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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6015763 No.6015763 [Reply] [Original]

What are you majoring in /jp/?

I can't decide. I want to help people, but I don't want to be around them while I do it. That rules out anything medical, right?

>> No.6015774

>he thinks people are worth helping

also, reported

>> No.6015778

Tactical theology

>> No.6015785


>> No.6015789
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Computer Science & Sociology

>> No.6015790

>I want to help people

Oh wow get out of /jp/.

>> No.6015798

Touhou certified official

>> No.6015800

More like pedo studies.

>> No.6015801

Art. I'm serious.

>> No.6015802

The only thing I have an interest in is Japanese. Is it worth majoring in?

>> No.6015805

Are all the grand prix videos translated yet?

>> No.6015809

gambatte ne, anon-okasan.

>> No.6015813

No. It sucks. Horribly. Get another major, learn Japanese on the side.

>> No.6015820

Typical Corean hateful reply.

>> No.6015824

I dropped out of college ages ago.

Be prepared to fail and become a NEET like the rest of us.

>> No.6015834

I wish your Japanese wasn't that bad though, but I get what you are saying. Thanks.

>> No.6015841

you can help the humanity as a whole if you invent a new deadly virus that wipes out the whole population within a week.

>> No.6015845


Medical researcher. You can work on researching cures or treatments that could save millions of lives, but you won't ever have to actually meet those people or do it yourself.

Medical researchers usually crop up from molecular biologists and biochemists as undergrads, so there you go, molecular biologist.

>> No.6015848

Everyone on 4chan is an engineer. I'm tempted to become an engineer as well, because it sounds very intelligent and prestigious.

>> No.6015864

Including Madagascar?

>> No.6015868

We tried that before, it's called AIDS.

Moderate level of success.

>> No.6015869

It makes for a nearly guaranteed high-middle class life-style. If you're looking to make it rich, you're looking in the wrong spot.
Electrical engineer here, by the way.

>> No.6015876

Accounting and Mandarin.

>> No.6015879

Engineering is applied physics for people who want to get actual jobs.
Study pure theory instead!

>> No.6015881

Hello, Tomoya.

>> No.6015882

When I was in high school the only people I knew interested in that were jocks and one annoying jewish guy.

>> No.6015883

Journalism, but I prefer the private sector.
I can deal well with poeple, but they earn more and have less hours.

>> No.6015906

I've been thinking about this seriously. I like having something to keep me thinking and solving while not having to deal with too many people. Anyone have any experience with this kind of path?

>> No.6015907

You could do something medical without meeting a single person like radiology.
But don't even consider the thought, you won't get into medical school.

>> No.6015912

They're betas (not talking alpha/beta-male here) and think they're hella smart for knowing math. If you didn't like them, you're probably an alpha, interested (and good in) art, writing, music, etc. Anything creative. They can't do anything like that, because everything they do must be "logical" and follow "rules".

This wouldn't be so bad if they didn't actually feel BETTER than alphas for being good with numbers.

>> No.6015913

I'm in my senior year as a biology major.

I can't wait for my unemployment checks, and for the loan sharks calling all day for me to pay back my student loans while I fap to my mahjong hands in tenhou.

>> No.6015915

Another computer science here.

What type of an electrical engineer? My brother is one and designs circuit boards.

>> No.6015917

Creative Writing
Minor is Education.

>> No.6015920

English and Japanese major here. If I can't get into law school, I'm pretty much doomed to teaching high school.

>> No.6015925

Are you the guy that's always been saying biology is a shitty major?
What was your plan when you chose bio??

>> No.6015930

My junior year is coming up. I've been thinking of taking the microelectronics route.
How is he doing with his job? Is he doing fine on his own?

>> No.6015932

>majoring in English and Japanese
>doomed to teaching high school
>teach English
>Japanese Highschool


>> No.6015940

>I can't decide. I want to help people, but I don't want to be around them while I do it

Go into biology.

