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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6039283 No.6039283 [Reply] [Original]

>KYOTO, Japan — The demonstrators appeared one day in December, just as children at an elementary school for ethnic Koreans were cleaning up for lunch. The group of about a dozen Japanese men gathered in front of the school gate, using bullhorns to call the students cockroaches and Korean spies.

>Inside, the panicked students and teachers huddled in their classrooms, singing loudly to drown out the insults, as parents and eventually police officers blocked the protesters’ entry.

>The December episode was the first in a series of demonstrations at the Kyoto No. 1 Korean Elementary School that shocked conflict-averse Japan, where even political protesters on the radical fringes are expected to avoid embroiling regular citizens, much less children. Responding to public outrage, the police arrested four of the protesters this month on charges of damaging the school’s reputation.

>More significantly, the protests also signaled the emergence here of a new type of ultranationalist group. The groups are openly anti-foreign in their message, and unafraid to win attention by holding unruly street demonstrations.

>Since first appearing last year, their protests have been directed at not only Japan’s half million ethnic Koreans, but also Chinese and other Asian workers, Christian churchgoers and even Westerners in Halloween costumes. In the latter case, a few dozen angrily shouting demonstrators followed around revelers waving placards that said, “This is not a white country.”

>> No.6039287


>> No.6039291

>Halloween Costumes.

Does Japan even celebrate Halloween? It's probably mostly crummy white people in cosplay. The Japanese can kill those fuckers for all I care.

Also, this is "news" how?

>> No.6039293

Oh wow, what assholes.

>> No.6039294

I'm waiting for one of them to get there asses handed to them by a soldier on leave when they try that shit on one of his kids.

>> No.6039295

So story about japan, isn't /jp/ related?
Which is a board about Japan?

>> No.6039299

/jp/ is as much about Japan as /v/ is about Venezuela.

>> No.6039306

You can't generalize about Japan just from this protest. That's like saying all Americans are like Tea Party protestors.

Of course, Japan is known for being xenophobic. But still, twelve men is not much of a protest. You get more than that at KKK meetings.

>> No.6039309

Heard about this. You can see it on our shores, too. There's only 1 Japanese student at Harvard. A friend of a relative's friend offers FULL scholarships (4 years) to qualified Japanese students who want to attend University of Hawaii. In the last 4 years, not a single person has taken it.
Unless you're an exemplary engineer or financier, Japan doesn't want you.

>> No.6039312

So you guys talk about Japanese things.
The thread is labelled /jp/, which is a short form for Japan.
And a story about Japan, and it's treatment of people who aren't from Japan, isn't /jp/ related.
Not quite following you

>> No.6039317

>Otaku Culture

Tunnel-vision ahoy.

>> No.6039319

A year or so ago, moot changed /jp/ - Japanese Culture into /jp/ - Otaku Culture. This change has been taken with... apparent fervor on this board.

>> No.6039322

/jp/ is Otaku Culture, not Japanese Politcs/General

>> No.6039323


Sir, this board is for faggotry such as Touhou and Umineko. Topics such as Japanese politics do not belong on this board.

>> No.6039325

/a/ talks about Japanese things too, does that mean you can post Japanese news there?

This board is not about Japan, get that in your thick skull already you newfriends. This board is about various Japanese media/goods.

>> No.6039332

Wow, the NYTimes picked up the story.
I hope they fucking start to bring this shit back in line

>a few dozen angrily shouting demonstrators followed around revelers waving placards that said, “This is not a white country.”
Don't worry Japan you will manage to undue any good feeling the West had with you if you keep this shit up

>> No.6039357 [SPOILER] 
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Japan now has a Tea Party

>> No.6039362

It's the same fuckers that are causing all the fail with Japan VN companies putting up Japan only on their website and getting Japanese media content taken down.

>> No.6039369

stop same faggin your shitty thread and take it to /new/

>> No.6039376


The people causing that are all American and they work for CNN.

>> No.6039386

Right because CNN follows some little know wiki for fan translators.

>> No.6039395

3D pig-disgusting news.

>> No.6039396

Is /a/ about japanese culture?

