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5973532 No.5973532 [Reply] [Original]

Does this work as well as a tenga

>> No.5973537

Doubtful that corn starch alone will hold up to the structural stresses imparted on it.

>> No.5973544

Can you... eat that thing after you're done?

>> No.5973545

I doubt your needledick can harm it.

>> No.5973549

I'd rather use water to make it and go for the full Cirno experience.

>> No.5973558

It's easier to just fuck some turkey slices or something.

>> No.5973559
File: 319 KB, 800x600, 12033154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5973569

I gotta try this.

>> No.5973576

Yeah I tried this yesterday and had a mindblowing orgasm. I'm talking eyes rolled back, tongue out, full on ahegao all over the place.

>> No.5973584

why a PLASTIC cup? will glass shatter when microwaving?

>> No.5973595
File: 561 KB, 2272x1704, cactus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guize...

Go to a flowershop and buy a cactus.

Slice it open at the base and enjoy it's smooth and moist interior.

>> No.5973599

Why didn't I think of this sooner?

>> No.5973606

It'll glue your urethra shut.

>> No.5973611

What did the cactus ever do to harm you that it deserves to be killed and raped?

>> No.5973616

I sat on one as a kid.

>> No.5973633

No one cares about the rights of cacti around here. When you go to gensokyo Yuka might be waiting for you, though.

>> No.5973630

So, does this really work well? I'm very tempted to go buy some corn starch...

>> No.5973634

How much would a cactus cost? (I don't need a big one ;_;)

>> No.5973649

I hope the masturbation gods lay a pox upon your penis if you kill a cactus just to settle one day's fapping needs.

>> No.5973655

About 10$ but prices may vary. You can let some budling catuses start to grow before you slice it up, and put them in in another pot so that you can save them for later.

>> No.5973657
File: 140 KB, 350x351, watertube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are called slippery water tubes, you can buy them at the dollar store, they are supposedly party favors for autistics

They are really tight, really tight. I had a couple of them pop on me, but GOD DO THESE THINGS FEEL AMAZING.

>> No.5973658

So I just did it. It's cooling down now. Turned out OK I guess, but it doesn't look as good as in the picture. It started cracking on the surface and the entrance of the hole looks realy bad, like it was raped by a horse.

>> No.5973664
File: 181 KB, 500x620, cactus whatthefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a cactus raped my family

>> No.5973679

If anyone else tries this, please report back how well it turned out and maybe how good it is to use.

>> No.5973699
File: 73 KB, 526x362, csi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess your family....
was desperate for a prick

>> No.5973707


>> No.5973708

100g? as in grams?

What the fuck,how do i convert this shit to Tablespoons or cups?

>> No.5973712
File: 17 KB, 175x165, 1281914247565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious?

>> No.5973719


Yes.i do not cook often so i only have tablespoon and cup.

>> No.5973722

Fucking google it.
Btw 100g of flour is not the same amount of spoonfuls as 100g of water. They don't take up the same amount of space. So take that into consideration.

>> No.5973724

Why would this Chinese nigger use measurement of weight!

Fuck china,i will find the solution with google as i was told

>> No.5973730


>They don't take up the same amount of space

Volume is irrelevant, so teaspoons and tablespoons are also irrelevant.

Grams are a measure of mass.

>> No.5973733


Exactly! So why is this mountain nigger using grams?

>> No.5973737
File: 89 KB, 487x500, vince1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because the rest of the world does you ignorant fuck.

>> No.5973742
File: 618 KB, 147x170, 1281640902148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


awwww shit nigguh! +5 internets!

>> No.5973744


it is weight! Does this man have a scale in his kitchen? What is this!


>> No.5973746

I don't quite see your point. Was I wrong? If you take a weight and measure 100g of flour, and 100g of water, it'll take a different number of spoonfuls to equal each.

>> No.5973760


Why is /jp/ so shitty? This is /v/ level of retardedness right here.

>> No.5973765


I was clarifying, you were vague.

>> No.5973768

Ah okay then.

>> No.5973773


How is it retarded! Why is this man using a fucking measurement of weight for starch and water! WHAT THE FUCK! HOW WOULD HE KNOW WHAT 100 GRAM OF WATER IS? HOW WOULD I KNOW THAT? DOES THIS MAN HAVE A SCALE OR SOME SHIT? WHAT THE FLYING SHIT FUCK FUCK IS THIS.

>> No.5973778

Don't most people own a weight? And if you don't, you can just find the right numbers with google in a matter of seconds. It's not an issue at all.

>> No.5973782

or rather a SCALE.

>> No.5973783

It's not that easy when you've got autism.

>> No.5973786


Why he uses grams for water, I don't rightly know.
But grams for starch makes sense, because starch isn't a liquid.

And yes, cooks do have scales in their kitchen.

>> No.5973787


100 grams of water = 100 ml. Use a measuring jug.

>> No.5973803

I tried one of these when I was like 13.

Not so good.
and my penis was a lot smaller back then, mind you.

>> No.5973804

Just put one in the fridge. I accidentily microwaved it the second time for 45 seconds instead of 30, don't know how much it will matter. I'll let you all know in 40 minutes what it's like.

>> No.5973816

I had my first orgasm with one of these, oh childhood curiosity!

>> No.5973825


Seriously, everyone who doesnt know that 1g of water 1ml of water fails at life.

Oh wait, we are on /jp/. Nevermind then.

>> No.5973827

1g of water = 1ml of water at 4 degrees C.
give or take like 0.002g.

>> No.5973829

Mine fell apart very quickly. It wasn't very rubbery.

>> No.5973931

Hole was too small and I think I should use a more narrow cup, it was too short. going to try it again with a few changes.

>> No.5973934


>> No.5974021

Better teach me how to make lube myself.

selfmade onahole.

not so good.

>> No.5974023

Get a cactus instead, lube is included.

>> No.5974048

Are you guys seriously going to kill and rape a cactus? I don't know whether that is hilarious or depressing.