>> No.6015944

Failing at majoring in Foreign Languages. English and Japanese

>> No.6015954
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>> No.6015955

I want an actual job and middle-class lifestyle. I'm tired of leeching off my grandmother.

>> No.6015960

I have a computer science degree. My job is great. No forced overtime, low stress, lots of freedom in how I do my work.

>> No.6015962

Engineering will serve you well.

>> No.6015963

What's a major that has decent pay(I only want enough to feed clothe and house myself, along with enough to honor my waifu) for someone that has no interests other than /jp/ stuff and computer hardware?

>> No.6015968

Did you do a couple of internships while you were in university?

>> No.6015974

Even better, I'm doing mathematics.
No. Tomoyo was a mechanic. Why do people always confuse these?

>> No.6016009

Applied math with a minor in Japanese. I want to teach middle school girls how to math like proper young ladies.

>> No.6016018

My brother was an intern at Intel all through college, then worked at Intel for a couple years after. He quit Intel because he wasn't going up the ladder fast enough for his taste. He is so experienced that even the time the company he was working for collapsed he had like 4 job offers in 2 weeks. He went to Caltech and is really smart though, so he's not the best example for what it's like to be in that job market...

>> No.6016023


I didn't, though it's a great idea to do so. I knew several people who got hired into the company they interned at once they graduated.

I just went around to the job fair (every college should have one) in my senior year and luckily found a good company to work for.

>> No.6016042

Biomedical Engineering.
I'm thinking of either going into viral engineering in an underwater facility or martial arts enhancing prosthetics.

>> No.6016046

What major lets you study the development of virtual reality games?

>> No.6016049

He must be amazing. I'm from Umich myself. I like to think it's not that far below the Ivy leagues. I hope I end up like him.
How are you holding up anon?

>> No.6016063 [SPOILER] 
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I'm finishing the rest of my highschool in Washington State University, meanwhile taking neurochem, phytochem and analytical chemistry.

pic somewhat related

>> No.6016068

I'll be done with a civil engineering degree in two years. No idea if I'll ever need to use it, but who knows what comes up in life. Fun to study anyways.

The heck are you talking about. It isn't hard to be interested in more than one thing. Study your math/physics and study how to draw loli porns on the side.

>> No.6016093

I'm a NEET but computer engineering sounds very interesting. Maybe I will do that in the future.

>> No.6016101

If you mean the hardware, then probably Electrical Engineering

>> No.6016106
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/jp/ Librarian Crew®

>> No.6016110

What about the development and implementation of an eventual full-time playing mode?

>> No.6016118

didn't get into uni


>> No.6016132

Being a librarian would be bad if the pay wasn't so absolutely terrible.
I'd be too afraid of graduating with the library science degree, and still not having money to pay bills.

Plus, I hate driving.

Housewife for me. If only I could find a business woman to leech off of.

>> No.6016136

Go for cultural anthropology and study MMO guilds.

>> No.6016146

Double majoring Neuroscience and Japanese. I hate myself.

>> No.6016151


>> No.6016194

Decent but not as well as I would like to. I decided to go to a community college before a 4 year, and am now in the process of trying to transfer. While I MIGHT be as smart as my brother, it doesn't help that I have mental disorders(aspergers and ADHD) that hampers me from being anywhere near as effective.

>> No.6016221

The pay isn't too hot but it's enough to get by I guess. If I could afford my own place and have a steady job with some side money, I wouldn't mind living modestly.

Plus I live in the capital and if I wanted more money I could not work in a public library but instead one of the University ones or a government archiving job or something.

>> No.6016246

/jp/ Computer Science major #53

>> No.6016247

What the hell you smoking? Girls don't need an education; proper young ladies would stay at home and cook like they're supposed to.

>> No.6016250

Nuclear & Radiological Engineering

>> No.6016252

I still haven't decided on what to get my bachelors in yet, though. Need to figure that out very soon if I'm to apply for next fall.
The pay isn't that bad, especially if you lead a modest life, which I imagine most /jp/sies do.