>> No.6039402

>Implying CNN cares about VN's to report fan translations to Jap companies

>> No.6039408

Would Otakus visit Japan?
If so, would not being born them effect them?
Would that not make this relevant?

>> No.6039410

>using bullhorns to call the students cockroaches and Korean spies.
That's nice. Sounds like the kind of fanatic right-wing horrible cunts that protest at funerals here.

Racist/inflammatory/eurofaggoty "news" threads go on >>>/int/ or >>>/new/ or whatever
/jp/ is for "otaku culture" which is short for "internet fandom of Japanese media other than anime and manga"

>> No.6039413

Not being born their effect them*

>> No.6039416



>> No.6039418

>Japanese culture?
Otaku is synonymous with japanophile

>> No.6039420

The guy that runs the website all these people use to get their marching orders and organize around has his office in Electric Town. That is pretty much Otaku central in Japan.

>> No.6039421

Great, lets have car threads on /jp/ too based on the fact that otaku may or may not drive cars!

>> No.6039426

There is already a board for that

>> No.6039429

I recommend hiding the thread.

>> No.6039431

Japan could be nuked right now for all I care.

>> No.6039432


It's seems from the response you are getting, no one wants to discuss this shit here.

The logical thing to do would be to take this to /news/ or /int/ and discuss it there with people who are interested in politics or whatever the fuck you are trying to talk about here.

However you do not give a fuck about this and are trying to discuss it here because you are a troll.

>> No.6039433


So, you're saying there's no news board this could go on?

>> No.6039435


>> No.6039436

There is also already a board for this thread, >>>/int/
It was even the first reply to this thread.

>> No.6039437

>about japan


>> No.6039437,1 [INTERNAL] 

Great to know that the janitors are hard at work yet again!

>> No.6039443


This board isn't about japan. This board is about specific types of products that originate from japan and acquiring/talking about those products.

>> No.6039444

What is more relevant for news about Japan
A board about Japan
A board for news
What's more appropriate for news about a novel writer
a board about books
A board about news.
What's more appropriate for news about a movie
/tv/ or /news/?

>> No.6039448

There is no board about Japan.

>> No.6039449

/jp/ is not about Japan retard. Fuck those gooks. Their economy is slowing dying due serious central bank and political retardation, anime industry only produces shit after shit, video game companies haven't made a good game since 2006, they're trying to sell me terrible BRS figs I don't care about, and so on. Only thing they're remotely doing with success is space exploration and even then. Fucking retards don't understand if I don't buy their shit they won't get any money from their national market composed of 80 year old grandmas. Keep your shitty VNs, I don't need them.

>> No.6039455
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>> No.6039457


So wait, you want to discuss this on a board about Japan?

Why don't you just fuck off to whereever weeaboos go these days then? /jp/ isn't about japan. That's like saying /co/ is about America.

>> No.6039459


>> No.6039460

who cares about vocal minority?
the direction of east asia and the world is openness to foreign
we cannot improve our economy by listening to the uneducated loudmouth

>> No.6039461

The butthurt in this thread is making me laugh,


>> No.6039464

To keep kids off the street and unproductive.

>> No.6039465

Are you retarded or something? The board is about Touhou, figs, VNs, doujinshi, etc. It has no more to do with Japan than /a/ does.

>> No.6039467


Worksafe loli board.

>> No.6039468


>> No.6039471

Nobody reads that shit.
Seriously, what's the point?

>> No.6039471,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck are there no janitors or mods on 4chan that can take even a second to delete this shit?

>> No.6039478


Enough people care that the board hit 6 million posts in two years.

Why is there a papercraft board?

>> No.6039479


Scaring elementary school children.

So brave.

>> No.6039484


>> No.6039485

I like how most otakus are ultra right wing "nationalists" even though they do nothing but shame their own nation.

truly the lowest of the scums.

>> No.6039486

It was read with great enthusiasm because there was some quality productions at the time, but now we're just in it because we're deluding ourselves that maybe, just maybe, something good will come and we don't want to miss it.

