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File: 272 KB, 650x688, sonanyl_pre04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5986485 No.5986485 [Reply] [Original]


I just got exponentially more excited about this game.

>> No.5986488

I still wonder what it'll be about, but loving the art, as usual.

>> No.5986518 [DELETED] 

the overall feeling of the WAB is pretty similar, I guess this game will be full of people with sad/painful pasts, while the main character is the one that believes memories make you stronger.

Celenaria -> world -> Connie travels outside the steampunk polluted world
Inganock -> people -> Gii didn't pay attention to all the transformations and cured people all the same
Sharnoth -> tomorrow -> everyone feared the future's uncertainty, Mary thought it was a ray of hope instead
Valusia -> hopes -> Fear disease affects those that don't want to accept something, Azure doesn't ever give up and tries to change things

>> No.5986527

So something about the importance of remembering your memories etc.?

>> No.5986531

Talking about WAB... I don't think I understood the end of Valusia well.

>> No.5986533 [DELETED] 

There will probably be more layers than that, but that's the gist of it in my opinion, yeah.

>> No.5986546

I want to ask.
Is celenaria any good? I see it often mentioned in the games.

>> No.5986567

That, and ero-shashou and a gothic lolita with a big axe.

>> No.5986569 [DELETED] 

the confrontation with Leo and the Fake God? IIRC, they pretty much just went with "human emotions win over an omnipotent all-knowing heartless being because POWER OF FEELINGS."
There's a reason people think it's the weakest WAB yet.

I haven't played it myself yet, though I hear it's good enough while being a bit different than Inganock and Sharnoth. The premise is about a girl and a catgirl leaving the steampunk empire behind to find uncontaminated world. It looks like it's a bit more about adventure than characters/characters development.
Valusia had a few cameos from Celenaria like Calberti, as well.

>> No.5986582

So WAB series is Inganock > Celenaria > Sharnoth > Valusia?

That doesn't bode well. At least it'll have AKIRA art, but still...

>> No.5986588

okay, thought so.

>> No.5986606 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 400x696, 1275163970166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions, I guess. It's a series that relies heavily on setting/atmosphere, so I think it has heavy polarization. I've seen people liking Valusia as well.
I personally think out of those I played that Sharnoth > Inganock >>> Valusia

>> No.5986956
File: 17 KB, 300x300, img27_osarutora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely. I sure as heck like Sharnoth the best of the lot so far.

>> No.5987289
File: 77 KB, 350x350, img36_osaru03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of AKIRA and his fantastic art, does anyone know if he (Kaned Fools) had anything new at Comiket this year?

>> No.5987827

Wait a minute, where can I find the previous previews?

>> No.5988647

Any other info on this? The art is interesting but i'm lost otherwise.

>> No.5990121

You can't. They take them down from the website when a new one goes up.

Only one I saved the text for is 3, but I can post it here, gimme a minute.

>> No.5990146

post with more info on Liar-soft's site tomorrow apparently.

>> No.5990163
File: 160 KB, 750x563, sonanyl_pre03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Sona-Nyl previewstory 03]
















『ばかでごめんなさいね! いいの、あんまり汗かいてない』

>> No.5990173

Cont. from >>5990163














>> No.5990183

end: >>5990173





「いいから! いいの! い、いい、いいから! 自分でやれる!」








「女の子は! お砂糖とスパイスと、あと、すてきなもの──」




 ──ああもうッ! 莫迦! 莫迦車掌!

>> No.5990477

Anyone have scans of the latest Tech Gian? There's supposed to be info in there.

>> No.5990522
File: 130 KB, 500x309, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have scans of the latest Tech Gian? There's supposed to be info in there.

This is all I could find of it, from their website, but I'm pretty sure that's the head of the Statue of Liberty next to her.

Could it be Sharnoth in America this time?

>> No.5992412
File: 223 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories-』02O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just struck gold: got the Tech Gian DVD that came with that issue, including a truly fantastic WAB section with, among other great stuff, HUGE GORGEOUS SONA-NYL WALLPAPERS.

Resaved from the original huge (7 MB) BMP files for your convenience.

>> No.5992424
File: 356 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories-』01O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigger version of that previous image.

I know this probably isn't going to be Sharnoth: From the New World or anything, but she sure does look like Mary from the back, doesn't she?

>> No.5992435
File: 420 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories-』03O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conductor guy confirmed for badass.

By the way, the torrent for this is here: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=172994&d=1282396749

>> No.5992456
File: 282 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories-』04O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm, sexy subway car. This one is now my desktop background.

>> No.5992459
File: 184 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories-』05O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm liking these two already. AKIRA seems to be really good at creating couple dynamics in his art.