>> No.6016309

NEET of 5 years after High school. I still haven't figured it out myself OP. ; ;

>> No.6016316

Cognitive science and computer science.

>> No.6016341
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Major in something that will earn you money.

If you major in something following your dreams, you WILL NOT have opportunity to switch to a more lucrative career path later in life if you grow up and realize taking a financial hit wasn't worth it because you will be FUCKING POOR and living month to month.

If you major in something that actually makes money, you WILL have opportunity to follow your dreams later in life if you grow up and realize a mundane life wasn't worth the extra cash because you WON'T be FUCKING POOR and living month to month so you will actually be able to take time to pursue elsewhere.

Age 20-30 should be all about making as much money as possible to end dependence on your parents and get a stable life of your own. You can pursue that art/game design/social worker/teacher or whatever other low pay or difficult to break into industry of your choice in your 30's-40's.

Pic related. It's what happens to 99% of idiots who choose a worthless major.

>> No.6016345

Biological Engineering

>> No.6016373

WOW, WOW, WOW someone on 4chan that actually made a serious post with seriously productive advice. WHAT A FAG, mandatory for lulz

>> No.6016381
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So has anyone gotten a job after college while having no job experience?

>> No.6016382

Oh God that comic. Words words words words.

>> No.6016394

Nope. It's been over 5 years now.

>> No.6016396

>While I MIGHT be as smart as my brother, it doesn't help that I have mental disorders(aspergers and ADHD) that hampers me from being anywhere near as effective.
Oh great, another one of these faggots who blames his incompetency on imaginary diseases he self-diagnosed himself. You can complain when you have schizophrenia, until then, stop making excuses and deal with it.

>> No.6016397

I just want a job that lets me get by without eating instant ramen every day, while requiring the least amount of effort out of me. Other than that, I don't really care about having to deal with people or minor problems like that. What field should I be looking into to achieve this? Or should I not bother with education at all, since I'm not planning on getting rich anyway?

>> No.6016400

You guys should have worked harder to get jobs lined up while IN college. Too late now, suckers.

>> No.6016404

How likely would it be to get a well(/decent)-paying job that doesn't suck my soul out after majoring in CS?

>> No.6016408


>> No.6016411

The economy will collapse, and the world will enter a brutal power struggle of a war in the next few years, so don't worry about it.

>> No.6016412

I got a job in high school with zero experience. The key is being persistent. Call them once a day after turning in the application.

>> No.6016414

Well, I already have several offers (10+) so I'll likely manage to get a job right after I graduate.

>> No.6016419

Just get training in something. Try to get the government or your future employer to pay for it. Being skilled labor is better then going to college when you have no drive.

>> No.6016426

You can't really think in black and white. I've seen people with Japanese majors bust out $75k salaries, and I've seen engineering majors who can't get a job.

Just 1) get good experience in your field and 2) actually be competent in your work, and you'll be fine with pretty much anything. Hell major in Basket Weaving and get one of those stable government jobs which require any undergrad degree.

>> No.6016430

I am a Super Engineer
I am like a normal engineer, except I have a large penis.

>> No.6016435



It's ironic but "following your dreams" when young is exactly the kind of shit that lands people in dead end retail service jobs for the rest of their life. It's the people that go for the boring-but-near-guaranteed-paying-job degree's that get to choose what they want to do later in life.

>> No.6016440

/jp/ - Basket Weavers

>> No.6016442

Teachers are decently paid in Germany.

>everyone who doesn't talk to walls is either completely sane or delusional

>> No.6016454

CS. Life is good.

>> No.6016462

Of course there are exceptions, but do you really want to depend so much on those exceptions? What if you turn out to not be one of the 1% who managed to be well off in the field?

>> No.6016467

I graduated in English with a minor in film. Now on to graduate school to study film history and become a film history teacher.

