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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5987941 No.5987941 [Reply] [Original]

When did YOU make the switch from /b/ to /jp/?

Don't deny it, you all lurked /b/.

>> No.5987944
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inb4 serious replies

>> No.5987951

Lolno. I started out on /a/.

>> No.5987955

I actually checked /b/'s board before to see why everyone disliked it the whole front page was DISGUSTING.

>> No.5987953

When I turned 18. Seriously.

>> No.5987954


>> No.5987959

I did in the very beggining, probably the first week or so. Then I switched to /a/ before /jp/.

>> No.5987960

If you were still on /b/ by the time /jp/ was created, get the fuck out right now,

>> No.5987972

Haha silly anon. I come from where all the /c/ute things are.

>> No.5987971
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>> No.5987969

actually, I was on smaller chans before I came to 4chans /a/, and shortly after found /jp/

>> No.5987968

I am a ex /k/ommando who switched to /a/ then /b/ and then back to /a/ again before I got to /jp/

>> No.5987965

like a month ago brah, and no i'm not a newfag just kind of new to /jp/ so ya i'm an oldfag by 4chan's standard

>> No.5987974

/b/ these days is about
40% 'rate me'
40% 'posting nudes' 'MOAR'
20% spam / 'plz hack this facebook WE R LEJUN'

>> No.5987977

I went to "/b/" when it was still Anime/Random. After that I just went to /a/, since I was there for the /a/ part.

>> No.5987980


>> No.5987981

i started on /h/ actually, back then jp didn't exist yet. i was only on /h/ for the porn though. then stopped going to 4chan altogether, and returned after /jp/ was made.

only visited b once when someone posted a link to it here, but then i checked the rest of it, and the gay porn made sure i won't return there. lol

>> No.5987983

I started with /a/, not /b/. I occasionally would see /b/ back in 2007 but usually stayed on /a/. With time I stopped browsing /b/ and then migrated to /jp/ when it was made, after 2 weeks I completely stopped browsing /a/ and never returned there since then.

>> No.5987987

I started with the text boards.

>> No.5987997
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Typical /jp/er route
1. /b/
2. /v/
3. /a/
4. /jp/

>> No.5987996

Everyone in this thread is reported.

>> No.5987991

I started with /a/ but when moot made /jp/ i have been ever since here.

>> No.5987994

I'm actually from /a/ and only visit /jp/ for Touhou.

But I started with /b/

You may begin to hate me now.

>> No.5988004 [DELETED] 
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>Typical /jp/er route
>90& of this thread proves the order wrong

>> No.5987999

Stopped using /b/ months ago because every thread is camwhoring and "rate me faggotry", been on /jp/ since its beginning though.

>> No.5988000

Never looked at /b/ for more than 3 seconds, posted regularly on /a/, made some trips to /c/ and /g/ every now and then, never looked at any of those after /jp/ was created.

>> No.5988003

If you weren't on 4chan in 2004 you need to leave /jp/.

>> No.5988007

Reported for being a tripfag

>> No.5988009

This except without /v/.

>> No.5988011

I started at /v/ and then switched to /jp/ a couple months after it was created.

>> No.5988015

Oh did you really?

>> No.5988018

You're still around? 7447 has been lonely recently, care for a game or 2?

>> No.5988021
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Nobody reports White Ren.

>> No.5988019

Holy shit, MANkoto-kun, I thought you are dead.

>> No.5988023

Reported for abusing the report system. Enjoy you ban.

>> No.5988026

When I left /b/, there was no /jp/

>> No.5988031

That's not realistic. Let's say anyone who wasn't here before the Fox 11 news report needs to get out.

>> No.5988037
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>enjoy you ban

>> No.5988038

Sure, I'll play. Queued for whatever.

I've been here all this time, but without mahjong threads I haven't got much to post. ;_;

>> No.5988045
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I started on /b/, I think everyone does. Or at least it's a stop on their 4chan travels.

I went from /b/ to /a/ to /jp/ when it was created. I think that's a pretty common progression.

>> No.5988058

/jp/ is my first and only board

>> No.5988054

That's good to hear, at least don't leave us like Kyon.

>> No.5988061

The fox news report got me to come here. I knew about 4chan since the DESUDESUDESU spam started showing up in forums I went to, but I always thought 4chan was nothing but hackers and porn until I went to my first board /tg/.

>> No.5988063

I can see that you came from one of the boards that is so shit, the mods don't even care anymore.
You should stay there if you don't want to be banned, soon.

>> No.5988064

notalice's touhou stream

>> No.5988068

Started at /b/, but was only there for a brief amount of time. For the next year and a half I just browsed around various boards but rarely posted.

I started browsing /jp/ pretty shortly after it was created, but I still lurk in quite a few other places.

>> No.5988070

Ok, you got me.

/b/ in early 06 for a couple of weeks before switching to /v/, which was my primary, /v/ and /a/ in 07, stopped going to /v/ after it became /b/ 2.0, went to /jp/ after the split, hated it, came back in 09 sometime. Been here since I find all the other main boards detestable.

Nobody cares though.

>> No.5988073
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>herp derp i'm a faggot

>> No.5988078

I'm only here because it's the least bad place to talk about 2hu

>> No.5988087

Greentext is a bannable offense, as is posting reaction pictures.

>> No.5988110
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>i'm so mad

>> No.5988133

I visited /b/ waaay back, 2005 maybe? decided the board was shit before a week passed and never gave any other boards a chance.

