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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 41 KB, 288x498, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5997292 No.5997292 [Reply] [Original]

...does Futaba Channle display your IP adress on every post?

>> No.5997302


>> No.5997319

No, but I'm pretty sure it will if you're using a proxy

>> No.5997323

some one has to know, /b/ was no help

>> No.5997338

I meant why does it do so. I've been there and seen for myself. Every post as an IP. It even says at the top of the page
"IP address will be displayed"

>> No.5997368
File: 22 KB, 409x265, bump LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5997373

Get out

>> No.5997423

Go away

>> No.5997475


>> No.5997484

and no. just for asking a question, you fat pathetic weeabo fucktard?

>> No.5997493

HAHAHA, troll just got metatrolled.
He's name-calling, look how mad he is,, how cute!

Seriously though, please leave and take your autism with you.

>> No.5997500
File: 73 KB, 755x1255, what trolls want you to think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. about that.

>> No.5997503

It does it so you can tell who's who without having to adopt a name.

>> No.5997509

bump the question remains unaswerd

>> No.5997513

Aww, are you crying now, little babby troll? Well sooorry, it's not like I meant to hurt your feelings or anything.

>> No.5997514

But whats the point? Isn't supposed to be anonymous? That defeats the entier purpose.

>> No.5997519

Thanks for bumping my thread, hahaha lol your such a retard

>> No.5997520

OP confirmed for autistic and dyslexic retard.

>> No.5997526

and yet another bump! thanks, faggot weeabo pathetic retard.

>> No.5997529

Thanks for being stupid, uneducated, and wrong.

>> No.5997531

I don't see any IP addresses.

>> No.5997534

Wow, it's like the OPs parents really did forget to send him to elementary school!

>> No.5997537

No ones stopping you from bumping your thread. You can bump it regardless of other replies, idiot.

>> No.5997539

They aren't on every board, but they are on a lot of boards. Look under the comment boxes and it will say "IP addresses are displayed"

>> No.5997552

Thanks for posting in and bumping my thread. :)

>> No.5997554

This just in: OP was bullied as a child, so his parents took him out of school. Now he vents his frustration at his inability to defend himself by name-calling on the internet.

>> No.5997570

Oh, okay. I was just looking at the nijiura boards, and they didn't have it.

>> No.5997571
File: 37 KB, 370x300, He mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You care that much that you samefag my thread with 20 posts? Boy, you sure are mad! :)

>> No.5997574

He just doesn't seem to get how 4chan works... Too much time on GaiaOnline or something...

>> No.5997583

Well, yes, you're supposed to be anonymous. But as you know, it's a huge pain trying to sort out people from each other while participating in a discussion. It'd be easier if the server auto-assigned everyone a tripcode, but whatever.

>> No.5997585
File: 84 KB, 755x1255, 1282537841397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take note...
I am well aware of how unintentional your idiocy is.

>> No.5997587

Apparently OP doesn't understand how Sage works. Unsurprising.

>> No.5997597

Yeah I do, it bumps the thread back to the top

>> No.5997603

rtft, this isn't about 4chan you imbecil

>> No.5997608

Yeah. He really is pretty retarded.
