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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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597222 No.597222 [Reply] [Original]

Taking a random sample of 9 different varieties of Ciel's curry, comprising of 38 different ingredients, I tallied the amount of people she could feed per week, the types of flavors, how runny or watery the curry is, and the color the curry would be.

In my first post here, you can see the summary statistics for the sample. Note the average amount per serving is 1 bowl per person, in the case of Ciel's curry though the average serving amount is from 3-5 bowls per person. Further, a full 12% of the sample OPs were too runny/watery.

Note: Curry Ratio = Curry/people eating it. Keep in mind, I am a professional trained at http://www.curry.edu/..

>> No.597228
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Some more interesting statistics:

8.5% of Ciel's curry is gone to waste. This is because she never saves the leftovers, and simply makes it fresh every meal.

Over half (51.9%) of her curry comes out chunky! Congratulations on your solid chunks of ingredients.

23.6% of the curry is made of mostly potatos, carrots, and beef, over 20%! That's too much of a typical recipe. Let's do our best to get her to use new ingredients! Fight-o!

The first question I examined was whether curry preparation was constant over the day. As the associate graph shows, it's clearly not. There is a distinct tendency for more curry to be made in certain hours, particularly the afternoon/evening period, according to Pacific Standard Time.

Of course, this naturally leads to the question: "Is there a nightshift?".

I will define "nightshift" as the period between 1am and 6am PST. This comprised 13.7% of curry in the sample. I judged the quality of curry by the curry ratio. As you can see, nightshift curry actually was liked more - the average nightshift curry had a curry ratio of 95.8%, compared to 85.4% for non-nightshift curry.

>> No.597243

I am eating...I am eating...curry. Om nom nom, fresh, straight from the cook. It's piping hot and the steam from it burns my eyes a little, the smell is strong, and the flavor intense. "Oh Ciel, please give me some more, i'm still hungry!". I don't think i've ever come across curry as rich as this before, the flavor takes over all my senses. I can't take it anymore, I want more of this spicy deliciousness. I find the place it's coming from, its a hole, and I notice Ciel is looking the other way. The hole isn't big enough for me to use the spoon, but around it is soft tissue. I pull it open and decide to just use my tongue to scoop out the curry. I notice another area near the curry hole, dripping with something, so I taste it. The flavor is that of salty milk and coins, I quickly return to the curry to remove the taste. While eating the curry, I hear a gurgling noise...suddenly a hot gust of air billows out of the hole and the curry begins flowing at an amazing pace. The smell, the taste, the heat, it all comes pouring out of the hole with such force...soon it's all over my face and the floor, I'm slathered in it, enjoying it, loving it. I begin lapping it off the floor. My hands are covered in it, i begin rubbing it into myself. The heat is so intense that it begins to make my penis erect...as the curry pours out, I get closer and closer to orgasm. In the background I can hear Ciel moaning in discomfort.

Making Curry must be hard work.

>> No.597241
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Using a standard statistical test for the difference in means (see Hogg, McKean, Craig, p.274), I computed a probability of 55.6% that any given nightshift curry witnessed proportionally more flavor than any given non-nightshift curry.

For you keeners saying "Hey! How can 95.8% and 85.4% be bigger than the 99.7% overall curry ratio?", I'll explain. I'm now averaging the curry ratio per meal, not the overall curry versus overall meals. Consider:

Meal 1: Curry. Curry ratio: 100%
Meal 2: Ramen. Curry ratio: 1%.
Non-Curry meals comprise 1.98% of the posts, but the average curry ratio is 85.5%.

I deliberately made the decision not to weigh the curry by the type of ingredients used, since each different type is delicious, regardless of what is in it. Admittedly, this point can be argued.

>> No.597244
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What about the texture? Here's where the story gets interesting. There was almost twice as much solid curry these nightshift hours! 19.1% of nightshift curry featured solid ingredients, while only 11.0% of non-nightshift curry was watery!

Indeed, using a slightly modified version of the same statistical test, I calculated a 91.3% chance that those around during the nightshift curry times eat more solid/chunky curry than does the rest of those eating it! This is statistically significant, implying that we can pretty much accept it as fact that nightshift eats more curry than the rest of those wanting a meal from Ciel.

Finally, for those of you wondering, nightshift curry was typically a brownish color, non-nightshift curry was sometimes green or a little red, but I will refrain from drawing conclusions here because I do not have data on every meal she eats during the day while constantly preparing the ingredients within herself.

IN SUMMARY:(tl;dr): There is no such thing as a high-quality nightshift, at least judging by the chosen metrics of curry ratio and texture.

As a final note, I refrained from regression analysis, because the dataset requires atypical methods (maximum likelihood tobit estimation) that I can't explain on an imageboard. You wouldn't understand it, anyway.

>> No.597249

What random essay generator did you use for this?

>> No.597253

moran, see

>> No.597254


>> No.597256

parody thread? So soon?

At least wait for the old thread to die.

>> No.597266


>> No.597267
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>> No.597271

this thread...

it's amazing

>> No.597269
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>> No.597274
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>> No.597280

this is jp, that wont be for at least another day or so

and by then no one will remember it

>> No.597281

I hear imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

>> No.597283

Oh ho, a typo on MY 4chan? ಠ_ಠ

>> No.597277

>Who is she? A statistal look at curry.

also; waaay too early for this

>> No.597299

Oh shit! Nanyanan is here! Inb4 deleted.

>> No.597302

Does this mean we should all dress up like our waifus and roleplay?

Sounds like a good idea to me.

>> No.597304
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>> No.597335


>> No.597339



>> No.597366

Oh wow, it's real, bricks were shat.

>> No.597374


>> No.597388
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 1210462089605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Curry College : A tradition of understanding and respecting the uniqueness of every student.

>> No.597522

best thread on /jp/

>> No.597543

Curry College : What ?

>> No.597558


Go, then apply.

>> No.597571

I went, I just whut'd at the whole weirdness of it.

>> No.597646
File: 49 KB, 480x717, 1210464717476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is fucking amazing

>> No.599339

i came, i saw, i came again.

>> No.599345


>> No.599348

saging my own thread cuz it should be dead already but hurr durr lets keep fucking bumping it ಠ_ಠ

>> No.599350
File: 54 KB, 1123x691, 1210483712751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys whats going on?

>> No.599359

what the fuck. 1995? get out of here

>> No.599367

Every Ciel Curry Shit thread is the best thread on /jp/.

>> No.599372

Thatś the year he first got laid, not the year he was born.

Or at least, I hope so.

>> No.599399

That's the year he first went on the internat

>> No.599402

stop bumping this piece of shit

>> No.599408

stop bumping shit piece of shit

>> No.599435

I have an e-mail ending in 02 somewhere just because that's the year I created it.

>> No.599516


Bumping for shit.

>> No.601146


>> No.601176
File: 14 KB, 484x325, 1210504029563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.601183

I approve.

>> No.601188

no, I'm pretty sure you mixed up Arc and Hisui

>> No.601192

disregard my temporary color blindness, I meant Hisui and Akiha.

>> No.601234

no, you were right the first time
