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5953135 No.5953135 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>5951614

>> No.5953143

Also, Claire fanart is more than welcome.

>> No.5953152


>> No.5953153

>Things spiraled out of control because of Kyrie and Rudolf being jerks. Along with Rosa.

From the way you worded it. It seems you're saying that those 3 triggered the whole scuffle that got Natsuhi and Krauss killed. Is that true?

>> No.5953156

Really, she's the perfect blend between Beato, Virgilia and hot.

>> No.5953158
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>Kyrie and Rudolf

Well, I suppose that makes this chart outdated.

>> No.5953162
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>> No.5953171

Eva for Lawful Good.

>> No.5953175

So, was the bomb activated or not when the parents found it?

>> No.5953179

If you forget about momentary craziness... Natsuhi is spot on

>> No.5953183

>Neutral Stupid

Oh poor Krauss

>> No.5953188


>> No.5953189

so wait, Kinzo set up the bomb, but he died at least one year and two conferences before because of HAPPINESS, why did he set it so it would detonate exactly on that day?

>> No.5953200


I have no idea what Eva is anymore. She's an evil bitch in some episodes, and fucking awesome in others.

>> No.5953203


I think Eva would fit quite well in Lawful Neutral

>> No.5953204


Since it's Kinzo I wouldn't put it past him to just randomly input a date.
He sure likes his risk.

>> No.5953207

Because firstly, he knew the date on which the conference occured.

Secondly, he prolly knew he was going to expire until then and he wanted to motivate the others to find the gold faster, I guess.

>> No.5953210

Hideyoshi explained it
Total bitch with her brothers (krauss especially and Natsuhi by extension) and great overprotective mother.

>> No.5953221

Where the fuck is fanart from the Tea Party? There's so much delicious material they can portray.

>> No.5953223

What about the letters with the pin codes?
Beatrice, that is Yasu, wrote them, right?

>> No.5953229

I don't get how Yasu can be the culprit. Does it have to be someone introduced in the first episode?

>> No.5953230

>Was the bomb activated or not when the parents found it?
The bomb was not activated.

>> No.5953231

But that wasn't the first conference he missed due to being dead, Natsuhi covered that up the years before as well. So why skipping a conference? He didn't know Natsuhi was going to cover him.

>> No.5953232


**doesn't it

>> No.5953233

Yasu is ShKanon.

>> No.5953236

She'd be Chaotic Good, actually.
Lawful Neutral, oh fuck no.

>> No.5953241

>so wait, Kinzo set up the bomb, but he died at least one year and two conferences before because of HAPPINESS, why did he set it so it would detonate exactly on that day?
The bomb was rigged by Kinzo, but not set. It goes off at midnight when it is set. Eva set it after Natsuhi and Krauss died to make everyone go along with her plan to escape to Kuwadorian and make it look like Natsuhi and Krauss died in an accident.

>> No.5953242

Yasu is the culprit


>> No.5953243


So I guess Kyrie and Eva needs to switch places in this:>>5953158 Rosa is quite perfect in Neutral evil so..

>> No.5953244


Yasu is Shannon and Kanon, so she/he had always been around. Anyway, it seems that Kyrie and Rudolph are considered the culprits, not Yasu, even though he/she was the one with the big assassination plot.

>> No.5953257
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Food for thought. Will's thinking.
>Why did you want everyone to acknowledge your existance, Beatrice?
>Because a lie accepted by everyone becomes truth?
>In the exact moment, when the existence of Beatrice is recognized, you can become human?
>Then, the Beatrice before being accepted by everyone is less than human. It's furniture.

>> No.5953258

agreed. Considering how she talks when it comes to money, especially in ep7, she definitely should be chaotic good.

>> No.5953265

finally, that makes sense. Thank you.

>> No.5953284

Actually if Kyrie and Rudolph are such murderous assholes, I wonder what Rudolph was talking about in episode 1 when he said he would die.

>> No.5953290

He was talking about Battler's birth conditions. This was already made clear in EP 5.

>> No.5953293

Random question: who killed Nanjo in EP3?

>> No.5953300
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>(why would she want to become human? was written before this)
>To obtain the requirements.
>Forniture can't *
>So, in order to obtain *'s requirements, they try to become human.

>> No.5953311


>> No.5953313

So the place blows up because of Eva. So much for the Dark Knight.

>> No.5953315

Not stated.
Kyrie, Rudolf and Hideyoshi were dead though, killed each other in a showdown.
Most likely Yasu since the first and last deaths (Shannon and Kanon) of the closed room circle was an "illusion"

>> No.5953319

Kyrie was dead at that time, clearly stated.
Hideyoshi killed her.

>> No.5953325

So... Rudolf and Kyrie killed all the cousins? How'd they do it?

>> No.5953332

How was it an illusion if they were stated to be dead in red.

>> No.5953340

Oh come on, we got over that.
DID meido, personalities who can die, etc..., it's not a theory anymore.

>> No.5953361

Okay. Let me know if I am understanding this wrong or right.

Yasu = the baby thrown off the cliff, raised in an orphanage.
Lyon = the baby when it is not thrown off the cliff, raised as Ushiromiya heir.
Yasu = Lyon = Shannon = Kanon. They are all the same person, or body rather.

So in this ep, how can Yasu and Lyon exist at the same time? I know it was said that Lyon was placed on the gameboard, thus Lyon and Yasu both exist, i.e. Lyon speaking to Shannon blah blah.

How does this work, mystery wise. How can this be explained without lolololmagic.

Also, who is Claire? I know she is Minty Beatrice or whatever, but who is she? What is her relation to all of this shit.

>> No.5953365

Yeah I know.

It's just too stupid for me to accept right now.

>> No.5953370
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loli ange

>> No.5953373

There is mystery in Leon's gameboard.
And Claire is Bern's version of Beatrice, or rather Bern's version of the mystery.

>> No.5953378

Meant "There is no mystery in Leon's gameboard"

>> No.5953380

Claire is a game guide

>> No.5953383

>How does this work, mystery wise. How can this be explained without lolololmagic.
this happens in EP7 gameboard, not tea party, so lolololomagic works. Bern's the one responsible for Lion appearing.
It could be a trick like Erika though. So far in Wright interrogation flashbacks, Lion didn't appear even once.