Later came back at a unknown year for /a/, stayed a while and during that time also found /v/. Found /jp/ through type-moon and I really liked the board but it was really slow, I mean snails pace slow. Eventually decided /a/ was shit as well and just was on /v/ and /jp/, and then eventually decided /v/ was shit and stayed on /jp/.

Hard to believe I ever liked the other boards. I don't even dare think what they are like now it was so terrible in the little I can remember.

>> No.5988132

You don't get it, do you? The more posts you make, the higher the chance that one of our mods gets annoyed and bans your ass.

>> No.5988144

at first, i was on /b/, /k/, and /v/, now i'm on /jp/, /k/, /v/, /b/, /w/ and /wg/

i'm not joking .....

>> No.5988149

Get out

>> No.5988152

The people on /c/ are so friendly, it's the best place to go to when you feel frustrated. I don't know what I would do if /c/ got deleted.

>> No.5988157

I visited /b/ for about two years starting in 2005, then moved to /a/ and finally landed on /jp/ during the split.

>> No.5988159

the glorious days of anime/randomb

>> No.5988165

/b/ for a day, decided it was crap
/f/ afterward from time to time
/g/ for about a year.
/jp/ here i am.

>> No.5988170

I started to lurk /a/ (2006).
Switched to /jp/ when it was created.

captcha: improvement section

>> No.5988180

I found out about /b/ from the Tom Greene/Habbo raids. I was on Gurochan before that.

>> No.5988184

You also don't get it, I really don't give a shit.

>> No.5988190

When I realized that /a/ was more interesting, around that 3333333 get. I've grown a lot more since then.

>> No.5988194
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>> No.5988200

It went like this for me:

1: Was on /b/ for like one day. Decided it was shit and started looking at other boards.

2: Became a /d/eviant. Stayed only on that board for a long time.

3: Discovered the awesomeness that is Touhou. Then, while looking around at other boards, found Touhou on /jp/.

4: Here I am.

>> No.5988204

Judging by the current quality of the board, most people here made the switch in the last few months.

>> No.5988205

I just did it yesterday, looking for touhou.

>> No.5988221

I stopped browsing /b/ back in 2006 after it got infested due to Habbo raids and other crap.
I also don't "switch" boards, I read all of the boards that cover my interests, including /a/, /g/, /m/, /v/ (which are all terrible) and of course /jp/ where I spend most of my time. Oh, and /prog/ of course.

>> No.5988226

there was no /jp/ back when i lurked /b/... i moved from /b/ to /a/

>> No.5988242

Never been on /b/ it always disgusted me.
I started on /a/ and almost contemporaneously I moved to /jp/ and stayed.
Added /toy/, /c/ and occasionally /cm/ along the way, not much of a regular there except on /toy/

>> No.5988248

Have you ever been in love, OP?

I haven't. Not with another human being at least. After dedicating my mind and spirit to Aikido I haven't found much room for anything else.

Sure I've been on dates before with beautiful women, but whenever they find out that I am a student of the world's strongest martial art, the dinner always ends there. They sometimes even offer to pay, in fear of their lives.

>> No.5988251

You can't be a Japanese unless you know Aikido

Arguably the most powerful martial arts in Japan.

An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one.

Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.

A fearsome martial arts it is

>> No.5988258

I decided to take a stroll in the park today in my Aikido suit as I like to call it, the weather was great. I found myself a great spot for doing Aikido techniques, as I train, a beautiful woman came up to me and tapped my shoulder. I was so immersed in training that I mistaken her as a threat and grabbed her arm, tossing her to the ground. I quickly realized my mistake and apologized, she accepted the sincere apology of mine.

Afterwards she asked me what I was doing, I explained to her that I was practicing the ancient and mighty Japanese art of Aikido, she gave me her phone number, wanting to discuss more of Aikido.

An obvious excuse to meetup once again to have sex because I already told her everything about Aikido.

>> No.5988264

Back when the Habbo raids started. I don't know when that was.

>> No.5988428

Been going to /b/ for about 5 years off-and-on. Didn't really find out about /jp/ until I got into Touhou about a year ago. Never really frequented /a/.

>> No.5988449
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I was banned in /b/, so I came here where I don't have to worry about such things, yet I can still post images of young girls, unlike the other anti-loli boards.

>> No.5988486

Left 4chan entirely for 2 years. Found touhou during that time. Wandered back to 4chan out of boredom one day and checked out this board on a whim, since /b/ was still just as shitty as when I left it.

>> No.5988498

Do you want to be wise? Learn Aikido
Arguably the most powerful martial arts in Japan.

An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one.

Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.

A fearsome martial arts it is

>> No.5988505

I believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning Kendo?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Kendo?

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

>> No.5988513

My Aikido dojo is across from a Karate dojo. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as Aikido being for weaklings.

Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had really good form, but his Karate was no match for my Aikido. He delivered a great kick but it was nothing for me, I easily grabbed it and knocked him down with a kick. This went on for about 10 minutes until he got too tired.

He got frustrated and left, he was about to cross the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding cyclist. He didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.5988520

Everyday I look at /fit/ and laugh. They are so pathetic, wasting there time in a hot stinky gym lifting weights.

I just do Aikido and I look twice as aesthetic as the best looking /fit/ poster. I'm probably twice as strong too, strong enough to compete competitively as a strongman or Olympic lifter.

But I can actually use my strength to defend myself, I can probably take on four Brock Lesnars.

At once.

>> No.5989235

^ got to be the worst, most nonsensical copypasta I've seen in my life
