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6013907 No.6013907 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think about Harvest Moon?

>> No.6013913

Oh shit, when did this get translated

>> No.6013924
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>> No.6013925

>Tun on Game Boy
>wake up
>water the crops
>go to the springs
>wake up
>water the crops
>go to the springs
>wake up
>water the crops
>go to the springs
>wake up
>pick the crops
>accidentally drop vegetables one square from pickup box, they explode and are lost forever

I dunno why I still want to fucking play the Harvest Moon games, but now I want to go out and grab a copy of the latest one.

>> No.6013939

The new ones aren't as great as Friends of Mineral Town.
But that's just my opinion

>> No.6013942

Sadly, the last good HM game was Back to Nature. Everything since then has sucked dicks. The DS games were so awful, it almost ruined my childhood.

>> No.6014046

Go play Rune Factory instead
it has better waifus

>> No.6014059


I only ever played the first GB version, and then many years later I got "A Wonderful life" on gamecube but that was fucking insufferable because nothing was explained to you very well and you just sort of got thrust into things with no help.

I went something like:
>"You have cows."
Great, what the fuck do I do with them? How do I know when to milk them? How do I figure out if they are healthy or not? How do I FUCKING FEED THEM?

Yikes, I was going to give the DS games a try, they're really that bad?

The original was tedious as fuck but for some reason it was thoroughly enjoyable. I always meant to get the N64 version but never did.

>> No.6014065

Rune Factory Frontier.

>> No.6014067

which Harvest moon do you recommend ? i played the one from the Gamecube, i liked it, growing banana tree in my garden and sellingthe seed for a high price was easy modo

>> No.6014083

Nah A Wonderful Life is basically the "black sheep" of the series.

>> No.6014095

Yes get this it is fantastic.

With best waifus

>> No.6014105

>Yikes, I was going to give the DS games a try, they're really that bad?

Harvest Moon DS is exactly like Wonderful life but even worse.
I was pretty surprised when there was a event with moonrunes cos they forgot to translate that one.
Also the townpeople are acting like they already know you even when you just started the game.

>> No.6014111

SNES, N64 and PSX Harvest Moons were all really great (if you don't like those, you won't like any game in the series).

The DS games were honestly just plain ass. Normally, I'd say it's just my nostalgia speaking but I actually replayed through Back to Nature recently and I genuinely had fun.

I should give Rune Factory a try but I'm not sure I enjoy the idea of adding fights in my Harvest Moon.

>> No.6014139

Dungeon crawling is completely optional. Sure, you won't progress then main plot of the game (and there's usually at least 1 girl that's unlocked by it), and livestock is gotten from dungeons but you can go through the entire game not doing it.

And I had the same misgivings as you about it, but it somehow works

>> No.6014151

Also, Rune Factory Frontier isn't translated by Natsume. So it's NOT glitchy and mediocrely translated

>> No.6014181
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oh god i wish i could play harvest moon GC again because i haven't finished it, i want to know if i end my life with Celia ;_; she was so happy

>> No.6014206


This fucking song.


As soon as you mention Harvest Moon I hear it in my head.

>> No.6014230

oh great i wanted to listen to the Harvest moon: a wonderful life soundtrack,
it brings back memories i could cry from happiness
the winter them was my favorite i think

>> No.6014743 [DELETED] 


>> No.6014755 [DELETED] 

why would janitor delete my post about kabus

fuckingn kabus

>> No.6014767 [DELETED] 

i am frustrated

>> No.6014770

what's a kabu

>> No.6014781 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6014786

I've only played Harvest Moon on the SNES, but I enjoyed it.

A wonderfully subtle game.

>> No.6014830
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>> No.6014844

I played the one on GBA. It felt way too frantic and stressful.

>> No.6014849

They're both reapers.

>> No.6014882
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Melody is my waifu. I really need to get a WII so I can play RF Frontier.

>> No.6014905

why just dont use emulator
besides that frontier is really shitty

loading screens made me want to throw my wii and i even played it from usb harddrive rather than from the disc.

>> No.6015037
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That crazy ass song is what enters your brain when you hear "Harvest Moon"?

Fuck man,I think you have issues. I think of this one at best


>> No.6015062

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32rdAG3Q5cs&feature=related this.


btw, Which Rune Factory should I get? Frontier?

>> No.6015071

Frontier, definitely.

>> No.6015080

Okay cool. I'll order it along with my textbooks I guess...

>> No.6015083

Unless you like horrible, stiff & blocky sprites, then yes Frontier.

>> No.6015091

Oh, but the "Runey" system is frustrating if you don't know how to manage it. I'd recommend modding your Wii to use a code to turn it off altogether (although mine's unmodded, I enjoy the micromanaging of the system, but no one else does, so...)

>> No.6015105

lol I don't know how to mod my wii

>> No.6015111

Eh, get Frontier anyways. The Runey system isn't too bad.

>> No.6015113

Rune Factory games always seem to have a campy Captain Planet environmentalist ending.
I loved Frontier's final battle, though, with the twelve (thirteen?) heroines singing the Grimoire Song. Fuck yeah, power of love and nature and magic and all that shit.

>> No.6015115

in Harvest Moon I had a waifu before I even knew what the term meant

>> No.6015128

Just looked at some Screenshots of Frontier. Game looks awesome. Gonna see if I can't get Annette. Time to fix my Wii though, it doesn't read my discs...

>> No.6015158

Was Frontier ever undubbed?
The dub was good enough, though.

>> No.6015168
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I had been playing rune factory frontier but I ended up ragequitting in summer because I accidentally planted way too many crops to actually harvest. I was making like a million every day but it took until 5pm just to harvest everything.

also posting the best hm theme

>> No.6015207

>even used a usb harddrive

Best be trolling. The USB 2.0 interface only allows real-world speeds of around 40MB/s max, with a theoretical speed of 60MB/s (unless the motherboard manufacturer has done some tricks to increase that theoretical speed). Assuming a read speed of 48X, an optical disc can be read at 72MB/sec max, even if at a reduced 42X speed for a more logical estimate, that's still 63MB/s.

Unless you magically hacked your wii to use USB3.0 and have a 3.0 HDD along with it, at best all you're doing is increasing load times.

>> No.6015218


>> No.6015228

Real men use eSATA, faggot.

>> No.6015250

>Assuming a read speed of 48X
Wii read speed is 6x.

>> No.6015270

It also uses a DVD drive, so you're both retarded.

>> No.6015365
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