>> No.5953384

Not quite. The Dark Knight refers to Eva never allowing Ange to know that Kyrie killed everyone.

What happened with Natsuhi and Krauss was a comedy of errors, partially egged on by (take a wild guess)

Do remember, Ange sees all of what occurs, and the reason she flips out is because she can't believe that Eva was good and her parents were not so good.

>> No.5953386

De we know exactly what Battler sin is? Or not yet?

>> No.5953395

Either Pony or leaving his family 6 years ago which made Kyrie and Rudolf even crazier.

>> No.5953403

Actually, now that I remember.
Kyrie do mention how she was sorry for "that day" 6 years ago to Battler, it was in episode 4 I think.

I wonder what happened that day, it was also when Battler left his family.

>> No.5953416

>How does this work, mystery wise. How can this be explained without lolololmagic.
Yasu accepts the name Leon when talking to Kinzo at the end of the episode. I'm not really sure what you're asking, though.

>Also, who is Claire? I know she is Minty Beatrice or whatever, but who is she? What is her relation to all of this shit.
It goes like this. Yasu was a very clumsy maid. She always forgot things and lost them, including her keys. So she blamed "Beatrice" for hiding them from her. The Beatrice she imagined looked like and had the same powers as Gaap. Gaap-Beatrice was her very first friend.

Later on, when Yasu decided she wanted to be a witch, she created Claire and gave her the role of Beatrice, displacing Gaap-Beatrice. (She told Gaap she would give her a new name) She also created Claire to look like the opposite of how she had imagined Gaap. She wanted her to look beautiful and dignified. She kept the idea that Beatrice was afraid of spiderwebs and gave her a weakness for mirrors too, because Yasu hated the sight of her own reflection.

Later on, after she fell in love with Battler and had her heart crushed in the letter scene, Yasu reworked Beatrice to fit Battler's ideal woman, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Beatrice then took Shannon's love for Battler and created Kanon to help her cope and move on. This was the creation of suit-Beatrice. (This is the Beatrice that played with Maria. Maria gave Beatrice's characters their names, like Gaap and Ronove, and in exchange, Beatrice drew Maria's characters for her, like the Siestas.)

Beatrice reached her last stage when the portrait went up. Since she now had a model for how Beatrice was supposed to look, Yasu took that and applied it.

>> No.5953436


And um...we're suppose to find this out in the first 4 games? first 4 games solvable my ass.

>> No.5953444

Sin was written in red.
Not contacting your crush isn't a sin.
Disrespecting your parents is a sin.

>> No.5953445

>De we know exactly what Battler sin is? Or not yet?
Battler's sin was making light promises that he forgot easily. It wasn't that he didn't come back on a horse for Shannon. It wasn't breaking the promise. It was completely forgetting about Shannon for three years, to the point where he didn't even write her a letter when everyone else got one.

Shannon admits that it's not his fault, and that she can't blame him. She just says it hurts because she put stock into the promise and her feelings deepened for him while she waited, while his faded. They both started in a mutual stage, they just went in the opposite direction through the years.

>> No.5953447

"Solvable in the first 4 games" doesn't mean we'd be able to find out how exactly everything happened, because then what would the reveal be?
A lot of theories that are now are being proved right in some form were created before ep5,

>> No.5953451

Well, people figured the whole Shkanontrice and the pony.

This is only background to make everything fit together.

>> No.5953457

So Yasu is present in 1986, pretending to be Shannon and Kanon.

>> No.5953458

Looks like almost everything is solved. EP8 will be just giving us back stories, deeper motives and the final ending.

Umineko was a fun ride, but I must say the main story and concept suck. All episodes are 90% fiction with no significance at all. All they do for the true story is give us some ShKanontrice hints and explain the Ushiromiya's situation before the typhoon covers Rokkenjima. Everything after that never happened. All the emotions and struggle to survive/save others is just fiction. Fiction inside fiction actually.

I feel a bit betrayed because that means all the riddles and closed rooms are meaningless. Just like all the character development.

>> No.5953481

Is there something special about seat order?
Wright asks Maria about the first time she met with Beatrice, and when she says that later she talked about it to Rosa and Kraus (it wasn't family conference, just the two of them), and she was seated next to Rosa, Wright looks like thinking where she was seated is an important detail.

>> No.5953489

I think that is a bit soon to disregard the development.

>> No.5953493

The fuck has Ryu done with the Yasu bullshit...

After reading Ep7 I can clearly say that this isn't mistery, THIS IS A FUCKING SHIT, A FUCKING HUGE SHIT

>> No.5953498

Yasu is sort of hard to explain as a concept unless you actually play the game. There are aspects of both Beatrice and Shannon to her, but the most important part is really Beatrice. Shannon is sort of like her work face, while Beatrice is her true self. (But even that isn't quite right)

>> No.5953501


>> No.5953502

Keep reading, you guess why after he ends his next talk with Jessica.

>> No.5953503
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Am I the only one who is a little frightened of Kyrie now? Even looking at her gun sprites makes me feel a bit nervous.

>Umineko was a fun ride, but I must say the main story and concept suck.

On the other hand, I felt the 'absolute red truth' detective game portion was rather remarkable and terribly interesting, even if it seems like Ryukishi decided to mess that up in favor of the craziness of the past two episodes.

>> No.5953506

It proves there isn't room for Leon.

>> No.5953515

I'm inclined to agree with all the hate the story is getting about being shitty and whatnot.


That doesn't mean reading it wasn't fun as fuck. I've had a blast reading Umineko and I will hate to see it end in December.

>> No.5953520

Are we sure that EP8 will be the last one?

>> No.5953523

Are the new sprites from episode 7 ripped anywhere?

>> No.5953525

Even if Battler understood that Yasu loved him and this is his fault, and even if he understood that Kyrie is mostly the culprit, she FUCKING KILLED NATSUHI,EVA,JESSICA, GOHDA AND HIM.

>> No.5953527

If this Yasu turns out to be the actual culprit, I'm gonna rage like the fist of the north star.

Or something.

'Cause the culprit's supposed to be introduced at the beginning of the story right? HE'S FUCKING INTRODUCED IN EP5. RYUKISHI, DON'T FUCKING DISAPPOINT ME.

>> No.5953528

It will be the truth dedicated to Ange.
What can it be other than the last episode?

>> No.5953532
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Wait, she killed Gohda?