>> No.6039487

Japanese media that's not already covered by other boards.
This includes doujin things (mostly games, music and manga).

>> No.6039484,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6039490

reads that shit anymore* I mean.
Seriously, anime/manga/japanese culture hasn't been that good in the past 15 years

>> No.6039497


What has YOUR country done about immigrants?

>> No.6039499

Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated

By VERENA DOBNIK (AP) – Aug 22, 2010

NEW YORK — The proposed mosque near ground zero drew hundreds of fever-pitch demonstrators Sunday, with opponents carrying signs associating Islam with blood, supporters shouting, "Say no to racist fear!" and American flags waving on both sides.

The two leaders of the construction project, meanwhile, defended their plans, though one suggested that organizers might eventually be willing to discuss an alternative site. The other, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, said during a Middle East trip that the attention generated by the project is actually positive and that he hopes it will bring greater understanding.

Around the corner from the cordoned-off old building that is to become a 13-story Islamic community center and mosque, police separated the two groups of demonstrators. There were no reports of physical clashes but there were some nose-to-nose confrontations, including a man and a woman screaming at each other across a barricade under a steady rain.

>> No.6039500


And this board is about none of those things as was already said.

I'll try to put this in terms you can understand since you're retarded.

Things that are the absolute fringe of Japanese culture, considered shameful by nips, are what this board is about. Games about little girls. Games about fucking little girls. Figurines of said girls. Look at the other threads on the front page and you should begin to understand.

>> No.6039501

Taken advantage of them.

>> No.6039529

fucking troll-is-successful shitfest, we can only keep saying the same damn thing: "your thread is offtopic," because that's all there is to say. So shut up and wait for the staff to remove the thing.

Oh and report it as spam.

It's troll copypasta so it's going to show up on multiple boards multiple times if it hasn't already.

>> No.6039530

Kicks them out of the country, like every good country should.

>> No.6039533

ass pained weeaboo detected

>> No.6039534

Which paradise do you live in?

>> No.6039539


>> No.6039540

First of all, bring back /jp/ - general
and fuck off to the faggots complaining so vehemently about a thread when there are countless, numberless spam /a/ threads on /jp/

I think we need to remember the ratio of ultra nationalists in Japan, that and always count on scapegoating for misguided grunt level anger

>> No.6039541

Japanese are racist?

What a fucking surprise! It's almost like I never heard of this guy, Arudo Debito.

>> No.6039549

racism stay on >>>/int/

That simple enough, cockbite?

>> No.6039559

You know who is complaining about this thread? The same fucking tools who bump Saten and Anime threads that's who.

>> No.6039566
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I was unaware that this board was full of Korean weeaboos. Fuck off you're a disgrace!

>> No.6039574

are you actually nuts or just trolling?
Please say you're trolling.

>> No.6039587

I am stating what's obvious. Those thread don't get the hate anything actually relating to Japan does.

>> No.6039603

You guys have crazy right wing assholes, we have crazy right wing assholes. Most of us are not at all like this, so I hope you guys don't generalize Japan because of this.

>> No.6039619

Well, you can talk to the NYTimes about that one there.
And I agree with you but I am personally not happy with the rhetoric coming out of the Japanese political system after the dramatic collapse of Hatoyama

>> No.6039623

These people are even to the right of their crazy right wing assholes who are not above going out and raising hell with a bull horn over some property getting sold to ethnic Chinese or Koreans themselves.

>> No.6039624

They still get reported as spam, tho.

And the OP topic was intentionally inflammatory.

And you/whoever posted the OP probably replied to your/his own thread multiple times.

Fuck off.

>> No.6039634
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Just bring Koizumi back, ffs.

>> No.6039648

The NYT = inflammatory? Get your head out of your ass.Go post in one of the multiple /a/ threads that inhabit the first three pages of this board like you have been doing.

>> No.6039661

Too late you right-winged asshole.

>> No.6039668

This belongs to /new/ or /int/

>> No.6039675


>> No.6039676
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>> No.6039684

Japan needs to be nuked again. Why is this news?

Nothing they do will ever stop them from being a joke country.

