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5959663 No.5959663 [Reply] [Original]

The best Touhou game in this year,discuss.

>> No.5959676

Double Spoiler was better. End of discussion.

>> No.5959678

That's a pretty low bar.

>> No.5959689

I played it for about fivve minutes and gave up on it.

The difficulty? The characters? The gimmicks? Forget all that. None of that is important.

I have to keep pressing the fucking Z button over and over and over again. It's like the old days when people would have to buy gamepads with autofire buttons on them so that they wouldn't get RSI. It's horrible.


>> No.5959695


Heard C (or CTRL) was autofire, go try it.

>> No.5959696

I don't know, OP

I liked DS better in a lot of respects, twas less stressing/infuriating since you can take the stages in bites rather than cramming it all at once

>> No.5959704
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Oh shit.

Maybe I'll actually be able to play this.

>> No.5959709

CTRL is indeed autofire, thank you Anon, my middle finger is indebted to you

>> No.5959710

Look at that baka.

>> No.5959711

Controls are too sensitive
You need to move perfectly to dodge bullets even on normal
Shit game

>> No.5959719

Maybe you should try freezing them.

>> No.5959732

Cirno is a speedy little bugger, I find myself using focus *alot* more often then in previous entries

>> No.5959734

It takes a few seconds to charge, and I don't want to rely on something like that

>> No.5959741

That's like saying you don't want to rely on using your camera for defensive purposes in Double Spoiler.

>> No.5959759

I hate this game because it makes my hand hurt. Hurt like only the DS fat could do.

>> No.5959760

Did you mean "I dont want to learn new game techniques, shit game"?

>> No.5959771

>Freeze the star circles.
>Star circles keep spawning
>They spawn right under you as soon as the freeze ends.

Fuck you black haired one. Why are you so gimmicky? I liked bullets better when they were just shot at me.

>> No.5959796

As far as I know, you can't fire bullets and charge your freeze at the same time. Therefore, you're either on the offensive or the defensive.
This is unlike DS, where you're stuck in defense and can focus on just that.

>> No.5959805


Yeah, Star Sapphire is the biggest cunt of them all. A-2 route is a big, big joke.

>> No.5959808
File: 36 KB, 679x604, cirnobig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I don't get it, why is Cirno flying picking fights with fairys 4 times the size of her? Is there a reason or does Cirno just have a massive kill boner?

>> No.5959817

>make a game with a bullet freezing mechanic
>every hard part entirety consists of un-freezable bullets

god dammit ZUN
and someone please go teach him how to do logical button placement, having to hold Crtl or C to shoot unless you want to keep mashing Z forever? for fucks sake

>> No.5959821

This spell card pisses the fuck out of me. It would be the kind that I'd likely just bomb my way through if this were any other game, but I have to freeze my way up to the bombs before using them. Fuck.

Ironically however, the game has actually made me love Star Sapphire. Not for her gimmicky spell cards, but fo her personality.

>> No.5959825

Sunny destroyed her house.

>> No.5959828

Oh wow, you fucking suck, go play Halo 4 or something instead.

>> No.5959835

Bosses' sprites are always bigger than player's sprite, for the reason of easier aiming

>> No.5959839

But freezing things is an offense. It does kill/hurt things.
The only reason to shoot is to charge the freeze.

>> No.5959840

SaBND made me like them better, darling trio

The game just reinforces it

>> No.5959841

Cirno has a house now?

>> No.5959844

They can be changed to however you want them with a gamepad.

But I'll be damned if I have to Touhou with a gamepad.

>> No.5959845
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>> No.5959848

It was news to me as well.

>> No.5959861
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I always pictured Cirno as just hanging about the lake all day and night, never sleeping, just challenging people to fuck with her. Maybe sounding a bit like the scout form TF2.

I guess that makes sense, through it is funny to think Cirno would mess with people 4 times the size of her and able to shot rings of energy.

>> No.5959864
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Indeed she does, in Sangetsusei

though its not much more than a cave dome thing

>> No.5959868

It's an igloo.

>> No.5959881

It's called igloo.

Also, no, she doesn't have a house anymore.

