irrelevance and maintains high standard of discussion
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.6044367

The truth.
Now delete this thread, OP.
