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5981237 No.5981237 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know how to feel about this. Up until this route, the only decent thing to come out of this game has been Lise's route. And even this route feels pretty forced. I mean, she was going to die if MC didn't come back to her? Seriously? The guy who was basically like, "Really? Ari has been in a coma for 3 years? Fascinating. Hey Torta, wanna fuck?" And they seemed pretty happy at her funeral too.

Torta was a fucking manipulative bitch.I couldn't see it any other way. She was just trying to get with MC at the expense of her sister. And MC didn't even get mad at her. Fuck this shit, he didn't deserve Ari.

Fal was arguably the best girl. She never actually lied to you and was completely honest with you when the time came. And she wasn't as helpless and autistic as Fal. She was probably the most sane girl in the entire game.

>> No.5981241

Bear with this, this game sucked, was fucking long, and boring like hell. the promised mindfuck was stupid and not really a big mindfuck

>> No.5981247


But that's Sharin no Kuni

>> No.5981249
File: 41 KB, 469x428, trollface2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5981254

Taste and all.
Symphonic Rain remains the best experience I had with a translated VN personally.

>> No.5981255


In terms of time put in, I would have to agree.

>> No.5981268


Is it also the ONLY VN experience you've ever had?

>> No.5981273

No, I played pretty much every VNs available in english.
Including some hard to plays like Phantom of Inferno or Hourglass of Summer.
Also learn to accept that some people can have a different taste than you.

>> No.5981279

Finally someone who understand me. And i hated this Fortel mini-game, it was fun...but plaing 15 times same piece was boring as hell.
Man Ever 17 was about same length but had like million times better mindfcuk, ppl from it were some kind of cool, and it does brought some emotions , not like in SR(only Lise route was bearable).

>> No.5981280

I wouldn't say the best, but it ranks pretty high in my opinion.

Also OP you're either a clueless faggot or a troll so gtfo.

>> No.5981287


>OP, you're either a faggot or a troll because you have a different taste than me derp

Sure is 12 year olds in here.

>> No.5981302

How can you call it fucking long? The game was only short to average length. Took about as long as a single route from Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.5981308

It's blatantly obvious that he didn't understand Torta's perspective at all. I have no patience for brainless buffoons that call something bad because they lack understanding.

>> No.5981313

Wow OP, you are pretty dense. Actually I don't know if "dense" is the right word so I suggest you to think again about things that you point out in your post.

You don't know what happens after Ari's death and her funeral. They have a relieved yet sad expression at her funeral because she was finally "resting" instead of struggling for 3 years. If you can't understand that kind of emotion there is not much I can say to you. We also don't know what happens between Torta telling Chris about Ari and her funeral, you can presume Chris's heart being crushed and Torta being there to support him for example.

Torta always loved Chris, even before Ari but since she never confessed it and Ari did she always hide that from him in order to not hurt him and her sister. Yet, she still keep supporting Chris and being someone he can always depend on. The whole Torta plot is about Torta feeling guilty about loving Chris while her sister is in that state, after 3 years she couldn't hold back (at Al Fine route) and said she loved him, even with Chris knowing it before, but she finally confessed to him. If Chris was always sad like that with Ari being "alive and well in his city" can't you even imagine what you be like if he knew what actually happened? That's why Torta's and Chriss families decide to send them to Piova

The whole dead or alive Ari is all about Phorni. Phorni don't even know that she can "go back" to Ari and didn't want to make Chris remember what happened to Ari to not make him sad. Ari dying means that Phorni gave up on living since Chris was the only thing motivating her to keep going, she disappeared, and with that so did Ari's spirit

>> No.5981319

well yes but was so boring it felled like age's. And couldn't last longer then 3h a day

>> No.5981328


Not to mention that Fal was a sadistic bitch and anyone who makes apologies for her is a horrible person.

>> No.5981332

I really don't know why you guys says i am trolling,. it's only my humble and true opinion

>> No.5981333


>You have a different opinion of a character's actions than me. So I'll just ignore everything else you said because you're brainless buffoon derp XD

Yup, 12 year olds.

>> No.5981334

You obviously didn't understand Fal's route.

>> No.5981352


You obviously didn't understand what happened at the end of her route

>> No.5981363

I don't think there was any route in Symphonic Rain which I didn't enjoy.
Fal was probably my favourite heroine. I can't even decide after that tweest.

>> No.5981365


You're calling other people dense but everything in your post is your own fantasy that you're projecting into the story. Baseless assumptions without any facts. Fucking retard. And if you didn't notice, all of "Ari's" letters consisted of TORTA! TORTA! TORTA! TORTA CAN HELP YOU! TELL TORTA! BE TORTA'S PARTNER! TORTA! TORTA! TORTA!