>> No.5959883
File: 297 KB, 1000x953, 75c59e7ac3d5f39dbbea5b55c110a0162ff2e6e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it is, then...

>> No.5959887

no, she does again, I have the book in front of me looking at her igloo there again just 2 pages after the darling trio wrecks it

>> No.5959896

So Cirno is pretty a crazy hobo.

>> No.5959903

Well I mean, what's she gonna do? Catch a cold?


>> No.5959916

It's okay.

Bullet patterns are kind of samey and unimaginative, and bosses rely overmuch on the "you have to freeze every wave the instant it appears" gimmick. Also, effective freeze use needs too much memorization; charge before using prevents being able to use it on a twitch basis.

Controls are pretty awkward, too; would have been better with having bombs be a double-tap of one of the other keys and the rest of the control scheme as normal.

>> No.5959923

What is with her hitbox? She doesn't have any room on her sides to graze. Pretty big waist for a fairy.

Does grazing even really raise the freeze power? I thought it did but it seems to just be because I'm shooting.

>> No.5959930

>bombs on double tap
You don't play these games much, do you?

>> No.5959933

She could at least get a door for her Hobo Igloo. Someone might steal her piece of paper or her frog.

So is there a reason why they blew up Cirno's Hobo Igloo or are they just massive dicks?

>> No.5959942

>and bosses rely overmuch on the "you have to freeze every wave the instant it appears" gimmick.

Except you're not supposed to do that. You're supposed to cover as much of the screen as possible for more life and whatnot.

>would have been better with having bombs be a double-tap of one of the other keys and the rest of the control scheme as normal.

Bombs were a bad idea altogether. You freeze should just have covered more initial range the more percentage you had.

I'm not even sure how you get them exactly because I seem to end up with more power than bomb uses or less power and more bomb uses.

>> No.5959944

Eh, I think it had something to do with convincing her to help them on their quest to terrorize humans...

>> No.5959946

Ah. Didn't know that.

Still, it's hard not to wonder whether it survived the end of winter.

>> No.5959954

Here is the comic with the story for the game.
Kindly scanned by this tripfag >>5959887

Cirno with her igloo and shit.

>> No.5959955


I can 1cc most on Hard, so yeah, a reasonable amount. You're going to have to elaborate on that.

In before no response other than "trolololol he can't beat lunatic touhous".

>> No.5959997

>Except you're not supposed to do that. You're supposed to cover as much of the screen as possible for more life and whatnot.

I was under the impression that it was based on the number of bullets frozen, which is maximized by freezing waves early? Either way, I'm clearing it with plenty of lives in reserve, so I must be doing something right.

>> No.5960005


Area covered is what matters, not amount of bullets.

>> No.5960014
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Maybe you just get less points and a lower freeze% or something.

I personally think the game kicks serious ass, I was never much of a fan of doing the stages in the "standard games", which is why I like StB and DS so much, but I think Fairy Wars manages to make stages pretty fun and interesting enough for me.

>> No.5960025


Either way, that's a score versus survival issue; as someone who doesn't play for score, it's easy to max out lives early and keep it there by freezing waves preemptively.

>> No.5960047

Actually it's power that increases from area. Life does increase based on bullets and enemies killed, mostly with ice attacks.

Screen coverage increases power and score.
So you probably have a lot of lives but are relatively weak and not like at level 8 in the first stage.

>> No.5960104
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complete with a curled hair on page 3 ;x (whoops el mundo)

>> No.5960158

I think it's pretty awesome. Better than anything ZUN's made since MoF. Nice to see him giving up the gimmicky bullshit patterns he fell in love with during SA and UFO. It's also one of the few games that really gives you an immediate sense of improvement, since you learn to use the ice so much better as you play more. It's great how the game gives you lots of options and you don't know which one is the best. Playing through and finding all the different spots that freeze well is just so much more fun than holding fire until the bosses die.

>> No.5960159


Get your pubes out of the scanner next time.

>> No.5960162

Too thin to be one of those, sorry to disappoint, Anon-kun

>> No.5960167
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>> No.5960176
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Fairy wars made a bit different approach in how to handle control. I rearranged some buttons to <Pic>.
Best layout so far, my hands are still human-looking.

