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File: 368 KB, 513x720, wriggle11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5976174 No.5976174 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Wriggle never shown as a badass firefly youkai in any fanworks ever?
It's seriously a crime.

>> No.5976178

Wriggle vs SDM.

>> No.5976189


>> No.5976199
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Considering Wriggle can control swarms of insects to suffocate foes, she doesn't need to be in a location physically to defeat an enemy.
The only ones she might have trouble with is the immortals there.
With them she could use parasitic insects that inject eggs into the target and hatch inside, bursting out. It'd take some time, but even the Scarlet sisters would be driven mad by that.

>> No.5976211

How did you manage to miss the porn of her raping the entire population of overpowered Gensokyoan hags?

Also, >>5976178

>> No.5976213

Oh, and Wriggle could even take down stronger youkai like Yukari by having the insects swarm and restrain them, leaving them open for easy attack.
Think Medicine's slow area ability in PoFV, except full stop, perfect homing.

>> No.5976226

Don't fuck with EX-Wriggle?

>> No.5976227


>Oh, and Wriggle could even take down stronger youkai like Yukari

That one's pushing it a bit.

Wriggle should seriously be a danmaku demon, though.
I mean, sentient bullets.

>> No.5976234


I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.5976236

Yeah, her homing type shots would put Reimu to shame.
And Yukari could get in a few good shots, but having the gap isn't much good when your whole body is restrained.

>> No.5976246


>> No.5976255

Alice's dolls don't help her much. How could insect danmaku help?

>> No.5976260

And insect control does nothing when you can't find your opponent, like with Rumia, Mystia, etc.

>> No.5976265

Wriggle is still pretty strong despite being the weakest leader in her family.(or would it be clan)

>> No.5976266

>Since long ago, bug youkai have been the equal of oni and tengu in terms of inspiring fear, but lately they've lost that feeling of dignity.
>(...)The reason why the bugs' power has suddenly declined needs to be investigated.

>> No.5976271

If Yuka can kill Wriggle without breaking a sweat and Yukari can take out Yuka, what chance does Wriggle have against Yukari?

>> No.5976279


That's some crucial word there.

>> No.5976280

Cirno is pretty powerful for a fairy too.
She also would and does get her ass handed to her anytime anyone so much as pokes her.

>> No.5976284

It's a statement, we all know Yuka can kill Wriggle, Yukari can kill Yuka, so the question is, how can Wriggle beat someone more powerful than who can already kill her?

>> No.5976297

>Yukari can take out Yuka
Oh that's adorable. You actually think it isn't the other way around.
Fucking amazing.

>> No.5976304
File: 62 KB, 294x294, oh boy here we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuka vs Yukari

You guys should stop it right here.

>> No.5976305

>we all know Yuka can kill Wriggle, Yukari can kill Yuka

No, no we don't.

You can make us know, of course. [citation needed], though.

>> No.5976308

Yuka may have raw power, but Yukari's gap can whittle that down to nothing, you know.

>> No.5976309

>Yuka vs Yukari


>> No.5976310
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Wriggle meets Ginko, what happens?

>> No.5976311

>Yukari can kill Yuka
playing RO or counter strike maybe

>> No.5976321

I'm not kidding, Yukari has the best tactical mastery. Raw power cannot beat the best tactics and skills.

>> No.5976322

Wriggle gets locked in a bottle and Ginko carries her around.

>> No.5976331

Wriggle can defeat Yuka though, just have the insects take out her flowerbed, then restrain her and wriggle kick her in the teeth.

>> No.5976332

Powerlevel derail.

Guys... guys... please stop, I beg all of you. There is no official conclusion to such a thing, please keep what you think it's "canon" or "more likely canon" to yourself.

>> No.5976334

true love

>> No.5976337

Yuka does have power. Yukari struggles to go to the moon, and needs to prepare to do anything. If Yukari doesn't plan every single step in advance, she's toast.

>> No.5976338

Yuka can create an army of Yukaris or youkai of equal tier
or make blasts of power big enough to be unable to be blocked

again yukari is probably good at fps

>> No.5976341

Yukari doesn't need to block it when she can simply disappear into a gap and pop out when it's over.

>> No.5976344

The thread was doomed from the start. Using the word "badass" to describe a Touhou pretty much equals asking for powerlevels. The same kind of people care for both, too.

>> No.5976347

a blast big enough to be unable to be gapped away
many different blasts of the same size
many different attacks from many different angles

>> No.5976352

Yuka can't control the gap, and can't fire into it. There's no way to know if the gap actually has a real "space" for things to travel in anyways, so anyone "in it" could very well be invincible.

>> No.5976354

SKG Yuuka > Yukari = PoFV Yuuka > LLS Yuuka

>> No.5976360

Well screw you guys, Wriggle's insect swarm could stop them all before they had a chance to react.

