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5982989 No.5982989 [Reply] [Original]

lets take for example Cirno. She is the strongest... fairy. A fairly big fish in the frozen lake, when compared to the other children/fairies.

How can someone compare an Ice Elemental Fairy with the horrors that inhabit the night, the elder god sleeping in Mahogiya, the death goddess in Hagugyokoro and the Force of Nature in the Garden of the Sun?

>> No.5983003

I don't think people understand

That the only way to kill cirno is to destroy all Ice everywhere

>> No.5983013

nobody is stronger than others because of the rules.

>> No.5983019

Cirno is just 50 years old. Ice has always existed, and in the end, ice and cold will be everywhere. Cirno will die or cease to exist, but someone will take her mantle.

>> No.5983029

I don't think you understand.

What a horrible thread by the way.

>> No.5983044

Cirno is supposedly at least 60 years old.
To notice that something happens every 60 years you would think she saw it at least a few times.
Cirno is older than time itself.

>> No.5983047

Easy, She just has to freeze them. No middleman. No scheming.

Also when you consider she basically controls all of the laws of thermodynamics. She really is powerful.

You can't gap into a block of ice. hard to hit someone with a death butterfly when there's a solid wall of H2O blocking your path. Yuuka is pretty much the only one who would pose a real threat, but plants aren't known to survive the extreme cold.

Face it bro. Cirno is the strongest.

>> No.5983049

Fairly easy. Just make out Cirno to be something big. What aspect of nature does Cirno represent? There is no large ice formation or naturally cold place in Gensokyo and the lake is represented by Daiyousei. Then again what is Cirno's power? It's not control of just ice as that's just frozen water, she can freeze things that aren't just water like bullets as seen in the previous game. Her spellcards indicate creation of intense amounts of cold. What aspect of existence does cold represent? Loss of heat, energy. It is entropy. Cirno represents that which will end the universe. Heat death. She will reign supreme over any force of nature and that is why she is the strongest fairy.

See, that wasn't so hard.

>> No.5983051

>Cirno is just 50 years old.

This is what happens when you learn about Touhou canon from /jp/ and fail to read carefully.

It's "at least 60", inferred from the fact that she remembers events that happened 60 years ago. Nothing more is known about her age. As far as we know, she's eternal, existing at least since humans started personifying natural phenomena.

>> No.5983067
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If someone were to personify the cold, one would think of a callous, nasty, evil woman

Oh wait.

>> No.5983077

I remember reading somewhere that Cirno was the embodiment of ice, and thus would always exist as long as ice exists.

>> No.5983098

>callous, nasty, evil woman

Unfortunately, Reimu has more important job to do.

And Cirno is as cold and nasty as fairy can be. Fairies just aren't suited for that.

>> No.5983100

If that is so, why is Rumia, the very personification of Darkness, so weak and dumb?

She is inferior to a human. I bet she doesn't even have ten fingers.

>> No.5983107

She's just a kid. Let her grow up.

>> No.5983127

Cirno represents the cold. Not just ice. That's just frozen water.

Maybe how a youkai's element is doing in the real world affects how they do in Gensokyo. We've pretty much conquered darkness for the most part. There's so much light pollution going on that the sky becomes purple at night and children sleep easy with nightlights. Maybe that's why she is sealed. Humanity's effort to light up all those dark places and night itself has made her the weak thing she is.

>> No.5983135

From eosd character descriptions:

>There is no evidence of her ability in the game, but in truth, places around her are always as dark as night.

Also, I don't think it was stated she was dumb, just simple minded.

>> No.5983141

Rumia's pose is making me think bad things, damn you, I have weakness for that sort of pose ;_;

Clever clever

Who's comparing Cirno to what you mentioned, OP?

All she did was kick some fairys' butss and crossed swor-erh, danmaku with a witch who made a mistake by underestimating her

>> No.5983160

>reading somewhere

On /jp/, probably.

This is true, though. To quote Akyuu, fairies are "the true identity of natural phenomena themselves". That Cirno's a fairy of ice and that the fairies do not die needs no quotation, as it's repeated all the time throughout the story. What you add it all together, you get just what you said.

>> No.5983162

Their abilities have nothing to do with their power. Take Yuuka for example. While she has a weak ability(manipulation of flowers), she's one of the strongest powers in gensokyo.

Cirno has a relatively strong power but since she's childish, she doesn't use it's fullest. Same with Rumia who also has a powerful ability.

>> No.5983163

The ribbon seals her powers, numb-nuts.

>> No.5983171

That witch also said she would have some problems dealing with that fairy even if she was serious. And that witch is by no means weak at danmaku.

>> No.5983182

I wonder how many people noticed it was CCirno's clothes that were tattered at the end of the 12.8 extra.

>> No.5983205

The biggest mistake made in those threads is assuming youkai have complete dominion over their portfolios.

