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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5965880 No.5965880 [Reply] [Original]

average /jp/ user back in high school

>> No.5965896

Is that a classroom on a train?

>> No.5965900

>implying windows

>> No.5965905
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average /jp/ user back in high school

>> No.5965910
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I thought this was the average /jp/ user in high school (far left with head down)

>> No.5965913

That's still me at work during my lunch break!

>> No.5965914 [SPOILER] 
File: 340 KB, 750x1000, 5587393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average /jp/ user right now

>> No.5965915

i was a fine maiden back in high school

>> No.5965921

I actually did sit the protagonist's seat during 8th grade math, but there was no grand adventure to be found. Feels bad, in retrospect.

>> No.5965925

Much more accurate

>> No.5965933

That sleeping guy is my clone.

>> No.5965934

i look pretty hot

>> No.5965936

I'm one of the girls in the back of the class!

>> No.5965944

Keep on dreaming, desk anon.

>> No.5965963

I was pretty famous for sleeping in classes so yes

>> No.5965970

I'm the one preparing to jump out the window.

>> No.5965971

This is actually very accurate. My head was down all the time before classe, and once it started I would simply move my face forward while still laying on the desk.

I remember being asked in one class what our hobbies were. I did not want to say my hobbies, so out of stress, I said that I liked to sleep. Can you believe that? Out of everything possible to say, I said I liked to sleep. I dropped out shortly after that and began my real life.

>> No.5965976
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Average /jp/ user taking it easy.

>> No.5965980

I wish I had been in a class together with all of you guys.

>> No.5965981

Both are correct. If I was sitting near a window I would look out the window. Otherwise I had my head down. I always made sure to sit in the back of the classroom, though.

>> No.5965984

me too, i was famous for my sleeping skills in class

>> No.5965985
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average /jp/ user as a child

>> No.5965989

Should have stopped by the Special Ed room once in a while.

>> No.5965993

I sat near a girl in middle school who would always talk (not to me) about her 20 year old boyfriend, and how they did cocaine together. I think my dislike of sluts began somewhere around that time.

>> No.5965996

Actually I read novels during class.

>> No.5965999

One day at lunch, I couldn't find a place to sit. Someone had taken my normal eating spot, and as I was scanning the cafeteria for a place to eat, I began to feel sick. I really don't remember what happened after that, but I remember ending up in the nurses office crying while feeling nauseous. There was another student there talking to the nuse, and I heard the nurse tell him to show me around and try to be friends with me. He didn't show me around and I didn't make any friends that year. Infact, I never saw that kid again.

>> No.5966000
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"Hey dudes what's going on in this thread?"

>> No.5966001

I was the class president in high school.
I'm also the best student the school ever had based on national exam results.
I wear glasses and dress rather formally
That fucking stereotype...

>> No.5966003

Pretty much this.

>> No.5966005

I read too, but it was sometimes difficult because there was so much noise. Those times it was just easier to put my head down and pretend I was somewhere else.

>> No.5966009

nice get bro

>> No.5966017

There never was another student in that infirmary, anon.

>> No.5966018

I always worried so much about finding a place to sit. Some of the "friends" I made were just so I could have a place to sit.

>> No.5966020

go back to bed Cirno

>> No.5966023


You also read Enzai? I did not like it so much. Many route are just TORTURE and DEATH. And that is NOT GOOD FOR ME IT IS SAD.

>> No.5966025

That's nice.
I used to skip lunch.

>> No.5966027
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"Here, you can borrow mine!"

No, it doesn't mean she likes you. It never did.

>> No.5966029

We couldn't do that at my school. I would have loved to go to the library and read, but you were not allowed in during lunch breaks, and had to have a pass from a teacher or some bullshit. I think they didn't want anyone to read there.

>> No.5966031

But... But she talked to me!

>> No.5966036


I know this...It was pity! Why not love once! THERE WAS PITY WHY! I get love and I fuck it! Why! fuck shit!

>> No.5966055

Some girl behind me used to try to tickle me in class. It wasn't very effective because of all the fat rolls I had at the time. Maybe she just liked how soft I was. I remember her asking me if I knew what a certain hand gesture was. It was the 'shocker' finger formation. She was expelled from school, I'm assuming because she was a slut.

>> No.5966067

For some odd reason, I used to attract sluts.
That girl who had sex with half of the school wanted to take my virginity.
She's still harassing me, actually.

