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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 185 KB, 170x170, 1121206.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6014367 No.6014367 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>5983997
Current version: v1.10
Wiki: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/Main_Page
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>> No.6014384

Hosting Europe

>> No.6014621

How about playing a real game like IaMP?

>> No.6014632

go away

>> No.6014652

oh god, they joined 2 characters I love into a single gif.

>> No.6014656 EC

A few before I go

>> No.6014668

Why do you fags still play this shit?

I would rather play tenhou than this shitty excuse for a fighting game. The only good thing about 12.3 is that it's free.

>> No.6014676

Would you rather they play Street Fighter 4?

>> No.6014682

> Touhou
> Free
You want more? You sure are greedy.

>> No.6014685
File: 49 KB, 600x733, 1199278-super_street_fighter_iv_dan_concept_01_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, SF4 sucks.

SSF4 on the other hand is amazing and Gamerbee-approved.

Besides, playing a fighting game that doesn't have Dan is pointless.

>> No.6014690
File: 280 KB, 998x1400, 1178333776826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but that game sucks too. Try again.

>> No.6014694

Why don't you say that to my face in real life and not online faggot?

>> No.6014701

> or
I've already made up my mind i think.

>> No.6014709

suimusou is the boring

>> No.6014757 wc

intoxicated tier, looking for some fun matches, maybe some cuddling after

>> No.6014842


And that is how you play youmu.


>> No.6014853

I missed a good Youmu?! Who was playing her?

>> No.6014866

I saved a few replays, here


Now, gym, and may play later at night~

>> No.6014906

While the Youmu is probably better than me, I can't say I've much new from her. This one seems exceptionally patient and skilled on the defensive, but is really unable to keep your Okuu in check (if thats you playing her, bob). Even her deck choice seems run of the mill and is lacking C shenanegans and unoptimized corner combos.

>> No.6015211

Eh heh, GGs, ecksdee. Sorry if I wasn't good enough to be fun for you.

>> No.6015220

ggs T, have to go now

>> No.6015227

No cuddling?

>> No.6015451

> if thats you playing her, bob
> comma bob
> not even doubting


>> No.6015469

Haha, how can I forget you? I'm still licking my wounds from the last time we played... months ago.

>> No.6015652

could be rehosting for a game, maybe 10, maybe even not hosting, but uh, yeah, give it a try.

>> No.6015706

I got next, bob! Or do I?

>> No.6015750

Someone host. It's depressing watching bob dominate this guy.

>> No.6015765

will you be hosting or give a hamachi way?

>> No.6015773

I'll host

>> No.6015854

Youmu seems awfully common around these parts. I'm rooting for you E-MAN!

>> No.6015902

thanks for the games~

>> No.6015961
US Midwest

>> No.6016163


>> No.6016190
File: 274 KB, 650x734, 1264406039621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Starting to get a bit hungry, but also sensed you stopped trying on your end. Unless you're Remi, Aya, or know the match well enough, DO NOT MASH A ON WAKEUPS. I could understand if you were attemptin to DP out of wake up pressure, but it didn't work... so block instead! Of course that IS a bit of a death sentence against Sakuya or Yukari, but it's better to eat the end of a blockstring than swallow an entire combo because you mashed out. Thanks for the matches.

>I'm rooting for you E-MAN!
It's good to be rooted for even though I've been here in low-mid hell for 3 years now. Thanks for the support.

>> No.6016424

ggs, ducktator

I'll try....

>> No.6016456

Good games. Please block on wakeup. Just doing that will make you ten times better.

>> No.6016566

No problem E-MAN. Just us Rabbits cheering for you.

>> No.6016621
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>> No.6016630

So soft

>> No.6016695
File: 12 KB, 240x320, 1269707531219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll get some rounds in later tonight if you're still around.

>> No.6016854 US West

>> No.6016965

Someone host

>> No.6017248

US Central

Playing until Rabbit returns or I get sleepy tier

>> No.6017289

Still hosting

>> No.6017363

Host por favor

>> No.6017573


That was fun, but gotta turn in now. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.6017589

GGs E-MAN. sorry for using the ever so overpowered Okuu. I know most players of /jp/ hate her, but like in all fighting games, I always choose the most hated characters first. Every. Single. Time.

>> No.6017611

Meh, I only hate Okuu's bullshit priority on her 5A, j5A, and 66A, but other than that, I had a blast. Got to recognize those GCs a little faster.

>> No.6018141
File: 1.24 MB, 1250x1250, 1282346642886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone feel like hosting

Out of cute komachi pictures to post teir.

>> No.6018144

Are you still around?

>> No.6018163
Hostan Canadia

>> No.6018178

Good games KOS-MOS! I don't think there are too many people online at this moment but I still had fun.

>> No.6018198


Oh you, your just being nice.

>> No.6018252

Good games Feco! Wow, the delay on that game was crazy- I bet if we looked at the replay at full speed we'd look like we have godlike reactions. Are you from overseas? Still, thanks for the games. Have you decided on a main?

>> No.6018266

Nono, I would have gladly kept playing. I remember playing against you shortly with Youmu, and I actually had a lot of trouble catching you with your high angle flight. It looks like you don't fly very high anymore but I don't mind that at this level of play.

