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6010633 No.6010633 [Reply] [Original]

There are bitter weeds on the Moon...

>> No.6010653

Then use weedkiller dumbass.

>> No.6010658
File: 293 KB, 1000x726, f0021064eeacf9d05f9d65630994ffec[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it dank?

>> No.6010673
File: 28 KB, 499x500, renko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said we would go to the moon

>> No.6010676 [DELETED] 


>> No.6010704


Moon weed is the dankest of the dank.

>> No.6010716
File: 184 KB, 900x900, a2ba9e51132fd4abcab48060811a33f6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres only been one touhou manga that I've seen with Marijuana use, in fact, thats the only media that I've seen with it, or are simply too ambiguous to tell if they're smoking marijuana or not.

And that shit wasn't even translated.

>> No.6010717

The stickiest of the icky~

>> No.6010756

cannabis is rare to say the least in japan. all drugs are

>> No.6010769

What about this? It's pretty obvious they're smoking marijuana.


>> No.6010785 [DELETED] 

Never seen this, but it looked like cigarettes to me, the song was even stated to have no bearing on the images. But, a man can dream.

>> No.6010797


No, weed is just stupid hard to find in Japan because of the Westernization. You can still find ridiculous amounts of speed, meth, acid, and all kinds of pharmaceutical drugs.

There's a shitload of Ecstasy there, or so I've heard.
I hear mushrooms are also quite popular there.

>> No.6010824

I should grow in japan.

>> No.6010839

Ya, rly. I hear mushrooms are easy as hell to grow.

>> No.6010850

Good luck, the massive urbanization as well as population density would have you busted before you could harvest, and the small client base would lead you to smoke most of it.

Simply not worth the trouble, just do mushrooms or find an alternative.

>> No.6010860


Mushrooms are so easy to grow, dude.

The only reason why I haven't is because I don't like them that much.

>> No.6010866
File: 840 KB, 1000x1469, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The drugs are best underground.

>> No.6010868

Rep illegal activities and fucking worthless druggy scum. Take it somewhere else, faggot boys.

>> No.6010883

As a gaijin? Enjoy the assraping you'll get from the police.

>> No.6010884
File: 59 KB, 480x480, a9432e9a4d94caba24232775c7978de7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he meant grow Marijuana, and as for mushrooms, I prefer low dosages, just to get an outer-world vibe goin', just not to the point that I see things.

Marisa, on the other hand...

>> No.6010934
File: 530 KB, 1500x1123, 100_1785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so's cannabis
I do mean marijuana

>> No.6010943
File: 1.37 MB, 480x4320, 1282567014033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then my previous post stands, if you're not growing cheap mexican shit, it'll smell if you're in apartments/any conjoined houses. If you smoke it you have to be isolated, really too much work to get high. It's like permanent high school with less bitches.

>> No.6010950

I'll never end up moving to japan anyway so it doesn't really matter and for the record it's orange bud and I use a carbon scrubber; I can tell you there is no smell outside the grow room.

>> No.6010952

>in fact, thats the only media that I've seen with it,

Samurai Champloo.

>> No.6010956

Shit, completely forgot about that episode.

>> No.6010963

I heard weed costs more in Japan, this true? I also heard they have plants that have been groomed to look like bonsai trees, but I guess anyone can do that anywhere.

>> No.6010995

Less supply would probably lead to some rediculous inflated prices, I'm sure you can find it, but with much greater difficulty. Bonsai tree is a simple idea, but difficult to disguise well.

>> No.6011034
File: 413 KB, 1123x1600, 004_6c4ra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marijuana turns you into a slut.

>> No.6011088


Makes sense, what with how it stimulates the erogenous zones and what not

>> No.6011115

I'm ok with this

>> No.6011116
File: 384 KB, 867x1227, 1281925538568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mary is already a pretty big slut. The drugs are just for edginess.

>> No.6011118
File: 318 KB, 768x576, 84da3e0901b109b09b87d4d6baf101f5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of erogenous and sluts...
