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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5998255 No.5998255 [Reply] [Original]

itt why you're a neet

>> No.5998261


>> No.5998260

Because I am not currently employed, in education, or training.

>> No.5998265

Smell, dumb thread.

>> No.5998266

NEET? me? I study

>> No.5998268

Smelly, fuck.

>> No.5998272

So if we're studying we're not NEETs? That's good to know.

>> No.5998277
File: 118 KB, 800x600, 1281383276968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, NEET means "Not in Education, Employment or Training"

>> No.5998279

Is that Omamori Himari? Haven't seen that in a while.

Also, I'm not a NEET. Feels good man.

>> No.5998284

So if I'm studying internet memes or fingerprints on my table, I'm not NEET. awesome

>> No.5998285

If by "studying" you mean reading Wikipedia articles, then you're still a NEET. Studying only counts if you're enrolled in school.

>> No.5998287

I hate reading posts from people who feel good about themselves or anything.

>> No.5998295

Damn. Well being NEET is fine too

>> No.5998296
File: 94 KB, 800x566, RIP Sion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why are YOU a NEET, Sion?

>> No.5998297
File: 59 KB, 350x350, cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fuckers, right here

>> No.5998298
File: 89 KB, 320x304, 75270867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the last school year, I'm worried about next year

>> No.5998300
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>> No.5998301


>> No.5998311

> Studying only counts if you're enrolled in school.
Are you ignoring self-studying? I should point out that most of awesome scientists studied a lot by themselves.
Maybe here in /jp/ we are all futur important scientists or more.

>> No.5998314

I'm in the same boat.

>> No.5998316
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, dammit sion-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5998318

I still have one more year to go. Man this thread is full of underage ban&.

>> No.5998319

Because I'm a fucking loser and a fucking failure. I've failed at everything I've tried to do. Fucking schizoid personality and asbergers. I'm in loads of debt as well, but I'm too fucking paranoid and anxious to go forward and file for bankruptcy. I'm also a fucking university drop out, even though I was in the top of my program in third year when I did stop going to school. Fucking nervous breakdown. I'm sick of myself. Only reason I don't kill myself is because that's the easy way out for fucking attention seekers and I don't want anyone's sympathy.

I just wish I could communicate with people in the real world, I'm so socially retarded, and I think that's the crux of my problem. But I doubt there's hope for me. I need an intervention, but I have nobody to help me out. I'm entirely alone now.

>> No.5998321

Thanks! My self-confidence returned.

>> No.5998322

Right now im NOT! I have my senior year in college going on. But right now im doing what i usually do, skip school. I go there only for the minimum ammount. I have to go a bit or mai waifu will get mad ;___;

>> No.5998325

Added to the kopipe folder.

>> No.5998335

I'm not underage

what we should do?

>> No.5998328

I mean by the definition of NEET.

Sure, you can learn a lot by yourself, but if it's in your own time and not at university, you are considered a NEET.

Also, don't get too cocky and think you can learn so much on your own. Just because you can use Google doesn't mean you're smart.

>> No.5998338

Because every time I go to apply for a job I get a lecture on how I'm setting my standards too low...

I don't care if I'm 'too intelligent to work at KFC', all I want is enough money for rent, food, bills and figs.
Minimum wage is quite accommodating in my country.

>> No.5998337

Fuck off Saten spammer. Attend school regularly so you can have a better life and I can have a better /jp/.

>> No.5998339

NEET? I'm just a normal fag who like to browse 4chan since 2years.
Also i can't stand 3D woman, just like 2D one, and found lolis cute.
And i like playing severals games, VN or SN for the plot.

>> No.5998343

I go to college, sorry.

>> No.5998346

Actually, we are all normalfags here, with jobs families, goals i life, etc. Just having fun pretending to be dirty NEETs.

>> No.5998348

You need to understand that you won't get hired at places that think you're overqualified. The reason for that is because they think you'll only stay with them until you can find a better employment opportunity. That's why places like KFC only hire idiots and niggers.

If you want a shitty minimum wage job (which is better than nothing, I suppose), don't sound too smart, and alter your resume so you don't sound too overqualified.

>> No.5998354

So /jp/ wish to be both the NEET and the little girl?

>> No.5998350

I've been studying pretty hard, haha.

>> No.5998360

I'd love to be an eternal NEET/loli

>> No.5998365

Me too, but do not know what to do next year

>> No.5998366

We all can dream, right?

>> No.5998372

I'm applying for a bachelor of Primary education in another city, if my results are good enough.

>> No.5998370

Because I chose to be. There is no lifestyle better than that of NEET. One thing I don't understand is why people don't understand that you don't have to stay inside to be NEET. I've been NEET for a very long time and I still regularly go outside. I didn't go out yesterday, but today I went to the store, and right now I'm about to go out and enjoy a nice drive through the sleeping town on this nice moonlit night.

>> No.5998371

Not quite, we wish to be the smart neet little princess-loli for precision.

>> No.5998374

If I were rich, I would neet
But I have to sustain

>> No.5998378

Good luck, seriously

>> No.5998382

It's my mother, my sister and her boyfriend who lecture me... My resume is pretty much blank.

>> No.5998390

No one even denies it now. Holy shit.

>> No.5998397

Maybe they just don't want you to be a disgrace to your family by having some lowly job. Just move the fuck out and do whatever you want. Be a freelancer would be nice too, just work when you want to, and be a hikki for months whenever you feel like it.

>> No.5998398

I'm starting university in 16 days! Feels good man.

>> No.5998401

>16 days

My college's fall semester starts tomorrow...

>> No.5998405

Actually, today. I guess it's morning.

Fuck, I spend too much time on /jp/.

>> No.5998406

Pretty much.

College starting soon, part time job ended just recently.

>> No.5998411

I lack the social aptitude needed to hold a job or attend college.

>> No.5998413

Grow a pair and get out into the world.

>> No.5998417

Why? I'm very comfortable living a hikki lifestyle. No pressure to change either.

>> No.5998421


I guess I'm just an NE then.

>> No.5998419

And just how do you sustain your lifestyle? Money from the government or your parents? You're a leech to society.

>> No.5998427

If I told you my parents had me move in with relatives after I dropped out of school at 15 and have been NEET ever since, would you actually believe me or would you tell me that I'm lying? Would you believe me if I said that my parents had more kids while I've been gone, and that I have some siblings I've barely ever spoken with?

I hope there are always people like me here, people who are actually NEETs and living a life that wouldn't be considered very normal. NEET life seems great to me because I've seen worse times in the past. I couldn't be happier right now, being able to sit in a room with internet and not get shit from anyone.

>> No.5998428

I'd rather be a leech to society than a slave to it.