>> No.5966069

I also remember when I broke my arm, some girl asked me if she could sign my cast. I told her no. I actually laughed out loud right now when I remembered that.

>> No.5966076
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On cold days you should've offered to cut yourself open and let her hide in your warm intestines.

>> No.5966078

I love the empire strikes back.

>> No.5966082

i had a dream last night where i was the little girl and was having an indoor pool party.

one guy was a Russian dude whose name was Vladmir Rascalov something something and we starting hugging and holding hands then all of a suddent my hand turned into a babies hand and he started screaming. I showed him that I wasnt even touching him, then he looked at his fingers and they were all bent and distorted.

just thought I would share ;_;

>> No.5966084

I assume most of /jp/ attracts sluts. Perhaps they want to tease you, or perhaps they're actually interested in you because you show no interest in them. Random sluts talk to me all the time. It's annoying but oh so funny once you set them straight.

Some girl at a McDonalds once asked if I had a girlfriend and when I told her that I didn't, she asked if I wanted to go on a date with her. I told her no. Fucking sluts.

>> No.5966093

How did /jp/ deal with gym class? It was the bane of my existence in middle school. I only had to take it for one year in high school, fortunately, but it was still terrible. I think I've blocked most of my memories from that period of time. But I remember once, we were all walking up to the track outside of the school to run laps, and some black girl walked up to me and asked me if I was retarded. It made me feel bad.

>> No.5966109

I gave them a fake doctor's note stating that I couldn't do sports for medical reasons.
The funny thing is that nowadays, I spend lots of time doing running, biking and shit.

>> No.5966118

I just sat out for everything other than running in highschool. My teacher didn't seem to care since I passed without a hitch.

>> No.5966122


I just walked and took it easy. I did write paper about sport and shit for extra credit,so I got out!

But i remember once,i walk past a group of the women and i hear them whisper 'oh,anon is bad,he is bad more the retarded child in our class'. I look at them and see disgust and hate. I am haunted by them and that.

>> No.5966126

most of the girls didnt want to do sports, the only ones who did participate were either niggers/sandniggers or the really athletic forced-by-their-parents ones.

So we all just got our parents (or forged our own) letters, gave them to the PE teacher, then sat down against the wall and drew pictures. or when the PE teacher got pissy he would make us copy text off of a sheet about how exercise is so good for you and bullshit.

fucking niggers and how they take sport so seriously. who would want to play sport with them? they stink aswell.

>> No.5966129

I found that when I was forced to do things in school, I would not like them. Even things that I normally found interesting or enjoyable. I'm not sure why that is.

>> No.5966134

Yeah, that was me. Slept through pretty much every class, and the teachers didn't care enough to wake me up. Probably explains why I failed everything and dropped out.

>> No.5966139

you hate the feeling of things being beyond your control

>> No.5966143
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i know such a feel

>> No.5966145

Because people aren't meant to be forced to do anything.

>> No.5966147

How many of you were in a position like that but not sleeping, you were wide awake? ;_;

>> No.5966150

I would try to pretend that I was somewhere else.

>> No.5966153

in primary school when we sat on the mat I would push my hands into my eyes slightly so I saw flying glitter and colours everywhere. Shit was entertaining.

>> No.5966154

Yeah, I could never fully fall asleep unless there was a movie going.

>> No.5966156

All the time. You too?

>> No.5966162

No anon, you are the slut.

>> No.5966164

I liked gym class since I was moderately athletic even though I was on the computer all day at home. The only thing I didn't like was basketball. Fucking niggers.

>> No.5966167

Of course. Just to give the illusion of you being asleep, and not just sitting there awkwardly doing nothing.

Dropped out before I'd have been forced to take it. Feels good man.

>> No.5966181

I can't fall asleep in public places, mostly because I'm too paranoid that someone will steal my stuff or humiliate me.

>> No.5966192

I just went outside and played tennis, me and my friends all sucked at the game so we'd just basically just stand around anyway.

>> No.5966201

Pretty much all the time. I'm the same with >>5966181

I was also paranoid about sleep talking and saying something really embarrassing in class. Or accidentally farting.

>> No.5966207

Sometimes it really was sleep, sometimes I was just trying to focus my thoughts.

I wish they wouldn't have constantly asked me if I was crying.