>> No.5981370

Well i have friend who says he enjoyed storyline in Princess Waltz and thinks it was good and deep....so it's probably something like this

>> No.5981373

I think you guys have the same thought about that route but there is a communication problem going on. Just sayin'

>> No.5981377

Did anyone else take a new perspective about being in the rain after playing this? I used to hate getting wet while walking in the rain and always carried an umbrella when it rained, but Chris changed my perspective and now I don't care as much.

On the other hand, it was never actually raining in the first place, so yeah. That was definitely one of the biggest twists for me, and I wish it had a more direct bearing on the story. In the end, Chris left Piova without ever perceiving it without rain.

I was also amazed at that mysterious meter that decreased every time you passed a song but spiked when something bad happens (like Lise being attacked in front of Chris), and then it disappeared when Chris left the city. If I'm not mistaken, it represented the level of rainfall, right? That also reminds me that Torta was never shown telling Lise about Chris' condition, so she must've been quite confused when he bought an umbrella for her all those times. Any thoughts on those last few things?

>> No.5981390

I've not read Princess Waltz. But it feels like you're insulting me.

>> No.5981393

Yeah, like OP's post is full of facts instead of his own personal view huh? And I also said that "dense" was not the right word.

Also about the "torta torta" thing: >The whole Torta plot is about Torta feeling guilty about loving Chris while her sister is in that state

Please read before posting. And why not conclude that saying that was probably what Ari would actually say? The three of them have always been together so being Torta's partner was the fucking natural and obvious thing to happen.

>> No.5981414

Did you also noticed that the rain noise increases as the bar does? I noticed the bar increasing and decreasing very fast but I only thought it was some miscellaneous thing just to show the rainfall level. I believe that Torta managed to tell about Chris to Lise, they do meet after all

>> No.5981420


>OP's post is full of facts instead of his own personal view

Yeah, that's fucking obvious. And then you go on to insult the OP because that opinion doesn't agree with yours. Fucking idiot.

>The whole Torta plot is about Torta feeling guilty about loving Chris while her sister is in that state

Again with the MY OPINION = FACT! IN MY OPINION, just so you can understand, she can't feel too guilty if she mentions her own name every few lines and tells MC to go to her.

>> No.5981422

I never noticed any bar. I'm pissed now.

>> No.5981423
File: 24 KB, 467x350, 376880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made sure to read archive after finishing SR, which pretty much answer all my unanswered questions, leading me to memorable SR experience. You should go read these, OP:

>> No.5981429

Well the rain think was only MINDFUCK i didn't saw coming...but common it had like nothing to do with plot. If there was no rain it would still be the same...

>> No.5981434


What the hell is your problem? She loved him and wanted to be with him. A better motive than a certain other bitch.t

>> No.5981437

Not who you're talking to but: I'm pretty sure it does mention her feeling guilty.

I noticed the bar but didn't know what it meant. I'm pissed too.

>> No.5981439


I saw it but had no idea what it was for.

>> No.5981442

>Again with the MY OPINION = FACT! IN MY OPINION, just so you can understand, she can't feel too guilty if she mentions her own name every few lines and tells MC to go to her.

You don't even remember Torta's lines in her route, Jesus christ. What I said earlier was based on lines where Torta is apologizing to her sister in her room.

>> No.5981453

Really? I personally really like the rain setting and I think it's the most crucial thing to the game atmosphere. It wouldn't be the same without the rain for me.

>> No.5981464


My problem is that she was a manipulative bitch that basically toyed with MC's emotions. At least this "certain other bitch" was honest about her intentions. In many ways, that showed she actually loved him but had difficulty expressing it. If she didn't she wouldn't have told him in the first place.

>> No.5981476


Lying isn't the worst thing you can do to someone.

>> No.5981485

Sometime a lie is far more necessary than the truth.
Stop seeing thing in black and white.

>> No.5981492


No, I remember. She said she felt guilty plenty of times, but that was usually just before doing some fucked up shit, like "testing" MC. Actions speak louder than words. If she really felt guilty she would have just told MC the truth. She was only apologizing for her own selfish desire to be forgiven. She even said it at the end of her route after Ari died that she wouldn't be able to obtain forgiveness.