I hope they get to actually have sex this time ;_;

>> No.5992467
File: 438 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories-』06O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one (for Sona-Nyl, that is, unless someone wants me to post the Celenaria/Inganock/Sharnoth/Valcia ones. There's only these six for Sona-Nyl for now, but the others have a LOT.)

>> No.5992472
File: 246 KB, 700x763, 11323647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those mushrooms still scare me for now apparent reason.

Also, all this train action will undoubtedly make everyone compare it with Baccano. I'm not sure if I'm okay with that or not.

>> No.5992478

more than the crazy eyes on that moon?

also huh, that thought never crossed my mind 'til you mentioned it.

>> No.5992515

The eyes could be a simple stylistic feature, but the mushrooms must have some meaning for the story.

>> No.5992515,1 [INTERNAL] 

What's with all the deleted posts ITT?

>> No.5993822


Commence furious F5 in...

>> No.5993859
File: 50 KB, 700x443, F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5993882
File: 20 KB, 592x406, 1251222051797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me today

>> No.5996834
File: 77 KB, 750x563, sonanyl_pre02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just about to make this thread, my dear op.

The new character in the preview is apparently a murderous angel, in the shape of a witch, or something? Fuck yes. And after seeing the new images posted, I am giddy with delight. I am loving the design of the girl, now that I can see her outfit properly. The train image makes me think of the new pair on some endless journey... I wonder how they met. The dark skinned guy is obviously some sort of general, so I wonder how he met our heroine.

>but she sure does look like Mary from the back, doesn't she?

A week or two ago, another anon and I were theorizing that it could in fact be Mary. The only problem is, is that her golden eye is on the wrong side. But still, with the hair colour, and overall melancholy look, it's definitley not a coincidence. Since this is also set in the early 1900s, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Mary were to travel to America for some reason.

>I hope they get to actually have sex this time ;_;

I know, right? Fuck you Liar-Soft, fuck you. ;_;

>> No.5997545

He seems to be the conductor of that train they're riding on, judging from Preview 3, but otherwise I agree/hope you're right. Where'd you hear that about the Mary-looking girl BTW?

Dammit Liar-soft update your site already ;_;

>> No.5997560

So the short-haired girl is named Lily, and this guy who wants to wash her is "A"?

>> No.5998024
File: 193 KB, 750x717, sona_info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

キタ━━━ヽ(≧▽)人(∀゚ )人(≧▽≦≡≧▽≦)人( ゚∀)人(▽≦)ノ━━━!!!!!


>> No.5998042
File: 265 KB, 750x750, sona_chara01c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, first of all, it seems she's actually a protagonist!

Not based on a real person (apparently), but that first name sounds like a religious reference to me, so I'm apt to think >>5996834 was right.

>> No.5998043




>> No.5998059
File: 379 KB, 750x750, sona_chara02c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a protagonist! Which puts us at two different female protags for this game. My anticipations are skyrocketing kind of.

The worldview section isn't uploaded yet, but her description mentions an "underground world" a few times, which probably has something to do with the subway. She also appears to have crazy powers.

>> No.5998100 [DELETED] 

And now, your villains! First up: EVIL ALBINO ATI IN A SLUTTY NEGLIGEE.

Guess they were throwing something in for the Inganock fans, huh? Glad to see that AKIRA does catgirls at least as well as Ryuuko Ooishi's. I can already hear the bitching about furry from here.

Anyway, I like this Mao character, who looks like she's Lily's lesbian stalker or something - seriously, her profile just calls her "a strange woman with cat ears and a tale who follows Lily around while laughing", pretty much. (She would also appear to have similar powers, if the bubble aura thing is any indication.)

>> No.5998105
File: 295 KB, 750x750, sona_chara04c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now, your villains! First up: EVIL ALBINO ATI IN A SLUTTY NEGLIGEE.

Guess they were throwing something in for the Inganock fans, huh? Glad to see that AKIRA does catgirls at least as well as Ryuuko Ooishi's. I can already hear the bitching about furry from here.

Anyway, I like this Mao character, who looks like she's Lily's lesbian stalker or something - seriously, her profile just calls her "a strange woman with cat ears and a tale who follows Lily around while laughing", pretty much. (She would also appear to have similar powers, if the bubble aura thing is any indication.)

>> No.5998111
File: 280 KB, 750x750, sona_chara05c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy does have a real-life character basis: the guy who pretty much singlehandedly created the mafia in America.

Setting appears to be confirmed as Manhattan BTW.

>> No.5998129
File: 244 KB, 750x750, sona_chara03c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, THE "A". Saved for last, because he's the one I'm most excited about.