>> No.5960186

Can someone explain me a way to beat last 2 spellcards in C1 route(on normal)? I end up with 6-8 deaths.

>> No.5960191

I always use r1 as slow and l2 and l1 as bomb and shoot, respectively. Now I just added r2 as freeze.

>> No.5960201

I am not sure, but I think on C-1 they fly a pattern similar to Chen's pattern of "Shikigami Chen" in Ran's Extra stage in PCB. Keep low and keep shooting, no freeze. Should work on Normal.

For the last spellcard I am unsure again (I should really check up the wiki sometime)
It's the type where all the yellow shit comes from the sides? Keep close to the middle during the freezable periods and move to bottom mid else.

Jesus Christ it's hard to remember which route did what things differently.

>> No.5960223
File: 43 KB, 420x385, 1281376069219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new game featuring Cirno as the playable
>no Letty

>> No.5960244

Well, I managed to get to the end of the third stage on normal, but fuck. Three fairies, how are you supposed to survive against that strong a barrage?

>> No.5960245

Thank you very much. I know that i need to play more(can only 1cc easy, normal in IN) but i just don't have that much time. One other question - on 2nd stage of C1 in one spellcard boss spams novas of big yellow orbs and yellow flamebolts. They fly at insanely high speed and I can only bomb it to death(freeze helps on first novas when it ends i instantly die).

>> No.5960266

Setup a freeze no matter how low % it is and release it shortly before the Boss releases her orbs, you can tell by the WHOOOOOSH beforehand. When you launch your freeze immediately move down without slow and then proceed to move through the not so narrow-anymore yellow flameorbs.

The trick is that the sooner you get off your freeze the sooner you can freeze again! If you freeze only before getting hit you won't get it back up to the minimum % before the next wave lands.

>> No.5960284

I will try that. I am happy seing someone giving hints, without usual "l2p noob"

>> No.5960285

It's an even fight, after all, Cirno is the strongest.

>> No.5960291

FW brought me back to /jp/. I wonder for how long.

>> No.5960295

3v1 isn't even at all. But, cirno is the strongest so 3v1 is fine.

>> No.5960297
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i'm not a fairy

>> No.5960301

I feel like there must be a lot of people here had a really hard time with the Prismrivers.

>> No.5960310

Neither is Marisa...

>> No.5960315

Until you complete extra? I heard that extra is crazy so i want to, at least, complete normal to see it.

>> No.5960317
File: 156 KB, 400x448, Luna-child-FW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more fairy power to beat this game~
That said, does anyone know of any H-doujins featuring the Three Mischiveous Fairies? doujindb brings up nothing.

>> No.5960326

God damn you pervs and your sexualizing Touhou ;_;

>> No.5960336
File: 111 KB, 925x925, 0b9904e4887e37bd02ac26e1aa0c9bc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurt me too ;_;

>> No.5960353


>> No.5960358

The Prismrivers don't have anything on these three fairies. Their spellcards are just ridiculous.

>> No.5960362

http://www.mediafire.com/?nz0wmdzxmdz - My favorite is the Luna Child part in this.

>> No.5960387


Freeze early, freeze often. They're not *that* bad.

>> No.5960405

You people pain me, Shikieiki is gonna judge thy asses one day...

Speaking of things that pain, my head is throbbing, ought to catch some sleep, lol its late.

>> No.5960409

Thank you~ Much appreciated.

>> No.5960424 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 800x600, ba2ea2d4d7f1f46ab0ca19a92b829a7492375f22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, come on now, it's not like fapping to doujins ever hurt anyone. It's harmless fun, no one worthwhile could judge you for that.

>> No.5960430

Tried. It doesn't help(on 3rd stage) on last card coz i don't have enough skill. It hurts to think that there are difficulties like hard and lunatic. And i think that those fairies try to kill me with their ridiculously big hitbox. It's certainly not like PCB extra.

>> No.5960448


Thing is, I can fap to any other Doujin/hentai any time, its just something different in the case of Touhou...

>> No.5960453

Absolutly agree.
It's ubearable to see all this touhou-H shit. But what can we do? Rule 34

>> No.5960477

Oh god, their heads are HUGE.