>> No.6039695

Go post in you Saten thread.

>> No.6039707

You cherry-picked a negative story about race and anger. You used to do shit like this all the damn time until the staff was convinced to change the board topic.

1. Post intentional troll thread.
2. "You mad" everybody.
3. rinse, repeat

Anyway I'm tired of this, so I just hope the staff and other users aren't taken-in by your troll-logic arguments that this belongs here, because it's already been decided that it doesn't.

>> No.6039734

Don't you find it slightly odd to argue this viewpoint on board that professes its hatred towards Japan.

Part of me is glad that there are people who call this shit out for what it really is.

This "democratic" country needs to be reminded how they fail so abysmally when it comes to accepting different people.

>> No.6039742
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I can taste your butthurt troll. What the staff do you mean moot? moot said discussions about Japan go here. Read and weep tears of butthurt.

>> No.6039765


>> No.6039769

Two /a/ Anime threads and a "autism" thread on the first page but this can't be allowed with out all kinds for butthurt and gtfo. No such reaction to the /a and /b/ shit.

The people getting upset are the people bumping and posting in that shit. Consider the of the source complaints and ignore them.

>> No.6039800


Since when did moot know anything/give two fucks about any board on 4chan? Last I heard, he was too busy giving interviews and testimonies to care.

>> No.6039814

So now it's a different story this the "staff agreed" is pointed out as a lie. Go back and post in your Saten and autism threads.

>> No.6039828


I don't post in those threads because all they do is cause needless shitstorming, much like this one. Keep the retarded pro/anti Japanese arguments to /int/, /new/, and wherever the fuck else they may be appropriate, but stay out of /jp/. This is a board about Touhou and VNs.

>> No.6039829

Hey could you post the Moot OP on that thread, I think it is an important reminder for /jp/ this year

>> No.6039845
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fake or out-of-context
not me, nice try

>> No.6039846

Japan isn't allowed in /jp.

>> No.6039850

How much blood has leaked out of your ass over something you could have simply ignored as you claim to do the /a/ shit? I bet you are up to a pint already.

>> No.6039872

Go back to your hotglue thread.

>> No.6039875


Fuck that and fuck you, "bro". The state of boards like /a/ and /v/ has shown more than clearly what happens when people "ignore" shit threads like this. What happens is retards like you think it's ok to make these threads, and the board slowly but surely turns to shit sooner or later. So no, I'm not gonna leave your pitiful excuse for a thread alone, and I'm going to report it until a janitor becomes annoyed enough to delete it and probably ban me as well.

>> No.6039886

That was uncalled for. /jp/-Alpha as fuck.

>> No.6039903

sorry. All the horrid shit I've seen from japan on 4chan over the years has entrenched in me a deep-seated hatred for japanese people that forever runs contradictory to my interest in your animu and vidya.

Then again, I have some down to earth experiences with one of my halfie jap friends. Despite being half, she's easily accepted by fullbloods, so I guess its not always the case that you nips are all horrible ass-stains.

Just stop being passive aggresive retards and say what you feel. if you don't like me, say it. Don't be all "moshi moshi. ahh okayy" and then turn around and talk shit about people behind our backs. It's worse than teenage girls.

>> No.6039907

Yea that is why there is a K-on thread on the first page with the rest of the anime shit. You can't be OK with that and against on topic stuff too. But you are not against it you are posting in it and bumping it. You are just against this. Anime and western MMO is cool with you.

>> No.6039915

So Japan is a racist country, thought that was common knowledge?

>This is not a white country

Well.... your population is decreasing due to a lack of sex going on (even with your high suicide rates and high amount of smokers, you still shouldn't have a decreasing population), and many Japanese women are falling for white men rather than Japanese men (because we can give them what they want, sex).

So unless they actually get kinky with their wives, it may actually be a white country in a few decades....

>> No.6039925

You have got a lovely arrangement with your dad.

>> No.6039928


When did I say I was OK with those threads? I report everything that isn't related to this board, but I can't delete it directly, you know.

>> No.6039953

I read on shitkakucomplex that 35% of the Japanese women find sex nothing more but a hassle...