>> No.5953535

Almost all the ones saying IT'S SHIT not even bothered to read it.

It was a good EP.

>> No.5953539

So how did nobody notice kanon and shannon being the same person all the time.

>> No.5953540

>I'm inclined to agree with all the hate the story is getting about being shitty and whatnot.
wat? pretty much all the hate is coming from people reading only the spoilers and going "did meido confirmed? shit sucks" or "fiction? shit sucks".
I've seen a lot more people that were against shkanontrice but after reading it thought it was handled pretty well and the whole EP7 was awesome.

>> No.5953542


>> No.5953543

No, Yasu is presented in EP1.

Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice.

>> No.5953544

>After reading spoilers I can clearly say that this isn't mistery, THIS IS A FUCKING SHIT, A FUCKING HUGE SHIT

>> No.5953551

Probably will be explained in EP8.

>> No.5953552

S/he's not really introduced in Ep 5. S/he is Shannon/Kanon as well, so I guess TECHNICALLY the culprit is introduced in Ep 1, and more backstory is given in Ep 5 and 7 (Yasu = Shannon = Kanon)

>> No.5953558

>So how did nobody notice kanon and shannon being the same person all the time.
Kanon doesn't exist at all.

>> No.5953561

I played the game.
The whole DID thing isn't handled badly but it's still a very shitty concept for a mystery, I don't see how anyone could disagree.

The way it was presented wasn't bad, I agree, and episode 7 was better than episode 6.

>> No.5953562

No, the episode...

>> No.5953568

Yasu dresses like Kanon.
If you try to disagree you didn't understand shit.

>> No.5953582

Everything still isn't totally solved. Not sure why people are acting like it is. At the very least, we still don't know why some first twilights were faked right?

Especially ep6 is weird in this regard, we know due to logic error that *Battler* is the one who left the letter behind for Erika...so he was masterminding the fake twilight. Does that not seem weird to anyone?

>> No.5953579 [DELETED] 



Wat? I think you got it wrong. Eva killed Natsuhi by accident. Rudolf killed Gohda, and Eva didn't die as she killed Kyrie.

>> No.5953589

Mystery genre always was about this kind of stuff.

>> No.5953593

Apparently Meta-Battler realized he could get away with everything because fiction and didn't want to kill anyone in the family.
What's not to get?

>> No.5953595

>At the very least, we still don't know why some first twilights were faked right?
There were no first twilights.

>> No.5953596

We know how the first twilight of episode 1-4 worked.

>> No.5953599


It was a very good episode, one of the best if not the best one actually.

However the main story of whole Umineko suck. A person with how many personalities? 5? Closed rooms solved by "personality dieing don't count as person dieing" bullshit. No more than 5% of every episode actually relevant, rest being just a fiction. Etc.

Still, it was very fun to read and entertaining. And characters are awesome. But the main story is really disappointing. Maybe that will somehow change in Ep8.

>> No.5953601

Bad ones maybe

>> No.5953606

Disregard that, in E5 it is very strongly implied that Battler is, in fact, the kid from 19 years ago.
Even before Battler pulls out his theory with him as the culprit, the story ends with

*Natsuhi's rant*
"...Battler... kun?"
"It was all useless after all."

And nothing else is implied regarding the issue of identity of that person. At all.

>> No.5953609

but you cant read japanese

>> No.5953621

how could he? Yasu-Shannon obsesses over him, and she's in places he's not. This doesn't work if they're the same person. It doesn't make sense.

>> No.5953626


>> No.5953628

I've seen this said a lot. Will solve's the Twilights. I haven't seen these particular spoilers, could anyone please enlighten me?

>> No.5953634

Yeah of course you are the only one who can.
Idiot. I don't need kanji to write this.

>> No.5953640

If you didn't get in EP5 that was Battler bullshit to save Natsuhi, you're idiot.

>> No.5953648

I'm inclined to believe that EP7 is trolling on a very subtle level. Well, we'll see what happens in EP8.

recaptcha: sastery concepts

>> No.5953655
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It's still fucking bull. I mean, come on. A traumatised kid makes up 2 servants and they can SUDDENLY INTERACT WITH ALL THE CHARACTERS ON THE ISLAND.

Seriously, if Ryukishi's gonna make it the culprit, I'm... I'm gonna...

At least Higurashi made sense. The culprit's been shown since the beginning of the show.
But Umineko's just... Urgh.

Can't judge Umineko yet. I'll probably love it if Yasu WON'T be the culprit.

>> No.5953659


I'd love to believe this. honestly I do. Bet I doubt it. Then again lets see what Battler has to say in EP8

>> No.5953660

Learn to read yourself, I am aware of that.

I am pointing out that this conversation happens just at the end of the game, that is, before the Tea Party, that is, before Battler even presents that theory.

>> No.5953667

Yasu is not the culprit.

>> No.5953668
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Enlighten us.

>> No.5953674

>At least Higurashi made sense.

>> No.5953678
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>> No.5953685

Episode 8 is going to be a GOOD END.

Red text, Gold text, it doesn't mean shit, note well that Will uses WHITE TEXT.

Eva is still going to be a bro, though. The issue of course is "Will Ange, our Ange, get a good end?"

>> No.5953688

I assume he was faking it and he was gonna play dead so no one would suspect him.

>> No.5953689

If the answer(Shkanontrice) doesn't make logical sense, of course people are going to reject it. We shouldn't have to wait until next ep to explain how everyone somehow magically ignores it.

If anything, better writing would have been to set up the precedent for it before hand, present a reason why they wouldn't notice Shkannon.

But he didn't do that.

>> No.5953691

Yasu is the culprit of the mystery presented in episode 1-4.
But he isn't the culprit of the real murders.

So it depends on what you consider the culprit and what you consider important.
The real murders had no closed rooms, no twilights, just an unfortunate accident and shit hitting the fan in one big clusterfuck.
There is no mastermind, just crazyness.

But what the readers tried to solve, which are the mysteries presented in the fictions that are episode 1 to 4, definitely have a mastermind and a singular culprit.

>> No.5953693

We know by the red Battler's sealed in the room.
We know by the red that no one died until Erika ran around to the crime scenes and beheaded them.

Isn't that pretty much explicitly coming right out and saying "hey they were faking closed room murders for some reason, and Battler's in on it!" Which, for whatever reason, is vastly different than the FT of games 1-4 which were presumably sibling murderers?