Looks like they're not going to be skimping on the Sharnoth references!

>> No.5998171

Anyone else realize that this guy looks a hell of a lot like Archer?

>> No.5998182

It looks like Elysia is the last human on the surface on Ney York. She's looking for her first love from Connecticut, they both loved each other but couldn't become lover.
The other protagonist doesn't have memories, and acts in the transformed "underground world". It looks like the violet sky is the artificial skyof this underground.
The A operatesa one-carriage-only train in the underground, and is the one who take Lily around protecting her.

So it looks like it'll be a sort of dual setting with the surface in ruins and the underground warping like Inganock. Sounds pretty cool, I'm pumped.

>> No.5998197

could this be her? one of her names is Elles, make it a bit more feminine and you could have Ellysia. It also fits with the writer-characters theme, since she wrote mystery.

>> No.5998429

Well I certainly hope so! Good catch, Anon.

We can start taking bets now on the true identity of A, too.

>> No.5998452

silver hair =! Archer

>> No.5998494


>> No.5998582

or, she could be this person, considering her mother (Ada Lovelace) is a character in Celenaria, and her grandfathe Lord Byron is also mentioned as existing (IIRC in the Ten Scholars?).
Elysia could be just a made-up travelling name or something.

>> No.5998640

That mecha barrel suitcase thing is awesome.

>> No.5998845
File: 785 KB, 800x600, 0080.wcg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, don't forget that characters may be of a different gender than their historical counterparts. Pic related.

>> No.5998898

Can someone link me AKIRAs pixiv page?

>> No.5998913
File: 276 KB, 500x687, 7876880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Although there's not much up there. His personal site at http://akira.pos.to and his Twitter have more doodles and stuff.

There's some great WAB fanart if you dig, though.

>> No.5998922

Thank you.

>> No.5998951


>> No.5998956

>awesome guy

>> No.5998960

so he's playing Souten no Celenaria to see if it's worth translating?

>> No.5998965

He said he might have to retcon some Inganock locution later on. Also Randolph appeared as well.

>> No.5998971

Valusia has a lot of Celenaria cameos/citations as well and Sona-nyl looks like it's heading down the same road. Well, unless he wants to skip those games he feels aren't up to his standards.

>> No.5999010

Moar AKIRA art!

>> No.5999195


>> No.5999213

is Celenaria that good/are people waiting for it that much?

>> No.5999227
File: 736 KB, 1200x1200, 2363769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely am. And it could (ihopeihopeihope) be the first in a succession of WAB translations, likely including Sharnoth, which I love.

>> No.5999256

He will never translate it you know.

>> No.5999280


>> No.5999306

Sharnoth is pretty much confirmed, I honestly can't see him not translating it after Alternative and Forest if they manage to use that text hook for subtitles they talked about.
Just look at his priority list on his blog.
Sucks he'll probably skip Celenaria since it's not that great and they only translate the masterpieces.

>> No.5999324

I meant to quote >>5999227, sorry

>> No.5999412
File: 146 KB, 533x736, 3110686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he translated Muv-Luv, even though it only scored a 7 from him, because he felt it was important enough due to its relevance to Muv-Luv Alternative.

Granted, the connection's not that strong in this case, although I haven't played (and don't care about) Muv-Luv and so don't know for sure, but if it held true in that case....

Also, I believe Celenaria is strong enough in its own right, even if it doesn't have the grimdark/SRS BZNESS elements that seem to be part of the appeal for some players.

>> No.5999488

After Sharnoth it's a choice between Celenaria, Valusia and Sona-Nyl (or some unrelated fotm VN). Celenaria is strong enough to get translated... eventually.

>> No.6000287

If any one of you have a choice would you let him translate more WAB series, or high profile title like Rewrite?

>> No.6000330

He translates what he likes, so it's not like you have a choice in the matter.
I feel he'd get more following translating Key than a niche company like Liarsoft but again, if he likes WAB over pretty much everything else, he's going to work with those.

>> No.6000335
File: 215 KB, 800x600, cele13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<Ixrec|SnC> [08:01:49] <~Ixrec|SnC> I'm enjoying Celenaria enough so far it could very well score an 8 all on its own
<Ixrec|SnC> [08:02:03] <~Ixrec|SnC> and if the crossover keeps up it'd prolly be worth doing even if it only made 7.5
<Ixrec|SnC> this was meant for pasting btw
<Ixrec|SnC> though I'm touched people are cheering just because I changed my status to SnC

>> No.6000404

Celenaria isn't really "strong enough on its own" though, and I did read it.
It's a very average title.

>> No.6000407

Have you played the other WABs as well?
Celenaria is the only one I'm missing, if you feel like it could you explain what things crossover onto the other games, please?
Like, what was Calberti and Connie's story?