>> No.6018284

Ya I live in europe.
Playing with that much delay was kinda funny except with Iku since she's already slow by default.
Thanks for the games.

I don't have a main though and I'm not planning to settle on one character.
Random is the way to go for me.

>> No.6018306
File: 94 KB, 300x380, 300px-Okuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe its because I'm on my laptop, Most of my online play is done at home. Maybe that, will you be awake in a few hours?

>> No.6018315

Maybe in 12 hours or so, but I see you very often in this thread anyways.

>> No.6018420
File: 2 KB, 124x122, Territorial Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6018437

Does that mean you want to play EFZ? Or I'm set up for Hisouten now. You could be my *blush* first.

>> No.6018441 EU hosting
Going through the cast tier
Todays flavour: Eternally Young Red Moon

>> No.6018457
File: 3 KB, 124x122, Territorial Wallslam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does that mean you want to play EFZ?
Come on, we've gone over this before; oaks are just to oak, I can EFZ at any time.

>Or I'm set up for Hisouten now. You could be my *blush* first.
Oh sheet no, I haven't been set up for toohoo fightan since like February; I understand if you want to abandon our tiny EFZ clique and be a conformist instead though, in which case I could either a) let you play some jerk here or b) go set you up with ZomB so he can crush your will to play entirely, and believe me, that's been done before.
But no really, don't mind me, g-go toohoo with these people i-if that's really what your heart's set on! I'll host EFZ anyway though, just to have it open, so don't convince yourself that you have to or anything.

>> No.6018534

Boo for quitting there. That was awful. Fucking slow as shit Mishio.

>> No.6018540
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But no really, go soku, I've had a flaming migraine and not making it worse would probably be in my best interests. Good luck and stuff.
BY THE WAY, in case you were wondering what was happening in that last match there: Meet the ZomB-eater. 2C reversal against everything was almost exactly what I did against everybody's favorite resident tourneyfag god, and it was an unforgettable experience. Too bad nobody plays anymore. ;_;

B-But it's okay, I-I won't be alone! You don't need to worry about leaving me here 'cause I'll be fine, 'kay?

>> No.6018541
File: 3 KB, 126x126, babby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6018547

I'm not practicing. I'm just a quick learner and you're the only one I play against, so I only need to learn to beat you. Still not chaining or IADing as well as I'd like, especially with NayukiB.

>> No.6018551 [DELETED] 

Hey faggots

I hate soku and I'm sick of seeing you post some stupid tree from one of my favorite games

so stop

sincerely, scandaroon

>> No.6018572


Hey faggot why do you care what we play u mad =3?

>> No.6018624

If I'm not responding right away it's because I'm fetching food or something; in that case: please watch warmly.

>> No.6018657

GGs, but jesus how long did that go for?
if you didn't notice, I suck

>> No.6018663


ggs Tango, you should try to get to the habit of blocking more often, it's a suprisingly handy tool to have, it's at least a lot more healthy than trying to eat everything. I went rather derp towards the end, sorry if it felt I was sandbagging, I kinda took this opportunity to see how some of Remilias melee hitboxes work

>> No.6018789

GGs, but I was wathcing something, and started craving to find out how it would end. Also, Suwako means that I'm out of ideas, she's so full of bullshit I can't stop laughing.

>> No.6018806
File: 595 KB, 850x1080, 260a28c11b4ddba66c809f4906719d56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, GGs. I don't even remember how Suwako's alt.22 mist skill works. That was a rather interesting experience.

>> No.6018823

Slows you down and curses you with gangster aids.

>> No.6018991


>> No.6019091
File: 105 KB, 485x500, 76b59311a0477049ed8ee37af574eb42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally, I know of the wiki. I just meant that it's been so long time since I've seen that move that I've forgotten it's actual effect, since it doesn't do any damage by itself. In any case, thank you for the attempt to help.

>> No.6019128

bump to piss off jeepee.

>> No.6019231


>> No.6019350
File: 18 KB, 170x240, 203942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Canada East Coast
Not that good but will anoy you tier

>> No.6019358
File: 4 KB, 248x244, Enemy_HostileElderOak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6019379


Not particularily great, trying to practice Suwako tier

>> No.6019389

Tree when are we going to EFZ again?

>> No.6019397

Show some more respect to an oak.

>> No.6019413

I'll show more respect to Tree when he finally manages to beat me. (´_ゝ`)

>> No.6019432

Anyone up from North America?

>> No.6019510 [DELETED]
EC Canada, bad tier

>> No.6019588
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Not gonna happen.

>> No.6019638
File: 5 KB, 122x124, Territorial Noak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh DamageDesu, why didn't you just say it was you?

... But yeah, >>6019588 is all that needs to be said. Clearly you and Tangent need to be playing; look at him, he's been PRACTICING.

... I most certainly can host though once you put forth the effort to derail this thread even further and say the word. I could do it now and wait but that wouldn't be any fun, now, would it?

>> No.6019719

Well now that I've wasted all my bad luck, I think I'm ready to play. Get to hosting tree.

