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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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597965 No.597965 [Reply] [Original]

I going to open an online business, selling weeaboo crap (mostly adult goods, specialising in loli-related) to America, Europe and Ausfailia

I have a loan of $40,000 to start this up, and I plan to move to Japan (Tokyo) in August, and have secured a cultural Visa from an ex-colleague who's working at a University over there. I've done some research, but looking for some common sense advice basically.

What should I know?

>> No.597968


>> No.597987

>What should I know?
You'll fail.

>> No.597984

shipping costs, your competition and import/export laws, rates and procedure.

>> No.597998

hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.598083

I would like to be your UK contact (So I can get cheap figs obviously).

>> No.598107


you fail harder than all of us

and I'm eating a piece of bread so old I could stab you with it

>> No.598108

I'm interested. Like >>598083 said, I can be a Cunnack contact.

>> No.598125

lol 40k

>> No.598122

I'm sure you'll fail, but I'll be happy if I'm wrong.

>> No.598129

Investigate the possibility of opening a reverse weeaboo store. I'll lol hard if it takes off.

>> No.598158

yea, imagine it: the japanese buying western clothing, food, dvds, music and such

that would be HILARIOUS!

>> No.598210

does the term oligopoly mean anything to you? look it up. this is the reason you will fail.

>> No.598216

sarcasm? they already do.

>> No.598226
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>> No.598235

I opened an online business myself, but I didn't make it about weeaboo stuff.

All I can say is, good luck. I hope you have good plans to advertise. You'll be in despair for at least the few months, most likely even the first year/2nd year if your advertisement doesn't take off because you won't be making your money back.

Also, I hope you know coding (php, databases, etc) yourself, because coders online are all fucking worthless and will only cause you trouble.

You will most likely fail or declare bankruptcy after a while, but I'll be happy for you if you can prove me wrong.


>> No.598244

A friend of mine opened an online figure store. Nope, he didnt move to japan. What he did, he applied for wholesale account, so he can get stuff in bulk and cheaper price. Storage? he use his own room. But he didnt catter all figures, just that the ones he predicts to be good seller.

>> No.598251

no, i think it will work just fine...*cough

dont worry, that 4ok you have will last you a month, what with paying off the yakuza for security, but dont worry, whats left will probably be enough for you to get a flight home after you realise that you failed hard.

oh, take pics too of when this happens.

>> No.598277


Nice thing about this kind of business is he'll get a kind of heads up on advertising. I mean, assuming he can actually get it off the ground in this first place, if he just posts "Hey /jp/ I've got a bunch of figures and loli porn and shit for a pretty good price, check it out" bam, he's tapped into a consumer base already. Really don't see this happening, but I am hoping otherwise. I'd love to buy some shit.

>> No.598296

And he'll get saged to oblivion by "VIRAL MARKETING" posts

Of course, he might get a few people, but really, advertising isn't that easy... unless he can get rare figures that would actually interest people on /jp/, instead of getting generic figures you can get on just any website.

>> No.598303


Who gives a shit about viral marketing if he can get us the stuff we want for a good price, though? Sure, he'll get saged if he's got a bunch of shit no one here would care about, but if he's got good shit viral marketing'll work.

>> No.598310



>> No.598334

Just stock up on touhou shit

>> No.598434

Don't specialize in loli-related.

>> No.598460

Get a lot of Tsukihime figures. Like magical amber.

>> No.598484

What's with the white towels? They had them during the Indians playoffs too. Any reason they're white and everyone has them?

>> No.599112

Best advice so far.

>> No.599150


>> No.599258

Make sure you stock up on HARUHI DVDs

>> No.599286

True plan: go to Reitaisai, buy 3 copies of every good Touhou doujinshi you see for 3 dollars. Come here, sell them for 15-20 dollars.

>> No.599287

I want issues of Comic RIN. benippon stopped carrying it.

>> No.599298

OP, if this actually works, I would like to purchase shit from you, assuming it's not ripoff prices (see: toyslogic, kidnemo).

>> No.599303

So uh, you're basically making another J-List? Big whoop.

>> No.599304

you should contact the owner of fakku

i remember him mentioning a similar idea and they have a pretty big foothold in the hentai market

>> No.599314

I think OP has a good idea. Not just J-list stuff, but loli and weird fetish shit.

I´ve seen Junior idol magazines go for like 40 dollars on ebay. Stuff like that is a very underrepresented market.

>> No.599324

Stock some densa de D

>> No.599330

What do you plan to call this website?

>> No.599389

I'll buy from you if this happens.

>> No.599506

Seconded. I'd buy them in a heartbeat if you don't fucking overcharge everything, like Paletweb did (lol louzy touhou character rubber keychain for $8, when shit like that can be easily mass produced for 50 cents at your typical Chinese factory)

>> No.599760

Paletwebś a pretty cool guy, eh ships doujin products all over the world and doesn´t afraid of anything

>> No.603359

Bumping for daytime /jp/.

>> No.603454

What? There's Yakuza on the internet as well now? I just imagined a large man with sunglasses and tough guy stubble typing "MAH?" over and over...

>> No.603458

Gotta watch out for those Yakuza, they can track your IP like it's nothing.
