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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6026021 No.6026021 [Reply] [Original]

moe is the cancer killing the anime industry

>> No.6026027

I don't understand this image.

>> No.6026029

>anime industry

Why are you on /jp/?

>> No.6026031

Actually it's the only thing keeping it alive along with fujoshi catering mecha.

>> No.6026035


>> No.6026038

I don't understand your face.

>> No.6026045

>implying anime isn't long dead

>> No.6026049

The MADHOUSE section is missing Monster.

>> No.6026050

>implying you're not long dead
Fucking zombies.

>> No.6026053

Some other Anon linked this and I thought it was a good watch

>> No.6026054

I care.

>> No.6026056

I love most of those shows on the right and hope they keep on putting out similar series.

>> No.6026059

anime is the cancer killing /jp/


>> No.6026060

Word. I like all of them except K-on and Working

>> No.6026066

That's funny, those are the only ones I like that are on the right.

>> No.6026067


>> No.6026074

Yeah same here. All the shows on the left are outrageously overrated by some vocal minority. Except for Casshern, that was actually pretty outstanding.

>> No.6026077

I watched all of those except for Ippo and One Outs.

>> No.6026080

I hate all shows on the right and like almost all shows on the left.

Madhouse is the best studio overall.

Also, captcha: melodrama surpines

Take this shit out of here.

>> No.6026086

Shit taste.
/a/ level taste in anime.

>> No.6026090

Most /jp/ users are the cancer killing /jp/ more like. The rage brigade especially, aka: Troll Bait.

>> No.6026089

enjoyable shows are the cancer killing the anime industry

>> No.6026087

Honestly on right I think K-on is the only 'true' moe show on there
I don't know what that P.A. works anime is though

>> No.6026102

I am the chemo that is curing /jp/.

>> No.6026103

That's just flat-out incorrect. You're just trying to look mature on the internet,to impress anonymous strangers. I see right through you.

>> No.6026105

All anime is shit. Especially everything on the right.

>> No.6026112

Well, that was hilarious.
>herp internet is killing the anime industry while it airs FOR FREE for anyone to watch derp

>> No.6026114

Angel Beats is doing great? Feels good, man.

>> No.6026115

I don't understand what the moe hatred is about, sure, they aren't as "good" as series with an actual decently written story, but if you put your mind to it you can enjoy moe anime all the same. Watching anime is something you do for enjoyment, right?

>> No.6026116

I'M the one killing /jp/, one user at a time. Remember to check under the bed before you go to sleep.

>> No.6026118

I'll be looking forward to the inevitable VN adaptation.

>> No.6026119

My taste vs your taste battle?You are pretty stupid OP.

>> No.6026125

>hurp i play eroge for the story i dont care about characters and ero as long as the story's good

>> No.6026127

Intelligent people watch good shows, it doesn't matter if it's on the left or on the right. Also, none of those shows are bad, they're all pretty good if you ask me.

Some are just more accessible for the masses, thus sell more.

>> No.6026132

Finally someone who is not an idiot

>> No.6026142

Who actually plays eroge? I thought the whole point of them was to collect the HCG as quickly as possible by skipping everything. Visual novels, on the other hand, I can deal with.

>> No.6026140

Who the fuck still watches anime?

>> No.6026141

Why do people get worked up over things other people like?

>> No.6026144

The point is that moe sells better, meaning shows with substance and well-written stories get passed up for more "cute girls doing cute things" animu #239058129058.

>> No.6026145

Summer thread. Infinite summer continues.

>> No.6026146

Because mature folk such as yourself exclusively play eroge, right?

>> No.6026147

Because it's 4chan and those people are just being assholes.

>> No.6026148

>implying eroge don't have plot

>> No.6026143

In before (but probably after) samefag.

>> No.6026153

>He plays porn for the plot. Also, greentext.

>> No.6026163

/a/ is filled with hipster normalfags who thinks a show needs to be obscure and have a downright unaesthetic art direction in order to be good. It's like faggots listening to atonal music, if you try to argue with them, they'll just say it's too deep for you and that you couldn't even begin to understand it.

Luckily, Touhou and eroge focus too much on cute girls for /jp/ to fall into the same trap.

>> No.6026160

What the fuck is "moe" anime? Do people really have such a hard time comprehending that word?

>> No.6026167

Anything not produced by Madhouse apparently

>> No.6026168

What's that? mad house is catering to an incredibly niche demographic and is surprised at its poor sales?