I can't see how you can say "oh it's all fiction again lol" without explicitly contradicting the red in ep6. I also can't see how you can explain this away the same way as the ep1-4 situations.

>> No.5953697

I kinda love how everyone has absolute trust in Will in spite of him almost never using red text. Not criticizing, I do too. Just that people can recognize a true bro when they see one.

>> No.5953698

It could be, just like we were shown Beatrices that don't exists, that Kanon and Shannon's actual sprites are different than the ones we see, and more similar to each other.

>> No.5953703

Everything about ShKanontrice has been explained in episode 7.
No need to focus another episode on it.

>> No.5953710


Actually, what happened to what Rudolf had to say that could get him killed? Kyrie's plan? That doesn't make a ton of sense though, since he seemed to go along with it happily.

>> No.5953715


Yeah, the closed rooms still happened, even if the murders occurred elsewhere. Besides, wasn't the point of the fantasy scenes and Gaap to show that maybe closed rooms could be set up after the fact?

>> No.5953731


No it fucking hasn't. It doesn't explain how it actually works, which is the most important thing. This is why people hate Shkanontricefags.

>> No.5953733

No, there was no closed rooms in the real event.
No twilight, no stake.

Kyrie had no plan.
Her and Rudolf just went with the flow when they found the gold and shit happened.

>> No.5953734


Nothing has been relvealed about what rudolf wanted to say. Although its most likely about battler's birthriht

>> No.5953738

They explained how it works.

>> No.5953747

Could someone post how Will solves the twilights in 1 - 4?

>> No.5953748

Like crap. Does ep7 explicitly state this? We clearly see red about closed rooms and we see Battler (who is the detective in 1-4) find the stakes.

>> No.5953755

You don't get that in EP7, R07 somehow managed to stuff Shkanontrice in a good way?

That's why a lot of people stopped the EP6 rage about this whole thing and liked the EP.

>> No.5953758

We see how every murders happen in the real events.
So yes episode 7 is very explicit.

>> No.5953765

>>5953733 no stake
hahaha I completely forgot about them.

So Yasu waits until people kill each other and then sticks a stake into them.

It sounds funny to imagine, for some reasons.

>> No.5953766

Oh and Bern confirms in red THIS IS THE TRUTH

>> No.5953769


Ok, first off, how do you know the gameboard in the ep7 tea party is the real one? As far as I've heard, the only thing that's stated is that Bern is not the GM.

>> No.5953770


Episode 7 showed the truth of Ange's past, and, no, it doesn't match any of the "games" that we've seen before, even if the ending resembles episode 3.

>> No.5953771


>> No.5953781

Oh yeah.
Ange found a stake, right?
So it's possible that Yasu survived the whole Kyrie apocalypse and decided to try to send everyone to the golden land to save them by completing the epitaph and staking the corpses.

>> No.5953782

Prepare yourself for the trolling of your life, this is just the beginning, bro

>> No.5953786

It is explained that Bern is not the GM because there is no GM; this is reality. Bern isn't doing anything. It is simply reality without Beatrice's love and magic covering it up; she used Will to kill it beforehand. She confirms it is the truth in red.

>> No.5953795

Was not aware it was said in red.

Disregard all my previous complaints, I suck cocks.

>> No.5953801

>>5953786 there is no GM

Didn't she just say in the end that "I am not the GM though and I guess it should be obvious who is."?

>> No.5953805

Question: people keep saying it's unclear whether or not Leon is male or female, but isn't it logical to think that Leon would be male?

If I'm understanding right, Leon is what the baby of 19 years ago would be had Natsuhi kept it. And in Ep5, she is contacted by a man claiming to be the baby from that time. She started to believe it really was that child, but wouldn't she have disregarded it if it had been a female, then? I mean, even if it was only a couple of days, she would have known the child's gender...

So since the one who contacted Natsuhi was male, shouldn't that mean that Leon would be male, too? I'm probably missing something here, since this doesn't seem so small as to be overlooked for these past couple of days...

>> No.5953810

No. It is explained right out that there is no GM because this is the truth.

What happens is that Leon keeps begging Bern to stop the horrible scenes because he still assumes Bern is the game master. Bern simply enjoys trolling Leon and Ange by prodding them to guess what it could mean if she's not GM before it is revealed.

>> No.5953811
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Now I know why we never saw Shannon's cleavage in the official artworks of Umineko

>> No.5953813

Not to mention that in EP6, Kanon and Shannon mention that wish their "Father" had killed them as soon as he had given birth to them. So yeah...

>> No.5953814

Will outright asks Leon his gender and Leon refuses to answer, then Will agrees that it doesn't matter.

>> No.5953822




>> No.5953825

Hachijou is not Asumu.

>> No.5953831



>> No.5953842

>Kyrie and Rudolf going on a murder spree

Hahahahahahahaha, Enjoy your lies and decit.

>> No.5953849

Again, only people that haven't read it could possibly say that. It was crystal clear that it was the truth.

>> No.5953853

So, if the information I gathered from various posts is correct, the real murders were just like any other normal murder (i.e. the culprit doesn't try to create logic puzzles and whatnot).

>> No.5953861


It was in red. How do you go over that? and she wasn't the GM so you can't say this was her fucking around as much as i'd like that to be the case

>> No.5953862


>> No.5953870

Yeah, it would be the truth if it was possible for them to commit the murders. Too bad such a feat is impossible in episode 1.

I love how people treat Chiru like it's an answer arc. It's very entertaining.

>> No.5953871

Only mystery left:
Battler's birth
What Rudolf wanted to say in episode 1

Only parents that didn't have a backstory
Rudolf and Kyrie


>> No.5953878

Episode 1 was a fiction bro.

>> No.5953880

>He thinks EP1 is the truth

>> No.5953886

>Too bad such a feat is impossible in episode 1.
oh god shit is hilarious

>> No.5953891

>He thinks you can't solve it from Ep 1-4 alone!

>> No.5953893

The stupid things you say are very entertaining too.

>> No.5953894

Ok, so, reality they were just normal murders.

...so does that mean the Battler that became meta-Battler/GM-Battler is a piece from a false Kakera all along?

...gat dangit bobby.

>> No.5953895


Red often is limited to only a single game. "This is the truth" might mean just the truth of a random world that Bernkastel showed. She never confirmed that it was the truth of Ange's world.

