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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5992498 No.5992498 [Reply] [Original]

I still can't wait for Platinum, so excited!

>> No.5992503

I wish to ram my dick into her while Luna berates me and calls me a pedophile.

>> No.5992523

You are a pervert but I can somehow relate!

>> No.5992531

Are those hearts on her eyes?

>> No.5992541
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>> No.5992542

I wish you would stop shitposting, and attention whoring

>> No.5992548

I share the same feeling.

>> No.5992549

I don't like her Wand.

It's not phallic enough...

>> No.5992552

Well you know what they say Anonymous. Want in one hand and take a poo-poo in the other. Then compare which fills up faster.

>> No.5992555
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>> No.5992558

When does she come out? I haven't played Blazblue in a while.

>> No.5992564

I'm sorry I love you but nor now ;_;

I think she is still tba which sucks

>> No.5992567
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>> No.5992579
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ok I am too meta but I think it is fun but it does not belong so I will not.

>> No.5992597
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>> No.5992600

Okay, fucking stop it. For god sake.

>> No.5992607
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No but I am not on that.

>> No.5992621

Are you still around ZUN? I have a few questions for you.

>> No.5992622
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>> No.5992626
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Wait, Platinum has been out for a while holmes.

>> No.5992629

Not Pokemon Platinum, Platinum the Trinity. Pokemon Platinum owned, though.

>> No.5992645

Platinum was confirmed to be the third DLC character. Valkenhaym's going to be the 2nd and he doesn't even have a date announced yet.

>> No.5992676

Yeah. What's up?

I hope it isn't embarrassing questions.

>> No.5992714

Nothing like that.

Your constant talking about the gym makes me want to start working out. There's a gym at my university that I could use if I sign up. Problem is that I barely know anything about working out and wouldn't know how to do it by myself. Do you think I should do it regardless and try to find information on the Internet or should I go for an actual gym and try to get a trainer if I have questions?

I'd ask /fit/ but that board scares me.

>> No.5992737

/fit/ really isn't all that bad. But, since you're at a university, if you have someone working a desk in the weight room, you may as well ask them all the questions you can. After all, it's part of what your rec center fee pays for. Really though, to start with, just learn the proper form for squats, benchpress, and deadlifts, and go at it (I'd recommend doing squats on one day and then the deadlifts/benchpress on a different day, as squats can really take a lot out of you). The guy there should even be able to help you put together a little plan for you starting out, to cover any questions you're too timid to ask of /fit/.

>> No.5992885

Yeah university gyms are awesome. Heck most of the time they're great but the students barely even use them. All gyms usually give you a free trial too before you have to pay anything. Worth trying out.

There's a sticky in /fit/, but it kind of overcomplicates everything. Worth a read though for like basic stuff though (what to eat, drinking water, resting muscles, etc). All good info can be found on the internet though.

I personally wouldn't recommend free weights to a person who has never touched a weight before. For a /jp/ level beginner (which is where I started years ago) I'd say it would be better to build basic strength through other means at first.

Personally I did those weight machines at the beginning, then I worked up to free weights. It helped a lot. Now years later I just mix that stuff in with weighted pull-ups and dips.

>> No.5992899

Have you decided to tell us why you're leaving in december?

>> No.5992911

I want to look bettter...

Where should i start?

in squatz and oatz

>> No.5992912
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Valkenhayn's set for September, definitely by Tokyo Game Show. ArcSys has already said he's fully completed, so what I'm hoping is: they finish up Platinum, and release them both in time for the new Arcade build's premiere at TGS.

>> No.5992922
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Too shy. Maybe later.

If you ever wanna chat I got MSN too. Been months since I got a new one and so far I only have one person on my contact list.

>> No.5992933

Feel free to add me, ZUN!bro!

>> No.5992939
File: 506 KB, 232x450, 1282225030618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get chatzilla for Firefox and join #hotglue, #friendcircle or #meltanjp @Rizon to make friends today!

>> No.5992942

>so far I only have one person on my contact list.

>> No.5992949

Which one of these has the most /jp/ers on?

>> No.5992950

Try this. I used that exact program when I first started

>> No.5992952


>> No.5992959

You guys shgoudl add me to msn it is silver_porcupine@hotmail.com i am sorry it is a bad msn name pleasers forgirve me

>> No.5992971

/jp/ is not your blog or facebook mark2.

>> No.5992977

#bbcs exists but basically nobody goes there. it could use some people, probably. @ rizon also

>> No.5992984

no but i want to befirending /jp/sies outside of here and irc is full of nedrs

>> No.5992987

Nope. Pretty sure Sion wants to kill me by now actually.

I'll try it. Can I join as a spy?

>> No.5992997

I hope you enjoy getting hacked by those faggots.

>> No.5993003

/jp/ couldn't hack their way out of a paper bag.

I doubt they could even remotely open my DVD drive.

>> No.5993005

to be fair im pretty sure you dont hack a paper bag

>> No.5993007

<TiV3> !bundate
<Murasaki> TiV3: You take ZUN!bar into a dark alley. Your date excuses herself and never returns. You hastily perform your ''finishing move'' and escape into the night.
<TiV3> why would she be able to excuse herself in a dark alley
<Kohaku-san> >she
<Kohaku-san> >ZUN!bar
<Kohaku-san> :>
<TiV3> well bundate said it
<kViN> you will never date a genderbent ZUN!bar
<kViN> ;_;

ZUN, please join #bun

>> No.5993027

OK, let me install that thing he >>5992939 said.

>> No.5993031

If you were trapped inside of a paper back surely you could hack your way out of it?

>> No.5993034

They'll run out of breath before they can hack their way out. Also, they are little girls with frilly dresses and no pantsu. It's kind of obvious isn't it?

>> No.5993093

well you could only really hack it if you had some sort of tool, like an axe or something. im assuming you dont have anything like this so youd have to like tear at it or something

>> No.5993109

which server
