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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5993785 No.5993785 [Reply] [Original]

A question for the /jp/anophiles, especially those who live in Nippon or can at least read Nipponese sites:

How popular are Western nerd hobbies in Japan? Are PC/Xbox games nonexistent, or just a small but significant subculture? Is Magic:TG remotely as popular as YGO or Pokemon? Are there chess tournaments in addition to Go ones? Do tabletop RPGs and board games exist at all?

>> No.5993795

inb4 Kenichi Smith.

>> No.5993809

No,No,No and Yes

>> No.5993818


>> No.5993828

it's a perfectly cromulent /jp/ question. had thought about it myself

>> No.5993831

The Pleasure of Being Cummed Inside.

>> No.5993835


>> No.5993837

I'm pretty sure video games are just as popular there as they are here.

>> No.5993841

He said PC/xbawx stuff. By which I assume he was retardedly meaning western uberspacemarineraaah stuff.

>> No.5993843

Games-Workshop (Warhammer/Warhammer 40,000) does have stores in Japan that are doing pretty well.

They don't have the size or game space that most other stores have, but they have a table or two for gaming.

>> No.5993849 [DELETED] 

>Are PC/Xbox games nonexistent, or just a small but significant subculture?
Japanese play Western Games too. Also, most otaku-oriented games are in the 360.

>Is Magic:TG remotely as popular as YGO or Pokemon?
MTG has always been the premiere TGC. Japan hosts Grand Prix, you know.

>> No.5993847

>Are PC/Xbox games nonexistent

That's a funny question to ask on a board that's basically all about PC and XBox games.

>> No.5993848

I know tabletop games (like D&D) are just as popular there as they are anywhere else, which is to say they aren't that popular. PC games are less popular than console games, but are becoming more popular thanks to festivals like comiket, yet they still only appeal to a niche market and developers often have to include erotic content just to ensure sales.

>> No.5993856

>Are PC/Xbox games nonexistent, or just a small but significant subculture?
Japanese play Western Games too. Also, most otaku-oriented games are on the 360.

>Is Magic:TG remotely as popular as YGO or Pokemon?
MTG has always been the premiere TCG. Japan hosts Grand Prix, you know.

>> No.5993855

They do play xbox at least, about half of my friends list used to be japanese guys who played forza 2. Most of them did drifting and almost all of them had itasha cars.

>> No.5993905
File: 490 KB, 779x1100, warhammeranime4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, they like warhammer

>> No.5993987

UK != Japan

>> No.5994017

AFAIK, japanese people are CRAZY for MTG.

They have a shit load of tournaments and special editions cards and shit.

>> No.5994054

I used to love MTG, played for like 6 years.
It's a whole different game these days though.
It's also extremely expensive to play too.

>> No.5994064

replace warhammer with airfix and this would actually be accurate

>> No.5994075

PC/Xbox Gamers exist, don't know about comparative to the US but they're a noticeable group of nerds at least
Magic it somewhat popular, doesn't come near to YGO or Pokemon though but those are marketed as masses of children
Chess tournaments yes, haven't even seen them on tv though like you'll see syougi and igo, but for casual play I would say chess is more pervasive than igo probably
Tabletop RPGs, yes
Board games, of course

>> No.5994105

>nächstes mal ohne italien

>> No.5994139

>Next time without Italy

>> No.5994153

You should ask /tg/.
I remember reading an article about Japan and roleplaying games there. It was herp derp about how Japan is special and does not give a fuck if you are a table-top player (oh wow).
Anyway here is not "Question about Japan/General".

>> No.5994176
File: 6 KB, 215x247, beckham wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>painting warhammer figurines was a hobby pursued by the united kingdom's upper class society

>> No.5994201


Wait what?? Is there more?

>> No.5994206


I remember all the money I wasted on warhammer when I was a kid and thought it was awesome.

>> No.5994828

Where did ya find that?