>> No.5981504

ok i will speak in green
>this game sucked

>> No.5981514


Neither of your generalizations apply to this case.

honest about her intentions >>>> manipulative bitch doing anything she can to achieve her goal

>> No.5981517

Well, everyone is selfish anon. You can't be labeling her as a "manipulative bitch that toys with MC emotions" just because she couldn't hold her feelings any longer. The fact that she is always feeling guilty and apologizing for her own selfishness is a sign that she is not a "lol all according to my plan, fuck you" kind of person.

>> No.5981527

The truth would have broken Chris.
Torta was forced to continue her charade and couldn't find a way to stop it.

>> No.5981552


>just because she couldn't hold her feelings any longer

No, but I can for pretending to be her unconscious sister with the purpose of pushing MC away from her and pulling him toward herself. If she wanted MC, that's fine. But using her sister as a means is unforgivable to me.

>she is always feeling guilty and apologizing for her own selfishness

That's not how I saw it. She wasn't sorry about her actions or her selfishness. She was only apologizing to obtain forgiveness for her selfishness, which is in itself a selfish act.

>> No.5981570


>The truth would have broken Chris.

If you have played the game then you know that's not true. He was when he learned it in Phorni's and Torta's route. Torta was only continuing the charade for her own ends.

>> No.5981572

The whole family was in on the lie, you can't place it all on Torta. Who do you think sent the letters to her from home?

>> No.5981577

Ari wasn't only unconscious.
She was in a deep coma that would result in 99% of the case in death.
Everybody had lost hope, she was basically brain dead, Torta herself had lost hope and basically had already accepted her sister's death.

What happened in the last route was a very very unlikely miracle.

>> No.5981585

I mean at the beginning.
Chris after 3 years was finally starting to move on, which is shown as him pursuing other girls.
He already knew that Ari was a goner deep inside, he just didn't want to accept it.

>> No.5981594

>She wasn't sorry about her actions or her selfishness. She was only apologizing to obtain forgiveness for her selfishness

Meh, I think that's pretty much the same thing at the end.

And I think she decided to pull him away from Ari to don't make him suffer so much when she reveals the truth to him, I can't even imagine how shocking it could be for someone to find out that someone he thinks it's fine and all it's actually in a comma for 3 years and that the rain you always see is fake. That and also using that moment to get closer to him.

>> No.5981632

>He already knew that Ari was a goner deep inside, he just didn't want to accept it.

That's not true. He couldn't remember what happened, it's not like it was a symbolic thing for not wanting to accept it.

>> No.5981636

Repressed memories.

>> No.5981676

Wow, the lack of spoiler tags here is disturbing. I hope no one currently playing it see this thread.

>> No.5981685

Agreed. Seems to have got worse as the thread went on.

>> No.5981698


>Fal is the one that's bullying and spreading bad rumors about Lise isn't she?

>Also notice how Fal tried to convince the protag to stay away from Fal while pretending to help Lise at the start of her route?
>And how Asino magically appeared afterwards with crucial info and advice for his dear friend?


This is a bigger twist than the the actual "twist".

>> No.5981747

Wow OP, you should go fuck off back to your TROLLING WITCHES LOLOLOL and SHIKI CAN KILL SERVANTS games because decent games are entirely wasted on you.

>> No.5981757


>I'm mad because you have different tastes than I do

Cry moar, kid.

>> No.5981794


>> No.5981803


I wonder if Fal knew about Ari's condition and that's why she took Chris to her at the end of her route. His pain makes him a better player after all.

>> No.5981884

How can you not notice that. Somewhere near the end of Fal's route just before the graduation performance she mentions that she hates Grave and his daughter. So it's kind of suspicious how she pretends to want to help her in Liselsia's route. Also she clearly states that she was using Asino all along.

>> No.5982072

Torta talked with Fal about it. And Fal had Asino to inform her as well. I believe they went to Chris's hometown to settle things up and Chris had to go there anyways, to at least visit his parents.

>> No.5982076

Jesus fuck guys, there are spoiler tags for a reason, fuck

>> No.5982447


Oh right, Torta did say she would tell Fal everything if she became his partner. But Chris was saying he didn't want to visit Ari at the end of the route, but then Fal made him. What a bitch! Fuck Fal!

>> No.5982468

Running away from the problem would be worse, anon. She was right to make Chris face the reality.

>> No.5982475

Chris says that thinking Ari is good and well in his hometown. Fal took him there to end that.

>> No.5982481


Well ... yeah, you do have a point. I guess she was a pretty cool guy after all.

>> No.5982507


No way, man. There was no reason for him to go back to Ari. This part really sealed the deal for me on Fal, along with what she did to Asino. She was just flat out malicious.