You must be a dumb fuck or an underage.

>> No.6026169

Get to watching them then, I always hear good things about Ippo and One Outs is Akagi with baseball.

And I don't mind moe shows, really. I don't see why some people hate them so much. Maybe because they're popular?

>> No.6026175

You do know plot-driven game like FSN, Cross Channel and Sharin no Kuni are ergoe as well, right? Don't tell me you play those for the porn

>> No.6026177

This thread shows how many of you still watch anime or browse /a/. There is nothing wrong with that as long as you learn to fucking draw a line between both boards and don't discuss anime in /jp/.

>> No.6026178

>right: animes sion would watch
>left: anime sion would never watch

>> No.6026179

But it's hilarious when you get frazzled over it!

>> No.6026181

I should have been more specific, I was more referring to your generic boy lives with childhood friend, has maids and has a little sister with a crush on him eroge. Of course, there are eroge I do not play for its porn alone.

>> No.6026180


There's absolutely nothing wrong with those so called "unasthetic" art styles. And there's nothing wrong with atonal music, either.

>> No.6026183

>Doesn't know that fans can define a word through popular usage.

Moe is a genre who's primary characteristic is its abundance of charming females. Don't try to pretend that the meaning of words can't change depending on who's using it. Your old enough to know his anon

>> No.6026184
File: 419 KB, 380x380, 1277834674387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how that can be a problem, if both of them are enjoyable (although for different reasons).
Then again, it's not like the so-called moe shows are pure trash - most of the times, they have interesting characters (which is a highly subjective matter, by the way).

tl;dr different people have different tastes, learn to fucking deal with it instead of complaining and shit.

>> No.6026185

And what's wrong with watching anime? Don't act like eroge or Touhou fanon are above it.

>> No.6026189

Well damn, forgot to mention that most of the times shows like the ones on the left of the chart ALSO have good characters! Oh no! Does that mean they're moe shows as well?!

>> No.6026191

Ok and what about VN without porn? They are usually the best by the way.

>> No.6026192

It isn't wrong but it is wrong when you watch it because it's obscure too be different from the others.

>> No.6026194

Not really. Branch out a little.

>> No.6026200

God you are blind aren't you? Here, I'll paste what he said:
>There is nothing wrong with that as long as you learn to fucking draw a line between both boards and don't discuss anime in /jp/.
>There is nothing wrong with that as long as you learn to fucking draw a line between both boards

Got it now?

>> No.6026202

Blame OP for that.

Huh, I thought moe shows were shows about cute girls doing cute things, like K-ON and Hidamari Sketch.
Don't tell me that FullMetal Alchemist is a moe show as well.

>> No.6026204

Anonymous imageboard make projecting easy. Most /jp/ers think they are the last otaku elitists on 4chan, above such peons as people who watch anime.
This is why they go into fits each time their projected image is proven wrong by threads such as these.

>> No.6026209

Saying moe is destroying the anime industry and we need to support *obscure shows with obscure art only a few like*
Is like saying pop music is killing the music industry and we need to support black metal

>> No.6026210

The top 3 shows were not even about cute girls doing cute things you idiots are really quick to jump on shows like k-on for being COMEDY like they were planned to be.

>> No.6026216

This image is trying to tell me that they sold under 500 copies of the first volume of Casshern. Forgive me if I don't quite trust those numbers.

>> No.6026217

>Moe is a genre
Your whole sentence is now invalid

>> No.6026229


Moe is simply a word used to describe YOUR FEELINGS towards a character. Yes, Ippo or Ken can be moe to you. Some shows try to expressly evoke such moe emotions in the viewer for a character by drawing cute and vunerable characters, but it doesn't mean MOE is a genre of itself.

>> No.6026230

I do have to thank this thread for letting me know about Casshern, though. Strangely enough I haven't even heard of this, and it looks quite interesting.

>> No.6026232

This is /a/-related trolling material. Why is it here?

Will you faggots ever learn the word moe?



>> No.6026237

I'm a /jp/er, I am an elitist fuck, I know all other boards are worthless peons, but I don't think watching anime has anything to do with that. Most people on /jp/ have been greatly biased against anime because of the board rivalry, and that's really sad. If you prefer watching anime and read manga as well as have your /jp/-related hobbies, that's fine, really.
Now, discussing anime/manga on /jp/ isn't frowned upon because they're an inferior pastime, but because there is already a board dedicated to them, /a/.