>> No.5966210

I remember in elementary school, there was a girl that I liked. I think I was in fourth grade. She was probably my first crush. I'm not sure if I ever talked to her, but I eventually got up the courage to tell her that I liked her. I tore off a piece of paper and wrote something to the extent of "I like you. Will you go out with me?" on it and slipped it into her desk while school was letting out one day. I never heard back from here and I assumed that she never got it for whatever reason. Months went by, and eventually the school year was over, so we had to clean out our desks. Far in the back of my desk, I found a small folded piece of paper. I unfolded it, to find the note that I had written her. She had written her response: "I don't like you. Sorry." Felt bad, man.

>> No.5966216

sax, is that you?

>> No.5966228

To clarify, the paper had been in my desk the entire time. I had just missed it somehow. In retrospect, I'm kind of glad that I didn't find it. It would have made class much more awkward.

>> No.5966236
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average /jp/ user back in high school

>> No.5966240

Fourth grade, huh?

I remember being bullied by this one girl and even the teacher was fine with it, she told me to kiss her shoes and recess would be extended another 10 minutes

I did it...for everyone's sake ;_;

>> No.5966243

She must've thought you were either retarded or had a poor memory then.

>> No.5966244
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>> No.5966254

Yeah basically. I used to sit in open classrooms and "do homework" during lunch because I couldn't bear to go out and find a table to sit at with people I didn't know.

I made friends later but those first couple years were pure shit for me.

>> No.5966257

>Fat, balding long haired teacher with glasses.
That's me right now.

>> No.5966260

i hide in the bathrooms and library during lunch time

>> No.5966262

I remember my last day of middle school. I was so happy to finally be out of that hellhole. I was walking down the steps, just a few yards from the exit of the building and my freedom, when someone threw a paper ball at me and it hit me in the back of my head.

>> No.5966266

that's why you shouldn't play with light switches or look into the mirror while dreaming

>> No.5966278

This reminds me of the time I did something almost like this, except she told me right away that she didn't like me. I saw her years later when we were in our early 20's. She recognized me and remembered my name, and to this day she's the only person to ever recognize me and remember my name. I've changed a lot (physically) since elementary school.

>> No.5966287

That's why I hate visiting my home town, I'm always afraid of running into someone that I went to school with. I'm embarrassed that I never made anything of myself when everyone else had such high hopes for me.

>> No.5966299

I was actually pretty athletic. In terms of speed, my dexterity is too low to do anything that requires aiming of any sort.

>> No.5966307

Most people from here move away or work in the city. The people I went to school with don't even notice it's me. I guess it's kind of nice since I don't have to stress about it. Although it was comforting knowing that atleast one person remembered me. She was still short and had a flat chest, she also had a cute smile.

Does it seem odd to care this much about someone you had a crush on in elementary school? I kind of regret not talking to her when she recognized me.

>> No.5966315

weird thing is, is that in that dream there were no mirrors or light switches. but in one dream i had, I woke up in my house and everything was dark, i tried to turn the lights on but every single switch didnt work. nothing scary happened, the lights just werent working. strange.

never encountered mirrors in my dreams. has anything happened to you with switches and mirrors?

>> No.5966328

This is like one of those heartwarming stories except it ends with a crushingdose of reality.

>> No.5966379
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Except the girl is a dude, and ugly.

>> No.5966394

Are there any anime characters with acne?

>> No.5966399

In high school I didn't talk to anyone out of shyness. No one bothered me or bullied me though. I guess I was somewhat imtimidating looking.

Had no friends either but at least I had my animes and games waiting for me when I got home!

>> No.5966405


It's not really a pimple, though.

>> No.5966411

Woah. Did anyone here actually like school? I'm doing my last year now and I loved all of it. D:

>> No.5966416

get out, underage
fucking summer

>> No.5966419

thats so sad ;_;
you should've tried to make friends.

In primary school i didnt want any friends, kids would ask me to play with them and i would just be no thank you, I would pretend to be dinosaurs and shit by myself. Its really sad looking back, i used to eat lunch by myself, what the fuck was wrong with me.

by year 4 i started getting social.

>> No.5966427

I'm not underage and it's not summer where I am.

>> No.5966428
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>> No.5966433

It wasn't always great, but even bad experiences are memories to treasure. At least it was always interesting, now every day feels the same.

>> No.5966438

Let me amend his post.

Get out normalfag.

>> No.5966451

The power of 2D reveals its great power once again.

Only 2D can make acne so cute.

>> No.5966458

If you enjoyed school, you don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.5966479

i used to draw a lot during the classes. i don't like people looking at my work though, so i'd always sit at the back, away from people.

