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File: 173 KB, 590x400, misosoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6038779 No.6038779 [Reply] [Original]

So, I tried miso soup today. It was pretty much all around nauseating.

Pic related.

>> No.6038782

Why don't you go give Annie Chun a piece of your mind?

>> No.6038785

what it taste like? I always assumed it tasted salty and oniony

>> No.6038790

You've never had this before? Also just buy miso paste and make some.

>> No.6038799


Wasn't so much salty, though I did add some after my first taste. it had an odd-smelling aroma, and the soup was bold, but unflavorful. The noodles were mediocre. The scallions were all right.

>> No.6038804

Why would you expect prepackaged food to not be gross.

>> No.6038811
File: 11 KB, 300x271, miso-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.6038812

Yeah, miso has a really odd smell. What's in the paste?

>> No.6038814

Is Annie Chun even Japanese?

>> No.6038815

Why don't you try going to a Japanese restaurant, or making it yourself with ingredients from an Asian food specialty store? That's like eating some week-old Tombstone pizza and then evaluating that all pizza is bad.

>> No.6038822

Was it made by your clumsy childhood friend with a C-cup?

>> No.6038821

Obviously it would be nauseating if the first thing you tried was instant shit. If you want to try real miso soup, just buy a tub of miso paste. Preparing the stuff is as simple as scooping a few tablespoons into the pot and mixing it in boiling water. It is also an incredible seasoning for chicken, and can be widely used in cooking.

>> No.6038820

rotten beans. same as all beanpaste.

>> No.6038823

Likely a Corean trying to peddle her imitation miso.

>> No.6038832

Annie Chun ANYTHING tastes like ass. Fuck, the noodles are some of the plainest shit ever even with seasoning.

Make some real miso soup instead of eating that garbage.

>> No.6038837

Is this food even Japanese?

>> No.6038850


Yeah, the noodles tastes like a lot of nothing. Know any better brands for these kinds of soups? It seemed like it had potential, and being a veget/a/rian it looked to be a good choice.

>> No.6038857


>> No.6038860



>> No.6038863

Should've stuck to ramen.
Really, you can't beat Maruchan's ramen for dirt cheap food out of a packet.

>> No.6038865

The only processed food worth eating is tuna.

>> No.6038882
File: 483 KB, 909x680, kinokuniya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this Japanese bookstore downtown that I ordered Miso soup from once for only a buck.

Shit was pretty good, man. Then my day had to get ruined when someone sat near me and asked if I knew Japanese (in Japanese). I automatically responded with:

Fucking wanted to say no, but already responded. She started asking me shit I could hardly understand and telling me that I'm pretty good with chopsticks, dragging me into some kind of conversation that lasted nearly 30 minutes. Of course, I was too shy to really talk back and ended up slurring and stuttering everywhere.


Also, they sell Melon Bread there as well. It's very tasty, and comes pretty cheap. Whenever I'm there and see them on sale, I always buy a batch.

>> No.6038897
File: 44 KB, 200x200, make-ramen-noodle-soup-microwave-200X200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I tried ramen soup today. It was pretty much all around nauseating.

Pic related.

>> No.6038901


Oh god, I see pokemon, Haruhi, Bleach, and Domo. Seems like the perfect place the find the most sweat potent neckbeards in the city.

>> No.6038911
File: 78 KB, 864x480, Buttmad slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no you didn't

>> No.6038912

I think it's nice to experience something new and unexpected like that

>> No.6038917

Maruchan is cheap shit. Try Ottogi or other brands. Actual recipes, not instant noodles.

>> No.6038920
File: 63 KB, 452x370, shin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you can. I'd like you to meet the Shin Bowl.

>> No.6038925

>She started asking me shit I could hardly understand and telling me that I'm pretty good with chopsticks, dragging me into some kind of conversation that lasted nearly 30 minutes

She was totally hitting on you, bro.

>> No.6038929

But those likely cost more than pocket change

>> No.6038970

They're a business. They're there to make sales. You see that shit in front of any store that has a pretty nice selection of anime merchandise. It's popular, and it attracts people. Of course there are going to be faggots coming into the store, but that's okay because the store doesn't allow you to sit on the floor and read. Not only that, but all the shit is shrink wrapped, so they couldn't sit their ass and read even if they wanted to.

There's a Barns and Noble like 3 blocks away, most of the faggots stay there. Anyone else would usually come, browse around a bit and then get the fuck out after buying a wall scroll or something. If they're with a group of friends making a big fuss, it's fairly easy to ignore them if you just go to the cafe.

Also, they don't usually go to the Japanese manga section. If they do, they just take a quick glance at the shelves, realize they can't read shit, and then move on to the English section. I think the whole reason someone asked me if I knew Japanese was because of the fact that I picked out a Japanese light novel I was planning on buying and had it next to me while eating. They probably also saw me reading through them a bit (light novels aren't wrapped, but since the faggots can't read them anyway, it's okay).

tl;dr - It's a good store, but they need to have that shit on the front if they want to rake in money and keep the store alive. It's not as much of a problem as you'd think though.

>> No.6038983
File: 284 KB, 486x416, Laughing girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He uses watashi to refer to himself

>> No.6038996

I'd love to have a store that stocked Japanese books in my area, but alas, all I can do is order books online and pay stupidly high shipping costs.

>> No.6038997

It's moe!

>> No.6039002

>Japanese bookstore downtown that I ordered Miso soup
Traditional American shopping experience?

>> No.6039012



>> No.6039020

cant you go to a real japanese restaurant and ask for miso soup instead of that shit?

>> No.6039048


>> No.6039095

chun's teriyaki noodles are ok. never tried miso. shin cup is good, skip the cup and get the packaged ones if you can they are better.

>> No.6039098

Buy the ingredients and make it yourself. It's not a terribly complicated dish.
