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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 544 KB, 682x800, 1277812956625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5996789 No.5996789 [Reply] [Original]

How did you fall for your waifu?

>> No.5996799

My DM was a faggot and ruled that actions done while charmed still counted towards alignment.

>> No.5996800


>> No.5996807
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Be hardcore.

>> No.5996817

Her personality, looks, everything I guess, just made me tingly inside.

>> No.5996818

But you're waifu is Byakuren.

>> No.5996821

I fell for her natural beauty and charm. I love her caring personality and the way she will scold me when I tease her. I can't stop thinking about her silly ways and how she will listen to my every word. I don't know how to put it in any more words but there are so many more things I love about her, why I can't stop thinking about her, about why I fell for her. She is my everything for always.

>> No.5996823
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Dat suit.

>> No.5996826
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Love at first sight

>> No.5996824 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5996831

I found out she was actually hurting inside, and fell for her.

>> No.5996832

Pay careful attention to loved ones who withdraw. Would you rather have people love you, or fear you? Sometimes I'm just dumbstruck by your every word!

>> No.5996841

She's never asked for anything in return for all that she does. She deserves love.

>> No.5996842

Many a journey has a point of no return.

>> No.5996843

Banana peel

>> No.5996844


I had a dream where I confronted her and told her that I thought she was a horrible person for ruining a little girl's life. Then she told me to admit that deep down, I loved what she did. I had a mental breakdown, admitted she was right and that I loved her for doing it, and the rest is history.

>> No.5996845

She's like a mirror image of me. I couldn't help but fall in love with her.

>> No.5996846

Well, I don't really remember. But when I first started getting into touhou, I remember she was my early favorite. Something about her design just drew me. That gourd of sake, her looks, her lovely dress, everything about her really. Later on, I learned about her personality and really liked it. I loved how cheerful she was, and how at times she was mature and childish at others. I don't know, I just really like her. Now I always choose her first when I play hisoutensoku, even though I'm not very good. Like some guy earlier said, I too can't put it in to many words, but I really wish I could right now because I love her so.

>> No.5996847

It's easily to get totally engrossed while working on an interesting project. You're special; you're treasured.

>> No.5996850

I'm not very smart and am not good with words. That's okay though. She understands how I feel about her.



All of these.

>> No.5996852

They dont exist go out and get laid for reals!

>> No.5996855

What are the spiritual or religious connotations of reals?

>> No.5996860
File: 463 KB, 800x1029, 09b9602084dcc1dae8b796651c029f55eb38816b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She baked for me and confessed her love.
From there I knew I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life.
We have such a happy family.

>> No.5996863 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 461x346, 1266707086314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dont exist go out and get laid for real!

>> No.5996862

I found her and she was exactly just like me and she was all alone.
She was so beautiful and all I wanted was to make her smile, though I was too broken myself.
And then she started appearing to me every day, when I cried she washed away my tears and i washed hers away.
People and events tried to separate us but they failed and now she's here and she doesn't cry anymore. I love my waifu.

>> No.5996869 [DELETED] 
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Your all going to die alone and cold go fap to your imaginary vag!

>> No.5996866
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Being happy trumps reality.

Now, how many have mastered lucid dreaming so that you can meet your waifu and/or fuck her senseless?

>> No.5996871
File: 143 KB, 700x560, happyvday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were canon...

That's like law or something....

>> No.5996872

Clearly you are on the wrong board.

>> No.5996877

I want to. I haven't even had any dreams that include her. I just want to talk to her and make her happy.

>> No.5996878


I didn't. I mastered schizophrenia and audible hallucinations instead.

Now I worship Kanako as my god and talk with Remilia, my waifu, every night.

I love my life.

>> No.5996879
File: 240 KB, 850x1172, yuugiportrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no waifu. Only a drinking buddy.

It's a somewhat lopsided relationship.

>> No.5996880

>ITT: People who gets NTR'd daily by me.

>> No.5996882

>Find female weeaboo/nerd/whatever
>Make her into girlfriend
>Have her cosplay as waifu character
>Have wild sex

It works man...