>> No.5966482

>>5966394 Classmate C

>> No.5966492

same, the back of my books were covered with drawings it was sometimes hard to find a blank page. I just took it as something I had to do, like fiddling. when i got bored I just drew something.

whenever people told me it was really good, I would just say thanks. I always go embarrased when people saw my artwork when it wasnt in artclass. they were my random doodlings from my boredom, so i didnt really expect people to get them.

>> No.5966502

I was actually the alpha male back then.
Student Council President, all the teachers trusts me.
Everything went downhill on college when I realized how harsh the world really is.

>> No.5966534

And nobody sat at the back near the window, looking out to what's below.

My school is built on top of a hill so what I see are the houses below. We also have a rooftop where all the Home Economic classes meet. I stay there for lunch because it's quite breezy up there. I stay there until these military guys come in (during high school, we have some sort of civilian military training) because they do nasty shit.

The back of the school had bleachers. That's where the cool kids meet. I try to avoid that place.

>> No.5966544
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I enjoy school.
I have friends, the douchebags in class don't mind me or my friends and the teachers aren't assholes and I have good grades.
I've never had any bothers and I just been gliding through school.

>> No.5966555

This thread is bringing up a lot of painful memories.

In high school, there were only three other people that I could call 'friends.' I was really only comfortable when I was around these people, and they were literally the only ones I talked to outside of school. Then, near the end of my 3rd year, two of them decided they hated me and completely stopped talking to me. They didn't even tell me why; they simply ignored me. It felt absolutely terrible.

My fourth year really sucked. My remaining friend was a lot more social than me, and started going to parties and stuff. He was still my friend, but he was hanging out with different people, so I was alone most of the time. Lunch breaks were the worst part. I would either do my homework, walk around trying not to look like an idiot, or just hide.

The thing is, I don't think anybody (other than the two aforementioned ex-friends) really hated me. I just didn't want to talk to anybody. There were a lot of people who tried to include me and be nice to me, but I didn't accept any of their kindness. I really am a terrible human being.

>> No.5966562
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>> No.5966578


Nope, I was still the autistic, silent girl looking outside the window.
Still am at college, actually. Never had any friends.

>> No.5966588

>Then, near the end of my 3rd year, two of them decided they hated me and completely stopped talking to me. They didn't even tell me why; they simply ignored me. It felt absolutely terrible.
>My fourth year really sucked. My remaining friend was a lot more social than me, and started going to parties and stuff. He was still my friend, but he was hanging out with different people, so I was alone most of the time.
Are you me?

>> No.5966592

I have friends,and I think most people are okay with me even though I hardly ever go to parties and keep to myself outside of school hours. I'm just polite in breaks and stuff, but I won't really miss anyone when I graduate.

>> No.5966607

>How did /jp/ deal with gym class?
I have hernia so I can't get myself to go all out, especially when we do physical health exams (long jump, sit-ups, etc.). I wanted to play basketball with the boys, but they wouldn't let me play, like substitutions and such. When the girls and gays ask me to play volleyball with them, I accept right away. Less strenuous for me, though I always get hit when a hard spike is coming right at me.

And I still didn't get along with the girls anyway, so fuck it.

>> No.5966611

Yeah, I just had to do notes before I started talking about Video-games with my gym teacher and he became okay with me and let me sit out of shit like laps or soccer.

>> No.5966612
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>> No.5966616

I never really had trouble with gym class, I just joined in and did it.

>> No.5966619

I just wish I knew what I did wrong.

>> No.5966631

I was barely even there. I showed up a couple days a week at maximum.

Gym class? Skipped that nearly every single time. I only went to a couple classes. I almost failed high school because of my evasive shenanigans. By the end of the final year I had the complete bare minimum in order to graduate. Then I skipped graduation.

>> No.5966638

You sound like a really tall dude in my class that show up like 2 days in a month, tops.

>> No.5966641
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>> No.5966651

They were just taking out their teenage hormonal asspain on you. Not your fault.

>> No.5966747
File: 319 KB, 673x458, 1275903928321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to move a lot as a kid in elementary school.

And because it was elementary school, and you really knew the people in your class, since you were with them for the whole day, they'd make cards and such for me every time I moved. It was pretty cool until I moved REAL far away. I just sort of forgot about them over time. The final move marked two things: it was a move from an otherwise VERY small town into a large city, and also the point where I stopped being as social.