>> No.5960555

I just played a round of C-1 for you. Spellcard before the last one is the one where they go after you, you have to reposition yourself all the time because they move over your location - always. I was simply wrong here. Last spellcard is indeed the one with lots of yellow shit beeing thrown at you.

>> No.5960580


>> No.5960593

I love the game.
The freezing mechanic is very satisfying to use, it feels more addicting to keep redoing routes than the other games. The number of spellcards is also much higher than I hoped for, so I'm glad. I also liked the revenge bullets in hard/lunatic modes, it goes really well with the freezing mechanic of the game, it just makes me want to graze everything and keep freezing as fast as possible. The music is great, though there is one or another that I dislike. I really want a Th13 but I'm glad we got DS and FW this year.

For spell card scoring purposes, which would be better, freeze like a mad while doing a silver or chill out and go for the gold?

>> No.5960597

how must i move to maximize damage done? Something like having them fly up-down-up-down?

>> No.5960616

Right, forgot to say, are you guys really having problems with the tapping mechanic with a keyboard? Sure at first it was a bit annoying but I don't even feel it anymore, in fact sometimes I start playing the other regular Touhou games and I tap even if I don't need too. It was all due to PoFV though, the only way shoot unfocused on that game was with the tapping controls so I got used to it.

I think it's unfair to compare it to NES games. It's one thing to tap with your thumb with a controller and another to tap with the middle finger on a keyboard. It isn't half as tiring, but maybe that's just me.

>> No.5960625

Well, uh, I haven't figured that out yet, it's not really a problem to dodge the bullets at normal, but if you move up and down alot it would be.
They always move to the border of the screen of where you are relative to their current position so maybe it would be a good idea to keep in the middle. You would end up only having to move sideways, but dodging dem fairies might shoving you into a wall of bullets. Might suck, might not, never tried. But could be fast.
How I do it: Just keep dodging the bullets and move generally in a circle. No need to overly concern yourself with dodging the fairies.

>> No.5960627
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My Acer Aspire has the keyboard set up in arrays. To my dismay, this puts the directional keys and Z on the same array, meaning if I hold Z, I can also hold only one of the directional keys at the same time. In any other Touhou game, if I want to keep firing and go down and left, it will keep firing and send me either down or left but not diagonal as I intended. It makes it so I literally cannot play Touhou unless I'm going for a pacifist run.
The mashing-Z part of Fairy Wars helps me out, as that doesn't activate the array. I don't find Normal all that hard until the boss fight in Stage 2 (especially A2), but, then, I'm not that good at Touhou to begin with.

>> No.5960642

i had the same problem with my acer aspire laptop, i bought an usb keybpard and that fixed the problem

>> No.5960644

Jesus Christ. Hardware should not hold back your gaming experience bro. Get a controller.

>> No.5960713

Both are being considered. In the meantime, my middle finger is becoming very strong n swift beating these fairies.

>> No.5960771

Dodging bullets is hard for me. Not very hard, but i can't stable dodge them

>> No.5960833

Nobody can help you with that. You can only help yourself.

>> No.5960844

torennt or download link for it anybody?

>> No.5960848

Please search harder

http://thepiratebay.org/search/touhou 12/0/99/0

>> No.5960880

Yes I know T_T. Need to practice more.

>> No.5960949 [SPOILER] 
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Is it just me, or is this extra mode's midboss a hell of a lot worse then the others? Daiyousei is kicking my ass. This might just be the most insulting thing touhou has ever done to me. When the hell did she get so strong?

>> No.5960997

And still she hasn't spoken a single word. Isn't it sad?

>> No.5961132


No way. Patchy and Kogasa are much more problematic.

>> No.5961145

God dammit... Now matter how many times I try, how many breaks I take, or how hard I rage, I can NOT make any fucking progress in route B-1. I always end up having to continue about half way through the 3 fairies fight and it's making me sad.

>> No.5961520


You're right, I complained too soon. I hadn't worked out how to dodge Daiyousei and Lilly's last attack yet and was getting frustrated, so I vented here.

>> No.5961549

You're better off just shooting Lily. Her bullet ring is also better for freezing the screen.