>> No.6019724
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>> No.6019749
File: 1 KB, 62x61, Territorial Oak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've already found it, I see; nice to see those huge numbers and crashes again.
But hey, I'll go ahead and repost my IP anyway because I'm just that nice. fs5 and junk

>> No.6019751

GGs Rabbit-Box.

>> No.6019757

Good games MVRC! I can tell just by your spell card choices that you're actually really good. I could only laugh when facing the Aya hopscotch as it seemed like everything I tried to punish it was doomed to fail.

>> No.6019764

Of all the times for internet to die. Apparently I hadn't run out of bad luck just yet.

>> No.6020033

maybe you should play a real skill based game like soku, or are you still on your hiatus because you're shit at it?

>> No.6020067

>skill based
Oh you.

>> No.6020089
File: 182 KB, 480x640, are we one yet uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soku, or are you still on your hiatus because you're shit at it?
Yes, that's pretty much th-

>skill based game
I'm sorry, I can't laugh that hard on the internet; we're going to have to go somewhere else first.

Anyway daaaaamn son, some of those are going to give me nightmares.
>clever use of firewall, block super
>tank entire firewall with superarmor, win round purely by trades
>I have no face

But, can you see how little I've improved? I mean, it's not like Tangent's a bad player or anything, but Giant Tree as I may be, I seem to have the learning capacity of a woodchip. Feels pretty shit, man.
The biggest thing seems to be that airdashes in midcombo feel really unnatural to me, even though it's not like they don't happen in anything else, they just aren't as commonplace in general as they are here. I would've gone for yours instead of my Nuguu combos IT HURTS RAGNAMAGEDESU if I could get into the flow, but clearly I couldn't; shows why my mute waifu's have dropped all the time too. This would be the "maybe I should give up" point if we weren't in a playerbase of, oh, I don't know, THREE players?

Fun games still, you never disappoint even on what's apparently an off-day. Funny, personally I always thought tourneyfags were shining golden gods without the ability to feel any pain. I have much to learn...

>> No.6020102


>> No.6020105

GGs. It took me a while to stop laughing after that FUCK YOUR FIREWALL I HAVE KIMCHI moment. It's too bad we couldn't save a replay of it.
But who knows, maybe I'll play more once I actually get back to the states and we don't have 45 fps all the time. Train until then, Tree.

>> No.6020230

host please

>> No.6020361

Going to bed, host down.

>> No.6020434
File: 236 KB, 640x480, 0bfcaaa0915bf8986098a198160c5f42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Just got mains tier

>> No.6020476
File: 37 KB, 422x431, vitabitinghat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rusty China

>> No.6020487
EU host
Didn't play for a long time tier

>> No.6020537

Jesus, there are a lot of Lunatic Tier guys in this thread as of late

>> No.6020567

You mean phantasm, faggot, get it right.

>> No.6020571

Who wins in Bob vs Guy?

>> No.6020574


>> No.6020578

Play to win or don't play at all, that's fighting games.

Sure, I don't mind losing. But if I lose, I'm obviously going to whip out my strongest character and try my hardest.

>> No.6020586


>> No.6020595

Our connection is bad, and I'm dropping a lot of combos but I don't care. Lets do this!

>> No.6020616


Yeah, I pick a random joke character and sit there and do nothing. No use trying to get curb-stomped when I can go grab a sandwich.

>> No.6020633

GGs sorry for the beat but i wanted to test aya speed.

>> No.6020691 [DELETED] 

Guy is actually good at this game, so Guy. Pretty much anyone who are good enough to not get mashed or cheap SC'd to death.

Fuck I love picking up Bob. He's such a nigger.

>> No.6020701 [DELETED] 

Guy is actually good at this game, so Guy. Pretty much anyone who is good enough to not get mashed or cheap SC'd to death.

Fuck I love picking up Bob. He's such a nigger.

>> No.6020747

That will be enough of that. I could do without the mocking, thank you very much.

>> No.6020756

Anon, you should really accept mirrors, they're the best way to improve your characters, but uh yeah, it's not as if I cared if you got better! Rehosting, tired of being guy, will play Guy-China on /r/ though.



>> No.6020786
File: 156 KB, 600x800, 1274744506700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting canada west

>> No.6020816

Not really. Things that you do in mirror matches don't apply to any others.

>> No.6020866

GGs try to be more agressive with Meiling instead of waiting

>> No.6020892

Ahaha, good games Bob. For a second there I thought I was actually playing Guy but I guess I'll have to settle for some hilarious mirrors.

>> No.6020894

Yeah, totally nothing at all applies, right?

Thanks for the games, usagi-kun~



>> No.6020924

Everything is fine and dandy if you're the better one of the mirrors. Then it's showing off your bag of tricks.

>> No.6020926

What is everyone actually playing with? I'd rather use a keyboard, but that's kind of impossible since it won't register more than two keystrokes at a time...and the controller has a noticeable lag between me taking an action and the game responding.

>> No.6020956

I use a PS2 Controller through a USB adapter. It responds just fine for me.

>> No.6020982
File: 154 KB, 640x480, 47143_102968413096878_100001511585917_23239_3145556_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6020998

USB keyboard. One that works.
>it won't register more than two keystrokes at a time
Ctrl+Alt+Del = Nothing happens?