>> No.5953897


I'm hoping to god Ryukishi makes EP8 focusing on Kyrie & Rudolf. Fuck you Ryukishi you better give both a backstory espescially after the shit you pulled in EP7!!

>> No.5953900

Still... Rudolf and Kyrie are suspicious just because they are far less developed than other characters. I mean, R07 goes on and on and on about Shannon, Kanon, George, Rosa/Maria, Krauss/Natsuhi/Jessica, etc. We are left with obviously side characters (Nanjo and the other servants) and some vague hints on how Rudolf and Kyrie are up to no good.

By the way, was the thing about Kumasawa's searches around the island ever explained?

>> No.5953901

Oh? Do you need me to explain it? Are you so dense you can't figure it out for yourself? Or is it too much of a bother to think for yourself?

>> No.5953902

>implying I ever said that

>> No.5953905

I think it's pretty much a shoe-in at this point.

>> No.5953908

>"This is the truth" might mean just the truth of a random world that Bernkastel showed.
Bernkastel didn't show shit. She was not up on stage. She was watching everything from the audience.

>> No.5953909

I don't know what the original text was, so it could be Witch Hunt just chose "a man" without knowing it would become an issue. In EP7, everyone accurately avoids pinpointing Lion's gender. No gender-specific pronouns are ever used, and, as someone was saying, he doesn't answer the question himself.

>> No.5953912

>"This is the truth" might mean just the truth of a random world that Bernkastel showed.

It's not. Bern had nothing to do with the portrayal of these events. She was simply showing them to Ange and Leon after using Will to destroy Beatrice's illusion of love over them.

>> No.5953913


I really hope this is true. I mean, crap, stakes, letters, and closed rooms were what was creating the illusion of the witch in the first place. I hope it's not all completely pointless.

>> No.5953917

I still want to see everything being the product of Gohda tripping on acid after somehow ending up on Rokkenjima after he was fired from his job at the hotel.

>> No.5953921


Whatever. My point is that it was never stated in red that it was the truth about that Ange's past. Even if the previous episodes are just fiction, they were magically watching reality there. So, in that level of meta, multiple worlds did exist and it was never confirmed undoubtedly that the one world that they saw was the same world from where Ange came from.

>> No.5953923

no, in jap is 十九年前の男, the man from 19 years ago, something like that.

>> No.5953931

Yeah, you didn't understand shit.
Nobody is magically watching anything.
Meta-world is fiction as well

>> No.5953933


Well I don't know. I don't want to put my hopes up and think he'll do it for certain but really i'm hoping to god that he will focus and both Kyrie and Rudolf for EP8

>> No.5953935

>My point is that it was never stated in red that it was the truth about that Ange's past.
Except it was. Sorry bro.

>> No.5953946

So how did nobody notice kanon and shannon being the same person all the time.

>> No.5953949

S/he is very good at acting

>> No.5953954


You missed my point.

Meta world is fiction. However, in that fiction, there were multiple worlds.

Ange was magically watching past events, so, those characters were in that meta/fiction level where magic and multiple worlds exist.

Yet, It was never confirmed that the world that they watched there was the worlds from where Ange came from, even though, in that level of fiction, the existence of multiple worlds isn't debatable. Yet, they never confirmed that the world that they were watching was actually Ange's world, they just said that it was "the truth".

That red text could have easily been used for any of the previous, even if fictional, worlds, considering how red text often was used for the events of those worlds.

>> No.5953955

Retards abound. My only complain is Jessica, I mean, come on, best friend of Shannon and all. Taht's pushing it a bit too far.

>> No.5953957
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Now I have no reason to use this

>> No.5953960

We did notice. But we thought that either Shannon was Kanon or Kanon was Shannon.

We didn't think BOTH of them would be fake!

>> No.5953961

using makeup/wigs when Yasu stops being Yasu and lets the other delusion personalities surface?
They wouldn't be consciously aware they were just personalities, so they would be perfectly believable.

>> No.5953963

Genji, Kumasawa, and Nanjo were all in on it and had reasons to support Shkanon in doing whatever the fuck they wanted, so that probably helped.

>> No.5953969


The whole thing is fiction you dolt. But that's the point. It's a detective novel. A mystery. A mystery novel is a game, a challenge between the author and the reader to see who can solve it first. The moment you hit the first word is the moment the game begins. It's not a mystery novel if it's unsolvable until the end. It's always been a game between the Author and the Reader. That's what the heart of it has always been.

The way you talk about it, it's almost like you're reading a thriller novel, disregarding everything that happened prior as if it was a ghost story used to introduce you to the thriller portion.

I'll say it as many times as I need to. It's impossible for Rudolf and Kyrie alone to be the culprits.

>> No.5953977

Even then, I mean I agree, but it's still not satisfying.
I'd like to think she knew something and that's why she started to go out with Kanon, to heal him a bit and help him.

>> No.5953983

This was explained, though indirectly.

First of all, it's emphasized repeatedly that the servants have a very high turnover rate. Leon has trouble even keeping their names straight. So, basically, the people that live in the house don't really pay attention to individual Fukuin servants, except for Shannon because she's so unusual due to her age.

Genji and Kumasawa, on the other hand, know everything about Yasu's past, and have reason to go along with what she does, especially since there's only a year at most between Kanon being created and her finding the gold.

So it's a combination of people not caring and people having a reason to hide them.

>> No.5953990

So just a question here. I already know that Virgilia = Kumasawa. But doesn't that mean that Bronove = Genji? Aren't we missing something here? If Ronove is really Genji, Genji's trolling us with his calm, collected, quiet persona.

>> No.5953992

Rudolf and Kyrie aren't the culprits of the fiction.
BUT they are the culprits of the real event.
Clear enough for you?

>> No.5954004

That would make every previous episode completely pointless.

>> No.5954012

they are just the delusions of Maria and Yasu-Beatrice anyways, Genji was the basis but then they're free to build the character how they like.
They probably thought "Genji is always calm and collected, that's suspicious!" and made up the mysterious Ronove from that.

>> No.5954014

>But that's the point. It's a detective novel. A mystery. A mystery novel is a game, a challenge between the author and the reader to see who can solve it first.
And you completely mistook what you were supposed to solve. The mystery wasn't the murders, the mystery was Beatrice.

