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5974031 No.5974031 [Reply] [Original]

This is how Luna Child would have looked like if ZUN had decided to draw portraits for TH12.8 himself.

>> No.5974034


>> No.5974035

Luna isn't Luna without her mouth.

>> No.5974038

but... Luna Child has been around a lot longer than TH12.8

>> No.5974041

Have you seen Tenshi's hat in ZUN's concept art?

>> No.5974051

As far as I remember, it had no peaches.

>> No.5974053

I like the artist for 12.8 just fine but ZUN-Luna is superior. She looks more like a real Touhou.

>> No.5974055 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 181x274, check'em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5974054

Any Star Sapphire in ZUN-Style?

>> No.5974056

She looks like shit.

>> No.5974057

The original concept art tends to differ from the actual finished product, you know? Either way, regardless of who's idea the peaches were I am very happy her hat has peaches in the final version. Tenshi-hat is so awesome.

>> No.5974062

She just looks like Marisa in a different outfit.

>> No.5974065

Just like all the other blonde touhous, right?

>> No.5974067

I dont lurk /jp/ so often and I missed most of the rage around C78.
So did Zun make someone else draw art for him or what??

>> No.5974068
File: 156 KB, 400x448, face02no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5974071

Just like all the other touhous, right?

>> No.5974072

ZUN asked Makoto Harasaka, the creator of official Three Fairies manga, to make the portraits for Touhou 12.8, since the game is about Cirno struggling with them.

>> No.5974073

god if you get defensive.

>> No.5974074

Oh. And there I thought Zun may be on his way to find some artist do do art for him.

>> No.5974075

selffix, I am not used to typing Japanese names...

>> No.5974110

She looks like Lily White's sister or something.

>> No.5974130

I guess, it's because, despite ZUNart is godlike quality, he doesn't know how to draw drill hair.

>> No.5974164
File: 164 KB, 618x331, zunarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually looks nice and unique.
Why all the hate?
Zun sketch arts are generally pretty good.

>> No.5974170


>> No.5974175 [DELETED] 

Fairy Wars endings were still drawn by ZUN, and there are 6 of them plus probably a bad one. It's not like the game is completely devoid of his art.

>> No.5974177

Fairy Wars endings were still drawn by ZUN, and there are 6 of them plus probably a bad one. It's not like the game is completely devoid of his art.

>> No.5974188

Define "good".

>> No.5974189


having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good knife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will make a good picnic table"; "a good check"

>> No.5974197

A concept as subjective as "art" doesn't have such thing as universally accepted "desirable or positive qualities"

Way to be a dipshit.

>> No.5974199

I get upset when people call Zun a bad artist.
Nevermind his character art and everything-- it's not good, but it's charming-- it's just the fact that his games are his art.
If you fail to recognize that, you shouldn't even be playing them.

>> No.5974203

That's just dumb. You know the people who criticize his "art" are only talking about the drawings.

>> No.5974205

No, if you think people who don't regard a game as art shouldn't play it you shouldn't play it, you smug elitist hipster bastard.

>> No.5974239

I get the feeling you're missing a comma somewhere.

>> No.5974248
File: 3 KB, 188x128, 1281793131815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you shouldn't play it (repeated twice)
>bad punctuation

>> No.5974260

>lacking reading comprehension

>> No.5975140

>Book-reading Youkai
>lacking reading comprehension
Makes sense
