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5975961 No.5975961 [Reply] [Original]

quality thread

>> No.5975978
File: 67 KB, 430x307, roastred-garlic-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some one say bread?

>> No.5975980

I sort of like Letty, but I am cautious about showing it.

There are enough stereotypes about black men getting it on with fat white chicks. Also, I'm still upset about what she does to the roads and my car when she visits. I'm pretty buttmade.

>> No.5976013

Oh great, now I can't get the idea of Letty being Lisa Lamponelli out of my head.

Fuck you, I hope you die in a molten-steel related accident.

>> No.5976016

But you've already proven that stereotypes many times Arc. You have nothing to hide anymore.

>> No.5976019

Postan in a quality bread

>> No.5976022


Most of the Touhous I like are athletic and trim.

>> No.5976024

Letty is not Fat.

>> No.5976061

Letty may be a little chubby, but I'd still hit it and so would you!

>> No.5976065

Yeah, but she can't give you warmth.

>> No.5976068

stage one bosses always get forgotten.

>> No.5976072


That guy was a dick. He deserved to die like that.

>> No.5976734

But rape is so romantic~

>> No.5976754

Slutty meat demons are the best meat demons