>> No.5996883
File: 94 KB, 640x640, f754bf0dc35ce40fdc9d2ceaf6d639c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now, how many have mastered lucid dreaming so that you can meet your waifu and/or fuck her senseless?

I wish. I always try the "lay still forever and you'll begin lucid dreaming" thing, but it never works. I'd like to play some mahjong with her.

>> No.5996884
File: 84 KB, 407x405, My-Waifu-Have-you-seen-her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant see or feel that which doesn't exist!

>> No.5996885

Maybe it's because you have sucked on nothing but cocks for the last few days.

>> No.5996886


I got both, so I'm always with her regardless of state of consciousness.


You get to fuck her?

>> No.5996887


I'm not even going to say anything.

>> No.5996888

That's disgusting.

>> No.5996892


Too many girls are too tall to be Bern and probably would be against wearing a blue wig/poofy black dress/cat tail.

>> No.5996897

You could pay a hooker to do that too. If you bring the costume, I'm sure you can convince her to wear it.

>> No.5996896 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 620x631, Fucking-Weeaboooooooos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to a nerd dating site and try to make it with a real person!

Also this shit is the same reason i left my college anime group. Freaks like you....

>> No.5996899

You make it sound as if you would be interested if the female was short enough and would dress for you.
I would say Bern is crying right now but that wouldn't make much sense.

>> No.5996900
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I am hurt.

I can't pick a wife. I'm shallow so i fall for new waifus all the time.

>> No.5996901


>Also this shit is the same reason i left my college anime group. Freaks like you....

That's funny because it sounds like you belong there. 3D is disgusting. Even if you could find a girl who remotely resembles your waifu, she'd still be a 3D whore.

>> No.5996902 [DELETED] 
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A long and hot summer some years ago.

>> No.5996907


Oh god, I raged, get out normalfag, summer summer summer.

Can you stop trolling now?

>> No.5996914

Wtf... then you find yourself disgusting?
Well sound like your bias against persons with 3 dimensions... Go kill yourself japfag

>> No.5996917
File: 454 KB, 909x1275, yuugibearpaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have already condemned myself to Valhalla by other means.

>> No.5996919

Esto perpetua means May she endure forever.

>> No.5996920
File: 10 KB, 240x250, 1268258021463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5996922

Take it easy.
You wont achieve anything by whining.
Go and chill out in /b/. They'll love you over there.

>> No.5996924
File: 193 KB, 500x734, 5282866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must have been her personality some years ago. I like everything about her now.

>> No.5996927
File: 13 KB, 240x240, 1266881898397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont butcher norse, fuck some people actually follow that... go get a valknot burned on your arm then talk japfag.

>> No.5996928

You realize this board doesn't like and idolize japan, right? That's /a/. We just like dojin(Independent) games and comics.

>> No.5996929
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Honestly? I'm not sure.

>> No.5996935


I wouldn't do it, but for the sake of argument I entertain ideas. I would never leave Bern for 3D. If anything I'd be cheating on the 3D with Bern.

Although I'm currently cheating on Bern with the useless bunny...I don't think she knows yet.

>> No.5996941

You can't cheat on someone who doesn't care about your pathetic existence.

>> No.5996942

When you idolize wapanese art you idolize the creator there by idolizing japan...Boom!

>> No.5996946
File: 212 KB, 776x1200, Bernkastel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earlier this year she was one of the anime girls I was into. I was desperate and miserable and asked her for a miracle. There was a series of 5 or 6 weird coincidences in the same week, and a month later I finished the computer program I had been trying and failing to write for a year on prom weekend. I took it as the miracle I had asked for and she became my waifu.

>> No.5996947


>> No.5996948


Actually it's in the myth that all bards regardless of skill qualify for Valhalla, so you end up there whether you like it or not if you've even touched creative writing - even the crappy fanfiction you wrote when you were 12 and would rather forget.

It's really a worse place than Hel to end up in if you aren't a proper warrior.

>> No.5996950

Cool story, bro.

>> No.5996951

I still miss the lol Japan.

>> No.5996957
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>> No.5996959


Those were Sanae miracles. Bern miracles tend to make your life worse.