>> No.5954021

Except that the "fiction" is based on the truth of the event. If they were the culprits in the truth, it would be mirrored in the "fiction"

>> No.5954024

Not really.
Beatrice willingly became a scapegoat to hide the real truth.
She painted herself a murderer to hide the fact that Kyrie and Rudolf killed mostly everyone.
The fictions were always about understanding Beatrice's heart.

>> No.5954028

So Bronove is just misleading us? Man... I was really hoping his character would be much more epic than that in the end. Oh well.

>> No.5954029

The previous episodes were meant to guide Battler to the truth. Instead of thinking of them as clues to the culprit, think of them as characterization and clues for Beatrice's motives and what she's trying to do. She's covering up something absolutely horrible with illusions of love. What could it be? Why?

I agree there weren't super strong clues about Kyrie and Rudolf being the true killers, but there were enough when compared to everyone else, especially Kyrie.

>> No.5954033

No it wouldn't.
What was mirrored in the fiction was Beatrice's heart.

>> No.5954035


Ryukishi said Umineko was solvable from episode 4. That includes the culprit.

>> No.5954036

A lot of people had guessed Kyrie was a crazy evil bitch based on her characterization from the first four episodes.

>> No.5954048

Episode 1 and 4 are solvable, yeah.
The fictions are solvable.
But what happened in the real event is the product of an accident who went out of control, it's not something that was supposed to be solvable

>> No.5954052

It was solvable. EP4 was basically a gigantic "this is all fictional" blinking neon sign, in retrospect. Battler, who is the detective, meets Beatrice who talks about the gameboard? Yeah, the entire thing is fictional and that was the key scene to the entire series.

>> No.5954061

What about Rudolf being trigger happy?

>> No.5954075

Hey yeah boy, I like westerns and duels and was the first person to see Rosa in ep3 after you all hear several shoots.

>> No.5954079

>What about Rudolf being trigger happy?
Rudolf wasn't trigger happy. He felt guilty and didn't really want to kill George, but Kyrie set things up in such a way that he would be just as guilty as murder as she was. So if he got cold feet, he still couldn't back out without ruining himself too.

>> No.5954084

Who kills Battler? Rudolf or Kyrie?

>> No.5954090

I'm still convinced that while Beatrice does cover up what really happens, the actual culprit is different in every episode. Ep 4 culprit was Kyrie/Rudolph, and we got Ange/Eva surviving like Ep7 shows us.
But then again, they say that pretty much every parent had their motives and was capable enough to become killers. So what if what Battler sees in Ep3 is actually truth, and possibly Rosa or Krauss killed everyone in EP1-2?
The point is that the whole Ushiromiya family is a fucking trainwreck, so it doesn't make sense for "innocent" and "guilty" people to exist. BEatrice is cover up that reality for Battler.

>> No.5954096

Except Kyrie and Rudolf couldn't have killed anyone in episode 1 without another accomplice. And even if they did have another accomplice, it's still highly unlikely. Here's why:

We know with 100% certainty that 5 people were present in the Shed after the first twilight: Gohda, Rosa, Krauss, Rudolf and Kyrie. We know from the red text in episode 4, that the "bodies" present in the shed had their identities confirmed. So regardless of their life or death status, Gohda, Rosa, Krauss, Rudolf and Kyrie were in the shed after the first twilight, and those were the 5 people who Battler saw. We also know that Battler's point of view is always reliable in episode 1. Now, lets say that all 5 are alive in the shed, or at least Kyrie and Rudolf are. Either way, it won't matter, because after the surviving family members view the bodies and close the shed door; they lock it from the outside. Battler sees George lock the shed, and unless I'm mistaken, the text even confirms that he hears it lock. The shed becomes a locked room, meaning that all 5 persons in the shed have no way to leave the shed without the intervention of someone from the outside. It is impossible for Rudolf or Kyrie to have committed the murders of the second twilight without someone sneaking out to the shed to open it.

>> No.5954097

>He felt guilty and didn't really want to kill George

haha wat? wasn't he enjoying killing the guy? don't go making the guy look all innocent while making kyrie look like she's the only one in the bad.

Why did he allow his son getting murdered if he didn't want to go through with it? please.

>> No.5954106


Kyrie did although Rudolf knows this so..

>> No.5954110

Kyrie and Rudolf aren't the culprits of the fictions, how many times do I have to repeat myself?

Kyrie and Rudolf didn't come with a plan or something.
The fact that they all found the gold triggered the whole shitstorm, they didn't plan to do it.

>> No.5954112
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I love how EP3 hinted already all of this Yasu stuff.

>> No.5954114

>wasn't he enjoying killing the guy?
He wasn't. He was apologetic.

>Why did he allow his son getting murdered if he didn't want to go through with it?
He didn't want Battler to die. He was going to try to convince him to go along with it. Kyrie insisted that they kill Battler if Battler didn't agree, though.

>> No.5954117 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 640x902, agatha-christie-murder-on-the-orient-express.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone is in on it.

>> No.5954120

We weren't shown how Battler and Maria died, right?
MAYBE, there's hope they didn't die at all like Eva.


>> No.5954123

Maria's jaw leaves little hope for Maria.

>> No.5954124

So how did nobody notice kanon and shannon being the same person all the time.

and please no

"everybody's a retard"

"nobody noticed him because he's that good at pretending to be two seperate people at once"

that's really breaking the limit of suspending disbelief

>> No.5954130

This has already been explained in this very thread.

>> No.5954131

Rosa suspected them, if EP2 counts despite being fiction

>> No.5954132


We see Kyrie shoot Battler to death so I doubt he's alive.

>> No.5954135

High servant turnover rate means Natsuhi and Krauss don't care. Genji, Kumasawa, and Nanjo were all in on it and supported the illusion.

Jessica is weird but hey, someone has to be a little retarded.

>> No.5954136

God, you are an idiot.
Fiction or non-fiction
Fantasy or mystery
Anti-fantasy or anti-mystery
Particle or wave
Alive or dead

The life or death status of the cat does not change the fact that there is a cat in the box. Fiction or reality does not change the fact that the culprit must remain the culprit throughout.

Would a fictional account of Lincoln's murder make Booth an innocent bystander? They could, but it would be fucking stupid, and no author would do such a thing.

>> No.5954139


Wait, what? She suspected them to be the same person? What scene?