>> No.6021016

Logitech precision gamepad, its pretty good but sometimes it breaks easily

>> No.6021035

I use a USB keyboard. The only way I can manage to get one of the more complicated moves off ingame is to randomly button mash the movement keys and the attack keys. Basically worthless. While the opponent stands there and watches me crouch up and down, they fire walls of shit at me and I die.

I've practiced these combo moves for hours in practice mode, no go.

>> No.6021047


Good games!

>> No.6021049

Okay, I think I've had enough punishment.

>> No.6021105


Three, but no more. I've tried playing the regular Touhou games with it, and I was trying to focus bomb (while moving and shooting) and it wouldn't work at all. I eventually gave up and bought a Logitech gamepad...but that seems to have some issues with response time, since I can never seem to get off attacks with 623 or 421 since it doesn't register diagonal well.

>> No.6021108

GGs Stranger, thanks for the games.
I don't really know what to say about you after this session.
Btw my inputs were really terrible.
I guess it's what you get for stopping practicing.

>> No.6021118

You must be doing something wrong as there are not complicated moves.
623(B/C) moves are done by pressing Right, then hold Down, then press (B or C)+Right, then release all buttons (Down).

>> No.6021627

I use an arcade stick. It might be overkill, but it's better than using a keyboard for me. Since I'm so used to it.

>> No.6022149

PS3 controller. Works perfectly for me, love the directional pad.

>> No.6022158 west coast


>> No.6022162

I'm used to keyboard and inputting directions with right hand, but it's true that the directional pad is great.

Guess I'll try it once.

>> No.6022191

Wow, I played this back during SWR days, and when the expansion came out.

Can't believe people still play this, I heard that the IRC rooms and such were dying off.

>> No.6022233

seems we got disconnected nameless, ggs anyways

>> No.6022241

Sorry, my internet died on me. Good games, ecksdee.

>> No.6022280

These are kind of funny to watch for the silly tactics being employed.

>> No.6022288

That's because he's trolling me because I suck. <3

>> No.6022355

You seem to know Sanae well enough

>> No.6022383

If you're still watching, you'll notice that I'm also clueless when it comes to getting out of a corner.

>> No.6022445

Yeah, I noticed that ecksdee is pretty proficient with Sakuya and had you in corner lockdown pretty well. You should know that you can border escape upwards by holding down as your BE escape direction. You can also consider just grazing through the knives and eating the followup kick and just teching out of the corner with minimal damage.

>> No.6022630

GGs again, ecksdee. Sorry for stealing the match from nameless. I really need to know how to both apply and deal with pressure. I only know how to run away and flail around.

I know of border escaping, but I never know when to do it or even if I do it right when I try. I didn't know you had to use down in order to high jump BE. Just shows how inexperienced I am... Thanks for the tips.

>> No.6022663

ggs T, lots of fun matches there. i have to help move some crap now, wish i had more time to give you some pointers, although we seemed pretty close in skill level once you stopped making the same mistakes

>> No.6022738 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 787x783, 4479473076_bee0e9cfc1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm up for playing a little more.

US west, continental divide, T tier.

Thanks, maybe one day I'll be upper low tier~

>> No.6022799

I don't think your ports are forwarded correctly

>> No.6022862

I always seem to have this problem. My local IP is static, the configuration never changes, but one day I'll have no problems, the next nobody can connect to me. I'll come back another day I guess.

>> No.6023102


>> No.6023163
File: 49 KB, 450x450, 1213690257823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Midwest
Charisma tier.

>> No.6023188

Whew, good match. You're way out of my league.

>> No.6023365

Ah, good games Duckator! It looks like you're the all around better player than me and I can only win if I'm abusing Youmu. That Remilia anti-air (3A?) is nasty and it forces me to really watch where I'm going.

>> No.6023444

Good games Rabbit. You still have top notch corner pressure. I'm terrified of getting stuck in the corner against you but Youmu's speed makes it hard to avoid. The 623C after a guard crush has become predictable though. Well, it should be after seeing you use it hundreds of times.

>That Remilia anti-air (3A?) is nasty
No, that's 2A, 3A is the slide. What's really nasty is Youmu's 2C. It shut down nearly all of Remi's air options.

Good game to you too.


>> No.6023486

Haha, I should have expected how easily you could read and hop out of the corner every single time I went for that low guardcrush. Luckily I've been able to pick up a simple alternative where I slide into the opponent and do a half dozen low/high pokes or so. Also new is 66A into guaranteed spellcard damage which came through in a pinch at times. Your own Remi cornering was really good, and the best I could hope for was that your distancing was far enough so I could hop out before getting pushed into the corner.

>> No.6023608
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80oz tier


>> No.6023676
File: 357 KB, 2560x1600, d2d7bd80a657998b3d85e8a6f8048aca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6023737

Whoops, sorry I thought you'd be playing neo-skunk by now

>> No.6023742

first come first serve

>> No.6023796
Using Sakuya :3

>> No.6023844

sorry, I forgot after the first minutes of waiting

>> No.6023910

That's more than enough punishment for me. Hope it wasn't too boring for you. Despite only having one win on the day, I'm calling it a successful day 1 of netplay. I think I need to put those counters back into my deck.

