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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5981250 No.5981250 [Reply] [Original]

What other games, interests, or reading material do other /jp/ persue when they're feeling burned out on Touhou and VNs?

I'm kind of in a funk right now after marathoning a few things.

>> No.5981252

Console games

>> No.5981257


>> No.5981258

I fap
I browse /jp/ all day
Rarely watch anime

Haven't been reading VN's/playing touhou in the last 3 days because my brain isn't working right

>> No.5981260

Playing video games
Going out with freinds

>> No.5981262

I read a lot. Both scientific texts and narrative. Also comics, both western and eastern.
I watch some toons, both western and eastern. Also movies.
I listen to music that isn't touhou.
I play videogames that aren't touhous.
I fool around in a very generic way.

>> No.5981282


>> No.5981289

Yurihime, biology (anything titled "Pedogenetic Sociogenesis via the “Sibling-route” and some Consequences for Stegodyphus Spiders" is clearly worth reading and fapping to), folklore.

>> No.5981297

reading chinese books since it's the only interest i have about books (tao, confucius, art of war etc)
playing video games, actually on Baldur's gate II
body building with dumbbells, 17kg each
and browsing 4chan

>> No.5981299

>Going out with freinds

made me lol

>> No.5981311

I write fapfiction to share with fellow anons

>> No.5981320

Video games, books, anime, manga, any media I can consume that seems worthwhile and that I'll get something out of, pretty much. I just spend all my time involving myself in fantasy/fiction/the inside of my own head as much as possible. And writing, when I can motivate myself.

captcha: suspended cownest

>> No.5981325

Pokemon, WoW, reading novels.

>> No.5981456

> I just spend all my time involving myself in fantasy/fiction/the inside of my own head as much as possible.

Sounds like you're escaping some very serious real life issues Anon. Care to talk about it?

>> No.5981461

Video games, anime, manga.

>> No.5981490


If he was escaping from something, wouldn't he want to avoid spending time inside his head?