>> No.5954142

>Ryukishi said Umineko was solvable from episode 4.

That never happend.

>> No.5954143


And like I said. He's ok with his son getting killed or let me rephrase possibly getting killed? doesn't make it better to be honest.

>> No.5954145


Well, I'm left in despair once again. Nevertheless, thanks for confirming that, anon.

>> No.5954146

if you consider having imaginary friends means subconsciusly changing the tone of your voice, way of speaking, and possibly wear make up and wigs or something, why not?

>> No.5954141 [DELETED] 

Slowpoke here. I just got to the scene where MARIA and Will are talking about Mariage Sorciere or some shit. How far into the novel am I?

Otherwise, I'm really enjoying EP7 so far.

>> No.5954155

>Jessica is weird but hey, someone has to be a little retarded.
Jessica and Shannon were only close on the rare days that Natsuhi wasn't around. We also see that Jessica likes to laugh and play with the other female servants too.

She and Shannon only reached their current closeness after Kanon was created.

>> No.5954158

Except that Will explain how every episodes take place in episode 7.
Yasu is without a doubt the main culprit.
But when the parents find the gold, there is a "baton pass" and Kyrie/Rudolf become the culprit.

And in the real event, this is what happened.

>> No.5954162

For those saying that Umineko was solvable from 1-4 alone, you are wrong. Ryukishi stated clearly in one of his interviews (link is in a previous thread, I don't have it on hand unfortunately) that it is solvable AT THE POINT IN EPISODE 5 WHERE BATTLER SAYS "And then...I...knew..." AT THIS TIME is when we have all the clues to begin solving the mystery.

>> No.5954166

But when Rosa and Eva find the gold, how could theu be the culprits, if they don't even know the gold is found? I still think in each 1-4 episode, the actual killer is a different parent pair.

>> No.5954176

Jessica's death. Accuses Kanon while giving Shannon dead glares (if DEEN is anything reliable, that's it).
She doubts all the servants, to be honest.

>> No.5954180

>Yasu is without a doubt the main culprit
>But when the parents find the gold, there is a "baton pass" and Kyrie/Rudolf become the culprit

>There is no logical reason for the baton pass other than HURRRRR GOLD

You do know that "Yasu is the culprit" is a joke right?

>> No.5954187

Ok, another question here. If the events in tea party are reality, then why does any of this matter anymore?

ESPECIALLY because the Battler we know is from a fiction. How is he going to change anything since he's just a worthless piece from a fake Kakera anyways? Who cares if this fake Battler knows what happened?

>> No.5954193

Except the "That Maid isn't the culprit" is said in red by himself too. ShkYasutrice can be an accomplice the best, but not the mastermind.

>> No.5954200

Will isn't talking about Shannon. It's a different maid in a different story.

>> No.5954201

Yeah I know
Call her/him ShKanontrice if you want.
Anyways Will go over every closed rooms, there is no room for discussion

>> No.5954202

Actually, that was his way of saying, "Hey guys, you should be able to solve this by now"

Theoretically, it should be possible to solve it by the end of the first game. Knox's first was here, Yasu can't be the culprit.

>> No.5954208

Well, at least the anti-fictionfags got told. You don't even see them around anymore.

>> No.5954210

God, if you didn't play episode 7 shut the fuck up.

>> No.5954214

>This has already been explained in this very thread.

Not at all, except by suspending common sense completely.

>High servant turnover rate means Natsuhi and Krauss don't care.

About noticing "two" longtime servants?

It's as believable as nobody realizing who Clark Kent really is just because of the glasses.

>> No.5954221

if we go by "all is fiction" theories, red truth is pointless and so are Knox/Dine rules.

>> No.5954224

I think people are a little fast to write off the meta-world in as fiction the same way as the episodes, honestly. Meta is a space for the personification of concepts, and there's deliberate ambiguity in the "is Hachijo Featherine or is Featherine Hachijo" question.

I'm also hoping, perhaps futilely, that Will's dogged insistence on fighting for a happy end during his last stand might be honored and not just another tragic gutpunch about he and Leon.

>> No.5954231

>Yasu can't be the culprit

I'm with you on this. I'm not 100% on any of this Yasu = Shannon = Kanon = Leon = ??? stuff and won't be until I read it all for myself. Damn you Witch Hunt.

>> No.5954236

You know, I have to admit, at least Rudolf and Kyrie suddenly deciding to turn everyone into swiss cheese makes more sense than Yashkannontrice.

>> No.5954252


Once again. No dine. In other words it is to starve.
Starve while demanding the fair, and die.

Witch in gold, Beatrice.

>> No.5954259


No dine. No Knox. No fair. In other words it is not mystery.
But it happens. All it happens. Let it happens.

(sorry, I mixed up the order)

>> No.5954260

I will say it again.
Episode 1-2, Yasu or ShKanontrice if you guys want is the culprit.
It's not a theory or whatever, it's explained, without a fucking doubt.

Episode 3 is half, some murders are done by Yasu, others are done by Kyrie and Rudolf.

Most of episode 4 is also a mix

>> No.5954264

Red truth and Knox/Dine rules are important. Just in a different way than most people assumed. There was a bigger mystery lying behind the initial mystery.

>> No.5954274


>> No.5954303

Sorry if this is off-topic, but I was reading through the Animesuki EP7 thread (yeah, I know), and someone mentioned that Kyrie said a lot of bad things about Ange.

Is this true? What exactly does she say?

>> No.5954319


Leon's gender isn't confirmed. Probably male, but think what you want.

>> No.5954325

Lots of them. And animesuki is basically WH forums and the best place for the well-done spoilers.
For example 'never once I thought she was cute'

>> No.5954326

Shitty brat, she doesn't care about her, children are just born out of sleeping together so she doesn't feel any attachment to her.

>> No.5954331

Kyrie never cared or loved Ange, she calls Ange a shitty brat, she only had Ange to make sure Rudolf married her.

>> No.5954339
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pic not related ;_;

>> No.5954349


Oh man... and I guess it has a to be true, considering Dlanor's "pieces will never act in ways which they couldn't" tidbit.

Kyrie, I am disappoint.

>> No.5954350

Is it true that Ange was going bezerk when she was seeing this in the Tea party?

>> No.5954356

>About noticing "two" longtime servants?
Kanon's stay was average. Shannon is the only one with a long stay.