>> No.6000435

I don't know but Celenaria is only WAB title that interest me as it seems to be quite different from others. As I have played both Inganock and Sharnoth, and those bore me to death with all that repetition and crap. So someone who has played all WAB titles, how different is Celenaria from other games of WAB series?

>> No.6000445

Hello, /jp/.

Just figured I'd ask, but is anyone translating/planning to translate Sharnoth? This being a Liar-soft thread -kind of-. I'm just out of loop when it comes to those things.

>> No.6000448

Been a while since I played it and I'm not the biggest WAB fan.
Calberti was the guy who keep saving Connie if I remember correctly, he wanted revenge on that antagonist, Connie had feelings for him.
You can see more of their relationship in the fandisk.

>> No.6000456

Writing is similar to the other WAB titles, it's steampunk but the scenario honestly feel very undeveloped.
It's definitely a bit more lighthearted than the other titles in the series though, and it also has much more ero.
Connie is an awesome protagonist but I thought she was the only really good thing about it.

>> No.6000465

Got it, thanks. Was asking before the guy appears on a sizeable portion of Valusia, it looked like he and the main female protagonist were relatives from the same noble family or something.

>> No.6000469

*because, not before

>> No.6000487

Yeah he was a noble.
Got his family killed by some batshit scientist and he wanted revenge.

>> No.6000506
File: 99 KB, 626x300, Calberti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the heck I didn't notice such samefagging. Lol at epic drawing style differences.

>> No.6000523

Everyone got same CV? Either it's an error or Liar-soft thinks the latest full voice approach isn't that profitable so they're back to partial.

>> No.6000556

It just means "voice sample available in the next few days" or something to that effect, they're probably still recording or deciding who the VA will be.
If we go by their past games tendencies, Lily should get Mary/Kia's voice and Elysia Ati/Ana's

>> No.6000615

The information page also says this is full voice as well.

>> No.6000645
File: 46 KB, 500x707, sona_story04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse trap Lily?

>> No.6000659
File: 22 KB, 600x338, Horatio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6000674

this just keep getting better

>> No.6000720

Yeah, it looks like she just wakes up without memories dressed as reverse trap, then the A takes her underground in his fabulous love train and she gets the frilly dress.
I guess they are going for an Alice in Wonderland feeling or something.

>> No.6000822
File: 130 KB, 750x563, sonanyl_pre01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess they are going for an Alice in Wonderland feeling or something.

I actually thought that exact same thing, ever since I saw the first promo image! A girl tumbling through a world of falling books... Add that in with all the toadstools in the first image we got. All she needs now is a cat called Diana.

>> No.6000890
File: 67 KB, 435x300, shar_tele_laox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ixrec has plans for translating it after he's done with Muv-Luv. Can't recall if he wants to translate that before Forest or not, though.

>After Sharnoth it's a choice between Celenaria, Valusia and Sona-Nyl

Oh? He might be translating Valusia? I think I'll hold off reading it so, on the off chance that he does translate it.

>> No.6000909

Did he even play Sharnoth anyways?

>> No.6000921

according to his blog he's planning a WAB marathon, so I guess after Celenaria he'll move on to Sharnoth.
It would be hilarious if he hated the game after making so much fuss about the series.

>> No.6000928

According to his VNDB account, he's currently reading through it.

>> No.6000998

Why is the name transcribed as Sona-Nyl, anyways? Isn't that just a long A?

>> No.6001011

A lot of places in the Beatifulverse are taken after places written about by Lovecraf. Kadath and Sharnoth are part of the Mythos, Sona-nyl as well. Valusia was from Howard, I think?

>> No.6001021

Huh, didn't know that. Nice tidbit.

>> No.6002684


I can't imagine Sharnoth getting less than 8.5, but Celenaria will probably get 8 at best.

>> No.6002687

Celenaria will get a 7, scenario is too undeveloped.
I can't see Sharnoth get more than a 8.

>> No.6002696

What grade Inganock received?

>> No.6002713


Inganock get 9 and Sharnoth is just a bit worse, if any. Many people liked Sharnoth better.

>> No.6002726

Actually most people like Inganock a lot more, at least seeing the Liar-soft fandom in Japan.

The problem is that the WAB titles are all very similar in writing and style so the first one you read is usually the one you prefer.
Then you get a bit tired by the style usually.

>> No.6002740

I read Inganock first back then and I like Sharnoth better. While what you say it's true, the flavor of the setting also plays a huge part in polarization.
As much as I liked Inganock's premise, I just love steampunk victorian England.

>> No.6002774


Didn't Sharnoth actually sell better?