Life is good.

>> No.6016474

fire technology

>> No.6016475


>> No.6016485


This is true for social workers and teacher's, but not Art and the game industry.

Art and Gaming can actually be extremely well paying, the problem is idiot's who don't realize that no one will hire them in those industries unless their portfolio is top notch regardless of college education. No game studio is going to hire you as a character artist if you can't produce work up to par with Next gen standards.

So retards get their Bachelor of arts degree while partying it up instead of working on honing their artistic skills, and then end up out of college no better than when they started and -50k in the hole from student loans.

The students that understand they need to actually be GOOD AT WHAT THEY DO to get a job and are willing to work towards becoming good have no problem.

>> No.6016491

Depends; most of the skills you need you learn on your own time anyway. If you're lazy and don't learn and gather as much knowledge as possible (CS is a very broad specialty) you'll likely have little on your resume.

>> No.6016520

Electrical and Computer Engineering Grad master race reporting in.
Shit tier and useless major for real life application but everyone will think you are smart so it is easy for you to get any jobs that you want.

>> No.6016532

I couldn't go to college. Had to get a job to help pay family bills. I've had on and off jobs for the past 6 years. Unfortunately because of the current economy, I lost my job working for the state and I'm now working at Wal-mart after 5 months of not finding anything. Now I'm going to try to get back into the government and go to college while working. Going to go for accounting. Nice cubical job

>> No.6016534


Adding on to what >>6016491 said, what likely got me my first job offer (with no prior experience) was having a large, solid project that I had worked on to discuss. You can only say so much about your classes, but with something tangible you can say: "I made this! Let me tell you about the details."

>> No.6016596


Computer Science....

I just happen to like coding, and find computers fascinating enough to want to learn more about.

Luckily the degree isn't useless, like a lot of liberal art majors...

>> No.6016599

Would you say someone interested in Game Design who has a good project in the SC2 Editor have a decent chance? Would that look good in any way if it's slightly successful?

>> No.6016606

Sounds about right. I'm only getting my degree because my parents are forcing me to have "something to bounce back on". The moment I picked art as my major, I know and is aware that I'll be dependent on my parents for quite some time. I'm planning on spending a few years unemployed after my graduation to grind my skills, and/or actually going to find some artist to apprentice under. I would've start doing that 3 years ago if not for my nagging parents. I have to say though, some of the classes I've taken, especially the art classes, really broaden my world view and knowledge, so I can't really say college is useless/pointless.

tl:dr Don't be afraid of the path you're taking/about to take, just ignore your doubts and keep going anon!

>> No.6016609

Fellow Comp Sci friend here.

>> No.6016612

>>6016309 here
It's not really like I care about a job, the field just interests me. In my country education is free so it wouldn't be more than just a hobby.
But what makes you say it's useless without real life applications?

>> No.6016616


try aquaculture OP. You can help people by providing with a source of food and not have to be around them for very long at your own farm.

>> No.6016627

I'm majoring in economics! I just find it really interesting for some reason, just today I wrote a 1000 word essay for my first class assignment that was only supposed to be a paragraph or two.

I'm also learning some accounting though, so I can at least find a job if economics doesn't pan out.

>> No.6016634

Only a dumbfuck would choose farmed fish over wild fish.

>> No.6016647

>Only a dumbfuck would choose pasteurized milk carton over fresh milk straight from a cow's udder.
Logic, how do they work?

>> No.6016657

Carton milk tastes better and is more nourishing than milk straight out of the udder. That's not the case with farmed fish.

>> No.6016660

In both cases the latter is more delicious and of higher quality.
What's your argument?

>> No.6016666

Dual majoring Business and Econ, with a minor in maths.

>> No.6016668

Accounting finance

Hell yeah

>> No.6016670


Game design isn't really something you hire new grads for, it's an experienced and privileged position. If you want to do game design, your best bet is to go indie. Find a programmer and an artist and get creating. You'll probably need a day job to pay the bills until you make something good though.