>> No.6023912

Oh yeah, and dig my pad out. Took me awhile to figure out that I wasn't teching/blocking because my keyboard was dropping the direction if I shuffled my deck while I was down. Oops.

>> No.6023968

Good games, it was fun playing nearly fifty games in a row. I got a lot of good Remi training out of that. Her movement feels much more comfortable than it did before.

>Hope it wasn't too boring for you.
No, it wasn't boring at all. Your Yuyuko didn't give me any easy wins. Although, you might want to stop airteching so much.
>I think I need to put those counters back into my deck.
That would be a good idea. I should put some in my Remi decks too.

>> No.6023976

>You might want to stop airteching so much
That was one part MBAA habits and one part shuffling my deck without remembering to let go of a direction. A lot of the time, I wasn't even looking at the right part of the screen when I accidentally teched.

>> No.6023997


>> No.6025176


>> No.6025306 EC

>> No.6025514


>> No.6025567


Still hosting, shitty board, ;_;

And Location.

>> No.6025589

didn't work

>> No.6025629

There's already a game in progress.

>> No.6025650

doesn't it ask if I want to spec if there is an ongoing game?

>> No.6025748
File: 4 KB, 591x124, Image3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually it should, yeah. I'm not sure how the netplay code in this game works, but it seems that most spectators connect to each other rather than the host, probably to avoid creating lag to the actual game. Sometimes, the spectator you're supposed to connect to doesn't relay the match to you, so you'll get the connection failed -screen.

Now, I don't know what I'm talking about, but it's what I believe from the active connections reported by my firewall. As you can see, the address I receive data from is not that of the host.

>> No.6025752

One person connects to the host as a spectator. That person becomes the root for spectating. Everyone else that spectates connects to the root, not the host.

>> No.6025763

Thanks for the games, anon, nothing much to say, aside stop mashing 5a when you're blocking, sure you'll get some lucky hits sometimes, but mostly you'll just get smacked 5k to the face per round doing that.

>> No.6025788

I tend to try to high jump actually, but yeah still working on that. Blocking is my weakest point so I try to get out as quickly as possible or else I get broken then comboed.

>> No.6025821

That won't explain why I could connect, but >>6025589
couldn't. My connection had already been redirected to a 3rd IP address,
which should be this root you mention if the second address is that of the player connected to the host.

>> No.6025874

Someone's been playing bob.

>> No.6026214


>> No.6026325

Slow day today

>> No.6026387


>> No.6026480

You faggots should play a REAL game like IaMP.

>> No.6026557
File: 9 KB, 185x185, 1282405217928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That troll doesn't work in this thread.

>> No.6026901

Fuck you, IamP is shit and doesn't have flight like real touhous should have, keep your shitty game to yourself, cunt.

>> No.6027214
File: 467 KB, 1024x768, 04e84608b601f5439d48b3bcbab3335a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IAMP doesn't feel as toohooish it barely even has spell cards, grazing is shit teir, KOS MOS just drank 1.18l of 8% beer any one wana play >=D?

>> No.6027334


>> No.6027502

I'm hoping that all the people bashing iamp in here are trolls. Otherwise I might lose my fate in humanity for a long time.

>> No.6027534


iamp turned me on to touhou as a fighter but that's it, I guess it deserves a bit of credit, my bad.

>> No.6027597

I hope you're the trolling faggot here, give me a single thing from IamP that makes it barely good, aside from the fact that it's japanese and has touhou.

>> No.6027630


>> No.6027645

I prefer IaMP to Soku. I haven't played either in a long time, though.

>> No.6027657

fucking drunk loli. that's enough of a reason.

>> No.6027692

Less IAMP more Hosts

>> No.6027698

I prefer Soku to IAMP because so many attacks just feel really awkward and unwieldly in IAMP. At the very least in Soku even when I sucked massively I felt that the moves tended to flow together instead of leaving huge gaps.

>> No.6027712
west coast

>> No.6027784

Hey ecksdee, you should know that backdashing with any character gives you some invulnerability frames. This allows you to escape Yuyuko's C4 spellcard with the right timing.

>> No.6028083

ggs man, dinner is ready though. you should try to use her 6c a bit more. it's one of the most annoying puffs of shit in the game. lasts forever and is hard to defuse. people will also try to graze the 6c a lot, so it's good for baiting a 623/j2a/etc.

i did know that, but can't seem to pull it off. maybe it's suika? she has an infinite backdash, not sure if it has the same properties as others.

>> No.6028198

Anyone have any experience playing this over LAN? Is it possible?

>> No.6028549


>> No.6028661

Late Night Hostan
US Central

Free Brain Surgery tier

>> No.6028690

Missed it by a minute
Hostan Canadia

>> No.6028761

It's pretty painless, as long as everyone knows how to get their IP.

>> No.6028878

Good enough spot to go out on. I really need to stop trying to chicken block. Badly.