>> No.6039955

Like a thing read in a book or remembered out of the faraway past.

>> No.6039971

If this sentiment can be harnessed to paint foreign demands for 2d porn censorship as disgusting foreigner culture that must be rejected, I'm all for it.

>> No.6039978

Talk to me about how you are all for it!

>> No.6039985

So you say. But I see those /a/ threads go completely unhindered while threads like this are called trolls and off topic. I am calling you on it. The anime gets more prevalent every day while threads like this are once every blue moon are told to go to some other board while being totally on topic. Enjoy your anime. I'll try and enjoy the /jp/ releated topics I like.

>> No.6039995

This is news-worthy? You know... this story sounds familiar, except I thought it was about a mosque in a place where people didn't want it to be or something..?

Who knows.

>> No.6040009

You can't blame them for saving the budget, sae is pretty much the worst heroine of amagami unless I really really like big-boobed moeblobs. What is a worthwhile comparison? Pick this up at a garage sale, Thought I would save it.

>> No.6040014


>I see those /a/ threads go completely unhindered

Did you somehow miss the dozens of sages and "go back to /a/" replies these threads receive every time? That seems hard to do.

>The anime gets more prevalent every day

Yes, that's what I'm complaining about. It's just more retards pouring in from /a/, not much can be done about that.

Also, this thread is not on topic. /jp/ is not about Japan's political situation or any bullshit like that. We (the better part of us, at least) don't care about Japan as a country in the slightest. We just like things that happen to be made there - Touhou, VNs, etc.

>> No.6040017

Actually it's quite different. Still pretty fucked up but quite different.

>> No.6040018

The thread is labelled /jp/, which is a short form for Japan.

>> No.6040026

If by /a/ threads go unhindered, I guess you mean the hourly spams left undeleted. Otherwise any attempt to make an /a/ thread with discussion will receive as much love as this thread, maybe more. All in all, this is not /jp/-Japan/General anymore, just go to >>>/int/ if you want to discuss something about Japan that is not Otaku Culture

>> No.6040031


Err... that sounds kind of awkward. Are you trying to say

"If this leads to saying fuck you to foreigners wanting loli censored because they have a weird culture, I'm all for it"

They probably aren't orgasming.

>> No.6040042
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>> No.6040055

All those GTFOs and go back to /a/that are totally missing from all those threads most of the time? Yes I totally miss shit that since 99% of the time that isn't there. When the anime, sion and, saten threads stop I'll stop complaining about this stuff being called off topic when it isn't at all. It's just something you personally don't want to accept in /jp/.

>> No.6040074

Why don't you go back to /a/ and discuss your anime too.

>> No.6040075

To the dumbass who said nobody complains in the /a/ spam threads, it's because you can't reason with the spammers, the autistic kids just won't listen. Everyone with an IQ higher than 50 would know to report those threads as spams and leave it as that. We complaint in this thread because we hope that you are not stupid and can still be reasoned with.

>> No.6040081


>When the anime, sion and, saten threads stop I'll stop complaining about this stuff

Yeah, good luck with that pal. At the end of the day, there's nothing I can say that will convince you to stop posting shit and being stupid. At the very least, please realize that threads like these won't be met with acceptance for the most part. If you're content with your threads being hated and saged, go ahead and keep posting. If you ever want to actually enjoy browsing this board, however, you'll stop.

>> No.6040085

No actually you are accepting that and rejecting this pretty openly.

>> No.6040097

No I insist you do the very same thing to ALL threads you find unwelcome. So you if find all the anime and /v/ threads to be unwelcome here I expect the same amount to attention to them as well. You are a fucking hypocrite otherwise. Until you have a shitstorm over those threads like you do over these you are just a troll who is full of shit.

>> No.6040105

Well, just as you said, I do sometimes go to /a/ to discuss in the Yu-gi-oh 5Ds threads that appear there once in a blue moon and that's it, /jp/ is still the board that I mainly go to. But even so, I never talked about anime in /jp/. I discuss things in the place that they belongs.
Maybe you should go to >>>/int/ or >>>/new/ to discuss your Japan politics there too.