Otherwise, choose a skill that game companies do hire new grads for (programming, art). If you can prove yourself as competent and intelligent, you might be able to work your way into design. Might be a long shot though...

>> No.6016674

Unpasteurized milk is bad for you, bro.

>> No.6016677


You've eaten farmed fish and not known it before. Restaurants love to lie like that. Besides, keep going after strictly wild caught fish. They'd be gone soon enough if the worlds fish harvests were 100% wild caught like you'd want them to be.

>> No.6016682

Bacteria, virus, parasite. I'm not saying it will 100% make you sick, but it has a much higher chance. And also, you might've missed what I meant by straight from the udder - your mouth sucking directly from it.

>> No.6016697 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I know that the most fish that is sold is farmed. Which is why I catch most of my fish.

>> No.6016701


I do agree with you that wild fish taste better than farmed fish however, wild fish catches wouldn't be sustainable without having farmed fish take some of the pressure off the wild stocks

>> No.6016707


That would be like comparing eating a cooked farmed fish to eating a wild fish while it's still flapping.

>> No.6016710

No, it's not bad for you.

Then your analogy fails because >>6016634 wasn't talking about eating a raw, living fish straight out of the water, either.

>> No.6016711

wow we are off topic

>> No.6016712


you catch your own fish? what kinds? I fish for myself too.

>> No.6016713

Farmed fish is horrible and tastes like shit. Of course restaurants don't use wild fish, it's way more expensive and they wouldn't go out of their way to purchase them, no one's going to know anyway. A lot of people don't want to pay 12 bucks for a little slice of wild salmon, they'd rather pay 7 bucks and get a huge cut of farmed salmon.

>> No.6016722

I just want to throw in there for the people that can't/don't go to college that it's not all that bad. You may start off at a lower pay but you work your way up if you stay with that company and you'll be getting great pay around the amount of the college graduates.

>> No.6016725
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Engineering major here.
There's lots of different fields of engineering. And it's not all applying the same thing in different ways, either - you'll actually need vastly different skills for each field.

>> No.6016727

Mainly trout, bass, and perch.

>> No.6016730


i gotcha. im a saltfag myself. mackerel, flounder, drum etc.

>> No.6016734

Ah, how I envy you.

>> No.6016737


Ok you just bashed farmed fish and gave me a really good reason to go into that field. If people buy farmed over wild then its obvious to farm.

>> No.6016743


>> No.6016745


how big of a penis??

>> No.6016747

All the manpower that /jp/ has in this thread can basically equate to a whole company.

Why not form a company out of the folks here?

>> No.6016748

Enjoy having a filthy workplace.

>> No.6016749


I've wanted to fish fresh but can't due to living on the coast. Can't have both I guess unless your edgy and live by a river mouth.

>> No.6016756


And do...what?

>> No.6016758

I don't know about everyone else but I'd fap all day
and steal whatever isn't tied down the few days I do make it to work.

>> No.6016760


If i own it, I won't be working in the filth. My employees would so idc, they wanted the job knowing how filthy its gonna be.

>> No.6016764

so uhh, where can I email you?

>> No.6016769

A company in which everyone flaunt their e-peens in each other faces ? Because that's exactly the feeling I get from this thread.

>> No.6016778

/jp/ anal sex toys and crossdressing supplies, how may I help you

>> No.6016787

For what, anon?

>> No.6016788

we could specialize in dakimakura

>> No.6016789

Well, since we have so many engineers, how about inventing robot waifus?

>> No.6016790

I second this, we could pull this off.

>> No.6016795

The company could be called "Waifu"

>> No.6016803

I lol'd.

>> No.6016810

Lets see, in the four years I took that course I have 1subject in mobile communication, tons of useless electrical theory, assembly, machine, c programming and logic design. Basically basic low level programming to high level programming. Took 1image processing opengl class as well. In my thesis in I did an image processing/recognition automated machine.
Guess what did I end up doing now after my degree?