>> No.6028884

seems your connection exploded... ggs anyways

>> No.6028887

Aw, looks like my internet connection is on the verge of death. Good games ecksdee! It's really hard for me to judge your skill level. Some of the games you were defending extremely well and counter punching/corner raping, and others you'd eat Suika horn. Even though I've watched a bunch of your games the last few days you were always goofing off too so I can't tell at all where you stand. Oh well, maybe next time I'll get the chance to face your Suika and see how she is.

>> No.6028889


Try to throw some 2/3As in the corner combos. You had plenty of opportunities pass when that extra spirit chip could've destroyed me. Had a blast facing you. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.6028890

actually today was the longest i played suika just to learn her a bit, my main is closer to sakuya... but i still move around between chars most of the time. and yeah i mess around 50% of the time, but not in a sandbaggan kinda way... just a dumbass kinda way.

>> No.6028963


Great mirror, but I've to got to turn in now! As many years as I've been playing Sakuya, it still amazes and bothers me that I still got a bit to learn. Promise you a longer set next time. Thanks for the matches!

>> No.6028967

ggs eman. our sakuya's are pretty alike, although i run into more knives and you run into more j6a, hah. i hate knowing somebody is going to graze forward but instead of doing something about it i just continue to do what i always do. stupid muscle memory.

>> No.6028978 EC

a bit before bed

>> No.6028983

also, about suika horn... i have no idea how to not eat that. i haven't faced many suika's in general, so i haven't seen that card much. do you need to block low while she's shrinking?

>> No.6029006

Suika Horn is actually unblockable, but it's grazable and easily avoided unless the person has no experience in what it does. It's a free attack whenever Suika leans back in MPP mode. Try backdashing MPP punches for maximum hilarity if you can get the timing for them.

>> No.6029060


>> No.6029072

>Suika Horn is actually unblockable, but it's grazable


>> No.6029116

Is this the real Guy this time?

>> No.6029120

Thanks for the games again~

and.. let's do this 15 more mins, then bed.


>> No.6029615

Guy is from WC. Who said anything about Guy to begin with?

Bump, I guess.

>> No.6029867

Scrub tier Alice, anyone welcome.

>> No.6029925

The more you know:

>> No.6029953

stopped hosting already?

>> No.6030089
File: 102 KB, 529x600, GoMIllus-Aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mid-tier, EU

>> No.6030117

GGs, 66a. You got greedy at the end, heh. Just thought I'd whip out a character I had played more than twice as a finale.

>> No.6030127

Someone else joined, but spec is on, so you should've been able to watch if anything. I don't know why you couldn't, but that's the mysteries of life, eh?

>> No.6030137

Ggs Su!
Argh I really should have used the invincible spellcard instead of trying to punish with a dash a. Oh well.
Alice takes some time to get used to, so don't get discouraged if you lose a lot in the beginning. Also use her default 214 less, it's kinda weak and mostly used as a meatshield (or in gimmick combos).
And hey, to be fair it was also my first time using yuyuko, although she was easier to play than I would have thought.

>> No.6030161

That's why Yuyuko is regarded as top-tier, and I could see that you already knew the gist of the most typical corner strings and mix-ups, unless you're a natural. It's like Suika in SWR - a Suika scrub was ten levels better than a Reimu scrub.

214 was mostly a derinput of 236, don't know where that habit comes from, but I guess it'll shrug off sooner or later.

>> No.6030171

Uwaah, good games. My ass is going to hurt from all the kicking for the next week, though

>> No.6030173


>> No.6030178

ggs. That last j2A was a bit lucky, but really, Reimu's teleport is a kinda bad move. As for Suwako's j8A, it's a nice move, but don't overuse it or you'll become predictable and thus punishable.

>> No.6030181

Yeah, my Suwako's a kind of a one-trick pony, and I've gotten used to fighting people around my skill or worse. The teleport's great against them, but apparently against someone who actually can play...

>> No.6030389

It's safe on block, follow up with j6b , dash towards them and j5a, then push them to the corner from that

Also, could host for a second and then leave, tier

>> No.6030712

GGs wp.
Like always, I had a lot of fun playing against you aki.

And there's SERIOUSLY a problem with Soku random. (Yeah, one of us finally got Remilia, that was my mark to stop)
We didn't see Utsuho, and only you got Yuyuko. Meh.

>> No.6030802
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>> No.6030814

Ahaha, I never got Tenshi, Suwako, Sanae, Okuu or Remilia, but we sure got a lot of Reisen towards the end.
Still fun games though.

>> No.6030873

Good games etc

>> No.6030886

Good games, nasty input lag though.


>> No.6031251


>> No.6031255

derp, sorry e-man, try again, got back when you quit

>> No.6031321

Good games, e-man! I don't know what to say, that yukari seems very sluggy, not fluid, if that makes sense, I'm bad at yukari so I can't give you a hand on that, ;_;


>> No.6031324


You've taken a break from SWR, huh? Extended set next time, but I got to jet before my girl jump in my shit. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.6031735
File: 875 KB, 1034x1562, 4f5be961b611dc38c7093587001ae340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently my antivirus thought it'd be a perfectly good moment to start a full computer scan while we were playing. That made a pretty bad hit to my framerate.