>> No.5976361

yeah i never said she could control the gap, bro

again Yukari would probably play Biochemist and Yuka something like Palading which is like paper and rock

>> No.5976363


Sorry, but you can only use TOUHOU for TOUHOU storyline, plot, theories, speculation, etc.

>> No.5976368

Seihou is canon, bro.

>> No.5976371

Other than having the strongest ability, Yukari is a tactician and a master troll.
And she can control the boundary between life and death.

>> No.5976374

Is Samidare canon?

>> No.5976377

being a master troll and gunman won't stop arnold from kicking your ass, bro

>> No.5976382

SMD-numbers is canonically stronger than VIVIT

>> No.5976383
File: 165 KB, 550x809, ed283f175c0be7c13b0797dac5a935f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koa is the most powerful touhou in all of Touhou land.

Anyone who disagrees is either a secondaryfag or troll.

>> No.5976392

and what does her ability at making people mad over the internet have to do with powerlevels?
wait are you talking about RO or a real fight?

>> No.5976389

I'll play your game today, please wait warmly while I'm writing.

>> No.5976388

Oh, so you can't speculate about Touhou based on miscellaneous things ZUN has said outside of Touhou?

>> No.5976396

sorry bro i just finished downloading victoria 2
time to conquer earth

>> No.5976409

With the knowledge that Seihou is not the same universe as Touhou, yes. Making music and art and then a usual silly commentary about a certain character can't determine crap.

It's like making game X in 2000, then game Y is released in 2001, Y is a fighting game reuniting many characters from various games and uses the author of X to make some music and art. Then people start to assume the events and things of Y as X series canon.

>> No.5976404

Isn't that more of an issue of SMD-31-FX having the ultimate defensive technology?

And is the VIVIT in Samidare the same model you play as in SSG?

>> No.5976412

I didn't mention Seihou.

>> No.5976413

>With the knowledge that Seihou is not the same universe as Touhou
oh secondaries, you so crazy

>> No.5976417

It might not even be possible to permanently kill a youkai. That's why come danmaku in the first place, it's a regulated duel with set rules so that powerful youkai don't shred reality to ribbons when they bicker.

>> No.5976423

Spellcards are used to ensure victory for the shrine maiden to resolve incidents, and nothing more.
Youkai can kill each other.

>> No.5976429

Good thing that battles that intense have involved beings capable of deshredding reality.

>> No.5976437

No, that's fanon.

>> No.5976440


>> No.5976442

>Touhou and Seihou are placed in the same setting.

Citations please. Please keep in mind the "fighting game" thing I just said above, I won't take "because there are touhou characters there" or anything like that.

>> No.5976445

I'm sorry, but if characters aren't in the same universe, then how can they fight each other? Explain that.

>> No.5976455

Do you even read what I said in the previous post? >>5976409

>> No.5976457

This can be explained by one series being canon to another, but not vice-versa.

>> No.5976476

Doesn't VIVIT travel to an alternate universe?

>> No.5976483

It's clearly stated that Seihou happens in the outside world while Touhou happens in Gensokyo
check the wiki

>> No.5976531

Okay. But that doesn't mean one series is directly connected to other to the point of using the events of what happens in Seihou as canon Touhou, it still the fighting game thing I said earlier.

Unless we hear ZUN saying that Seihou stuff is touhou canon we can't go out saying that what happens in Seihou happened in Touhou.

>> No.5976544

If you're going to be that strict, there's almost no canon left.

>> No.5976560

Any story that slavishly follows Touhou "canon" isn't going to be very fun to read.

>> No.5976567

Nothing that happened in imperishable night is canon because ZUN didn't say so
and it isn't explicitly stated that it is canon

>> No.5976578

The only difference is that IN is actually a TOUHOU game.

By the way I'm still writing so at least leave this tab open to read later

>> No.5976623

Is CtC a Touhou game?

Can you prove any of this?

>> No.5976656

I don't want to brag into this discussion but what is CtC?

>> No.5976678

Concealed the Conclusion, some fan game. The most advanced thing made with Danmakufu, which isn't saying much...

>> No.5976689
File: 336 KB, 500x194, little_brown_tewi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys

don't mind me

>> No.5976694

Are you seriously asking that?

Almost done suigin.

>> No.5976696

ZUN didn't say this.

Fanon bullshit.

>> No.5976735

ah for god sake, I lost the whole text.

Starting again from zero...

>> No.5976742

ZUN follows it; even if he didn't say it.

>> No.5976834
File: 8 KB, 320x256, apidya-menu-screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wriggle's favorite Amiga game.

>> No.5976844
File: 20 KB, 250x301, 250px-Apidya_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5976849

That is the point I was trying to make.