>> No.6040119

>mfw the guy bitching about this thread is also saying his post isn't worthy enough to bump the thread

>> No.6040120


Buddy, I don't think you realize the position you're taking in this argument. I'm not here to meet your autistic demands just so you I can feel blessed to not be called a hypocrite by your shitposting ass. Get your shitty thread and yourself out of here and don't come back.

>> No.6040135
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>> No.6040141

So you say that you won't stop being idiots until other idiots stop too? And you still wonder why your thread is hated, geez?

>> No.6040143

Nope I still see you don't get it.

I despise anime threads in /jp/ unless they have a tie in to games like FSN. I am even willing to go along with this kind of thread being discouraged if you get the fucking anime threads and the spoilers that go with them out of /jp/ but until that day I will complain every time I see these threads being told to go to another board. You fucking people hardly raise any fuss over the /a/ shit that is getting more and more prevailing every day.

>> No.6040151

Not my thread faggot.

>> No.6040163

The people who make those threads know perfectly well where they belong. Posting your rage macros or whatever it is you do isn't going to make them turn over a new leaf.

>> No.6040183

But shitting up these threads will you seem to think. BRILLIANT!!!

>> No.6040203 [DELETED] 

So you are OK with /a/ taking over /jp/ then? Because that is what you are saying is OK by saying treating this thread and those obvious /a/ thread equally is.

>> No.6040253
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>> No.6040275



>> No.6040478

Those were the good ol' days.

>> No.6040492

>they're waving flags and have a sentiment I disagree with. QUICK EVERYBODY, LET'S COMPARE THEM TO NAZIS IN THE MOST TANGENTIAL FASHION WE POSSIBLY CAN.

>> No.6040615

Didn't you know this thread is not allowed.

>> No.6040962

Saten is OK but this thread isn't.

>> No.6040984

Nobody wants to go to /int/ or /new/.
They are like smallers versions of /b/.

>> No.6040990


No shit. Nobody wants threads like these because the shitstorms they spawn make our board look like a miniature version of /b/ as well.

>> No.6041016

But Saten is fine along with the rest of the /a/ shit, No shitstorm minimal complaints. Hypocrites.

>> No.6041043

/new/ would be fine if it wasn't for the towelhead lovers.

in b4 accusations of being a jew hurrdurr

>> No.6041051

Hey guys! What's going on in this thread?

>> No.6041066

Still butthurt OP? Saten is more /jp/ related than your /b/ shit, deal with it.

>> No.6041079

so much butthurt sage in this thread

>> No.6041085

Go post in your Saten thread and I am not the Op.

If this shit isn't allowed that shit isn't allowed. If that shit stays this shit stays. Get that through your pea sized brain. I expect you to be as aggressive against those fucking Anime threads as you are against these. Otherwise fuck off.

>> No.6041103

Perhaps the U.S should stop protecting Japan and leave the Island to the mercy of the Chinese.
Let's see how they like the idea of ultra-nationalism then.

>> No.6041106

Isn't it normal for a country to want to stay a united race with everyone having the same origin ? You're just mad because the USA failed to stop mass immigration and less than half of your country is of your race.

>> No.6041107

>implying, with their production capacity, population, and technological edge, that they would not have a large and extremely well equipped military before the U.S. could even fully remove our troops from the island.

>> No.6041110
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Saten thread!


>> No.6041126

Not really.

This isn't about race so much as it is about people who are getting paid shitty wages and have tenuous employment status while the rich stay insanely rich and are getting richer in a high cost society. The "racism" is a symptom which you would have picked up on if you had read this article yesterday in the NYT or at the URL.

>> No.6041127

Yeah I so want to read the rest of your post..............

>> No.6041131

America has pretty much always embraced immigration, land of opportunity and all that.

>> No.6041133

Just exactly who would they man it with?

>> No.6041140

Amen, these 12 people most likely don't even have jobs.
Bums who have done and will do nothing with their lives
They feel they want to be bigger than they are so they invent some ridiculous "cause"

>> No.6041144

Don't respond to retards/trolls.