Well, all the cards were kept in a box, and it bums me out when I looked at it. A few told me to contact them and stuff once I was in the big city. I never did. A few told me to send them money and such if I hit it big and become successful in the big city. Remember, these guys are from small towns. Of course, I didn't send them anything. Or rather, I couldn't send them anything, I was too young to make decent cash, naturally, and now I'm poor as shit.

But yeah, the cards. Here's what some said.

"Don't forget to visit us, and stay as cool as you are right now!"

"Hope you make a lot of friends in the city. I hope the best for you. P.S. Don't forget us, I hope you'll be able to laugh like you did here."

Yeah, I fucked up with that, but at least I have my waifu. Actually, life is pretty sweet right now, other than being piss-poor.

>> No.5966777

No, I was "normal" in high school, with the exception of part of my senior year. Looking back, that's probably when my mental illness started to develop.

>> No.5966820

This thread somehow reminds me of how fucked up my high school life was.

>> No.5966826

I left school at 14 from anxiety and depression.

>> No.5966827

Highschool is where I got my worst memories. I was bullied throughout the entire school period, everybody in class, and outside of class even people from other classes, participated in it. I still have nightmares from those times. I was happy when I could stay home sick so I didn't have to go to school to endure it again. I even went to a different school after a few years because it was so bad and it all just happened again there, although a little less severe as before.

I've heard that some people appear 'bullyable' and I am one of them, apparantly.

>> No.5966841

Look at that fattie haha

>> No.5966848

did you have long hair or a geek afro? did you wear glasses, look down at your feet, or were fat?

>> No.5966850

I wasn't fat, still am not. That wasn't the reason, I was picked on because I was a 'nerd' I guess.

>> No.5966859

No. No. Yes (but many kids that didn't get bullied wore glasses too). Maybe, don't remember. No.

>> No.5966888

Me during grade 7-9:
Almost no friends, no personality short and fat

Me during 10-12:
Friends with everyone, grew a personality during summer between grade 9 and 10, still short and fat.


>> No.5966912

What did they do to you?

>> No.5966925

wow how can you live your lives without friends? thats really sad ;_;

>> No.5966930

You must be new here.

>> No.5966937

I never had any problems in school.
I was fairly well-liked due to my talent at cracking jokes, I was "nerdy" but not a "stereotypical nerd", and got overall pretty good grades (even in gym).
I was never bullied either, actually, I was on pretty good terms with most of the jocks and "alphas" on my school.

This is very, very accurate.
I was almost famous at my school sleeping.

>> No.5966939

Probably called him names.

Like fatass.





Nugget Bucket.



Burger Muncher.



>> No.5966948

no they are just very common triggers for dreams to become distorted nightmares ^^
my being-the-little-girl dreams were rather pleasant so far

>> No.5966963


Forgive me but, people actually care when they're called those?

>> No.5966968

Maybe they hit him too, I don't know.

>> No.5966970

Mostly physical abuse, like punching or whatever. Finding my bag is gone during lunch break and having to go look for it and finding it in a trashbin happened a lot too. Lots of other stuff I can't even remember, and don't want to anyway.

>> No.5967033

I was bullied because I wasn't hip and fashionable, playing video games until the morning and getting in class in bad shape and uncombed hair:<

>> No.5967036

Well I mainly remember trying to help out people who were getting bullied back in Middle & High school. Four of which are still my friends today. Felt good then and feels good now.

>> No.5967062



>> No.5967110


It was pretty much the same for me. I had no real friends, but I was on good terms with everyone. I was even cool with the guys who used to bully me in elementary and middle school. Now I'm in university and I'm the guy that sleeps in class all the time and doesn't know anyone.

>> No.5967184

I just recalled some memories of my school life.
I think maybe in 3rd or 4th grade, I confessed to some girl I liked, I must have really liked her. I was always looking at her, I knew so many things about her. A couple weeks passed and I still never got an answer. I was sitting down when suddenly she came up to me. She told me she didn't like me. I think I said that was fine, then she walked away. I was really sad, after that, I was always late for school, skipped a lot. I thought to myself all the time that she was just a person who didn't like me, there were a lot of people like that. I just couldn't get over it.
Then in about 7th or 6th grade, I hung out with the popular people, but I wasn't really known in the group, I only hung out with them because I was with them since 3rd grade. She was also part of that group, but only spoke with the girls. We were all talking about what happened in our previous school years, and she said told all of them about my confession to her. She knew that I was always looking at her, but I never noticed she did. She ended with her reply in 4th grade, and her reply right now.
She really did like me.
We never went on dates, nothing happened, I was too scared to get her, I couldn't take her on dates. Then, in high school, she got a boyfriend, and forgot about me. I still had the same friends so I thought it was all right, but I still couldn't forget about her.
Ah, those were the best years of my life, I will never forget them now.
I still love her, so much. I want to be with her. I wish I manned up and took her for myself. I regret it so much, but I can't change the past now.

