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5990566 No.5990566 [Reply] [Original]

My friend said that people who can only stand instrumental and electronic music are often Autistic because their disorder doesn't allow them to understand complex audio waves similar to the type you would find in vocal music. Is this true?

>> No.5990577

Sounds more like you're friend is autistic.

>> No.5990583

If your friend is right, then I am autistic.

Too bad I was already diagnosed with autism.

>> No.5990585

Makes sense, just look at the Comiket threads.

>> No.5990586

Probably not.

>> No.5990590

He's a dumbass. A voice is just like another instrument. Tell him people who can only stand music without flutes are often Autistic because their disorder doesn't allow them to understand complex audio waves similar to the type you would find in woodwind music.

>> No.5990608

0/10 actually try nigger

>> No.5990731
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Maybe. I simply hear all music as a combination of frequencies. Because of this I ignore all lyrics in vocal music and just pay attention to the actual notes being sang. If the combination of notes is pleasurable in a song, then I will like it.

However I do find this pleasure is increased by 76.35% if I listen to instrumental music such as jazz, video game soundtracks, and "classical" music.

>> No.5990736

get out ulililililililililililililililililililililililililia devs

>> No.5990737

Tell us more, ulillillia

>> No.5990744

ZUN!bar I am practicing the bass lots and can now play a little. I got dad's old bass, I heard it is worth like, $2000 so I have to take care of it.

>> No.5990745


Reported for mentioning a fucking retard and shitting up my /jp/.

Do this fucking shit when i'm not present, obnoxious tripfaggots.

>> No.5990752

But we learn from the best!

>> No.5990754

How was your day today, Shifty?