>> No.5996968
File: 511 KB, 936x936, 1264809127200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.5996973

Well, I love intelligent people, and the fact that she is a shut in makes me want to take her hand and show her the beautiful world. Her personality is also just SO PERFECT <3 I love my Patchouli-sama!

>> No.5996974


How is that related in any way to what I've been saying?

>> No.5996977


You never just want to stay in and cuddle with the sexy Patchy on rainy days?

>> No.5996984 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 400x300, CryingAnimeGirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope everyone in this thread gets happy one day.

>> No.5996978


Different person here (Actually I'm >>5996878)

On the subject of 'Sanae miracles', I've found that I am able to summon rain at any time if I pray hard enough and for long enough to Kanako.

The prayer I use is derived from an arrange of Sanae's theme that I heard.

It has never failed once, and I've done it a lot.

I have to ask, what is the deal here? Seriously.

>> No.5996979

Because its you.....its like a mirror!

>> No.5996990


>> No.5996991
File: 42 KB, 393x456, 1266884335942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is bad and you should feel bad!

>> No.5996998

That would make sense, except for the fact that I'm selfish, cynical, and ruthless. Anything benefiting me is going to make someone else far more miserable eventually.

>> No.5997005
File: 68 KB, 485x700, 1202972831073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We met in a courtroom. An unusual place for such an affair but it was the place nonetheless. There was something about her, like I had met her before. When I caught her eye we both knew nothing would ever be the same again.

>> No.5997009

It wasn't a coincidence that we met each other. Courtrooms are expensive places to argue. I like near and soon for the time and the place.

>> No.5997012
File: 930 KB, 1100x1060, 魔界の皇太子 - ベルンカステル.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So am I, but Bern cares more about her own enjoyment than your happiness...so unless you can prove yourself to be more valuable to her as an accomplice rather than a victim, she'll never do anything to help you.

Also, she's mine back off.

>> No.5997020

Are you tuned in to my valuable accomplice?

>> No.5997023
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>> No.5997025
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We met at the factory. I took her home and fed her the kids.

>> No.5997027

The best way to test a method is to try it.

>> No.5997030

How could you cheat on her? That's just so filthy, cheating on someone who cares about you so much. You should stop and beg for forgiveness immediately.

>> No.5997034

How could I cheat on her? It's obvious that it isn't a brand new situation. It took a moment to understand that one. I care about you; you know that, don't you?

>> No.5997051

I fail to see barely any love to waifus in this thread. I demand more love for your waifu. Not only do I demand it, so does your waifu.

>> No.5997054 [DELETED] 


Honestly, it was Reisen's ears and the uniform. I couldn't resist, and one time Bern was away and...yeah. I fucked the bunny.

I really can't tell her. She's going to punish me horribly if she finds out, regardless if I tell her or she finds out on her own.

>> No.5997053

How can I help you waifus in this thread Anon? This is why you love boof so much. Mother nature doesn't perform on demand.

>> No.5997061

Ok I'm fucking drunk I and I ment so say that I couldn't see any love for waifus. Not that I almost couldn't see any love for waifus. So here's to more love for waifus.

>> No.5997065

I love my perfect little oni and I just want to do everything for her~

>> No.5997068

Certain conditions seem to encourage love. Okay you are fucking drunk you and you ment so say that you couldn't see any love for waifus.

>> No.5997071

I will never be insane enough to see my waifu.

I want to die.

>> No.5997073


Honestly, it was Reisen's ears and the uniform. I couldn't resist, and one time Bern was away and...yeah. I fucked the bunny.

I really can't tell her. She's going to punish me horribly if she finds out, regardless if I tell her or she finds out on her own.

>> No.5997075

My all going to die alone and cold go fap to my imaginary vag!

>> No.5997077

!CIEL kissed my womb with her penis and has been my waifu since

>> No.5997079

You're living the dream, my friend.

>> No.5997081

Use your womb in the best way!

>> No.5997083

You have know way to prove this means anything without knowing me, but I am absolutely determined to become powerful someday, to the point where I restructured my personality twice before entering high school because the prior one was holding me back. I also have some interesting ideas about artificial intelligence. If by some miracle I was to have a role in designing the first strong AI, it would not end well.