>> No.5982517

You are trolling aren't you?

>> No.5982525


HURR DURR. No, i'm not trolling you fucking jackass. she was an awful person.

>> No.5982532


Asino was a fag and deserved it. But I have to agree with these anons on the Ari thing

He would have to face it at some point, sooner or later.

>> No.5982561

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Delaying that would only be worse and god knows when would Cris visit his hometown again now that his relationship with Ari was over.

Okay, I won't waste my time explaining again.
I just saw a thread 404, if you are there meido please delete this thread. It's full of untagged spoilers.

>> No.5982610


If anyone is stupid enough to come into this thread and read then they deserve to be spoiled. Just from the OP it's clear that there are going to be spoilers.

>> No.5982619

Everyone can at least agree that Symphonic Rain has an awesome soundtrack, which I liked really well. Also, the sound of rain combined with the soundtracks is really great for relaxing.

>> No.5982630

It's kind of hard not being spoiled in a situation where you open up /jp/ and there is this thread, then in the last 4 posts is untagged spoilers. People will read at least a few words without thinking.

>> No.5982635


I didn't like Asino either, but that doesn't excuse any of her actions. You know she never had his well-being in mind. This is all about her ill intentions, not whether going back to see Ari was really the best thing for him. Jesus, quit trying to defend her with these lame excuses.

>> No.5982655


>This is all about her ill intentions

Says you. You should learn that people have different perceptions of things than you do.

>> No.5982662

Yeah, she is so evil that she confessed everything to Chris and was prepared to be dumped by him like most people would do. She is evil incarnate. Jesus, quit trying to push your perspective into other people.

Just accept their perspective, you don't have to be part of the "You are wrong!" "NO U!" shit.

>> No.5982673


She also told Chris that she wanted him to wrap things up with Ari so they could start over. Regardless of her intentions it would still do him the most good.

>> No.5982688


More bullshit. Start what over? There was nothing to start over, he was through with Ari.

>> No.5982713

She only did it because she needed him sad for the competition.

Chris music is fueled by his emotions, especially his sadness. He was getting too happy with Fal and both her and the teacher realized that his music wasn't as touching as before.
Fal loves Chris for his music, because for her it's him who can get her to the top.
That's why she confessed everything.

>> No.5982726
File: 28 KB, 639x480, sr151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get on /jp/
>symphonic rain thread
>75 posts hidden
Oh boy!
>90% trolling
You make lise cry /jp/.

>> No.5982734

ITT: My perspective > yours.

>> No.5982766

I prefer Fal. Look, I'm so dark and edgy! No one can understand my dark perspective on life!

>> No.5982779

I prefer Lise. Look, I'm so helpless and clingy! No one can understand my helpless perspective on life!

>> No.5982785

Remember when Symphonic Rain threads were good, full of spoiler tags and without trolls?

>> No.5982787

I prefer Torta. Look, I'm so manipulative and edgy! No one can understand my manipulative perspective on life!

>> No.5982816

<---Best girl

>> No.5982823

I prefer Ari. Look, I'm so Comatose. Nobody can understand my lack of consciousness.

>> No.5982831


Oh god, I lol'd hard. I don't even feel bad about it.

>> No.5982870
File: 183 KB, 1280x480, 2010-08-20_145346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all bullied girls albino with short hair?

>> No.5982943

Summer will be over in a few weeks.

>> No.5983008


I really didn't think the music was all that great. It was okay. But he one track that i really loved was the one at the end when you're with Ari in the hospital.

>> No.5983059

It took this long for the people suffering from severe autism to play it, then they complain they didn't like because they didn't even pay attention, but then come here and make DURRHURR SR SUCKED threads. This is the first but I'm certain it won't be the last sadly.

>> No.5983129

Sad... Let's keep our memories of the good threads.

>> No.5983343


>I'm mad because someone said a game I like sucked BAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW

>> No.5983441

No friend, I'm mad because until now SR threads were totally absent of this kinda low level trolling such as the >greentexting you so love.

>> No.5983608

Saw a Symphonic Rain thread, and thought I'd try to record my song again:
I'm always close to you


>> No.5983625


what is that?

>> No.5983641


Phorni don't even know that she can "go back" to Ari

Actually, if you read the side story, you'd see that she actually did try to do this before, but it wouldn't work no matter how hard she tried.

She was only able to get back because only love~

>> No.5983683

I'm always close to you
With the left hand side of dai's 'you' from Higurashi.

>> No.5983795

A new version, huh? I guess I'll give it another listen. The last time I was pleasantly surprised by the results.