Went into the telecommunication field where nothing I learn in school can be applied. Basically I just wasted 100k on my study to earn a toilet paper roll just so I got a job where they will need to retrain after every 1 year due to new technological advances.

>> No.6016820

Criminal Justice

If I fail to get a job in that field I'll just apply for an EMT job.

>> No.6016823

I'm sure a company can rise out of /jp/. Thing is it would be heavy on telecommuting.

>> No.6016840

What, no one else besides me majored/is majoring in physics? /jp/, I am disappoint.

>> No.6016841

You're a pedophile, aren't you?

>> No.6016858


No, why?

>> No.6016878

Linguistics AND Physics

>> No.6016882

Oh, I just assumed...

>> No.6016888

We can make a toy company or a game company out of these /jp/ ragtaggers.

>> No.6016893

I am majoring in Biochemistry.

>> No.6016894

Working on my psych PhD.

>> No.6016898


Nothing. I graduated 10 years ago.

>> No.6016919

I am working on an associates degree in accounting.

I will need to get a bachelor's in the end, though, but I'd like to put it off. I hate leaving my house.

>> No.6016931

Motherfuck normalfags leave this place.

>> No.6016935

Just curious here.

Why do so many people get into accounting? Even back in high school I heard plenty of people say they were going to major in accounting. What's the appeal?

>> No.6016940

I just want a mundane job where I will be left alone. I got that impression from accounting.

>> No.6016943

Completely soulless job that pays extremely well, and you can retire early if you live frugally.
Plus, it's math; it's a job a 5 year old can be taught how to do.

That said, I'm going into pharmacy for similar reasons, but with the added bonus of pharmacists being needed everywhere by everyone.

>> No.6016948


Alright, thanks.

>> No.6016954

doesn't pharmacists need like 6-8 years of college?

>> No.6016974

Dual japanese/linguistics. My flight for study abroad leaves in 11 hours, I should get some sleep.

>> No.6016976

Don't forget that you usually get a cubical. It's like a dream job for me. Go in, do a bunch of paperwork/computer work, go home, get nice paycheck(nothing fucking huge but very nice), and rinse and repeat.

>> No.6016977

6 years, yes, but that includes general education.

I get to live off of government financial aid as a student doing easy courses for 4 years, doing essays on Shakespeare, random math problems, etc, then go into two years of actual study to learn pharmacy, still leeching off of government aid.

>> No.6016981

not >>6016943, but also going into pharmacy. Up here in Canada yes it's usually 6-8 years. Pharmacy school is 4 years, and depending on how good you are in undergrad, you can get in after 2 or 4 years.

>> No.6017018

Government work pays well

>> No.6017041

But working as what?
They called me for a secretary job.

>> No.6017044

You're not leeching, they're investing in you hoping that it pays off for them.

>> No.6017050

Federal Law Enforcement.

But thats more training than majoring.

>> No.6017062
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3rd year medfag here

>> No.6017063

I'll start studying Computer Science in October.

>> No.6017067

I'm living in a $4000 single dorm, where my bathroom is cleaned weekly, a grocery store, laundry room, and printer all located not even 2 minutes walking distance away, the cafeteria I can optionally eat at has more food than I've ever even seen, much less tasted, and it's a buffet, I never have to walk more than 10 minutes to get to class, and I don't even have to go to class at all, save for test days, and most of my time outside of class is spent on 4chan, because self-study is easy as hell.

Call it an investment in society, since I will have to work a few years to get money enough before retiring, but they won't be getting any of that money back.

>> No.6017084

It's amazing so many of you loser faggots have the money to actually go to university.

How many banks do you rob?

>> No.6017087

Anything really. The pay range is very nice. You may start out at $2400 but the max will be like $4200.