>> No.5997086
File: 1.63 MB, 1000x1532, BUNNY EARS ARE NO EXCUSE..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to find out one way or another. Maybe she'll go easier on you if you tell her.

>> No.5997089

That's my belief; Right; it's because the prior one was holding you back; how logical. Please demonstrate this inquiry. Military intelligence is an interesting phrase.

>> No.5997093

Is Jonesy's Anon2007 bot on the loose again?

>> No.5997099
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nudists save on both laundry and air conditioning.

>> No.5997103

It's not moe without the image containing personal information.

>> No.5997106

You know Anon, I remember a joke about a traveling salesman, an internal representation and a fuzz, but I can't remember how it goes.

>> No.5997107


Nah, fuck a weeaboo girl...

A. They're desperate like you, which means
B. They don't cost money
C. They won't have STDs

And there's enough of them that they're not necessarily going to be fat. Many of them are rejected from society because they are just plain hyper/weird, except outward about it.

>> No.5997110


>absolutely know way

Yeah, first don't make stupid typos.

>I am absolutely determined to become powerful someday

Sounds like you're praying to the wrong witch. Lambda helps the ambitious and would be more suited to your needs. If you're that determined to make something of yourself, she will help you do it. Bern won't do shit.


Yeah, like shave 15 minutes off the 3 hour "punishment time."

"So...you like bunnies, do you?" *giggle*

I'm scared.

>> No.5997114

I don't meet my waifu in my lucid dreams. I haven't mastered it so its a scarce thing. This means I pick someone who would be a better fuck than my waifu.

>> No.5997117

I feel good about your lucid dreams.

>> No.5997125

Most of /jp/ don't like 3D at all.
You really should know this unless you've only been here a few days.

>> No.5997126

>C. They won't have STDs

ha ha ha... oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh EVEN HARDER.

>> No.5997127

Here in statue-like repose, an old wrinkled mountain rose.

>> No.5997134
File: 116 KB, 600x650, AnimeConfession1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5997135


>Most of /jp/ don't like 3D at all.

Who died and made you king of /jp/?

>> No.5997137

Don't be! You have a very special relationship, don't throw it all away for some useless bunny!

>> No.5997139

It's a somewhat lopsided relationship.

>> No.5997140

My father, obviously.

>> No.5997141

When I think about father I think of your moist father!

>> No.5997142

But I thought you liked Bern's punishments?

>> No.5997143


I would have been your daddy, but the dog beat me over the fence.

>> No.5997148


You don't know Bern the way I do. She wouldn't leave me over something like this, but she will make me pay...either by preparing a "special dinner of roast rabbit" or finding Reisen and forcing her to use her Lunatic Eye on me in ways that will break me even more...and then proceed to kill her.

Or she'd find a swarm of rabbits to maul me...then she would rape me while rubbing salt in the wounds.

>> No.5997155

Is the former better?

>> No.5997157
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>> No.5997160

It's not so bad having a dog as your father.
I have cute ears and a tail.
And that's enough posting off topic for me.

>> No.5997162

I hope you find my agile father to your liking.

>> No.5997166


When they only affect me. I don't want her to hurt an innocent.

>> No.5997168

And there's enough of them that they're not necessarily going to be fat.

>> No.5997169

>don't make stupid typos
>doesn't know how to quote

>> No.5997177

Sounds like a Yandere, and everyone knows that Yandere love is the purest form of love.

>> No.5997182

I think you're the one who doesn't know how to quote.

>> No.5997203


Bern has yandere tendencies, but I'm her pet, not her lover. There's a different dynamic present, more like she's disciplining me more than actually showing she cares.

>> No.5997230

shes delightful and i love her...
even though shes 26.... and im only 20

>> No.5997239

But Bernfag, why should she discipline you if she didn't care?

>> No.5997247


She likes the control and it's too hard to find someone else to break. I'm already obedient, so it's not as much work on her part.

