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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 472 KB, 1600x1200, 55cad0adabbc23198db1b553b72d532f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
599682 No.599682 [Reply] [Original]

I've been looking into the existence of a Nagisa and Ushio figure for a while now with no luck. Has Anon ever heard of one, or seen one? The chances seem highly unlikely that one exists, but I'm hoping once After Story gets its anime one might be made. So, any info for me Anon?

>> No.599688


>> No.599705

I'm sorry Anon, but if I had looked up from my desk each day and saw a figure of Nagisa embracing Ushio in her arms, while Ushio contently rests her sleeping head on her mother's shoulder I'm pretty sure I'd kill myself within a week.


>> No.599736


You faggots just made me feel ronery

>> No.600696
File: 223 KB, 841x1200, 1210499261961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say Ushio?

>> No.600739


>> No.600741

there's one with Ushio in swimsuit too, if you see what I mean...

>> No.600748

I see loli. In before 404.

>> No.600755
File: 283 KB, 821x1200, 1210499727186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.600763

sauce, moar now. There are 9000+ rs for paradise and 0 for paradise + clannad

>> No.600767

this one pic was posted as thread op and never deleted, though no real promotions involving Ushio were posted :(

>> No.600769

damn, I would report that but I'm banned from /a/.

Could someone please report every single picture depicting a character under the age of 18 for content violation? thx plz

>> No.600772

paradise only has 1 pic with Ushio (that one) and one with Mai naked. The other pic I don't have a clue about the source

>> No.600775

lol faggot it's worksafe therefore allowed in /jp/. False reports get you banned.

>> No.600781

Anyway, paradise link pls. I like the art

>> No.600783

worksafe loli pictures are banned now

>> No.600784

I dunno I got it off share anyway...

>> No.600785

Worksafe images of characters that appear loli are banned now.

>> No.600788

since when?

>> No.600793

Have you not been here since about three hours ago? That's basically all that's been happening.

>> No.600801

It's honestly one of the most beautiful pic I ever saw.

>> No.600802

huh don't remember peoples saying that even yesterday so that's why I'm asking

>> No.600805

If they are off topic they always have been. Why are you such a whining little emo faggot about off topic crap that has nothing of value to add to /jp/

>> No.600813


>> No.600821

I'm not falling for the trolling again. Stop being a healthyfag and gtfo.

Deletions abound for images of underage characters that are absolutely completely worksafe.

>> No.600822


>> No.600844

if it was true, all touhou threads would be gone...
most likely a janitor on steroids

>> No.600852

to moot

show details 5:10 AM (39 minutes ago)


Moot, there was some janitor or mod who was just going insane on May 11, from about 3AM to 5AM eastern standard time. I don't know who it was, but this person was just ruining /jp/, deleting rule-abiding thread after rule-abiding thread. Many people just got disgusted and left, once there was not a single post on /jp/ for 21 minutes. Whoever this asshole was, he should get fired from the staff or whatever. Thanks keeping the site up. I just don't want irresponsible people like him to ruin it.

>> No.600858

That's the assumption, but there is blatant discrimination here. Touhou is fine - even when it starts getting to the point of masturbation, etc - but other worksafe loli is not.

>> No.600867

/jp/ pics never get deleted, even if it's loli promotions, you guys are just trolling. there's probably not even mods in /jp/ to begin with.

>> No.600870


>> No.600874
File: 107 KB, 840x1200, 1210500926239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna bet?

>> No.600882

Dude. You have not been here for the past four hours.

>> No.600895

I'll try starting one now

>> No.600896

you deleted your pic yourself

>> No.600888

then it's just today

>> No.600906


That's possible
Also, lol, that eroge thread with the censored Nipple got 404'd.
I guess the janitor browsing is an out-of-towner.

>> No.600913

So, did you catch the thread that just disappeared?

>> No.600918
File: 875 KB, 2241x3380, 1210501265708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh right

>> No.600946

most likely janitor then, because mods sleep at those hours

>> No.600952

>I guess the janitor browsing is an out-of-towner.
Aren't janitors specific to their own boards, though? ie: they have no power on others.

>> No.600960

same are as Moetan?

>> No.600961

yes, POP

>> No.600989

>>Aren't janitors specific to their own boards, though? ie: they have no power on others.

That wasn't really what I implied by it.

>> No.601068

How do you know that bans haven't been handed out. Most of these people who just want to trash /jp/ for their own reasons have no problem evading bans. It's like drinking water to them.

>> No.601086

because shitty janitors can't ban. thanks god.

>> No.601094

Been posting promotions. Not banned yet.

>> No.601105

yeh obviously. the mods never awake at those hours. it's most likely a janifag abusing his powers.

>> No.601108
File: 86 KB, 1573x307, 1210503299487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I guess you all want to make sure /jp/ is "a hassle to moderate" so it gets deleted.

>> No.601117

This shit is nothing compared to when GM was banned.

>> No.601118

how it is right now, it can go to hell. thank the retarded janitor for that.

>> No.601144

No YOU made it like that not the janitor doing their job. You are wrong not them.

Enjoy your job making burgers and fries in the real world your attitude gets you a job working with the illegals.

>> No.601147

stfu janitor faggot. you're too fucking obvious now.

>> No.601151

>janitors abusing their powers

>> No.601161



>> No.601165

LOL I am not a janitor, you are a giant emo faggot.

>> No.601173

wow lol. we already know you're the fucking janitor. and you're abusing your power, that's as bad as telling everyone you're the janitor.

>> No.601174


I always thought a janitor's job was to delete posts that were breaking the rules. If their job is actually to delete threads with no violations, then shit, I guess he was just doing his job. Mea culpa, I didn't properly understand your job description.

>> No.601186

the janitor is making fake anonymous post to make it look like peoples are actually agreeing with his power abuses which is not the case.
HINT: any person saying what the janifag is doing is actually the janifag himself.

>> No.601193

the janitor is making fake anonymous post to make it look like peoples are actually agreeing with his power abuses which is not the case.
HINT: any person saying what the janifag is doing his job is actually the janifag himself.

>> No.601199

the janitor deleting everything is trolling you all at the same time

...it's either that or he's really that retarded.

>> No.601206

Whoever is doing the deletions is laughing at you dumb young little ignorant fucks. It's likeshootingn fish in a barrel.

>> No.601214

he's retarded

>> No.601366

retarded janitor troll needs to fuck off of /jp/ and go back to /b/.

>> No.601521
File: 133 KB, 738x1000, 1210506888841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.601525

you know what janitor you won. I'll delete the pic happy now? Now post your thoughts in this non /e/ thread.

>> No.601529

actually I don't feel the point of doing it over and over against a janitor on steroids.

>> No.601533

Someone brought this up in an earlier thread:
>If it's sfw leave this image as your desktop at work with windows minimized.

I say:
like this?

>> No.601548


>> No.601544

Kind of lacking the two nude women, but something like that. Also, in public and not in your basement...

>> No.601545
File: 91 KB, 850x652, 1210507185146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.601549


>> No.601552

Where 2 buy///?

>> No.601563

Actual /jp/ material a SFW figure

>> No.601575

reported for lolicon

>> No.601571

Hello there Mr. Janitor.

>> No.601610

No I just reported it too.

>> No.601611

Reporting too ? reported.

>> No.601854

You fags messed up such a potentially good topic.

>> No.601933