>> No.6017088

As long a I go to a public university in my state, my entire tuition is paid for. I'm just going to some shitty technical college, though.

>> No.6017091


Just the government. Being from a poor family is pretty cool. My university's over $40k a year, but I only have to pay a few thousand each year.

>> No.6017092

My dad was a professor at the university I went at so it was free. I'm paying this time around though. University in Canada is cheap, though.

>> No.6017093

Well, since it's government grants,

>> No.6017095

I think 90% of this thread is lies. No way with all the fucking NEETs and underage bans that populate /jp/

>> No.6017096

That's still a few thousand that you don't have.

>> No.6017097

Long story short, I've got no motivation for anything and my parents pushed me into doing something. I didn't bring up Japanese, but since they know I self study Japanese and it's the only thing I show SOME kind of motivation in, even if I'm lazy, they said I should go for it.

I told them there aren't job offerings for it, and they said that was nonsense because there are probably so little Japanese translators that they're in high demand.

After college I plan on leeching off them with the excuse that I can't find a job. Only it'll be the truth, because I won't find a job.

Just wish I didn't have to take all of these other stupid classes alongside Japanese. Fuck do I need Chemistry for in my major?

>> No.6017101

On that list the only thing the government pays for is the dorm and the buffet and it's not like they cook all that shit just for you.
People with decent education are very valuable because they make more money than uneducated folks. More money = more taxes. On average they're getting their money back.

>> No.6017104

Japanese Crazy Bread Making


Kung Fu Bread.

>> No.6017106


Scholarships from outside the school are fine too. And there's always student loans. I still end up paying a little bit out of pocket, but it's no major loss.

>> No.6017135

Biochemistry major and Applied Math minor.

sucks if I didn't transfer I'd be able to nail both as majors in 4 years

>> No.6017160


You can still be a part-time Hikki with a somewhat decent paying full time job.

>> No.6017171

>part-time hikki
Just fuck off, retard.

>> No.6017175

>if you're employed part time, that means that you're unemployed part time.

>> No.6017196


The hate is strong in this one I see.

>> No.6017200

Are you retarded? Go back to /a/ man. You can't be a part-time Hikki.

>> No.6017201
File: 53 KB, 342x252, 1281581738993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6017206


Lighten up you guys, it was (probably) a joke. It's worth poking fun at the /jp/ posters that think everyone has to be a TRUE NEET.

>> No.6017211



Nice try though.

>> No.6017222

What's everyones problem with being a hikki only part-time?

>> No.6017226


Well, I tried.

>> No.6017287

I want to be researcher. It's the kind of work I'd love doing, plus I probably wouldn't have to talk to very many people. I took most of my core classes my first year of uni, so I'll have to declare a major soon.
What do anons think of Physics and molecular biology?

>> No.6017293

No such thing. You're either a shut-in, or you're not.

>> No.6017306

I know, I'm exceptional at it. I've been going to college for two years now and haven't had a conversation with a single person other than my professors.

They are also the only people who greet me if they see me on campus.

>> No.6017349

Major in English, minor in philosophy or psychology. or both.

Was a "bio major/premed kid" until I realized that I hate people and couldn't care less about helping fat people live longer. Also realized that I have questionable morals, a propensity to argue, and views that are rational to the point of cynical.

I'm aiming for law school.

>> No.6018716

>wouldn't have to talk to very many people.


Researchers are constantly begging for grants and talking with other researchers to share information. You'd be better off working in a cubicle.

>> No.6018740

I'm doing a language degree, but it's not Japanese. I already learned that shit through self-study. Now I'm learning a marketable language: Chinese.

>> No.6018755

I have a pretty bullshit major but I'm at a Japanese university.

>> No.6019040

I am not a major in anything. I'm just a common technician. But I can help people more than a major.

>> No.6019069

Actuarial studies

>> No.6019197

Just wondering ... how well do they pay artists ? I'm torn between majoring in art and programming.
