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File: 19 KB, 448x269, uk-flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
602797 No.602797 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fucking sick of England

I'm thinking of just booking a one-way ticket to Japan and looking for work when I get there.

How much money would I need to start off with?

>> No.602801

don't do it!

>> No.602805

lol bad idea. Japan is worse.

>> No.602807

everything you can hoard together - the more money you can bring out of the country you hate, the better

>> No.602803

about 8 billion yen

or £56

>> No.602809

Bonus points if you can't scape together a living in Japan and you have to beg your parents to keep sending you money over.

>> No.602810

thats good because thats not the English flag..

>> No.602811

IF you plan on living in Toyko or some big city the rent is HUGE and so are the life expences. If you plan on going to some far of village rent is a bit better life expences still shit high. SO BRING A BUTT LOAD OF CASH.

>> No.602816


>> No.602820

I live in london at the moment, even Tokyo isn't as expensive to live as here

I am just thinking of a lump sum to tide me over while I look for work. A friend suggested to me £3000, but I dunno if that's enough.

I only have £2400 in my account though.

>> No.602833

No real idea, all I can say is that I'm going later this year for 12 months for study, and just to get the student visa needed to prove I have access to £7000 for the year. It'd be £10000 if it was Tokyo. That's just a generic sum, but at the very least I'm not sure £2400 is going to cut it, especially if you have problems getting work in the first place.

Fellow Britfag (Liverpool LOL) here though, so I can't say I blame you, but I'm not sure you've thought this through properly either. Japan's got more than enough of its own problems as it is.

>> No.602834

Not a expert but i dont think that 484.528 yen is enough. OH well let's say avarage rent is about 72000 yen a month.

>> No.602837

Dont think they waste drugs on male slaves.

>> No.602835

I don't think you need much money to get kidnapped by the yakuza and become a druggedup slave.

>> No.602839

Which part of england are you in?

>> No.602840


Hardly enough for 1 semester of Uni in the UK.
Don't bother.

>> No.602852

How are you going to work there? How are you going to deal with Japanese immigration? You don't just go to Japan and stay there. Sure, you probably get like 30, 60, etc days no visa required, but after that...

>> No.602866

how about just take a vacation or something

>> No.602867

Well you need to get that shit that let's you stay in the country for a year or more depends how they allow it and you naturally need to get a a workers book or whatever you call it in english, basically approval that you can work in japan.

>> No.602870

Do europe by train/hitching instead. I did two months in denmark, germany, holland and belgium (jan-feb) in '05 with nothing but a backpack full of books, an MD player and 150€.

>> No.602873

You know all those nigras and paki's running round our countries streets atm?

you know how much we hate them?

You'll become one of them but to Japan if you go there now.

fucking man the shit in england for a few years, get some qualifications, savings etc
then move your ass out.

>> No.602895

No, stay in your shitty fucking europe, we don't need you faggots shitting up the rest of the world.Don't blame your problems on minorities, your country fucking sucks you pussy faggot.

>> No.602904


you'll be as miserable as you are in england

but hey, don't let me stop you, take a flight over here tonight :)

>> No.602911

You think japan is a wonderland that will fulfill your dreams? hahaha

>> No.602916

Do you guys remember that stupid euro tripfag who thought the Japanese government gave workers paid vacations for 2 years like they do in his socialist paradise?

>> No.602934

>booking a one-way ticket to Japan and looking for work when I get there
Fist you might wanna apply for a visa that allows you to work. Which will be denied by the way, due to xenophobic anti-immigration laws.

>> No.602928

brb, moving to socialist paradise Europe

>> No.602939


>> No.602946

On second thought, we might have Socialist Paradise Amerikkka if Obama wins the election

>> No.602953


>> No.602973
File: 103 KB, 640x480, 1210528219090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornwall, Fuck Yeah

>> No.603000

i agree, take like a month long trip to japan

i did that for hong kong

>> No.603087
File: 17 KB, 237x337, 1210530479151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha I loved living in a 3rd world...soon anons we will all be equal

>> No.603335

You can't just go to Japan and think everything will work out.
You need a job and apartment in Japan before you even move there.

>> No.603377

You're going to need quite a bit of money and know the right people to bribe to even get a Visa to stay in the country in the first place. I'd say around 10x your current savings might be able to pull it off if you're lucky.

>> No.603395

Why would you leave the country that has the GREAT GURREN BRIGADE's logo on its flag?

>> No.603424

Move to Thailand. It's cheap as hell over there.

>> No.603427


as much as us britfags like to think its other cultures messing up this countries it's actually white people screwing this country up..... Niggers too....

>> No.603447

So the pakis and other brown trash are not gang-raping for the lulz, spreading the bad kind of islam in ghettos, scamming welfare all the while refusing to integrate?

How about removing them liberal goggles for a minute and look at your back yard there sport?

>> No.603464

>bad kind of islam

>> No.603471


Thanks for putting down my whole goddamn race.

>> No.603474

Faith isn't inherently wrong or dangerous. Abnormal variants however, are.

>> No.603494

Fuck you. I'm booking a one-way ticket to the UK next month.

>> No.603528

enjoy Europe's highest prices, biggest concentration of niggers and slimes, and ten million faggots going "sorry" if you happen to briefly touch them

>> No.603557

I don't really mind either way, I'm heading there to haul as much money as possible back home. I've led a rather sheltered life so far so I don't mind a few years of working my ass off, and the nice UK exchange rates (lol third world country) will put me a long way towards an early retirement.

They're hauling out the new immigration laws real soon though, so I'll have to ship out ASAP if I want my foot in the door.

>> No.603626

Hey they have people like you working the carwash near where I live.

They work bloody all hours for little money. Then again the do a mighty fine job in washing cars. Bloody clean and hella efficient.

>> No.603650

Haha yeah, I might have to resort to that when I first get here. I've got a couple of decent-ish UK degrees, but I don't mind getting my hands dirty while I'm applying for decent paying jobs.

>> No.603663

Anytime 'bruv'.

>> No.603693

lol onion scented people. now with onion skin