>> No.5954360

Ange starts screaming and sobbing and basically loses her mind.

>> No.5954370

Is the Ep4 Teleport to Kuwadorian explained?

>> No.5954382

So, if I got this right, can anyone confirm, correct me?
The one Maria talked with was Beatrice the elder, and Beatrice the younger was the one created to fit Battler's tastes. Where does Yasu becoming Beatrice after solving the epitaph fit? Is she the same as Beatrice the younger? Another one completely?

>> No.5954392

well, they were NEVER kidnapped, so you don't have to explain shit.

>> No.5954393


This is freaking sad to be honest.

>> No.5954399
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Looks like Bern is still the cruelest. She may even have beat Lambda by now.

>> No.5954401

Things are absolutely terrible for Ange. I really hope she gets the good end she deserves in episode 8.

>> No.5954414

>The one Maria talked with was Beatrice the elder, and Beatrice the younger was the one created to fit Battler's tastes.
Beatrice the older was basically Beatrice with everything but love for Battler. Younger Beatrice was just love for Battler. They were mixed differently in reality, but the end result is Beatrice as we know and love her.

Yasu is her own person. Clumsy both physically and in making friends, naive, imaginative, and loves mystery novels.

>> No.5954417


Bern has always been the crueliest Bitch. Lambda doesn't even compare

>> No.5954420
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>> No.5954431


What does she say? dear god Bern is a bitch making Ange see that

>> No.5954434

>beat Lambda
Lambda isn't cruel.

She just wants to show off to Bern.I think she is the true neutral here.

>> No.5954440
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Well, Lambda did create this whole situation by tempting Yasu. She created a tragedy again to play with Bern.

It looks like Lambda truly did have an absolute hold on Beatrice.

>> No.5954441
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>> No.5954448
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>> No.5954457
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Bern:"Oh you don;t believe me?Very well then I will say it in red (red)Everything shown here is true(red)."

Ange got breakdown here screaming and spasming.

>> No.5954501

I don't understand why everyone is arguing about what "really happened".

Four different fucking stories "really happened" in four different fucking universes. This is the truth of Ange's world. Our Ange was born from the future of EP3. This is the truth of EP3. It's not that hard.

This doesn't mean that the other three realities were pointless - because that would make THE ENTIRE STORY pointless. Why does everyone only care about the truth of one episode? There is a true culprit, and it's (very likely) not Kyrie.

>> No.5954512
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>> No.5954514
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Who wanna bet shit like this is going to happen?

>> No.5954520

>Four different fucking stories "really happened" in four different fucking universes.
No, this episode outright says that the terms Kakera, stories, and games are interchangeable. They're all fiction. What Ange was shown was the truth of Rokkenjima, what actually happened. Not on the gameboard, but in reality.

>> No.5954540

Oh boy another retard.

Umineko =/= Higurashi

In Umineko every EP so far is pure fiction made up to hide the truth.There are no different universes.
There is only one reality and one truth(what really happened on Rokkenjima).
We are going to see this in EP8.
Every fiction have hints and clues,though.

In Higurashi you had co existing dimensions, and every one of them was real.

>> No.5954541

I don't really see how that's possible. If something like that happens, Bern could have never existed, and Higurashi would have never been solved. (Considering Hanyuu is supernatural/magical)

>> No.5954542


Who cares about fiction? The entire meta-world is fiction, this entire damn novel is fiction. Yet, we still find ourselves caring about Meta-Battler and the witches more than the gameboards. This doesn't mean there's still not a solvable answer.

>> No.5954551

So we've seen the truth of the reality on the island. I don't really understand what else we're supposed to solve. I suppose there's still Battler's sin, but when it comes down to it, only Ange is left alive. How is it possible for her to get a good ending?

>> No.5954562
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If what Bern showed was the truth (Or one truth whatever), why you can't execute anyone in the Tips? (Except Kinzo which becomes Archer).

Also "Who is Erika?"

>> No.5954565
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Doesn't this mean people who were just reading and not thinking because nothing seemed reliable were right all along?
First R07 disses stop thinking readers, then he puts them in a position of having been the ones right all along? Shit sucks.

>> No.5954567

so R07's idea of a bittersweet end will be battler showing ange that eva is a bro?

>> No.5954569

Higurashi(1983) was BEFORE Umineko(1986).
If Ryu wants to end "When they cry" Bern is going down.

In Higurashi Lambda is the GM.

>> No.5954579

No. Those that thought about it pretty much figured everything out. It was a combination of Pony Theory and Shkanontrice.

>> No.5954620
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I prefer this.

>> No.5954625

/r/ing a translation of that panel.

>> No.5954641


Actually it was Featherine/Hanyuu.

The whole game had her trapped in some kind of logic error which is why she kept bringing Rika back.

>> No.5954646

Ange's scream paints/decorates the red truth of Bern.

>> No.5954667

Can someone summarize in one post, everything that's been confirmed and everything new we learned from Ep 7?

>> No.5954668

I want Leon to be female.

Perfect girl.

>> No.5954681

Ange's scream was because of the red truth Bern painted.

>> No.5954692

if leon = yasu, then does this make beatrice a man? assuming leon is male

>> No.5954696


>> No.5954705

We don't know what gender Leon is. It doesn't really matter. Will agreed, stop bothering him about it.

>> No.5954707
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-Eva and Hideyoshi are the best parents

-Rudolf and Kyrie are the worst parents (batshit,greedy motherfuckers)

-in the real event Kyrie and Rudolf kill all the children

-there is bomb on the island which is set up as the meeting starts, It can be deffused.

-Shkannontrice confirmed.

-Battler's sin was forgetting about Shkannotrice.

-Will and Leon die at the end, mauled by Bern.

-Battler kicks in and says he is going to show the final truth.

>> No.5954713

too much work. EP7 subverted a lot of things and is pretty atypical.

>> No.5954720

too much work. EP7 subverted a lot of things and is pretty atypical, people have been discussing shit even after finishing the game for 15 or threads.

>> No.5954748

So there IS going to be an Ep 8? I could have sworn this was the final episode.

>> No.5954755


the ??? Heavily suggests a EP8

>> No.5954761

We'll be needing a new thread since this one is autosaging

>> No.5954822

OP here.

(making these threads sure is fun): >>5954812
