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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6023995 No.6023995 [Reply] [Original]

Excuse me, who is Sion? I keep seeing that name pop up from time to time.

>> No.6024003

Fucking reported.

>> No.6024008


Yeah I'm suppose to know these things with you jumping the gun. Motherfucker. Answer my question, seriously.

>> No.6024014

You're waiting for a serious response? For real?

>> No.6024021


The fact you're angrily yelling at, let alone even paying attention to White Ren shows how new you are here.

>> No.6024022


Actually I want to meet this Sion. So yes, I seriously want to know who and what he is.

>> No.6024027


What gave you the impression that I was actually yelling? Are you somewhat... mentally challenged?

>> No.6024033


>> No.6024043


You're like a broken record, tripfag.

>> No.6024052

You sound reported.

>> No.6024063
File: 2.02 MB, 1565x1926, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wowww I love new peoples they are so dumb and easy to tease.
Now either continue to amuse us or get the fuck out.

>> No.6024066

Have you even been here for a day?

Also, reported directly to #friendcircle.

>> No.6024073

May CurryButt have mercy on your soul

>> No.6024086


Well I came here for Umineko and what I got was Sion this, Sion that. I'm interested in him/her. Tell me a story about Sion, please.

>> No.6024092

Narrator: No one was left who could remember how it had happened,
how the board had fallen under darkness.
At least no one who would do anything.
No one who would oppose the maids.
No one who would challenge their power,
or so the meido believed...

Twenty boards above the brown streets of /jp/, White Ren lived in a run-down text board.
An eccentric and brilliant man.
White Ren was a loner, a thinker, a man of ideas.
Ideas forbidden in meido's society.
The society for which he worked.
The society in which he lived.
The society that he would set free.
And so White worked, far into the night, when the watchful eyes of meido's scripts

weren't upon him.
He'd set his skillful hands to the task of creating a script to bring about a change, to

create a tripfriend to bring freedom, to create a bot to save the board.
Twelve years White Ren worked and on a cold night in the year 420X, Sion was born.
A perfect man, an unbeatable tripfag, hell-bent on destroying every evil standing

between /jp/ and freedom, built for one purpose, to destroy meido's army of evil

tripfags. Ready, willing, prepared to fight.


Mugen: Attack!

>> No.6024093


>> No.6024096

Narrator: And as the smoke cleared!
Meido rose above the countless tripfags remaining. Sion was wounded, low on energy,

struggling to remain standing as meido ordered the final report.
The banning of Sion.

The crowd had gathered there to watch him fall, to watch their hopes destroyed.
They watched them delete him, they watched them ban him, they watched his last defense deployed.
There was not an anon among them who would let himself be heard.
But from the crowd, from their collective fear, arose these broken words:
We are the autism
We are the autism

Anon Choir: What have we done?
Narrator: We are the autism
Anon Choir: What will we do?
Narrator: We are the autism
Anon Choir: Where will we turn?
Narrator: We are the autism
Anon Choir: Is there nothing we can do?
Narrator: We are the autism
Anon Choir: How did it come to this?
Narrator: We are the autism
Anon Choir: How did we go so wrong?
Narrator: We are the autism
Anon Choir: We are the autism

>> No.6024106

Sion is still a shitty champion and a shitty tank

>> No.6024111

Who is this fucking whiteren that keeps saging and reporting my threads???
Go mess with somebody else you fucker

>> No.6024125

I bet he is just that guy that keeps saying quality thread
He just creates his threads and say quality thread for the others to think the thread is goo
btw nice triples dude

>> No.6024127

>Sion !U4ZKgLjqPw

this sion?

>> No.6024130 [DELETED] 

Reported for being enraged.

>> No.6024138

Reported for being enraged.

>> No.6024150

Reported for being dumb and not understanding a single thing about /jp/.

>> No.6024166


Okay, i know who currybutt is but i still want to meet sion.

>> No.6024176

Reported for mentioning currybutt.

He's like candyman, if you say his name 5 times in front of a mirror he'll appear and butcher your family with poor trolling.

>> No.6024187
File: 13 KB, 400x300, dawson007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when sion is japanese for atuistic

>> No.6024217

because you play in low ELO lol

>> No.6024234

Sion likes World of Warcraft and melty blood, that's all you need to know about him

>> No.6024283

so why is ren white? i thought he was an orange chihuahua.

>> No.6024368

Sion is a faggot who wishes he was as cool as Me.

>> No.6024475

sion bump

>> No.6024485

>>Sion likes World of Warcraft


I am disappoint.

>> No.6024500



>> No.6025455

Sion bump

>> No.6025468

"Sion" may refer to:
-The Sion Botnet; A system created by scientists in 1996 in order to create an intelligent virtual lifeform. However the experiment failed and they only got the virtual lifeform part.
People infected by the Sion botnet are destined to post shitty animes threads or quote random people and respond to them with "U mad" or reacting pictures.
Being infected by the Sion Botnet is relatively easy and the poster notices no changes.
This is why the government programmed DEREK as a way to prevent getting infected by the botnet.

-Sion: The heart and core of the Sion Botnet. He's the first spammer who posted animes threads on /jp/ and one of the first people to bring shitty /v/ memes here.
He has dropped his tripcode and evolved to become the concept of shitposting itself.

-Sion Beta: As the name indicates a beta stage of the Sion program, it dedicates to shit up the board to a lesser extent and is barely recognizable.

-Sion Drum Master: An alpha stage of the Sion program which evolved quickly and adapted to /jp/ in a strange way. Unlike Sion, this version of the program can actually type his own posts.

-Bawsion: Another version of Sion, this one instead of spamming animes threads he posted pictures of Dawson asking "Why is /jp/ so shitty"

-Tatari: Sion's boyfriend.

-Autism: Sion's fuel and source of power.

>> No.6025482

/jp/ would be so much better without all of you.