Anyway, Good games. I feel like I totally failed in some matches. Especially against your Reisen, that was just ridiculous.

Besides the random select, the weather too was pretty trolltastic today, with constant river mist and typhoon.

>> No.6031809


>> No.6032047

Rehosting, EC

>> No.6032123

I'm only left confused by newGuy. I can't tell oldGuy, newGuy and bobGuy apart.

>> No.6032167
File: 54 KB, 180x223, 10042001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games Idler. The Reisen loop may be effective, but I'm really tired of using her today. I hope you didn't mind me quitting out of one of the games when I got her and naturally the following game ended up being a Reisen mirror.

Also, is it just me or is there a noticeable difference in delay depending on if you're hosting or joining? It feels like blocking activates faster when I'm the host.

>> No.6032517

Any professionals wanna jam?

>> No.6032554

How professional are we talking? This is /jp/ after all.

>> No.6032593

What are you implying?

>> No.6032621

If you want to play high tier players, IRC is where they're at. When you're from IRC and want to shit stomp the good players here, you've come to the right place.

>> No.6032887
File: 137 KB, 500x647, 381e4a61acc9636b7cc52a7efcae67aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Mains in training tier

>> No.6032941

US West. lol i dunno my skill level tier.

>> No.6032971

Whats up with your internet?

>> No.6032985

Sorry, my internet died. My internet is shitty right now, so I'm going to stop playing people. Good game.

>> No.6033014

I can't take all of the lag. As you can see, I do alot better when I'm not lagging and dropping blocks and flight on a mashy opponent.

>> No.6033044

GGs. Yea kinda lag at some matches, you are good at repeating patterns luc, I told you that when you use remi long time ago, but it seems that hasnt change much yet Suwako is a good char for you. Still i dislike to wait for you to attack or try something new.


>> No.6033141 West Coast US

Not-so-lazy Komachi.

>> No.6033195

GGs Ryas try to attack both midair and ground for better pressure

>> No.6033215

>> No.6033268
File: 459 KB, 1000x1000, 313daf853f253bb427647e6155ba31ae2c986f44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting EC
Some kind of rabbit

>> No.6033376

US East

>> No.6033379
File: 48 KB, 367x359, 1282194676172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skill: Beginner but a fast learner.

Meiling, Remilia, and sometimes Alice tier. Playing until my friends get here.

>> No.6033380


>> No.6033398
File: 65 KB, 227x219, 1281361521825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East Coast

>> No.6033440

Usage of the word random to describe this game indicates a refusal to understand the mechanics

>> No.6033491

GGs jp, I don't know if that lag was from me or you, bu it was extremely gay.

Those matches were still kinda entertaining though, I guess, so GGs.

>> No.6033510

It was my computer. Sometimes it is a bitch.

>> No.6033674

Good games Sequential. I sensed you were a bit unfamiliar with some of the matchups, but your play is solid. I think Yuyuko's j.8A isn't too bad, and using it a bit more could help your game. Did we desync during the Meirin/Yuyuko game or something?

Magister! I've been waiting for a chance to play you again (read: get myself completely destroyed). Hope you'll still be around a bit longer.

>> No.6033695

Well, the first time I played another person was Friday, so yeah. That was the first time I've seen a real person play some of them. Not sure what you're talking about with the desync. I did step away for about 10 seconds to let the dog in, but I think that was something else.

>> No.6033790

ggs dustbunny. you really had me our first bunch of games until i started to see some of your patterns and it made escaping easier, then it pretty much became a series of who could pot shot the other to death first.

what's with the reisen deck also? it seemed way too... friendly. not much trolly skills or spellcards.

>> No.6033812

wats trolly reisen cards?

>> No.6033814
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 3fd7503d395fec3595c4c516cc7e05c9dc41c4d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yes. Being too predictable has probably been my biggest issue for some time now. Not that I have time to play much, and when I do, well.. /jp/'s overall skill level has definitly improved since 12.3 came out, so it's quite hard finding a match that isn't completly one sided.
And you're probably right, I barely use half the stuff in my Reisen deck, time for a overhaul!
Good show, I'd say.

>> No.6034045

Bump for hosts

>> No.6034069

Was hoping to get a match against Magister, but looks like it won't happen. Getting late but rehosting for a bit.

>> No.6034101

Okay, I have to admit that was the funniest match I've ever had.

>> No.6034153 EC

>> No.6034274
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>> No.6034324

Good games Rabbit-Box! Looks like the insanity broke the game, bummer. There's only one thing on my mind: Why in the world do we have the exact same Reisen deck!?

>> No.6034332

Haha, yeah I thought it was pure hilarity it turned out that way. The simultaneous acid ground potion took the cake. Looks like I'll have to brush up on my air strings again though.

>> No.6034763


>> No.6034768

Anyway to make windowed mode bigger?

>> No.6034800


This shit is god-tier for any program.
Once you run it, it stays in your task bar, you can click the tile bar of any window and there'll be an extra context menu there, you can put in any custom size you want

>> No.6034811

fuck i love you

>> No.6035703
EU host
Listening to music tier.
Wanting to play some characters I don't usually play subtier.

