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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6011130 No.6011130 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /jp/. School starts next week and I signed myself up for intro to Japanese. I've been studying over the summer and have Hiragana and Katakana mstered plus a lot of grammar stuff like the tenses, conjugations, etc... down packed. I'm pretty much only learning this because I want to read the VNs I fap to and not have to wait for translations. So here are my questions: Is three years of Jap class enough to get me to that level? Should I expect this class to boost my GPA or make it even worse? And should I expect respectful intelectualals interested in learning a new language and perhaps share similar interest like Touhou and anime or fat weaboo Narutards wearing anime shirts and cosplaying?

>> No.6011143

>down packed

The phrase is "down pat"

>> No.6011147

>School starts


>> No.6011148
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>Japanese class

>> No.6011149

what in the

>> No.6011160

> I'm pretty much only learning this because I want to read the VNs I fap to and not have to wait for translations.

At least your heart is in the right place.

>> No.6011177

1) More than enough. 2 years tops.

2) Depends on teacher. If your teacher focuses heavily on Kanji don't expect anything above a B, and that's if you are lucky. My first teacher focused on Kanji, had a C-, next teacher focused more on grammar and reading and I easily got an A.

3) Narutards, though not many. At first your class will probably be filled with fat sweaty Narutards and skinny faggots with anime shirts on, but they drop like flies. By second semester they will have dropped out.

>> No.6011187

Can't help you with the first 2, but I'd like to know them(Specifically how much I would need to know to read Jap touhou stuff).

You should expect fat weaboo Narutards wearing anime shirts and cosplaying.

Also, that class will probably not help you at all. Expect to learn simple phrases you'll repeat ad nauseum.

>> No.6011190

there is no difference between intelectualals liking Touhou and fat weeaboo Narutards wearing anime shirts and cosplaying

you don't know as much as you think you do

three years is nowhere near close enough to be proficient and fluent in Japanese well enough to read through VNs and understanding each page as simply as you do reading a page in English

Treat it as an experience to learn a new language, your goal is impossible

>> No.6011195

>alpha as fuck

>> No.6011196

You are aware that the majority of /jp/, /a/, /v/, and pretty much every board consists of college students right?

>> No.6011204


You are aware you pulled that out of your ass, right?

>> No.6011205

I am a true intelectualal

>> No.6011219

>three years is nowhere near close enough to be proficient and fluent in Japanese well enough to read through VNs and understanding each page as simply as you do reading a page in English

Your first language will always be your best. No one who is a native English speaker reads Japanese or any other language as fast or as well as they do English. And your failure means nothing for others. If you apply yourself Japanese is very easy, I'd say as easy as Spanish. The only difficult thing in Japanese is Kanji, otherwise a year would be sufficient. Dedicate a year to learning grammar and a year to learning Kanji, that's how I did it and I'm almost fluent.

>> No.6011221

>Is three years of Jap class enough to get me to that level?
- If your program is good.
- If you're motivated.
My school's Jap text was absolute shit and I never studied over breaks. My 3 years are probably equivalent to a year and a half in a good program. Take initiative and you'll totally get there.

>Should I expect this class to boost my GPA or make it even worse?
It boosted mine, but like I said, shit was easy.

>And should I expect respectful intelectualals interested in learning a new language and perhaps share similar interest like Touhou and anime or fat weaboo Narutards wearing anime shirts and cosplaying?
Faggots are inevitable. Just grin and bear it.
Even then, I don't see how meeting an IRL Touhou fan would be much better than conversing with a Narutard.

>> No.6011227

if you swear certain success in this endeavor before the Witch of Certainty, you will surely win her favor