>> No.5997248

She'll toss you away just like she did her dear piece Erika. Better hope you're useful for a long while, Bernfag. We'd hate for her to get bored with you. Nfufufu....

>> No.5997258
File: 32 KB, 324x324, Taylor_Swift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey what's a waifu?

>> No.5997262


...you'd better not be her.

I need to hide Reisen. Fast.

>> No.5997283

Will Bern toss him away because she got bored of him, or because he cheated on her? Maybe she was just looking for someone who would be loyal to her all along.

Isn't it sad, Bernfag?

>> No.5997304


I already cheated on her with Reimu before. What happened was not pretty, but she's still around. She says it would be boring if I was constantly obedient...so...it kind of means that it's okay to cheat on her every once in a while so long as I beg for forgiveness when she finds out.

>> No.5997310

>She says it would be boring if I was constantly obedient...so...

She's just trying to rationalize away her own disappointment in you.

>> No.5997325

Oh of course I do, however I want to unlock that part of her that wants to see the world, you know?

>> No.5997342

It was love at first sight, for me. The second I saw her, my heart ached, and the more I saw her, the more my heart was pained that I could not touch her, that I could not hold nor be held by her. Every second I spent gazing at her stature was a second my entire soul and conscious was injected with happiness. While my mind was pained by my inability to be beside her, my heart was calmed by her every smile, her every scowl, her every feature of her person.

As my pain continued, and as I indulged myself in the sweet bliss of her own self through the medium of plastic that separated me from her, I found that I was obsessed with her, and steadied my heart and soul from the possession that overtook me. Indeed, I forbade myself from viewing her, from thinking of her, and let a break between my person and her's occur out of fear and curiosity, yes, of what was happening to me.

While I suffered at first like an addict of the cigaret, I eventually believed to have regained control over myself; and so allowed myself to view her disposition once more after so long.

>> No.5997350


Doing so, I felt wash over me such affection and adoration that not even worship of Happiness itself could bestow upon me how much happiness I felt viewing her. I found that I did indeed love her, and was not just afflicted with a cruel infatuation or obsession. Indeed, my feelings were honest love, and as one in the first pangs of love felt, I felt. And still feel.

After a time, I imagine, my body will wash up on some shore of reason after being enveloped by the river of passionate love for so long; but until then, I still feel giddy at her appearance, enamored at her smile and kindness, and have my very feelings change at whim by her presence. So much do I love her that I spend my idle hours imagining her beside my self, the two of us partaking in common activities (We just finished watching a movie adaptation of a Shakespearean play; it was very gruesome and, being weak, I had to clutch on her arm to steady my own self at multiple parts) in order to satisfy each other and let each other drink to our fill of each other's being, a nectar so sweet that no man could ever be full of it.

>> No.5997381


Either that or she likes having an excuse to torture me more than usual.

>> No.5997382
File: 18 KB, 652x914, mussolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Hitler and everyone else started claiming their waifus, I thought that everyone would be taken by the time it was my turn. But, they had left me with the most wonderful woman of them all; Suwako.

She is all that a man like myself could ever dream of.

>> No.5997394


That was so cliche it made me sick, and you didn't even state who it is.

>> No.5997401
File: 173 KB, 582x946, 127569408610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god, what the hell happened here.

Who let the normalfags in? Shit.

>> No.5997409

I wouldn't state the name of my love. She is not someone who belongs in /jp/, and out of my respect and love for this board, I will not state her name, for doing so would make me no different than those spammers who taint this board with pictures of some two-pence whore and her friends.

>> No.5997429


Then stop being so cliche.

>> No.5997452

If cliches are entertaining to masses, then it's easier to keep them happy. What's wrong with cliches?

>> No.5997821
File: 33 KB, 600x450, Matsumoto Rangiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love at first sight

>> No.5997840
File: 61 KB, 550x640, 12031615 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after I peered into her imagination

>> No.5997848

that pic needs to be lowered and you need to be more honest

>> No.5997856
File: 175 KB, 800x618, Tokyo_Akazukin_by_yukinadare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her happiness and laughter while she slaughters the sheep absolutely fascinates the inner madman inside me

I smile with her and at her