>> No.6035936

GGs Feco.
You have the same problem as me, weak against pressure.
Anyway, you're not that bad at randoming, you know what to do with the characters you got.

>> No.6035937


Good games sorry that I'm so low tier but I'm too lazy to learn any comboes or customize my spelldecks

>> No.6035953

Don't worry, it's by playing against stronger opponent that you will progress. (I'm not that good anyway)
So it's never a problem for me.

>> No.6036211

( ' < ' )

>> No.6036418

Watching some replays and recreating stuff in practice never hurts, though.

>> No.6036629

True, but only doing practicing combo in practice mode isn't totally a good idea. You need to grasp the awareness of a battle, or you will never be able to land your combos to begin with. (Also situational combos etc.)

Watching replays helps a lot though. Spec'ing too.

>> No.6036797

bump for hosts

>> No.6036823
Hostan Canadia for a short time

>> No.6036855

Boy, when you say short, you mean short.

>> No.6036856

God dammit. Looks like I'm going to have to fix my network if I want to play online. Thanks for the joining anyways elixer. I was looking forward to the Okuu matches since I really need practice evading her blows.

>> No.6036890

I thought it was my connection at first. Ah well, it really can't be helped. Hope we can play sometime in the future.

>> No.6036927
EU host
Not playing his mains tier.

>> No.6037012
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6037012 EC

>> No.6037018
File: 119 KB, 400x500, Waiting_for_connection.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6037355

What kind of alice player doesn't use c?

>> No.6037374
File: 219 KB, 512x384, Remilia-Reimu-wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6037423

Good ones. Always remember to look out for Okuu's 3A, as it is air-unblockable.

>> No.6037426

Semi-rage quit. I just wanted to play some Relaxku, but you main the only character I fucking hate playing against.

Don't have anything to say, since you beat the crap out of me, but imo, yes you can mash A on wake-up with Utsuho, but stop doing it with all characters. Ofc I was stupid to always try something on wake-up, but it's so frustrating to not being able to do anything against Okuu that I can't believe it and try to find something to do.

Anyway, GGs.

>> No.6037438

Sorry for using her so much. I know she's the Ragna/Ken/Ryu/Sol of soku, but of course, she's also the first character I ever chose. That happens with every fighting game. I always end up choosing the most hated characters.


>> No.6037445

Don't worry for this one, I know it really well, but I just don't have any means of approach then.
Stick to the ground then what? ...
I still don't know how to deal against her...

>> No.6037456
File: 91 KB, 496x699, 1264700685822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, nasty input lag though. The fluctuating gamespeed gave a lot of trouble too.

I still need to figure out how to properly deal with projectile-based characters with Cirno. As was evident in the last match, Icicle Lance just creates a stalemate.

>> No.6037459

Oh don't worry for this, I will never rage about the choice of someone.
I'd be a fucking moron if I refused to play against a character just because he is top-tier.
I just need to play more and learn.

>> No.6037729


>No version is available that supports 64 bit windows. Users have reported limited success with the program on Windows 7 64bit. There are technical challenges supporting 64 bit window and it requires a fundamental rework of some of the core functionality. A version may appear at some stage but I have no immediate plans.


>> No.6037739

i just installed it on win7 64bit without any issues. works fine for resizing soku

>> No.6037862


Disregard this, I suck cocks. I'm so used to 32-bit applications vomitting when I try to use them on 64bit Vista that I thought I was doomed before trying it. IT WORKS!

>> No.6038123


What resolution does Soku's window default to? The resolution is 800x600, yes, but that's not the actual window size. I want to figure this out so I can double it and get double the screen size while maintaining correct sprite aspect ratio.

>> No.6038139


>> No.6038422


Trial and error with the program says soku default window size is 646x511, which doubles exactly to 1292x1022. People with McLarge Huge screens like me really can benefit from this. (Unfortunately I'm not sure there's any way to get it to be pixel-perfect at 75%, just from the nature of how sprites work.)

>> No.6038446

is that taking into consideration the taskbar, borders, etc.? pretty sure the graphical part of it is 640x480

>> No.6038490


That's what I mean. The viewable game area is 640x480, but the program resizes the entire window with everything taken into account, so if you set the program to resize it to 640x480 it actually shrinks the entire window to take up that space, which throws the game resolution off.

Thus, because I wanted to set the game to double resolution without throwing off aspect ration and muddying the sprites, I had to play with the resize program until I figured out the actual total game window size, and then doubled that.

>> No.6038673

Hmm, I thought that Imperishable Night looks a little off when I resized it, i'll have to remember this.

A little disappointing but still a great program.

>> No.6038839


If it helps any..

If a program/game can be resized by just pulling on the window edges, then you can tell a window's true resolution just by clicking on a pullable edge when the resize program is active.

If it can't be resized manually, then what I do is find out what window resolution looks vaguely close to the base size, then guesstimate it. Then, open the game again, try resizing it with the resize program, and adjust the numbers to higher or lower based on if they're too big or small. Re-open game and try your next numbers. Repeat. Eventually, you'll find the size to where a fresh instance of the game's size won't change when you click the resolution, and you'll have your base number.

>> No.6039838

New thread.