>> No.5976851
File: 261 KB, 1000x1111, queenwriggle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5976880

Sorry, this was directed at >>5976742-san.

>> No.5977056

I'm not going to defend Yukari > Yuka crap, just will make some observations to your theories.

You keep saying that Yuka can create things like Shinki did in Makai using the UM she acquired. I'll focus on that.

Let's start with the "Yuka could create a dimension that makes Yukari's powers null and make an army of Yukaris or equal youkai [...]":

Shinki could create things in Makai but there is a limit for such things. Shinki said that Yumeko was one of her strongest creations and yet Yumeko was easily wiped by Reimu/Marisa/Mima/Yuka. And I doubt Yumeko is stronger than Yukari or many other characters (but that's a pretty dark thing talk about since ZUN does not follow Black and White powerlevel charts, so we can't make have a conclusion about Yumeko's power level since we don't have any information about her)

Shinki, like every touhou boss, was EASILY defeated by the heroine. (I'm using in-game dialogues as source, especially Mima's good ending in MS for this subject) Let's ignore the "route order" theories that say one heroine entered Makai after the other and assume Yuka is far more powerful than Shinki. (Let's also point out the non-existence of spell card rules in the PC-98 era, like most people defend)

Continuing in the next post since there is not space left.. I think it will take 3 posts.

>> No.5977069


I don't recall anything saying that the book belonged to Shinki or that she knew about it or that she even was able to use it (if there is, please point it out), so there is no sense saying that UM can allow the user (with proper knowledge, that will be discussed in a moment) to use Shinki powers. Since we are talking about Shinki powers here, let's also think that being the goddess of Makai maybe her powers (specifically the creation one) were limited to Makai alone, and that such "creation power" she had was exclusive of being a goddess and not a UM spell. If we use a speculation saying that the extra stage was a world/dimension made by Alice that's still not conclusive to say UM was responsible for it instead of being Alice's natural power.

ZUN said that magical books can only have their runes read by those who possses equal magical knowledge or power than the author or more.
>anyone could cast a spell if they had the appropriate magic book, but people without the key that magic would not be able to distinguish the letters in such a book.
>One cannot find the key if they do not possess equal or greater skill than the person who wrote the spell in the grimoire.

With that we can't even come to a conclusion to determine UM high level spells and also make a theory that Alice didn't know how to use UM completely and only casted a few spells in her EX stage. (which is pretty convincing taking in consideration Alice was kind of mad at the time and was a child, resulting in a pretty predictable behaviour of trying to make big things without proper preparation out of despair)

Not enough space again..

>> No.5977078


When we see Yuka's good ending in MS, she don't have a clue of how using magic and seems like she makes mistakes even with simple spells, to the point of stalking Marisa in order to watch her doing some spells and then learn from it. In my personal view of her character I don't she would use her time trying to learn magic, even with her lust for power (as we see in her dialogue with Shinki) I think she would probably drop the book somewhere or even give it back to Alice and then go pick on and tease the weaklings for fun. Or we can also speculate that she is learning even now and acquiring more magic knowledge aside from her huge natural power.

I don't remember everything I wrote before losing the whole text before posting since I took my sweet time making it and was doing other things in the meantime but in the end, like I said: ZUN does not follow a Black and White rule, especially for power levels. And that's one of the things behind Touhou success. We shouldn't be saying absolute things such as "Character1 can kill character2, according to <speculation#1>, <speculation#2>, etc" And we will NEVER get a conclusion to such things by ZUN, it's something that is uncertain and will remain uncertain up to anyone's own interpretation.

>> No.5977082

Oh, and that's that.

>> No.5977085

>there is a limit for such things

There is also a limit to border manipulation, which has always been obvious.

>Shinki, like every touhou boss, was EASILY defeated by the heroine.

Didn't Shinki forfeit out of mercy?

>> No.5977103

I said I was not defending Yukari, anon. That's why I don't mention about it. And yes, I agree with you.

She lost as is amazed by the heroine power in every route.

>> No.5977115

>as is amazed
and is amazed.


>> No.5977134

>"Character1 can kill character2, according to <speculation#1>, <speculation#2>, etc" And we will NEVER get a conclusion to such things by ZUN, it's something that is uncertain and will remain uncertain up to anyone's own interpretation.

ZUN has said things about the relative powerlevels of some characters before.

>> No.5977160

>relative powerlevels

Yeah. What I tried to say there is that ZUN will never give us a absolute and exact power level chart or something like that.

>> No.5977253

Wait a minute... Avalon > VIVIT?

>> No.5978380

Going to sleep and will not bump to avoid unnecessary posts. Hope to see at least a reply on easymodo.

>> No.5978380,1 [INTERNAL] 

Bumping because after seeing a power level thread.