Yuka is a flower youkai. That doesn't mean she is the embodiment of every flower ever, just that she draws power from flowers. There are presumably myriads of flower youkai (that is more explicit with insect youkai, which were once a force to be reckoned with, but slowly diminished. ) Rumia isn't darkness incarnate for the same reason a Fire Elemental in D&D doesn't represent every fire ever.

Saying Cirno is strong because heat death will be the fate of the universe is akin to saying humans have conquered the universe because they're made (amongst other things) hydrogen and helium and those two constitute the majority of mass in the universe (eat a dick, dark matter. ) Cirno's death is unlikely because she's powered by a strong aspect of nature, but in no way does she have full control over that concept.

>> No.5983270

Dude, you beat all those in PoFW.
You beat them with Mystia too, and she's canonly bird-brained.

>> No.5983287

Everyone is either very angry or outright retarded when ZUN writes them.

Just look at Sakuya opening windows in space.

>> No.5983297

Global warming will kill Cirno.

>> No.5983549

Cirno confirmed for universal domination.

>> No.5983588

What's broken about this? Lets put this in monetary terms.

Cirno is a part timer working 4 hours a week at minimum wage, any of the big ones you mentioned is Bill Gates.

I say monetary term because I just got my pay check and was horrified to find that my mom makes more money in 4 hours than I do in 1 and a half months. Fuck.

I feel like cirno ;_;

Rumia was never stated to be a personification of anything. Fairy's a personifications of shit, from simple elements, to "jokes". You know how you lose your keys and some people say a little man did it? Yeah in gensokyo, keep losing your keys and saying a little man did it and eventually a little man will pop into exists and his sole purpose in life is to steal your keys.

>> No.5983601

Phone sex?

>> No.5983610

But if phone sex was profitable I'd put my sexy voice on and start making a profit.

>> No.5983616
File: 727 KB, 1000x655, ex12633751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumia is neither weak nor dumb.

>> No.5983646

Fairies are weak and simple minded (Simple minded=/= dumb) and the only thing that makes them a nuisance is that they can't die and take a joke too far. The fuckers just keep coming back and they don't have a concept of safety since they respawn when killed.

>> No.5983716

oh god rumia is the fucking devil get her away ;_;

>> No.5983729


>> No.5983739

Rumia is my waifu.

She is everything a man could ever desire.

>> No.5983755
File: 494 KB, 1490x1067, 1281212630477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very kind anon.

>> No.5983763

Hands off my daughter, Hitler!

>> No.5983813
File: 52 KB, 520x732, Rumia hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumia and I were meant for each other!

She loves me and I love her back!

come Rumia, let's leave this world and travel with our Vril and Thule friends to the Andromeda system, where we can start a new life together.

>> No.5983822

Rumia would be more powerful if Gensokyo was located near North Korea

>> No.5983839

Explains her forgetfulness.
She can't die permanently, right?
Did we ever think why she can't die? Perhaps every time she's shot down, a new fairy is crowned "Cirno" and takes the place of the fallen one. Ice Fairies might be generally the same, leading to having the same personality no matter how many deaths "she" suffers.
So in reality, Cirno can die, but a new Cirno takes her place every time she's shot down.
That's depressing.

>> No.5983879

>So in reality, Cirno can die, but a new Cirno takes her place every time she's shot down.

And they've all managed to buy the exact same dress and hair bow.

>> No.5983884

What makes you sure the outfit is unique and is not standard among ice fairies?

>> No.5983886

just like Saber can materialize her clothing and armor

>> No.5983930


OP confirmed for Dyslexsia.

>> No.5984363
File: 739 KB, 812x1000, 12527088_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except Yuuka is the "Flower Master of the Four Seasons". She can make flowers bloom at whim. Life. Creation, not destruction, is true power.

That is why Yuuka is so humongously mighty.

>> No.5984368

>she can make flowers tilt towards the sun
Fixed. If you believe Akyu.

>> No.5984385
File: 7 KB, 131x133, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Ya listening? Okay. Grass grows, sun shines, and brotha, I HURT PEOPLE.


>> No.5984394
File: 125 KB, 880x680, 11199540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Perfect memento in Strict Sense quote.

>> No.5984404

Oh, my mistake. She can make flowers bloom and SUNFLOWERS tilt towards the sun. That's still pretty damn weak.

>> No.5984441
File: 254 KB, 600x600, 11728534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a world where flowers no longer can bloom.

Imagine the deserted wasteland a couple decades later.

Green is life, bro.

>> No.5984522

Most flowers aren't green. Your post is invalidated.

>> No.5984560

Her "ability" is weak, but her power is insane. Is like giving Suika/Yuugi power of making fruits rot, they may have a weak ability, but they are naturally extremely strong.

>> No.5984588

Yes, I know, but this guy is trying to make out the power as useful. If you're going to do that, just go Tohonifun level and let her bloom flowers in eyesockets.