>> No.5967198

Oh yeah, and the main reason why I was the quiet person and just hung out with them without being involved was, I had long hair, I was teased and bullied a lot about it. Even though my friends protected me, those other kid's insults still got to me. I just couldn't cut it though. I can't.

>> No.5967210 [DELETED] 

Cut your fucking mullet, you faggot.

>> No.5967212

Wow, pretty pathetic.

>> No.5967215

>long hair

Not the same thing.

>> No.5967225
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>Calling people pathetic on 4chan or the internet as a whole

>> No.5967250

Yeah. The more you know. Verbal abuse is much worse than physical abuse. Take it from me.

>> No.5967264

I had friends, I just couldn't be with the one I love.
I say that's a pretty good school life.
I just didn't have the balls to call out the person I loved, I couldn't, and I still can't.

>> No.5967287

This is exactly, word for word, what happened to me.

What the fuck do I do? Why am I a terrible person?

>> No.5967301

I remember being the autistic kid in first and second years of middle school.
I had nothing to do during breaks, and we weren't allowed to stay in the classroom, so I just wandered around the whole school for half an hour everyday, walking slowly, looking at my shoes, trying not to be seen. I always thought nobody noticed me.
Then on second or third year when a large group of people were trying to talk to me, I hear two of them talking between themselves:
Yeah, he's always waking 'round, never talks to anyone... what's up with him?
Felt bad man...

The rest was mostly similar to the average /jp/'er.
And now I'm depressed. Damn.

>> No.5967313

Would it have killed you to comb once a day and walk upright?

>> No.5967318 [DELETED] 


Quit whining, faggot. School romances are a joke and always fall apart.

>> No.5967350


>> No.5967359

>>5967301 here
I was approached various times by pretty girls from other classes. I couldn't comprehend what they could want with an ugly fuck like me, so I could do nothing but stay in place, not saying a word, until they tired and went away.
However, in the third year of middle school, my fears subsieded a bit, so I could mumble some words at least.
This beatiful girl I had never talked to approaches me on a break, and it went like this:
"...Who the fuck are you?" *poker face*
".......Son of a bitch!"
*she walks away*

Seriously, what the fuck was/is wrong with me?

>> No.5967355 [DELETED] 

You're all fucking losers and will never be as good as me.

Carry on, you whiny fucking petulant little baby children. Go fuck yourself on rusted glass.

>> No.5967368

the only time I was awkward or had issues in school was when I did a silent but deadly fart in class and stunk really bad, and this was the in the first few months of year 8 (freshman year or whatever you call it in USA, first year of highschool)
really embarrasing, then it happened again, but this time an audible but not deadly one. Its funny beause looking back on it I didnt tihnk much of it, only now I think how embarrasing it was.

im thankful those were the only embarrasing things, because everybody forgot about it pretty quickly and I made lots of friends. the only time i can think that anything else bad happened was when I was walking and fell over infront of everyone, I just lost my balance on a completely flat surface. I dont think i got enough sleep...

>> No.5967379

Are you frustrated?

>> No.5967396

This. I've always been doing this.
Wandering around, sitting for a while in the main hall, then going up and down the stairs again until class starts.

>> No.5967406

>Go fuck yourself on rusted glass.

Glass doesn't rust good sir, since it is not a metal. You must be confusing it with diamonds.

>> No.5967406,1 [INTERNAL] 

The same thing happens to me. I find myself being unintentionally cold to people whom I don't know very well. About a week ago, my friend's younger sister suddenly started to talking to me (my friend left the room, so it was just us) and I sort of blew her off because I didn't know what to say. I felt like a total jerk afterward.

>> No.5967406,2 [INTERNAL] 

This shit is what passes for /jp/ threads nowadays?

>> No.5967406,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sure you'll find similar threads if you head back two years.

>> No.5967406,4 [INTERNAL] 

I'm the other way around. If somebody is a stranger, I'm very polite to him, but the more I know people, the colder I am to them. Possibly, it's an unconscious attempt to avoid making friends.

>> No.5967406,5 [INTERNAL] 

>average /jp/ user back in high school
>not a picture from Cromartie High
